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<br /> .- � .. � -, : �. � - , - � -g1..�-` �.i�3264 - .
<br /> � ta�r iasy��or�)berd�r_s.4 aE me Ropenr`Qui�w�t�o anx po+ker of si�le oonrsinea in d� ' � �
<br /> _ � '� �e�y ol a dnta�n�etis Security.Ie�anmL 7'ho,s�CaW�uao9 m tb�Bor�vwer: {a) �
<br /> � .�lustnm�:or(6� I�P� ��nt and the Note as if ao acceleraoon[1ad
<br /> Qajrs Ldndee d!aaas �fiish d�en would.be�e wKks dt�SecuritY s ali ex incurttQ in enfocsing ttis Secueiq� �
<br /> occueec�N)��Y��of any vtt�caYea�otaa ag�amentx tc)WY P�s
<br /> ! but not linuoed to�;_teasoa�abk attocneYs�[as:atd.(d)t�ces.such actio�at�ende�tnaX�soo�t�r
<br /> . � `��--�-�—��4�lim u€ttis-S�ltri��•��tigbts in t6e Pmpeny atd Bonawer�oNigatian w D�Y�
<br /> �-�z ...._ --- -�-t��-�'��—-_ �—
<br /> �u socuRed bY ttis Secauiry Inttnm�eac-s�--ioe�i�ue-�f�P� - -
<br /> Ias�an�eat�+d tbe obii�am�ecu�d�eiehsr sM1t nmai�t td�Y eRecavt ac i�na aecekruion h�d occutt,e� .However,t�is
<br /> �iaht Eo t�ei�mt�te s1�II uot�pply i!�t�ptst of aceekr�tiae�mder p�ca8capb tT. with this Secvtity
<br /> 1! S�k d NNe;Ci�lt at l�ara Serric�..'i1►e Nate a a puti�intaest in�he Nas(tagaAer
<br /> instnimant)nwY be aoW ane or nwct times virit6out pior mtia ta Bomower. A sak mag[esutt i.n a cbaage fa tht eatity
<br /> , • . (imown as the"L�ServiceP)th�t'cei[ac�teoruhlY p�Yme�s due wd��ihe Note aod this Socur►tY tasuu�nt- '�eK also .
<br /> msY 6e me a mae ctao�es of the Lo�n Seivica uontaud to a sak of tAe Nat� if tt�as is a choege of�ta�. '�e maoe�
<br /> � BQ/ONll WIU bE�YC[I WIIRED IIOfKC Of tliC CAiO$C 18 iQC0i�i1f00 VYtt1t�7Q�t IA�OyG iOd a��
<br /> . - . �rilt s�e dje�e�addness of tAt newl�a Se=vicaer and tl�e ad�ess ta which y�►Ymmis sf�o�id be mad� 'f�oatice v�n7t
<br /> _ ` �lsoco��agatheriT�im�noncequirodbY�pplic�t�tw. . --- -- - -. .___.-..-:_.- .- _
<br />— �.Nase'io�s 3�fa�s. Bbnrovirer shail nat¢w�:dc Qclmit the peestroe,usc.di�*s�a'+S�•or tekase of any
<br /> - _ '�Sy6stanoes on ar in tlie�'mpe�►. Bqm+ar��it..tto�do.r��Ilow auya�e eLse to d�anYt�n�afFecnnB thG
<br /> _ - �� ...-.P�opaty tMt is in violatiat of any Envito�u�:fiw�:`'L1�prore+didg taro sentences slmli not apply w tbe p[e.seoce.use.a - -- -
<br /> :'storage on the PmpenY of sm�ll qwnatieahf Hi�rduus Substa�oes�tt�at aez gener�llY ro�g������to namiat -
<br /> u zesiderq�l uses sad to.m�inten�aca ofth��. -------
<br /> -_-�_ : �� ` Bona�ra slu�ll pmmptiy Bive t�nderwritt�Qolic�eof aay Inve�igation.ctatm,demsnd.:lawsuit or aher action by ti►y --_----
<br /> - gavamnent�l ar regulato�►aB�Y I� P�Y Ha�:Substa�ce ot Enviion�l =---
<br /> uc vahe fm�otviu�t6c Propat}±and a� .
<br /> . ae u
<br /> � - Law of wUicd Baravver hac actuat imawtedg� If Bocmvrer�ot is ttoti6ed,.:i�Y �X-Sovertuneatal or �egWatarlt _-_
<br /> rt. ..
