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., . ^_____"_Y —���� ' . � ,- � . �'�• � .....i'`Y•__.. <br /> �• �' ' RW�ST IANK hEfRI1SACA,NUT/ONAL ASSOCIAT/QN AS�4/l�1YN/�1YTOf � <br /> . , .. LEA.SE8111�Jt�lIC1'. _ <br /> — -- <br /> . <br /> MN1� . .,,,.ri,.r.�: - <br /> �._.� -- -- - -- --- - --- - __. .. _� ...__ �--- - - <br /> -_ <br /> `.:__� - - <br /> !� � .. .. -- <br /> � , � <br /> TAIt.�pwtwne,n»tl�M!s of �y , t9 93 by an�l <br /> ��� �ee.:t 8. iT�lk�s,� Loi� B. Nalk�r. Da�id A. Walk�s aud Dsbor�6 iC. il�k�r <br /> ("/Istlyviw"/,�nd NORiYEST 6ANK NEBRASKA,NATIQNAL ASSOC/AT/ON f"aalp►�+"1• <br /> � WITNESSETH: <br /> 1[Ir apNd�s/ollowe: <br /> 1. D�fJn/tlonr. As asad l�thlt Aprt�m�nt: <br /> A. '7110rt�p"rhall mMn Mit c�rtaln D�J o/Tiust Tn ths princ/p�/rum <br /> o/� 90.00 60 � Maq 3 , f9 93 , <br /> �x�cuced by_„ ' � ' �s Tiutra,ro NORWEST BANK <br /> ' NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIAT/ON,ss Be►tslkiery,upon th�n�sl�stats�rid lmprorwn�nes <br /> ducii,brd Jn Exhiblt"A';whkh/t sa�4dbw�qo�nd by tAlr�/�nnca lncaponnd/r�e/n. <br /> B. '7Vote"sha//masn that certa+in note seca�!by the s 90,000.00 <br /> Orsrlof Tiutt,txoauted contsmporanbuc/y tlia�wlth by Robert 8. Nsiker �nd Lois E. Walkar <br /> and David A. Walker and Deborah [t. Waltar As msksr,e►►d NORW�ST BANK NEBRASKA, <br /> NATlONAL ASSOCIAT/ON,ar payer,andtacuiad by the Datd of Trust. <br /> C. "Lan"as hersinafter umd,shi/lm�sn[he/aan in the amount of. :90,000.00 <br /> �s�vld�nc�d by th�not�and s�uisd by rhe Dwd of Trust,er w�a!/as�ny othrr <br /> - suwiing intt�uirwnu. <br /> - - =-- NOW,TH�REfORE,for and in consldsrAtlon of the making and fundln�oi aald Loan,and tor <br /> other�ood and ve/ueb/e consideratlon,[he rec�eipt wheieof Js hereby acknow/edg�d,Assipnor, fa ltsell, <br />_a Jts suc�easors,person�/representetiwes,helrs and asslpns,has barg�ined,sold,tranaferr�d,assl��ed, <br /> conHeyed,set o�er end dellvered,And 6y these presents does hereby bargain,sell,transfer,a�sigv�,and <br /> _-�,,,,r.,,�,,v,� conr+ey as sacurlry fa ihe iepayment of the abo�e descilbe�d Jndebtedness and the payment and per- <br /> - , . lorm�naa ol all of the terms and cond/tions of the Nore end Mortqage evidencinp the same,and ony <br /> - and all�mendments,extenslons and nnewals thereof,all leases now or her�a/ter exe�cuted o/feceJnp <br /> -- the Mo:tgaged Premlaes,and a//rents,issuer,profits and income end wms of money whlch may now <br /> , • .or hereafter be or be�come due and owing unde�and by Wrtue of sald/esses,!t being the lntentlon <br /> �-,� hereby to establish e comp/ete t�ansfer and assig�ment o/the/eases hereby assigned end a//the awl/r <br /> thereunder unto the Ass/�nee,!ts successorr and assigns,togiether wlth the rlghr,but without the <br />-�, obligailon,to co/%ct e/l of the sald rents,issues,profits and lncome arisinp or accruing,or whlch mey <br /> � be�come due at an y time during ihe/i fe of thls Assignment Assiynor fuither asrees,upan demerid <br /> ther+cof,to de/lver to and deposi�seid/eBSes wlth Asslgnee. <br />��� ;�� AssJynor hereby deslgnates,const![utes and appoints Assignee,its successors and as�Jgns, with <br /> fu//power of substituiion,i[s true and/awful attorney with pow+�r for it and!n i[s name,p/ece end <br /> �� ate�ed,for!n the name of AssJgnee,to ask,dernand,co/%t,recelve,iecelpt 3nd give fu!/and com• <br />- p/ete acquittances for any and a/l re�ts,issues,proflts and Tncame hereby essigned which inay become <br /> '�t��, '�� d�e and peyab/e by/essees or o[her occupants of the Mortgaged PremJses;and e�its d/screilon to fi/e <br />.' �°�'�„��. • any claJm or take any othei ection or proceedinp to make any sen/ement of any c/alm,elther in its <br /> -- —`—��f`- own name or!n the name of Assignor,or otherwJse,whlch the A�tignee,or any successor may deem <br /> _-- z•.;,s;� desfreb/e in order to col%ct end enforce the peyment of an y and a//rents,issues,profits and income <br /> _:;�;qn�°��� � herein asalgned. The/essess and occu�uents of the Mortgeged Premises,or any part hereof,ere he�by <br />-=r<�' •�';,;;i�, ,<<.,; expr�essly authorired and diiected to pey al1 rents and sums he►ein assigned which wou/d be peyable <br />_ ro Assignor,except/or thls Assignment, to the Assignee,and to rransmir and deliver such payinen[ <br /> `���: ro the Assignee or such nominee as ic may designe�e!n w�i�inp,delivered to and rece/ved b y such <br /> i��,;� , �� lessea or occupant,who is expressly relieved of any and all duty,liab!lity or obligation to the <br />•-�:+;5 Auiynor in respe�ct of all payrnents sa mede. <br /> �l:ofNl�i y <br />. .�I. <br />--��; r Asslgnee shal/be,and hereby is,vested with full power to use all such measures,lega/and <br /> =� �,�!��� �,�] equlrablo,as in ics d/scre�ion may be deemed necessary or proper[o enforce this Aqreernen�end <br /> -=a� to callect the ients,lssues,profits ar�d l�come aesigned hereunder,includJng the rlghi to en�er upon <br />— the preinises and to take possessian thereof,and Asslpnor hereby qrants full powier and aufhority <br /> .• ._ �L_ I__)_'���_ _..�__!_� _II_!�L�_ �._!_.t/������J��'..�_� L�_�!' �__.�.��_.'_. _�J�II�!__�_ L�_� <br /> ��B,T� �u uir�saiyrroe w e�carcroes en riynw,prrv�rayc�ar�v pvwrr�a riarann yrnniav ai tlny auv mi urries rierc- <br />-_'����,, after,without notice to Assignor,with ful/poinrer io use and apply alI of the rents,issues,profits and - <br /> � lncome heieln assigned to rhe pa yments of an y indebtedness or lisbilriy of the Assignor to the <br /> Assigne�e,ln such order es Auignee mey determine. <br /> �� <br /> -----:�.�,� � <br /> -�. <br /> -:�swrr::�=�t=-' . <br />� - NMMr�YiCiA0a6r1/101 <br /> �7. <br /> _y �'F't�= <br />