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. .�,�_# :_ <br /> ;:� �� _.���. ._ .._---- - - � - _ - _ <br /> �:�� . � <br /> � ��i-__� :� � � � .� _ <br /> �A• <br /> � Lrndr inM�M r►/ 11��eMot�nd Aold Fu�In�n wowM no110 rocwd 11M�wNa�ou��l� ���wd�l�l iM�Md Maq�/� ., <br /> lo�n�ry �quM�I�or SonewM'�Marqw aooanl�Ndw IIN hdrNl FiNI E�Mb�M�wk hoo�LnM Aat af 14�M Jww�Md 1�aN 1wa b <br /> �,18 U�Q�101�t N� ('NEMA'�,�Nw�noliM►Mw M�M Ip�Mr b�I�und�MM• IwM►�arN.M re��L�dr Mih�!�fl�. <br /> �_ _ e�ee!�wd h+�14�A. b M��t uat 10+��I tlMi I�a�■oul. L�dr wl MrM�1M a�01wt d `II10�dN�1���i : <br /> - - aw�wil dM�and tMaMblr�MY��d«p�MrM d fu�r�e�oqw IMw�a ellwiwW In�onordMa wM�loiw I�w, <br /> Yn.Faa. �e.n�w�n.n�rion weo..e�o�..r.h.w.d ey.�.aw.o.wy.�u��►. «.n�,r p�dua���r,r <br /> lw�d�►M suob an In�Aon)ar b �ny F�dw�Hon�Laon�nk. LMdr dW rpplp tM fw1d�b phr IIN E�aow Mww. L�ndM�ql not <br /> qw�8artoww br hokiq ad�ppyM�p tlM Fund�.�wiy awyriq tlM Marow a000t�M.a v�yMq tM E�aivw 1�. w�s L�ndw <br /> pry�Sa►own YMww 4n th�Fu�d��nd�qpk�bM Yiw pr�lb Lw�r b�u suoh a dw'pw Na��r�Lsid�► �►e�p�n�on'ow�r�°' <br /> _ _�`� py�an�tlnM dMrp/or�n bd�nelMN rol MbA�Mn np�orYny Mrvb� uwd by L«td�Y�cot�t�ction wlth tAb 1om.iNS{as�ppMoWN I�w <br /> poMan an«wN.. UhMa an�p�t is �d. a.pp1o�M bw nquir« inMnM to b., l«�der sINR nol er.�quY+d b Prlr <br /> eonuw.►.ny h�1�..t o.amNp�t on uu funa..8anow..nd L«,a..n�r•a••h�a�'�•aw Y�Mnk.!W a pw on u�.wea.. <br /> l�nd�t�h�i pM to��wwr.wMha�l ah�,�n�r�wd�oowMbY d tl�FunO�.�howM►0 a��nd A�bR�b 1M Funds�nd fM P�P� <br /> b wMah Moh d�bM b tM FuneN wM nMd�. TM Fundr w pMd�d a �s�arllY br r airn�aar�d by thN B�a�Uy MNnnw�t. <br /> M 1M Fund�Mid by L�ndw woowd tM anw�MNs p�nnllD�d b b� Mld b�l �ppfo�M I�w. Lendr s1a1 �oeau��t to Baeown 1or 1!N <br /> ---- wo�ws FYnds in�oordnia wifh tM nqulnnwnb ol�ppla�k Nw. N th��naunt of 1M Funds hNd by L�ndw�d�my fim�b nat w�d�M <br /> to qy 11N Esafow NMns wINr1 diM.L�11d1r m�Y w�wlMy Bolrolwr In w1NYlp,M�4 In Nloh a�N Bonwwr�hY py b LM1dII qN e�01rK <br /> n�y to nrb up tM dydr�o�1. Bartoww rIW n�kr up IIN d�loMwy h no moh tlMn tw�k�monlNy P�nt�,at LMK11rs�oN <br /> �. - <br /> � P�Y�t b ful d N sant s�ound by Ws S�oaYY bstun�n6 Undr tIW p�anplry n1uW to BortowR�ny Fund� h�W by <br /> - Lw�dw. M�uid�r pMS�raph�t.LMMNr th�aoquk�or NA/M ProD�tY. L��elr. Pdor b th��oqiiNion ar W�d t!M P�rop�ly.