<br /> z� satLo�itY,tiw anY��'�1 a aqKr�anodiatioa okaaY S�a�s���.�°8��Y,��•Bariuwer ---
<br /> abt11 gtbd�ptty-Wce all naeesst�►��actioas in aoc+�w�flln�l.aw. • '. ;.. " . _ _
<br /> • As osod in this{z�g�aph 20.„Nar8dou4 SuHstaases"ace�tb�'subsqoces deftned as nalicicnr•t�idous:sili�qnoe�fr7F��';: _
<br /> g,uvirooqa,�tal Law and the following substaace� $asc�W�(�•�flammabte ur rn�cic�miieurrt:Piae�s,bba►� �" "�
<br /> - : pesac�s:and ixib'�eWes.volatila.so[veras,ma�eriats.,.cc±n�ni�-:��os or fortnatdelsye�a'onwherelhc ve u►ate�iaLs�.��s .� �`'� ,
<br /> aijd r�diaacfi is iora'�,.�. .���.`'
<br /> usad'tti t�§pa�a�raph 20."Fnvironme�at Law"mea�s fedetal lavvs and Taws of the jurisct� . �Y �:..>�.�= -
<br /> au --
<br /> . : :C�i3L CCT.�UD IIC8�tI1.S�E�Y df CQVItOQtOC�t3I Q[OCCCt10I1. , :>*:_ti�a._:
<br /> �f +�'ri
<br /> �� ;:4*�jQA,ik'.:�Jj1]]�j�l(COVENANT$-.$0[iOWCF alid LeRdCL fUfttlCt CoY�ABiIt��$t�8s fO�ta�a BCK�lP' - -
<br /> .7 � `- .; " ", s;:�, �sakr�tioi:Rea�ediea l.esdes sh�ll give aotke to Baeroxer s '� --
<br /> tn aefeti�atios undec P�a�SPb 17 u�'''Y,. -
<br /> .$�a;t�'any ooveaset or s�pneeKat in tidc Secarity tnstrru�eat(bat eot D� D�vrhicb tUe defaull mast be
<br /> { ;,��applicaMe law provides atMenvlse). T4e�iaitic�e sluU speci�Ys (a)tUe ddaa�ih t�?�t�tea�tion reqatred!o core tLe _
<br /> de�sWt;tN�dste.nat le�s tlw 30 daps trom ti�e ifate tbe�otice is�tre=��'rt,� -rn
<br /> � . Ared•s��d)ttiat failYe+e to CYCe tll!defaYTt ui or 1ldo1Y tlle dste�.m►;tQ�iC�1flsy[lsOlt Ia�s00�kr11tb�10� 5+,.�r
<br /> tUe s�secured by thb Secaority Lstrataeat�.snk at tLe Froperty. �e�ofla sMa�furtrar iafa�iii Soeruwet d. ��..� -
<br /> ?� - t6e�E q r�eiactate�fttr scaleratioio�aud tbie i�t to bri�lgs murt ad�to�ert ihe��on�e�oe a�A Aefsult or. �,�����
<br /> r"� any all�et ddeme n[8oerawer ta ac�ek�adaEn stni�ss� N tT��defsWt is not cure�oK oi Defae t6e date speciBe�t ia . � __
<br /> �� msy reqdire immedistte pAymont b fM of all sums secured by this Secadty Inslrameitt ,' �
<br /> - tAe tatice,Leade�at its opNon icabk hw '�°'a'��:`:�`�
<br /> wtWoat[urther demsnd aed may in�dce�+e pb!�er of s�k and ant wlKr remedks Peemitted b9 APW '`� ':'_•°-''.
<br /> � '.. l.eedes s6a11 be estitkd to colkd all expeases(ncorred in pursuiu�the remedies provided in thls paragraPh 21. ;',.':: -
<br /> ::-;:,
<br /> , , � includiQ�,bat not limited t0.re�onabte attorne'ys'tees and casts of tilk evideaca . , -_
<br /> �� It tbe poaer.d a�k i�lnvoked,Trystee slwll record a noiice of deftwl/iQ each coanty in wbich aay part ot the ,,,. . ,`_-
<br /> property is loqted�shall m�W ca�iies af such aotice in the manner prescrlbed by applicable law to Borrower snd to •. °.��` z--
<br /> 7Yustee shaN 81ve puWk �7.:....: :_-__
<br /> t6e dAer peeso�s Pracribed b9 pDPi'�6�e la�:�Uter the titne required Ay applkable law, ,:. ' �
<br /> � " aofke at ask to tYe persons and ini�e:awnn�r.presc�ibed bY APP�ic�6k law 7lrusteR withoat dem�nd on BormMer, �. . _ _ ;
<br /> �� `,;, .�:,.�_-. .
<br /> ;: a6a0 sdl the Properts'at pu6lic swr�TdA to the higtust 6Wder at t6e time and place aad oeder the tenns desi�ated in �� ;f t.`;;'. .'..'�-=
<br /> Sj ' +. ' -'���.' t6e notice o�sAle to oae or mare�Is p e d i n n n y o r d e r 7 l r u s t e e d d e r m i n e s. 7 l r u s t e e n w y p o s t p o n e s a k of all or an y _.,;_
<br />_ ` ` � ��;,� :�'r;., pauooei:p[.t6e Propert7 bY Pub}ic.�ma!¢�tfcement at t6e time ar+d�face ai any p�eviousty schtdukd s�k. l.ender m tts � �_ :
<br />;;;"r."': �. {° . � �s rchsse t6e Peop�t!�:attany sak. .,. .{�:-'
<br /> " �'�•.� . y P� 61d,7lrustce s1�ID dMliver to the purchage�7Yasta's dad conveying tt�e :. �-�,:.
<br /> .. ,r`•'."�, .; Upaa receipt ot pAyment oC t��1ce � . __
<br /> �., �..- :property. The recitaL�in the 7tasta's deed�ili d�e priroa facie evidence a(tbe truth af the st�temeats tnAde therei�drr . .:. -
<br /> ., 71�psta sbs0 apply the praaed9 0�the sak;eia r�1pe f�6lllowing ordes: (al to all costs and expense�ot exercisin�the pqwre
<br />' , ;" _ �.. ' � �
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