_—��e �'c� - � � �s�: "ts fy^c _
<br /> �� � =*.�. ... , . . :
<br /> — '^ �;; _,,�. �� . -
<br /> _.— -- -'-�--- ---- - - :.� �- -
<br /> ��ti : - - - ------ -
<br /> �..
<br /> . — - _ : - - -- - - ---
<br /> - -� • - -- -- -- --- --
<br /> ��'47t�' . . _._.__ __ _ ' __—_— . . .�! .,_ . . ' ' � _. ...'. ._T� . '. .
<br /> -- - : _ __ .: . -. . : . : �1-- �: 1�3326t�._ . .
<br /> . . coadmieatiunix al�er talaug of any part of the l�ropertY•or fa conveyanoc in C�eu of candcnuiatiat.arc hercL+Y assi�t��d. < .
<br /> s6ai1 be patl ou I�eo�er. ` ` . :
<br /> Itt tlle event af a mta�taicing a�the Ptoperty,the pRoceeds shaib bG aPPlied m the suats�,�cured by this Se�cucity .
<br /> �t,y��or mt tM�t due.wit6 any exaes�paid ta&snowec. tn th2 evecu af a partial talcing af the�t�erty+n
<br /> which the fair ma�ka ratue of the Ptopeny immediately ixfoce tfie tal�dnb is equal to ar gn�tes thu�che amcwnt of che sums
<br /> — — �b�r t�s�nty_Insduq!ent immtdia�el�fae the tak�ing.�unl�s_B�xinwec�nd 4ender dherwisr agrec in�riting. _, .
<br /> ---- ti�e sum.c sec�red by this 5ecunsy IaSaunienl sh�a i�te�iceA 6y t t��tuw�uf�-p�aoat�5 ma n�ptic��the�a-Ifo�vmg �
<br /> ftactiar. ta)th�Wt�1 amoaJu ot the s�ns serturd imiue8iat��€befare the raking.di�cicied!ry fEr�the fa'u m�rket eahre of the
<br /> ������f����- pTyy�ano�sh�ll be p�id to goaouer. in the event of a pa�tial taking of the
<br /> propertY m whicA the f�ir madcet wrtue o,f the Ptoperty immediatel�r 6efoce the taking is tess than the amount vf the sunLc
<br /> ���iy���q�g,�nkss Bocrow�er and t,ender ottienvise agree in writing ar unIess 3p{�licabte taw
<br /> otlx�wise p�mrides.thc proceeds shatl be spplied W the swoos secured by Ihis Secuiitg tnununent whetlier or nat th�sumc are
<br /> then due. _ _ ; . ._--
<br /> if tlfe Ptope�ey is a6andaned 6y Barower,ot if.�fter tmttce:by-Lcrrder�tn�8+imnwer tAai�the ra�demnar offe�to maice . _
<br /> __- ac�r�d ar s�ttk a claim for damages,.Barrower f�i�to iesRoi�to Lerxi��r withirr�l.��a.�+�aiter.the date the notice is given. --_---i=-
<br /> - --- - Lender is auttiorized W ool[ect ati��pP�Y�P�-atit`s ap�fio�either ta�caLa�z nr repairof fi�e Fmpert}or m.-t?ie�. -��
<br />-_.- ,
<br /> --=- �,;.. � inssnw��whetheroxnat.thendu� . .
<br /> sums sxucod by this Seaiiity ,
<br /> tJ�ks�f,endec'aze��rroweruEf�ent�ise a�te�ut wr�fir�;�-�a�P�su-pcia�ipal'yliall:hac e�iend ae - - -- �--.
<br /> ,_,•postpone-tbed.i�datsafd�.m�nthl}�krmY�ents.mCrnedtuinisarapaphstanc€2archangeti��mvuntofsvchpaymems.. .°. -
<br />":��-_ _ E i.�H a r�f o w e r P T o II R d e a s e d; F o r D n r a a c�.B� L� �ae a.W�ri've: Eatensrort o€ tite ame far payme�n or __
<br /> - ��,`.i;`''<<`•inodi�nn df amotiizap.�af ti�e sums;seritre+��hy�.titis.Secutit�[nsttumertt�!��by L;en�er tn�ay 4�nec+�.wr in�nt,�ce.s� . - -
<br /> .. s..,{ . —
<br /> + ,y:; - af Borivwer s1�lt i�oPe��teta°ce�.s�the iia6ititg'a�tbe_4cigvrax�tiii�r��er�+�Bmm:�rer�sua:c�nr!�in.imes�st:F�t __
<br /> � , ' m=i�i.ar�reiw�;tu�;,.iui.time.ti•�,:�riaentur ��
<br /> ,; r sha11 not 6e t+equiiCd:6�ev%nmern.r"�ing.s a�imt ariY':�T��,: � �esisaRUfa�demaiztl:�b3i ttte ori�"tnal ;_-
<br /> • ' dherwise modify uirotis'xapn4i df f�sdans se�aad:Hy tTeis 5acuuri"�};� � �__.
