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.� � � ,r � -- �13,-' ��' <br /> na�aw�� .�. - -- - �. ... T ... , <br /> . ,9/,��0� <br /> �pplipbie uw oa�y�I(y ta ro�a�uuanent)bqfon�a3e at the Pnpeny pwwant w rny power d ab conpiined In 16i� <br /> _ _ - -- , l�wi�p i�ar(b�drn af a.�ri�msd aafu��!��r iuit+wuarN. 'i'baie c��fiioua�d�at�rrav,=r: (� .. <br /> pi�rt L�d! wa�.�d�en wq�lA be due wider dd;3e� Inrttome��t�aa Uie no�e a a a�aooeian�ian b.d <br /> oocwrod:(b)ar+�c aay detwh cf�ny clLer cavaww or yroe�nt�nM,e n'(c)!�ri�11 expaue�incuned in entacia�ddt Security <br /> ' tiqWa�aN,inclwW�►bul cfot limiq+d oo�m�e a n u b l e�ttorneys'[�at�nd lA)uik�et wch act{an at i.r�dQ m�y reatondily <br /> eequi�e eo arwre�hNt�he uen af thls security tnwuma��La�derl��ts m u�e rropeny.nd aoeow�ati oeligadon a p.y ihe <br /> wnu �eewed by Ih4 Secwity ln�nuna�t �hW.ooatiaue w�ed. Upon neimtatement by Boero�ver. d�ii 3eciaity <br /> Iniuuma�t�ad t6e obiiy�dau�ecurod bereby:1qiU temdn tully e(fective u 1!no aooalaWon b�d a�urrod. fbvrevar.thi� <br /> ri�iM to�a�e sMtl rwt ppply In Ihe cace ot aaclaatta�under par�caph 17. <br /> 1!. SaM�f NoNi�M al l.oM Srvioea The NoOe or�p�W inoe�est in the Note(w�ahes with thi�Sacuriry <br /> Inswmaul nwY be a!d ane ar mone Wna wHlwu�prior nodoe a�inwer. A s�te may��n a ch�e ia�he a�lry <br /> (knawn u tbe"L.oa Se�vioer")Ih�t collecn manlhlY Wyma�ts duo under the Nota md tbi�.3ecurity Inswment. 7Uere dw <br /> �p�y��a���s�q���nr�wu�cWed w�c�le of tha Nae. If U�ae i�a cbaoge of the Lo�n SaWoer, <br /> gonovver wW be gi�pt wrltta�notipp of the clWUige in�ocad�ic+e wlth p�ra�aph 14 wbove wd aQplkabb law. 'ILe natkx <br /> wW wte IAe nWne and�dd�u of the naw Lan Servicer iu�d tbe addross W which paymaitr�hould be m�de. 'tUe notke w1U <br /> da ao�in any otlter iniarm�do�roquLed by�pplicabk law. <br /> 20. 14s�rdoNS Sn6M��oes. Bamwcr�11 ixx cause or pamit the pnsenoe.use.dir�wsal,swraSo�or r�lase of�ny <br /> Ha�a�do�Subt�aca a►�x in the Ptaperty. Bon+owv aluU not do. nor allow enyone else to do�anything at�'ocdng the <br /> property tl�t i�in vialadon of u►y Envirommwtal Law. The prac.eding two sent�sh�tl not apply to the ptesaKx.uca.or <br /> uo�a�e an the Property of cnWl qwatitia of H�zeMous Subsances duu ae gaia�lly reco�niud co be appropiste w namal <br /> re�Wauid uses ud to mdntetunce a�tlKS Propercy. <br /> Burrnwa slu�l P�P�Y Sive I.ender writtea notioe of any investiguion.claim�demaod.lawsuit or otlier�ctloa by aay <br /> _ gova�l or rcBW�Y aB�Y�P���[►artY lnvolving Ute Property and eny Hazudoua Substance or Environ�ncn't�l �� <br /> 4w of which Barrowtr has actwl Irnowledge. if Borrower leuns. or is notif►od by any govanmental or rcgulatory <br /> aWUoriry.tb�t�ny removd ar ott�er t�emedladon af nny Ha�aMous Substana affecting die Pcoperty is tieceswy.Bamnwer <br /> �P�PUY Wce a!l nexseuy remedid actions in accadanoe with Environmental Law. <br /> - As used in thlc para�aph 20."Ha7ardoua Substauwes"are those substancrs defined u taxic or h�zardous substaMxa by <br /> Emitq�ment�l Law and tlise foUowing�ubsw�oes: g�soline.keroaene.other flammable or�xic pdroleum products,tosic <br /> pesticides and herbicldes,voletile solvents.mpterials conwining ssbestac or farmaldehyde,and radioacNve materials. As <br /> u�d in this{wregnph Z0,"P.�vlronmenW Law"means fede�l law+md laws of ttie jurisdiction w6ae.the Propa�ty is located <br /> th�t rclue w health�safaty m envlra�unental protecUon. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANT3. Borrower and 1-ender fu�tUer covenent end agree ns follows: <br /> 21. Acalentioni Remedks. 