�1W rpp�Y <br /> °�` my Furtds hMd Oy Unda a th�tlm�d�oqult�n a�aM�s a aadt qiMt th�an�s��ax�d by thk 8�awily hdruMnt. <br />_ 9. App1lo�Na� d PaymMMs. tN��y�pkabb I�w p�ovkiN oNuwM�,V p�yrtMnts noNwd by L�und�r pr�pniphs t md <br /> v ' 2�hd b�y�pMd: �t. to anY Prrp�yn�K ahr�p�s dw uid�r th� NeM;aoond to �mounts p�y�bM und�r P�pnpti x Wd to btwat <br /> u � dur,towirth�to piYidpU dw;�nd Iat,to�r►y NU chrpM dw und�r tM Naq. <br /> 4. ChtrpM; LJ�ns. Barowr sh�1 pry r was�as�sa�nb,c1�g�,�s�nd Nipaitlons ablbut�t�M to th�PrapMty whieh m�y <br />--`A �lain piio�My ovr tqb S�ow1y InsbunNnt, �nd baWhald pryirMnes a yrou�xl n�Rs. N�ny. 8arowrr sIW p�y thM�ab�tlau In ihe <br /> - �n� Pr��ti P��Y�i� 2. ar N not ptld b tlW mrn�r.8ortow�r sla� P�Y th�m an tlnw dnotly to ih� pNSan ow�d p�ymm� <br /> � Bo�aww �hY promptty lumt�h to lwid�r �1 noUon of rnourM� to b�p�id urdr iNs p�rapraph. M Bat�ow�r m�kM It� p� <br /> ;:r;,t g. dr�o11Y.Bortowr sUd pramp4y firnYh to L�nd�r nodP1+�idw�aY►p 1M pYm�ts. <br /> _ t�, BarowK shv P�P�N��Y Mn whbh Iw pdarity ovr thi�S�eurlb InaAun�wrt unbss Borrow�r:(�)p�In w�MbD to tM <br /> -�-' p.yn�ne a c�. oe�aon..ouna ey uw wn�n .m.r��.w �.na.►; ro) c,aa..a h 000d arn m•wn ey. a a.i«w..o.�se <br />�._,� ._� <br /> - _----- Q�ld O�!hS �d! !!l.�k�gl4i!!�lQ�SYId01!I!!lhl��!1M�K'6�b1�op�nie f0(ffMM'd th�Q110I0�111/fq O�iFN Y�I: Of(0)t/ql�f k0111 <br /> 6�� ''`:::' tlw hotder Of th�IMn�n�yrwmM s�tlahatory to L�ndr wb�dtnaYnO th�IMn b thb Escwily Inspum�n� H UncMr d�qm�fn�s tl�at�ny <br /> . , �i <br /> 1 �pwN M ih�Piq�rly k �u�J�et to a Mn whlob m�y dhin pio�y arer tlas S�auily InsUwnwd.lwidR may 91v� Bortowr •notlo�IdwWyM�p <br /> th�tlen. Borrowr �MM t�►th�Mn or Wu an�a mon o/ihe aotlons wt foAh�bov�wMhin 10 d�ys of th��IvYip ot napow <br /> '�.;,�;: 6. H�zard or Prop��i�► InsunnC�. eortow�shaM kMp th�NpawrtMnts now �fh�a h�ItK�nd�d on fh�Proplrty <br /> :';,,:�� ` inwnd �pYnst bsa by 1n, ha�rd�Indud�d withln th�tmm '�Qend�d aovaay�'and�ny othK h�ds� MctudYp bod� a Aoo6ny,fa <br /> �. .L � whloh L�mMr��quin�tnwr�nc�. Thb Inwrana�hal b�rt�lned in ih��mounb and to►tha priods that L�ndw►�quirn. (h�Ins�x�c� <br /> ;.1,?r, �,. <br /> r canMr proWdnp the In�wanw �haN bs choan by Borrowr subj�d to I.�nd�r's approvN whkh shY not b� �awWy wkhhdd. H <br /> '`����':" ° Bortowr f�Ys to m�MWn eovway� daaiwd �bov�. Lwidw may. d Landu's apfion� obUin oovwap�to prot�ct Und�r's�fphU N th� <br /> ,i';� t:�: '� In��a wqh p�npraph 7. <br /> �k+�c o A� f�t:�, ��Y <br />����� r� 'x'j��f� M tn�wana poNda�nd nnaw�b �h�b�aoaptabM to Lmd�r�nd�hd indud�� dand�M matp��owua. L�ndK�h�M hav�th� <br /> .