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- __ ` ........_ <br /> - . . . .. _. . .•:T:.Y.- - <br /> . ." ' .. „ 11 . _ <br /> � �. .� <br /> • • � � <br /> • <br /> ' .:�*::'F ..ii.....� <br /> __._ .._ —. ._ -- -- �.:..:.'��"',�, ��l'.'��������-T`— - —-— . r------ . <br /> , 7'1N und�niqn�d, QMi�.EB M. IbT/AR81 and SYLVIA J. lIcTAN��i. hwbr'�d irid wi�i, <br /> h�rM>y cKtt ty end �olcna+i�dpf tlzat. b�taro •lpntnp and �xrau'Et np b�l a+ ONd ot �rvsl, <br /> t1�y did r�ad and siqn .thl• r�r�lt+f,�n Acknowl.clp�snt and, by virtw h�r+ot. th� undK'��.�1 , <br /> und�r�t,and, and und�ratood b�ton �tanlnp �ald Qssd ot T+nat, ttat sald ONd ot tru�t �• a <br /> i'rust UMd and not a �ort,saylt and t.t�et tFw po+�wr of �aDo prov�dad tn a�ld Demd ot Truet <br /> v+ro�la.. w�bsta,ti.11r arrf.r.nt �i9nts and obir�aclons to tn. und.rot�n.d than e Mo.�ts.b. <br /> in t.h� �vsnt ot a d�fault or bnsch oP obli�etlon und�r th� said Trust DNd. Inoludtnp, <br /> but. not 11�Ited to, ths B�neticiary's ri9ht to haw th� R�al Prtip�rty aold by th� Trwt.M <br /> vritF�aut any �udicial procNdir� or forealaeure. The unckrai�d r�Pres�nt and awrr'a�t <br /> tl��t t,hfs Nritt,en Adcnowlodp�ient ws+� exeauted by thea� botore ttw �x�outian ot t.h� Tn�t <br /> De�c1. Thi� f�i�te� A�ckna+l�clpNant Is appanckd aa a protaco to and mnd� a part ot t,h� <br /> bt 1 ow.DMd of Tnwt. � <br /> v,�`'• y � � . <br /> LES M MaTAVIBH I J. lI�TA �1 <br /> ' 1�E Ed OF TRUST <br /> Thls oE�Q aF TRU3T t s �de thts dth day of May� 1999, by end eMOn� CNAAL.ES M <br /> lIcTAVI9H ared S1Pk.V1A J. MaTAViSH. hu�bend end wf fe. hereinafter referred to ae "Tmwt.a�s.' <br /> whether ane a.r� more, whose �w9 i i�p addrese is 11�69 Maet Hu�ker Hi�hway, Mbod R�vor'� <br /> Nvbreslca �86H9; TIE 9TA7E BAN( qF CAIRO. a Nebraeka 8enki*q Cor'Poretfan, he�reinatter <br /> referred t,o ae "Truetee," wFwse ma i I t ng addrese t s Box 428. Cai ro, NebraQk�n 8882�; and '�IE <br /> 3TA'i� BN�K OF CI1IR0, a Nebraslca BaNcin� Corporatian. hereinafter raferwd !o as <br /> 'RerNt�atary," who�e aiailing address la Bax 428, Cairo, Nebraaka a8824. <br /> For valuable conaideration, Trustors irrevocably grAnt� trenefer� ccmvey and assiyn <br /> . to Trustee, in trust; with powor of eale, for the benefit and Becurity of 6eneftolary, <br /> under and eub�ect to the ternis and co►rditiane of this Daed of Trust. the followin� <br /> � . desaribed real property iocated in FiAll County, i�iebr$ska: � <br /> The Nor+t.hwest Quarter (NYl 1/4) and the North Hal f of the Souti�west Quarter (N <br /> 1/2 SN 1/4) of Sect i on Th i rty—four (3A), Town�h t p Ten (�0) North, Ran�e e�e�aren , <br /> (11), West of the 6th P.M.. in Ha 1 I Gounty� Nebraska, <br /> Sub,�ect to easements of RQOOrd and to existinq roads and hiqhways. <br /> Cantes i n i ng i n a 11 2A0 acres� more or 1 ese, <br /> together with all bulldings, improvements, fixtures, streets, alleys, passagewnys� <br /> easAn�ent4� rights, privfleges a�d appurtenances lxated thereon, and all pereonal property <br /> that may be or hereafter became an integral part of suah buildings and Improveaients, all <br /> crope raised thereon� and all water righte. ell of wiiioh, including replacerr+ents end <br /> additlons thereto. are hereby declared ta be u part of the real estAte conveyed in trust <br /> hereby. it being agreed �Lhat all of the foregoin� shall be hereinafter referred to as the <br /> �P�rty,.. , <br /> FOI-2 THE 1-�URPOSE OF SECURI NQ: <br /> a. Payment af indebtednese evidenced by Truetore' no�e of even date herewith in the <br /> principal sum of �130�OOD.00, tvgether with interest at the rate or rates provic:lad <br /> there I�. and any and a I 1 renew�1 s, mod i f i cat i ons and extens i one of such no te, both <br /> prtncipel and interest on the note being payable in accordance with the terme set forth <br /> there(n� which by thls reference is hereby made a part hereof; <br /> b. The perforniance of each agreement and covenant of Truetors horein contained; and <br />_ c. The payrt�ent of al) sums advanced by Beneficiary under the terms of this Oesd of <br /> Truet, topethc�r with interest thereon at the rote provided in the note. <br /> d. The above amount fe secured even though all or part of it may noL yet be advance. <br /> Future advances under th� agreement are contemplated and will be secured to tAe seme <br /> extent as if made on the datie this deed of trust is executed. <br /> TO PROTECT TF� 9ECl�tITY OF 'fHIB DEED Of TRUST� TRU3TOR3 IfREBY OO�VENANT MO AR�€E: <br /> 1. 10�� M!R OGf� ine princip�i oi� iR0 f118 IRI,�IfiG YII� M� i11Y�Y1rfYNti� fr1Y�plirfl Y] �iwi iwi�� w�,�a�� i�i� a'�ii iii <br /> otker t�u prorldid in tb� lo�a fntiru�e�t�. <br /> 4. Tnnkon �re tM� ow�ra of t1e pro�rty �nd A�v� the riyht �nd wtborit� to ���cuw thi� Oeb of Tru�t fa nspwt to <br />= tbe proocrlY. <br /> �. To p�y. �hen d�e� �I1 uKe�, �peci�l aeoeraenl� �nd •II olher cA�r�et ���ia�t tMt Droptrty� beiore !Mt we beca� <br /> d�linqaa�l. Trn�lor� sh�ll p�r �II I�x�c md �st��wenf� �fcA ar b� I�vi�d upoa Bt�eticiary't i�terett Atrefn or upa� tAit <br /> Oeed ol Tm�! or tbe d�b! secured herabr� rft�ou! re��rd to �nr I�r tM�l My be ee�cled i�po4in� p�nent of tAe wAole or �nr <br /> art iM�nof�oa !la 8�o�f icS�ryi. <br />