1.ender a6W�1ve aotke to Borrower prior to aceekradoa�olbwia�Borrower'e <br /> brescti of aay coveoAnt or a�+eement in tbis 3ecurity Iostrpm�t(6ut not prior to wecekratioo under para�ap6 17 <br /> unkss�ppUc�61e b�W�'ida Mherwise). TYe nMla el�fl�s (A)the defaWt:(b)tbe aclia�required to cure fbe <br /> _ d�!!;(t1 ss t�le,�nt lsss tlsass 39 days!lre�a!he dete th�+�tk��a$iven tn Borenwer,by w�ic!tiie default must be <br /> - — cured;and(d)tluit IPaiMrc to cure ihe deSaWt o0 or before the drie specified In the notice mny resall io a�oeleratioa ot <br />�����`" tl�e snias secared by Wis Secarity Inslrument and sak o�tde Property. 7'he notice shaU lurther i�Porm Borrower ot <br /> — ---- -- the rigMt to refn�b+te a(ter acceleradoa nud ode ri�hht to bring a court actbn to assert the non-e�isteace ot q default or <br /> any ot6er detenss of Borrower to pcceleratioa Aad sale. lf the default is aot cured an or betore the date spe�ifled ia <br /> - � tda notice,Leader at tte optioa may require immediwte payment in(wll of all sums secured by this Security Instrument <br /> -- ,� without tl�rther demnnd and mAy tnvolce Ihe power ot sole aad any other remedies permitted by Applicable law <br /> -. � Lender s6a11 be enNded to evllect all e:peoses incurred in pursuing ihe romedles provWed in this para�raph 21, <br /> -_ iqdudiag,but not limited to,reasonable s�ttorneys•kes nnd cosls ot tiqe evldeaa. <br /> !f We power of sale is invoked,7Fustee shall record p notke ot default in eac6 county ia which any part ot tho <br /> Property la located Aad ahall mail rnpies of suc6 notice fn the mwnner presceibed by applkable I�w to Borrower oad to <br /> tde other pereoas prescribed by Appl(ca�ble law ARer the dme rcquind by s�pplkable law,7lrnstee shsiU give pubik <br />-� aoHa of sale to fhe persons wnd tn the maoner prescribed by appliable law 7tustee,without demand on Borrowe►� <br /> �,�. s6a11 cell the Property af publk auctbn to the highest bidder at We time and place and nnder the terms designated ia <br />_-- the notice of eple in one or mo�r parcels Aad(n any order 7lrustee determines. 7lrustee mny postpone sole ot all or any <br /> �- parcel of tbe Property by publk announcement At the time and plaa ot any prevbasly schedded eak. Lender or its <br />— ;:� desi�nee may purchs�Ihp Prry�erty at any sak. <br /> � ?'`�� Upon receipt af payment of the price bid,'[lrustee slwll deliver to the purchaser'l�astee's deed conveying the <br /> �, Property. The recitals in the 7Yustee's deed shall be priroa facte evidence ot tl�e truth of the statements mAde therein, <br /> 7lrustee ehall apply the proceeds oP the sale in the�dlowing order: (al to wll costs and expe�ses of exercLsinQ the power <br /> '��" a:�v. <br />� '`:�� <br /> .-�����_� <br /> � <br />_ —`.�,�a <br /> _ _' ' rh <br /> ,Z.'v'.p'J., Ftltm 3W6 9/90 (puRe S nj6/wReal <br /> ' ,aY��� . <br /> ,� <br /> .. • - �,....._.._- r.,.,, <br /> . � , . •. <br /> u� �'� �, �� ,� . .. . .� , . . .:t-,y'�'.� <br /> _ _ �y�'.'k. _ .. , `h��a��:. . . . .• �}� '+: <br />� - .e�i ! �,�N. . � � '.. . � . , , ..' - , . � , . ,a. ��,. <br />. - .,�.N�k�.�8� ��_,,: ��;• y�.ra, •.� _ � � ��. <br /> _ a. - . <br /> , <br /> , .. . 1',y�� <br />�^,;tJ..:.,t5rr - `-�--'---- --�-.�_ _�s..'._'1�._.._',.�.�� �.�_ -: �._'3_.L.�Sit-fa�1.;"1D2fZ..t_�-' �,�, _ _:�_r._�. <br /> - - -<-_'�'�-�-------�r--- ---- - - <br /> -.�.� � -------- � ------------ -- ---- - .-�--- --�--- --- -- ---_...- ---- - �. _-....- .--------- <br /> -.�� � �'�R',.'.'����.... .. . . . - . � ' . � � . � . .. , . .. <br /> �- •�•ch' :e ls. � �. .. `' ' ___'_ __ ..._____.�_."_`_.�_"' .. ...' -.' _ - - ...._ . <br /> ,�T�i•1':`rM ' _"_r- ...., _—'1�-----„-= <br /> __'__'_-1''t``` -- ��+ic'a___�:.1L12ti��1�o..��c"6�1�. . 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