�� :�� .����. <br />-;, �'"'N' ►ipht w hold th�poid�s�nd nnrwds. B L�nd�r nquka.BaRawr �N P��PtN dre to L�nd�r�noNpt�ot pMd pr�mlums�nd nmwal <br /> �.:.`. ::�` " noUa�. In th��vent of bs�� Baroww sh�M ylve prampt notlo�b th�inwrane�anbr�nd l.�ndw. Undw mry m�b proof of las N not <br /> ;:' �ol:�i�,��}��._ „��.: m�tle MomP�N bY Ba►otirrr. <br /> � ��f�";:'�.:�:'� Unlw� L�ndK md Baroww oth�wls� �yiw In wrttlnp, inaurana pmc�eds ahap be appQed to roatoraHon or repalr of the Propary <br />._'I.. �F�Y ',�. •:''�(� <br /> -�..�... '"'- „ti d�mlped. q the raaloratlon a np�ir Is �conanlo�My 1Meibb �nd I.�ndw's aeewity Is not leaamsd. M th� re�ta�tlon or r�pdr b oot <br /> �4� �conon�ialy feasibk w L�nd�►'s s�wity would b�Masensd,the hsurana proce�ds shdl be�ppUod to th�sums s�ourad by thls 3ecurity <br /> . �"°Rt�"_.z.,f. . <br /> - -�'�•ft1? .•.. .� (nstrument,whedier or not than dw�wilh any axc�ss ptld to Baroww. q 6o►►ower abuidona the PropeAy. a does not entwsr wMhin 30 <br />.. :[�.�\S:�t:�N . 'i� <br /> ��•r,.,. .- �t,:.., fjiYs�110tiC!ifORl LMltl�f tll�t 1hQ N16UI�fICQ pRl�f IIt9 0}I6/�10 !/l1iY� OWtII�HIEfI�811d�IIYS/Q011�UI! WI�IRiI1C9 pfOCNdf. LMIf�R <br /> + <br /> '•'�'�s ;,�,; n�y uae the proceeds W npv►or raton ths Propaty a to pay auins aound by thle 9ecurky MatrumeM, wh�tha or not th�n du�.Th� <br /> *�- :�=:y�,.�,'. �Y P�d w0 t�apin wh�n th�notic�b yNen. <br /> ,: .:�:: �E Un�e�a LendK md Bortowr WhNwN��pne In wrltlnp, �nY�ppYcation o1 proce�d�to princip�l dW not �cUnd o�poatpon�th�du� <br /> �" '�'''.�+� � � d�te of th�monthy p�ymmts rN�rt�d to in pm9nphs 1 and 2 a chm��the amount of th�paym�nb. It und�r panyrsiph 21 th�Propwty <br /> � '��l`�'•'` ' fs acquk�d by Lmd�r, Borrow�'s dght to�ny Inauranca polldes and proceeda reauldny hom d�nwpe to the Properly prior to tfi��cquleldon " <br /> _:��., �:'°Y'.-. sh�l pass to L�nd�r to th��octmt ot th�wms sacund by lhis SecurHy Inetrument Imm�dlataty prior to tha�cqubltion. <br /> i.�'..1 . ... . . <br /> �`� �' ' ����''� 8. Occupancy. P��s�rv�tion, Malnt�nano� and Pratoctlon of tho Proporty; Bonow�r's Losn Applicsdon; <br /> �.''��:''.r LA��h01ds. eorrower sh�p ocwpy, eat�blieh. and use th�PropMy aa BorrowK'a prindpal reald�nce wltMn sbAy drys dter the exacutlon ° <br /> _� :1�,...r..