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<br /> � ` 'app�i�abie isMr mrY.specifjr car�)�are sve d tAe Plvpett��W�t�°�►P�d s�k cont�iiaed iu t�s >
<br /> � � SecueitY.lnetnu�oc(b)�oory of�l��°'�°6'��X�`����t6�t Ba�ro+�tr. (a1 ;
<br /> p�:traider�lt anms�rrbicb th�t;.�4�ba�ae audet thi�SeaaiiY L�wemt+�d1R N1ota.as if no'�ocde�n 1u�d
<br /> aocane�@a cuer�my defauit of�ny otbar om►e�ts or a�aacn�,(c)PwY.s���ia a�fac�ioE this Saw�Y
<br /> laruwnd�t.iocludina•b�t aot Inniaed��tras�a�abie iqOw�eYs�f�and,t�taiots sudr aeti�Mt:at.E.cnder may ce�a�Y
<br /> ' I�.�swe_e_dpt tbe Len of tbia Sawit�t 1a�u�*i�eoderlt rigMs in tbe Pmpaty�ad Boaower�s obll� P�Y
<br /> - - — —� . ... _ _ .
<br /> eode �0i
<br /> �:�_ __ g�8as�v�ets - -- - -
<br /> snnns �ii�s�� " — had ucauK4.,-st�ovr�ver,tbis-
<br /> �raod d�e o6G�Ltio�s eeeaned t�enehY s1a�1L�f�ly tffa�tive�s if no aQcdauim_
<br /> ri�t,�t tatn�s�ll oat apply i�k14o c�►se af accektitiat cuKkrP�S�Pa��iti the NTate(to�aher witl�tbis Sec�ui�Y
<br /> . � i�,x�le i Ndt..G7�le a�Lo�Ser�iov. 'tbe Nvte.or s put�l'
<br /> �•Ia�►),atay:lx soid oae a mae.wnes witl�out pria nodce ta Bartvwer A ssie msy[�n1c in s clumge ut.lha enmY
<br /> (t�i�t�t,�s:!Q�:'t;an�n Sesviae"}th�t coikrts mo�W�9 P�Y�due ander tha Nate�ad dus Se�ori�Y Tns�umcnt- 'tl�esc alsc►
<br /> msy�t�s�lt!"a!t mate cA�nSes of tba.Loa�t Senrlca uaalned w a s�la of tbe Note. If tba�e is a e�oae of tbe I�an Setvicar.
<br /> - 8oirtl�i�l7rlbt g&�writoe�notiCe af tba ch�in�000�ranee aatlt p�ua�apt►.14 al�mre.and spplicable lsw T�es natioe
<br /> � ' rw7{�t4r�iqaae�nd adMeas o�tba n�v Lo�a Sa�icer aidtbe add�ess w w6kb p�yu��!�be m�de. 17yc natice w7t
<br />— = °slso�;�nY.od�et iafcxmatian ca�o�by�pp��►• -- - _ -_-- --or Yetea+te of a�ry -- --
<br /> J . :. 2f.�Ha�eiaw Siea�ee�- Baaower ahalt na csuse ot permic db preseocw us�dispostil.sWCa&�• ��
<br /> H�Mpus Subsqmcm aa or ia 1be Phnpaty:,Bonawer s1Wb�at.do,mt altow�tgane eLse to do.aAytili�l$ .
<br /> -_ . st��an�the Prcpaty of small yqmntities Law. 'll�e pRCedinB two seaod�oes s�if nnt sppl�;due�.�a. .:,.';:_'.
<br /> of H�audoqs Su6�ano�s�hst ace g�1tY�aco�o� ��
<br />� - .. � .;�����.�(�'�V{!+N j�QV�i�i�v�NCrf�f���.1Y{��1111R��µN����.F�_-:��'3: .
<br /> -� gqYE�EI'�I�1C�t(19fOf�►i$CIIC�Or pfri�8t�WR�Y�YOIVLI$fI1C AO[f�Rj(<,BQd�j��{dp�IB$Ub�1�C Oi�Y�",.�>�i��.S�f__ ,
<br /> - = . t�w of,ania, s«�wer ws sca�t mowtenga. �soaap►�c t�,ms,.or�,u.iwafioa ey�ay s�a� �'.�;-��=','���:; :
<br /> --_ �y � �►,�a«n��om���, �9 sua�e:a�ea�s�e�ro�ny��y,a�.:�.'�:�;��;:.=.-,>:�
<br /> =__ � .3t;,dl,pmmptly�,u aa�ess,y zeme�al a�xions in.�c��w;ue Fasvinau��ental r�w. . �:f: k:.:;;,,..� ;.
<br /> --- >-i ; ..;:�•.:�,....
<br />� 11s used�n this pacag��pb 211."tla7�cdoas Subsaancas".ate thase su6staaces deGne�twtoaic or h�zardous su��si�r.;<<;t�,�`'
<br />_``q� ' a.tceiosene,other flammahT��or to�a petrMe�ua prvduci�.:k��:` .
