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T: _,. . ... : ._ . ;,�. <br /> f . <br /> �- <br /> , _ <br /> 9�° 1036F9 <br /> noz�w.:. �hc.11 pzmpel� dLch�rg. .�y ii.a ..rti�n nu �toricy w : xni. s.�uztq asi... <br /> enzzoreru ��� �g��� in rriting Go tM pyrnt o£ tM aE1lg�tlm �wvrwd E� tE� li�c Sn a one�c �eapt�blo <br /> [o isrd.c� �b� contut in pootl f�it� tM1� LLn b�� or Mhvd ag�in�t �nforcerni o! tL� li�e Sn� 3�gQ <br /> ➢-���aieg. vAte1 lv tT� i�ndwr• opinlov aNi�t� [a pvcwpt E6� �vLorea�ot ef CE� IAn er tosl�itus� of �n� <br /> p�rt ot th� amp�rty� ar �c� ���yr� frm tA� notiaer o! tE� iLO �n egz�Wnt s�li�f�etox� to yM�x <br /> .�no:ain.xf,�q cea ii.n co cu. s.�-,rtcy x�.cn,..ns. xt r.m.r a•s.ns�.. cn.e .a� p.�c of c�e Pipp�[kr 1� <br /> .ut).cc eo . it.n rnicn e.� , p:io:ie� o..: cni. n:eo:iey,• 9i.. eo::w.r. . eosie. � <br /> Ltl�nctfying th� llen. porrw�r� �pall ��CLfr tL� linn or tak� e�u er �oz� eE tM �eLlo¢� ��e forth �bo�� <br /> rilAin t�o (10� d�p eS tA� givSng of notle�. <br /> a. eazacd Insuzanee. earrwer� �p�ll ka�p[h� ivpra�maet� nw ntiating or herufter �r�etM on � <br /> cA• Property Snmred �gain�t lo�� by fic�� h�urE� inclvdW vStA1n Gh� t�v •�xt�nEW cm�rag�• aM av� athar <br /> h�ura. fec rhich LeMer xe�iz� lnsux�nu. xh1� in�ur�nc� �hall M ulotLLnW Sn th� ua�at� �nd Sor CA� <br /> pariod� th�t I.�nE�r r�qalri�. 2A��nc� e�rxi�r pawlGing CT� le�ur�vc� ah1i1 b� eEOUO 6r peeew�a <br /> �vbjett [n y�ndai•� �ppiw�l rTieh �h�ll vat M unru�on�bl�v1ipL�IE, <br /> � xll in�urnrs�polidee nM zenw�A ���11 W ue�pGbl�Go Lod�r sM �}�11 Smlvd� a�t�nd�rC <br /> mrtqan� clauu. :,eMsr �M1all ��ve !h� rSgh[!o na1C Lh�po11e1u �od r�vmle. If 4of�r rpulr��� lormni� <br /> •��11 prcepely qiv� co i..m�r �13 r a�lpt� ef piid prriue� uy [�os�l eotle��. 2n th� w�n< e! la��� <br /> eorze.�r� �A�11 �sr� pampt notiro Le CM Sn�vrart_� c�crl�r. �eE LM�i. L�W�r ur ub prooE ef Lw� 1! naC <br /> matl� ,n mAt1Y W nncrewr�. <br /> onls�a LevM�i an3 perrwars othacvlu agzu Sn vritiog� Svui�ne� prooW� �hall W epp11W <br /> to reetnretion ep rup¢Sr ai tAa proparty 6w�gat, lf th� rbtor�tion or c�patr 1� e mmie�ll� f���lble �nt <br /> ..mtler �ecurity 1� nat leeun�E. If !h� 'rotoratlon o z�p�l[ i� nve �eonoule�ll� Su�ibl� or Lsvtl�r•• <br /> eecurS:y rou:A as lo�anW� tp� So�ur�nc� pnxy�3� •6�L1 b appli�d to th� �� ucurW pr t�L B�eniit� <br /> :mCn�ment� vM:h�[ oi nM Lh�v tlu�� ri<p �nr �xc • p�ld to braor�r�. S! b[tawi� W�vGOn YM >.m�vrtri oi ' <br /> tlo n nnrver vlthin t�irty (20} d�y� i r.ctice frm LMar !NC tP.