• <br />-- `�'��,��r����. � of thb S�ourity Insdumant�nd ehaN continus to oeeupy ih�Ropaly�e Barower'a principrl�asWa�ce 1a�t le�st an�yeu a1tK th�d�l�of <br />-- '14:,�`;t;��c: <br />_= ;;�,.�,�,�,;t, �• ocap�ncy,unlKS Undr offianvla��y►eee in wrNlna,whfoh coneent shdl not b�unroweonably wfthhMd,a w�lena�xt�nuatln�clra�mst�nees � <br />- `. , . . �..�.. ' axiat whkh an beyond Bonoww's control. Borrower eha0 not d�stroy, d�nwy� a Imp�k the Propwty, �Now th�Prop�riy to d�talo�ta, or <br /> •r�:. :. _ <br />—i7;:,;, Mt•'}` � ;. 'j�•; corm�l w�ste an ih� Prop�rty. Borrowr sh�tl be in dMwR N any fafNturo acUon or prouedlnp,whelh�r dvA w crN�lnd,is b�pun that in <br />_ "i{�1�?�•.! �h.:�.�� . . :i�r,: <br /> T";�,;,,�. -�;'r,• L�nd�r's yood Wth Judpm�nt could nwlt In forfMtun ot the P►op«ty or oth�rwia� m�t�My Im�k the Wn cro�ted by tNs 3acuriry <br />= :"�j`1'�:�:. ' �+'`-�.�%��.�--• .. hstruma�M or Undr's aourity bt�nst. Bortowar m�y curo aucfi a dd�uq�nd�Instata,ae prorW�d b puaqraph 18,by causlnq the adlon • <br /> �t:.' . .���., _..», .. <br /> a�rooe.ain� co a d�r..ed wnn . �um�n,.�. � �«�aK�: 9ood aun a.ta�m��,n►ecmd.�rorr.nur.or m.earow.��e �narose t��ne <br /> -- — _ . .. . . . - <br /> ---7ti:1 " ,:� :-...z`'�.. ' PfOpNty 01 Othlr IIMtMtY MIIp�Im1MIl OT ih� Yen OfMl�tl Dy 11MS Ssculty NltinNll�lit O�LMItlM't slCU11ry Nltwest. tfartowR s11�M�ISO oe m <br />.,�.�.�!��11"� . .. ,- ,- <br />- --;:.,�� �"ti1+}�..:,r;:+�.• ', d�hult ti Bortow�r.dudnp th� lo�n�ppYe�Uon proeas, Wva m�brialy hb� a kuiccu�ata htomwtlon a sutanants ro Laidar (or faned to <br /> �'�..`�.`'. . Id� L�nd�r with�n matwid IMom�ibn) in conneetlon wqh th� lan �vldone�d b th�Not�.Indudln twl not WWlad ro, ont�tlone <br /> • ,.,,,r�+,,.;.:, P� Y Y 9� rePres <br /> "-�t �;�'%��,;�,y,;`;�'= co�xeminp Bortowa's acwpancJr of tho Propctty aa a p�Mi�p�t ��ia�. 11 Uds 3oaurity Inswmant la on a lau�hold. Baiow� shaY � <br /> ' ' �, compy wRh aM th�provblons of th� I�uQ. 11 Bortow� �aqulres 1e�tltl�to th�Property, the le�sehold md th�tee title ah�A not mKye <br /> - ,� ' uMas L�nd�r�prsee to tM mwqar In w�fdnp. <br /> �� � � � <br /> h f <br /> r'Y���Y <br /> Vi..�.i�.�� <br /> .�:� � Form 3028 8/90 _ <br /> . r ' F�009A.M0(9N7) Pay��ot 6 <br /> _ �:Y'�,, �•' .. <br /> , .' �..:1�'A '+I <br /> it.,�_ l . .'r - �•• � <br /> .�. 1 �� 03022.1M <br /> � _ <br />