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P��i��b �OiaY��feet wd wioorlo�an�6e Pe+apaty b mu�loe repdn. Altbou�6 L�aidu ao�y tdce�ct�on wder <br /> tb3�p�ra�raph 7. La�der does not hsve w do w. <br /> - Any amum dLbuaed by[ra�dec mder d�it pn�nph 7�hdl beoome�ddldoml debt of Harower�eamed 6y this <br /> ' Security►Tmtrumet�t.Uaka Barrowu aod[.eoder a�roe to ather xnm of p�ymeot,t6�e�mounq�ha116e�r idarat froa► <br /> � uia dae otdi�bnne�t a t6e Ataoe rato aae,b�u be pyable.wtm�,upon mtke tran L,a�der�o Ba�o�er req�atia� <br /> , •,�... �l�. Mo�t�e L�soe. IP Leader requtrod a�cxt�ge io�urn�oe u a ooadidaa of nuldnQ da laa�aaaod by diis <br /> w twinuia the mo�t�a�a inauanoo ia ei�ect. It,far sny <br /> _»�.�, ..�j�'�.1� S�ecurjty Inshumeat�Borcowar�11 PRY�P�� *'dN� - <br />- �� �,,,,,�°�`',., . :, ro�„on�die n„ong.�e imn,�ooe oovera�o rowired by Imder l�e+or a�ua w be in effoce.Eoavwer nean pay tha p� <br /> � ��4��"� required o0 obnin coveaQe wb�ntLUY equivaleat a tha aioit�a i�n�noe Pr'�ylou�lY in el�ect�at a oat wb�daily <br />, ' �`••,S } <br />- - � -�-�-'� � ta i�s r,a�ta L'ar:a*ra at s!x�sass�ege imsasrla pn+�ianl9!n e�+ct�C�+vnt��loero�te mortga�e imm�er�Qpi�ved <br />. �pe�.�v�»u�r�,�:'K�'= � <br /> � �;�:.,,.•�,<�..: .m...° :� by l�p�der.If wb�Uy oquiwleat roat�age laauraace coverage 1�not av�il�blo.Borrower�Il pay to Let�der a�ch moath <br /> •'z�r�,'1:�:w�.;!�.:";:_- :� i Qwn equal to oae-twalRi�of the ycarlY�B+�Sa i���P�mium bein�Pdd bY Hormwer aheu the inwu�aoe oovera�e <br /> +�. • as a low�+etetve In liw of <br />;;. - . ",�,:�ti;_;:"�,;��'��'�4.R Ia�O�oeuad w ba 1n effect. Lender wW accept.use�ad reqin tbese P�Y� �Y� <br /> ; , . �r,-�..�,�:r.:,,. �:..� .; lasuranoe. Law reaerve p�yarcads roxy ao lon�er be�oquirod�a�t d�e optlon of Lender.if moKga�e iawrance eovera�e(ia <br /> •S "7::'.s�:.,n•:;�,t,..:_...,•; <br /> ����(,+�� the Ama�nt and fot the pedod t)wt Lendcr cequires)provided by An inaumr approvod by Lander again becomes availablc <br /> . . ;�fCYM1MF.•�•Yi�)�:�t:'� Atd Is aMaiaed.Borrower shaU pay the prcmiumg r+equircd to maint�ia mortgage insuanco M efPect.or to provide a loss <br /> �'�'���:���'' �;�'• ' resen+e,uaW�hc requirement for mat��e iasuronce er►d�in accordonce wlth any writtaa a�eement betwan Borrower <br /> ,�,���y��as•R ` � � u�d Lcndar or applicable IAw. <br /> _' a�fi` .'�,:;.' _ <br />�! �+r:��+s��•�t:. 9. I�pectbn. Lender or i�s agent may make reasonable entdes upon ond inspecdons of the Property.Leader flwll <br /> � °°�!'�'�"~y� give Borrower notiee at the dme of or prlor to an inapec�lon spoeifying reasonable cause for the incpeetioa. <br /> j�� ' � � r 10. Condemmtbn. The pmceeds of any award or cl�im for damages,direct or consequential,ln connection wlth <br /> ' •'-�`,;�-.i: �..;, ��•'•;•. <br />�;' '��`�°�°�•, any coMemnation or other talring of any part of tbe Property.or far conveyar�ca in lieu of condemaadon,are hereby a�iQned <br /> ,Ji. . ,: ,'�'�•�.?""' •'`"'•• and ahall be paid w I.ender. <br /> -�..: ln the event of a tatal teldng of'the Property�the procads shell be appliod W the sums securod by this Security lnstrumant. <br />_� �; �`%?�'�',, whelher or nd then due. with any eacess paid to Borrower.In the event of a parttel talcing of the Property In whlch the _ <br /> � - fair market value of the Property immediately before the uking is equal to or grcatcr than the amoum of the awna secured _ <br /> ' � • by this Securlry In�nt immediAtely before the taking.unless Borrower and Lender otharwise agra in w�iting,the awns <br /> -- ;,,? ... ,. � . eecurod by thie Secur�ry lnswment ahaU be reduced by the amount of tha procads muldplied by the following fractlon: <br /> � ,•,,.