<br /> �t,.::f• ., Barower a$omovrer's succes5nis iii;�nte�est. AnY t'arbear.msr b�F.ender ia�sinS�Y �F�t or cemedij'shaQ nat be a =---
<br /> ,.i�.i�. . _ . ,._
<br /> �: :� waiver of a preciude tt�e exenise�o�:aay right or remedy. 77ir cos�aanu ancl agreements of this ---
<br /> 12. SWCCe�ors and Assi�.��iftad:Jdat aoud S e�e r a t 4 i a b�i t 7+L�� -.�..�
<br /> - � �ecurity Insuument shall bind anei ben�t the succeswis and assi�s of Lender and Bor�ower,�vbject to the provisions uf �T;.�,:,:-
<br /> ' '-t'` pasagtap� IZ Bonuwec's cavena�s a�d agmements shall6e joint aad seversl.Any Barmtrer wha co-signs this Security �'��d''°"`�,y�--
<br /> �` •`.�:?``:, insaument 6ut does notexecute the l�tate: ta)is co-�igning this Security G�stida%ent ontjr"to'muugage.grartt�td convey that _-:: .�
<br /> " ' ,'. Bamwer's inte�est ia tite�??r�npeny under the temis��this Security Itisuume�=.(61)s nat personalty obligacad ta,�+y�sams � ,. ;-
<br /> �, . y
<br /> secared by this Securif�,��c,situme�t;and(cl ag�es that i.ender actd�at.y ather Barrower may a�ee ta extencl,cnodi •,forbear :.,_ ,
<br /> ` � ' or make any acoommaiations with regard to th��ts of this•�a�urity Instrument or t l� 1 V o t e w i t t t o u s.�9 i a t B o r r o u z rs r�� F -_
<br /> Consenl. • :,'_}. � �; :-'. .. ::''+ �.'. . &►aT1' �
<br /> : 13. Laa�n C6ae�es��;1f the tdan secuned b}:�as S��'tq��'��a.��ufnent is tiublect to a law..��ich�:.�;j�a?e!rtz� � _
<br /> � h ' charges.and that laNr i.�;�z�11y interpireted so that:`2�fte r�aterest or 6iter laan charges caltecteA�L:�i�so���E��s�ebttre�cT�err�; e
<br /> _�. t'�:: ' • with the loan eaceed t�te.p��nitted limits.then: l��a.��sueb Ioan charge shall be reduced by in.:aaunatic�ee��ary ta ra�l�at ���41•
<br /> , ,,, �r��r�n��s��:� � __
<br /> _�:,,. the chargc ta the pemii"n¢t�?a�:�it:aad 4�1,�Y sums aiready coilected fram Batrawet which esc�eded perai � - .-
<br /> :;`,t;` nfunded to Bortower. i;ent6�rstt::a c�nvse to matce this refund by KdacinS the ptincipal 0���1 axi�':r the Note or by mal�p�� r�--,ti
<br /> : ? ;� � direet payment to Bomaari. If`a��"ec,�d reduces principab the r�eduetian will be ueazed aY��.caenl PmpaS'ment without s.�,y �'° �
<br /> � .'�;. .� Prepaymentchargeu��?�:ztheNate."'�" " ' ' ' ��-'��-_
<br /> �'� � 14. Noticts. A�n:notice co Borro�ti•er pravided far in ihis Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it ar by s� ,:-
<br /> .:��:`� �•.��
<br /> • � �.'� � mailing it by fmt clacssnail unlesc appfieabte!aw requires use of another method.The notice sha116e directed[o the Property _
<br /> T . •.?_��..i .