� Sn�uranw c�rri�a Ru ofArW ta ��ttb a <br /> cl�y, cTen i.ewec mey collert tne lneurancn psxeW�. L`M�z p�y u�� th� proeeeE� to r�pair or r�KOn t�� <br /> nznF�rty or to pey v�.u�� e�cureG by <hL e�cnrity ie�cvun�nt� rA�ch�r ae mt th�n du�. iL� t�lrty (p0� d�q <br /> perl�d vill beqlv rhen CF.e mt1.w L glvm. <br /> uNaee iwMar snd norrover� otErn�iee agr�a fn vriting. �vy �pplicaeion ot preesW� to <br /> pri¢clp¢1 tp�ll not extend oa poetpana th� dv�daie af tn�p�y��nb ref�rzW to i.v yazagrapne 1 ��d] or elunq� <br /> tF.� amwnt ot the payment�. If urd�r pvr�grapA P !he Pzoportr S� �ewlrad tT Iwcd�r� Doawno• rlg�e to �nq . <br /> _nevrim� pollcie� antl yzxeed� ruulting fcm dwage to tTe Pro�»rty prior to t6� aequLition ��all p��� Ca <br /> Le+War to ihe �xiant of tt�e cum� ucurtl Dy thL 6ecuritr iv�txv��et SvWLtdy pziot te tE� �ryui�itlan. <br /> 5. pre�erv�tlon aod Mainta�unee of Prvparty� v���roid�. eozrwer� �M31 noC d��trq� davaqs <br /> oc .ub.t�ntlal_y ehanga th� ➢roperty, •Llea :h� Prep�Ky te d�lailor�te ar eamlt vut�. If tAl� e�eu[ity <br /> Instrvoent L on a l�a�ehold� eoccwnr� �hall compl�vith tM pravl�ion� ef th� l�u�� �M !t poriw�r� acquiz� <br /> fe� tir.l� to th� vroperty� th� lea��hold ui9 S�� G!!L �h�ll iwt oxg� uvL�� LvG�r agr�� to GA� rvgas in <br /> vcitir.g. <br /> 6. Pcotection of Lemier•s 0.1ght� Sn CAa Propertyp nortg�g� In�ur�nc�. If 9o[[aron fdl !o <br /> D�-=�+�tne ew�n�nb �rL agc��m�nb cont�ined Sa thl� 6eeuelty In�txw�nt� or th�t� i� � Lg�l psoe��6lnq th�t <br /> *ay ulqnific�ntiy �tfecl iwM�z•� rlapte Sn •ha Property ��uc� a� a prx��dlnq Sn b�nkrvptry� prabat�� tor <br /> co��m�Klon or ta �ntare� lar� or i�quL'.lon�), tA�n Gnd�r e�y do�nE D�Y !oe vhatw�r L o�euury to psoe�ct <br /> the vnla� ot tA� viop�rcy �ntl Gantl�r• rlqhl� ln tA� v[ayrty. Swnd�i• �e[ien� eay lnelud� pqlnq mr • <br /> aea try n ilen vhic� �u pvlecicy w r tAi� e�eurity In�Cnwnt, app�ering Sn ewrt� Mrlog r�a�aubl� <br /> �t[orneye• taa� aM nnbrinq on Gh� Property [e mk� zep�ix�. A1[EOUqA LM�a �ry t�k� �vtiop oWt [pl� <br /> p�r�gz�ph 6� Lendav du� m< h�v� ta tlo �o. <br /> Any imounL di�bureeE ey L�ndsr und�r tri• p�ziq[�pA 6 �hall bacom� �Editioncl debt af <br /> 9ovcareze eecu�red by thl� 6�eurity Sn�t.ament. �nlae� Borvover� aeW 1wMer agea� to otAer Nn� of p�y�ent� <br /> tpeee emaunL �hall Ger lntaxs�t Sca che daL o! di�EUx�em�nt at tb� Yct� c�l� uu �h�ll b payWL�� <br /> inten��[� upan natiu Ezrn Lndrvr te Borroxez� requoLinq payv�nl. <br /> it iendar zequired ineuzance u a eoMitlan oL uking tha loax �eeur«I by ChL <br /> s<e�riey tn.trvman[, enrrov�ra �hell pq th� prm!um� rpulred ta aaLntatn th+ Svuum� Sn �ff�e! uvtil �uch <br /> timea th� zequirement Ear tTe Snwx�ne� texalna[u So aetortl�nc� vith eoxrowi�• �vl LM�e• viili�n <br /> .qu.x�n: ar �pp'ScaSl� l+v. <br /> �. Sa.