<br /> _ � Envitoama�l Law•md the following subsG�+acSs...8a�1�� iu � .
<br /> � !•pesticidcs aad l�ecbiciAes.vol�a7e solvents.mau�ials coataiming asbestos or famatdd�yde.anwd��v�y �
<br /> . used in this pua�rrph 20."Faviianma�tnl L.aw"means federatiaws and taws of tbe jaci�tion .
<br /> ti�ttelue w healdi,safecy a rnviroumental pcotecaon.� . . .
<br /> NON-(JNffORM COV@iAN'�S. Bo�mwer and 1.�mder furd�e�covenmat and agnoe ag fotlows:
<br /> � ' 2I. Acoelentioe:Rewedies. t.eader sb�ll�ve mAice to Borrower prior ta sc�deratio�tdbwl�� .
<br /> ' .� 6r�ear�daq coveaa�t•a�ae�t i�tl�is Secu�t!i�r�t lbut�ot prlor to soceierstio�a�der p�r�:l7 :
<br />'-=� �' ,:4� bw vrovida aYer+.rx) 7'�e.aia a��: (sZ u�e ad..�(b)tw iab.�at�d tac�e�,.:.,;�.:,,:;
<br />;_:;r��;' - ' �y�plics6le
<br />.�.t��,�' de�;lt)a.!ki4r���ot les tlu�3�ds�s fFoa�t�e datttris�otice fa�es to sarrower.by wbie6 tre defaplt�ffi�=�s..;;:,,':.
<br /> _ ..�,�; cirti;s�t�7:1�G�n to c�ee the defaWt aw ar befon t�e dste sp�cUied I�Nie sotice ms�res�lt is��a�'<::�;�;
<br /> -_�' �, trri�jj��eQU�ed b�tiis Sew�tJ 1�t�d s�le.vE�e PraOeety,Tl�e�otke�11 f�tl�t 6ltuna Barr�'�±� .
<br /> �� '/.;'i:�:� =t�•°�t to reisfate af ter�eMi�atioa�1 tl�e ri�lit t+i 6�ig s coart actioo to a�eet tre�d a d�E±�'
<br /> • as�ofber define ot Eorra�ver�o aooekrntbo:so�a�:�E�le defa�lt is not ar�ed a�ar betore tUe date��pt
<br /> E,.�.; ti�e aatio�I.e�der at Its optlae inay rc'9ui�'s immedipte gsJmeat b fM l l o f a l t swa�s seeo r e d 6 y tl l i e S e�r i�► _
<br /> ..�t� . wittiwt forf�er deau�d and maq iavokt tte�nmvec o[sak apd.�y athee remedies permit�ed�bY.AFP��� -
<br /> , , Le�de�alu�ll be entitled to oollect all expemes facunYd ie porsaiag tbe remedks provtded in•tiis psrags��Zl. _
<br /> ., i�ekdta�+bat not limited ta reasonnbk attorne's'tas�d oos�ottitle evideaca �::� _
<br /> . :; U Ue power at sak is iavaked,'nrusta sball recard t�notice ot defaalt ia each cunsty is wUicb aay pari�tbe
<br /> .. Atapert�r is Io�yhd s�d s6slt msil eopies otsacb aotkein tDe m�wna'P�s���Y aPP�k�law to Ba�rower md to _.
<br /> ��f��;�' pie atLer�erso0a Pre�b�d by appliaibk law Atter tUe tlme rtqq�rtd b�appUc�bk Isw.7lnntee sMW Siv'e pnWic -
<br /> . ,ti>1' 61e 1aw. 'IYasta.w�t den�d on Bommrer. _.
<br /> .'.:+,::.�; aolioe d ssl�t�i�,persoav a�d is tlie a�aaser prescribed 6y�pplk+a _
<br /> ��,,t,;- sY�M xU tbe Pr�operq ae publtc a�ction to the hi�kest bldde�at tMa time aad plaoe aed oader tAe te�s d�ate�i� -
<br /> Ue aotice o�sak in oee ar more pucels aed ie pey order Trnsta deteemiaes.7irasta msY P�P�sale otaU or aay =
<br /> � pwrtel ot t6e Property by puMic announameat at t6�tirse aod place ot pey preyioas�Y.sc6adnkd s�le. l.ender or its _.
<br /> d�ee msy pnrrb�ne the Prupertg pt Any sAle '=; _
<br /> Upuo receipt of ps�mest af tha prkq bid.Tr��ll detiver to the purcds�ser'1lrastee's deed coa�fag tUe
<br /> PCOplA� TII!�lIhIS�111I1!TFY,�!!�9��If�4. ,� fSC�!lY�Ql�CC O�1�Il.'tl7lt�10�L�10 S1ti((tMlCt�,4 IDi�E�!�l�O. _
<br /> 7Yrostte ab�ll sPP�Y the prooeeds af ihe ssl��tbe fo+��lxg arder: (a)to s�ll cosfs 9ed expeASe�oP.cx��tAe po�rer _
<br />_ . , .�� .,
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