<br /> ` ` .• Addr��m�2ny other addr�ss BarroKer de�.ignates by natice to Lender. Any noticr to Lendet shall be given by first cta�.y `;:; ,
<br /> ���`�:; = ':;; estamB�xa��3er?�addreyc.r�Ated henin or any ather addrcss I.ender designatet by notice to 8orrow�er. Any notice pravid�d for ,, ' ���� �
<br />��' '. �,-� �` , t .9n thia;�ecurity Intttumem shall be deemed ta have been given to Barrowcr or Lendcr when iven�� rnv�ded in dhis ":: "'�`.
<br /> ^ $ P �•:c.��.,,,..:_
<br /> r . . , • � .::�:_°•.._
<br /> '- ��'•;.: .�' �g15�Governitlg l.a�r;Serentbility. This Security instrument�hall b�govemed by fcdera) law atM the taa• of,r� . ��-:,.�:F..' t_.
<br /> � ",-:" , jurisdiction in whicfi th�Praperty ic tocated. ln the evem tha�uny provisiva.Ar,�tautie af this Security Inct�eurt.nt or the�:±Y;' �; ,
<br /> . � :��!. canilicts with applieabte law.such confti:t shall not affect ather proyisios�r'�f xC�is Security In�trument oz ahe I�ivte which e�rt : �.:. � . .•.
<br /> "� be given effect withaut�he cnnilid:i tOY/tit0(!. TO llll�C(ld�Y��o�j�R��p��t1 SPC{Ib61}IliSUUiJ1C3'�4:E17l�'1hC N��,�i:�itz' ,
<br /> , i�. �fl i.;. �;,. .., . ..
<br /> `';, �:� declared ta be severabto. � • .'- ` ' ° , .. .
<br /> � z< 16. Borrowet's Copy BaTrower st�all be given one caryt��rnte�,�.'o�y%n'�t.���t�ote and a����:Security Instrumea� ;�;.:•
<br /> "�" - 17. Transftr otthe Property a'a Benelicis►3laterest i.n;(�c+r�ower.:�ttf�f�sor any,pan�flhe Roperfy�'Qr any interest!in :�,_
<br /> it is sold or transferreQ fpr if a bencficial intcrc��s era 1��^'owef.���old or tr��frtred and Harrawcr is t�'o['te i�atural person) `'. ,y}� , -
<br /> " without I.ender�prior written cansent.i.ender iir�-,�:"�i:�at*:u�n:r:�uire imtnediate puyment in full of fiT!?sglzros�ecured by _
<br />_t� . :;' thig Security instrumem. Howevcr.�hiy e�ption�ha�C irs�.:�'�eu"i�r�a,�3�by Lcnder if exefcisc ic pmhibitcd!�;'�f��ral taw a�of
<br /> the dar�of this SeCUdty fn�tnimea�. ';�;:":. ,��• , . , ,
<br /> � '�f},ender exerrises this aption.l.enciCr tihall.�::�::�Soir�s�t��s?rtotice af acccleratinn. 'fhe nntice shali p:�vide a pe�f�►et�qf.
<br /> . � ; not fess than 3p day�from the date the notice iti f:���'�ict1 or maited within which t3orrowet must pay ail;uhjs,�ccurcd hy thi�
<br /> `.° ,.•, "��;� . .•, Security Insirument. If Borrawer sailc to pay tGa:ti.�Unn prior t�ihc�x�ir�tion ��i Ihi�perind,�:nc�:r pi�y invuke any �
<br /> ± • �i:;t,;`., r���ies permitted by thi�Security l��trumcnt a•jGmut funher naticc ar deman+l'qn Anrrou��,: �; ;':•�` ,.� " �
<br /> . .� � . .. � �& Borrower's RiR6t to Relnstate: If Borraa•cr mecty ce�tain c��n�liii_.is�4. 8��ftti�u�:r';�i�all huve thr right io.ftur•C � . ;;•�;�. . f .
<br /> .�• � .
<br /> . t.,. .�„: • enfpn:ement of this 5ccurity In�trument diycontinucd a�.my timc prior tci�i1�I:arii��r�>f;,.�ini fi.�iuy�.l�r such othcr ptnsH�:.;�:.�...:: ;� , � .
<br /> . ��� .�'', , � Single F�mity-•Faaak SfurlFrY!ldlc tlac I"Vli'UN1f L'1ti i7it'111i�4'r•-t����!li%in2•�ncnanW,9ilN�'l�uxv 4�,/6 piteru . . '. " L
<br /> ' ,y 1. r�,• . .. 1 . . '' �1y:
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