�pecllon. L�nCez ea �1� agente my uke r onabl� �n![Se� upan ��M Sn�p�e[Son� oC !h� <br /> mpercy. SwnCer eA.11 giv. Barrorer� no[ie. �c t�. tiv oE or prier to �n,in�p�e[Son �psei£yin3 r�uonabi• <br /> c.u.v faz th� iospeetiep. <br /> 6. ConAom.vetion. The pio aede of any �vactl or eLim £or Euaeo� diroct or c n�aqusntl�l, ln <br /> conn- � vStA nny ccndemnatlon or othar tnking of any psrt e! t�n Prop�rty� or Sor eomryunc� in li�u of <br /> coMem:u,lon� �s� h�r�br ���lqnrd �M �Mll M paiE to fnM�r. <br /> In tp� � ent of a total t�king cf th� ➢rop�rty� t�� prxeKu ah�ll M �pp11�tl to th� • <br /> z�d by chi. s�curlcy in�trveu�t� vMther o nat tR�n Ge�r �SGh �ny e c��� qid to lorranz�. In tp� w�nt <br /> •!c� part1�1 [�king o2 che YiOp�rt)� unleu aarcawn �M Under och�avL� aqvo Sn wH<Sng� th� �u�� ��eur1d <br /> by thl� sncurlty inetru�nt �A�Il M cWUeW by th� �mwnt ot tA� prx��d��ulEfpli�d by CE� fellwinq fraetion� <br /> ��� th. tot�l .mount ot tN �um� ucurW Sam�dl�t�ly b�foz� th� taking� O1Hd.W br �0) tM l�lx v�rk�L v�],u� <br /> of ths >rop�=ty Snm�Ei�bly Mfer� t�� t�kinp• any b�i�ne� �A�11 W pLLE te lerrwu�. <br /> i! Ghe Property L �b�Mnn�d by Eoriw�r�� or 11� �lbi' notic� br L�M�r to louowr� tMt tA� <br /> ond�vnoe o[f�re to mnke �n aard a •.ttl� � el�iu for tlu�g��, Ilorrdnv� lail ta r��poM to Lntl�e wi<Lln <br /> thirty �1�) day� �ir.�i Ue d�t� tM noHc� L given� IsnE�r L avchorle�tl to collnet �n:f apply Lh� pzmutl�, <br /> •c AL opcion, �ichsr to r��too or r�pelr CR� Dnryerty or te p�y tT� �ua� oecr�A by th!r �acurlty In�ttus�ni, <br /> w�etA�r or not [hen Eue. <br /> Unle�n L�nasr mtl bocrwen o[h�ivi�a agx�a ln wiiting� �ny applic�tlo� of pax��A• to - <br /> princip.l .I:ell noc �xc.rd or po�tpom tM dua tlatx ot eh� monchly paywvL r�Lrr�d ta Sn p�vagraph� 1 i'W p <br /> a: cF.rtng� cns �mount a! mc� p�yu�ntn. <br /> 9� tk�rcwer� Not AQv��W� �bxM�tanca by LeM�p pot �M�Svni. Ext�ndm ae r.n. ci.. ee.� P.i...,�< <br /> or wrJl�ic�tlon a[ �mortiutian ct tM1� �ua� �acur�A lry th1� e�cuelty Zv<rnn�nt gc�ntsd by Gn��r Go �ny <br /> pucc..sor in lnc�r.�< oi enncv.v� �h�ll not op�x�t� te r�l�u� ch� 11W111t� af th� e[lgln�l eovrowr� or ' <br /> Barrwar�� r�ccumr� !n inbvut. L'W�r �hall mt ba vpaSrW So can�nc� proc�eEiug� �gLLn�t �nY tuacuwn <br /> � ln Snt�rot oa r�tuu to �RbM tL� foi py��nt oi otheal�a wdltr �iorGL�tlon o! Ch� �w� ��euref br thla �� <br /> • <br /> 2 <br /> E. <br /> �," ' <br /> �.Jli: <br /> aM� <br /> ,�a � Nr±. <br /> i . .�'�VSI'� :Li..uY'".� . . <br />