�,`..,,:� (a)the�otal amount of the sums secured immcdietely beforc the t�king,dividcd by(b)the falr maricet value of ihe Property _ <br /> ' � :;�,�.._...,.�.0 lmmedi�toly befon the teking.Any balance shell be pafd to Borrower. In the event of a partial wking of the Property in <br /> which the fair market valua of tha Property immediately before the tal�ng is Iess than the amount of the sums secured im- <br /> -�x-� ��.'• � "• mediately before the taking,unless Borrower and l.ender aherwise ag�+ee in writing or unleas applicable law otherwise pro- <br /> vide�.the prooxds shall be applied to the sums secared by this Security Insaurt�ent whether or not the sums an then due. <br />''r�, �. '� � �"• If the Propaty is abandoned by Borrower,or if. �fter notice by Lender to Borrower thet the condemnor offers to <br />=�'� � ' � make aa awerd or setda a claim for dameges,Borrower fails to rcspond to Lender within 30 days aRer the date the notice ' <br /> "� is given,L.ender is authorized to collect and apply the praceds,at its option,either to re�toration or npair of the Property :_ <br /> M . ' � " � or to the suma securcd by thjs Secur�ty Instrument.whether ar not then due. � <br /> �' Unless I.ender end Horrower otherwise agree in wddng,eny application of proce,eds to principal shaU not extend � <br /> � . , or postpone the due date of the monthly paymenw referred lo in paragnpha 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. _ <br /> _ 7 ll. Bonrower Not Released; �orbwrance By Lender Not n Waiver. Eatension of thc time for payment or =. <br /> ' �. 1� modific�tion of amortizwtion of the sums secuc+ed by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to eny successor ln intercst _ <br /> �� of Borrower elwll not operate to release the liability of the originel Horrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Lender <br /> - - • shall rwt be re�utred w commence procadings against any successor in interest or refLse to extend timo for payment or � <br /> � aH�erwi�e modify amo�tization of tho sums securc�by this Securiry Insuument by reason of any demaad mode by the odginal '- <br /> � � ' �� Borrower or Borrower's successors in intm+est.Any forbearance by Lender in eaercising any ri�ht or remedy ahall oot be _ <br />.- ' � a w�iver of or pralude the exercisc of any dght or remedy. _ <br /> �z, cW.y.r.ra aed�►c.l_na eouede.loint md Several LiabWtvs Co-sianee�. The covenuns ud aBraments of i <br /> ' � � thia Soeurity lnstrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject w the provisiona ' <br /> . ' • � of puagtaph 17• Borrower's covenants and agramenta siwll ba joint and several.Any Barrower who casigns this Securiry � <br /> _ -., Insdument but doea not execute the Note:(a)is casigning thie Securiry lnstrument oaly to moKgage,gr�nt end convey�het <br />-- ' "-• •=.._— ' L3arrowcr's iatarut in t�:Pm�xxrty Under!t!!ttrma�f thi�Security InRtrunxnt; fb)is not personally obli�ted to pny the , <br /> m <br /> ��-�;�'�:�`�., ° suma secured by ti�Secudty lnswment;and(c)agrees thu L.ender and eny other Horrower may agra to extend,modify, <br /> ��..;,,�;;�`;,,,::';,, �. forbeAr or and�e any accommodations with rcgatd to Ilie terme of lhis Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's <br /> r"�1^ ,��',` ������'��'�� u�e�oant 1M..uq � fofw�l fN0 e3o 3 <br /> ��A (Pa8 l Pol�*) <br /> `e �.'`F'�r`A�!. <br /> .]y �.� ... • .�n � �� •..\ 1 <br /> .� - <br /> � . .. � <br /> `.��h:. . iL. _ .._ _.. ... . _ . <br />