�� , . .�.. -- : _
<br /> _ .Q. -x• .k ' r•- ' • . ' �:�3_�
<br /> ' _"ti - ',�o ,Cir: _ . . .
<br /> r.a� _ ',� " _ _ _ _ . :. . .— -- . . �� — . _. -_ _
<br /> -_ �'X: � _ - � .. c... : " ._. _ _. � : � . - � ' .
<br /> . .. <:. - :. .
<br /> . �;_.. .
<br /> - _
<br /> t . _ _ � � ��-.: �1�32G� � �, �
<br /> . . �; _
<br /> . e plriod��tlat I+tede�zequv�es- 'tl�r.itnur�t�caaier p�widing the in.auancr sJ�at�bt chkgett by$aaa�war subject W l.eQdet3
<br /> apprr►val which stVit'nat 6a su�easan�bt9 vritb6eid. If Borro�Ser faits to niaieaine vo�+�eragc descn'bed abovk I:ender m�Y•�t
<br /> �r�da s opt�p�,ob�aia co�rm�e to p[�Ka,�t I.rn�et§rigMs in t6e Ptope:ty in accoidat�ce with pr�gr�ph 7.
<br /> . - Al!insunece polxiesand ra�ewals sh�ll be xcept�abk w Ltnder and shali incinde a stuidard mtxtgage ctmue: tender
<br /> s6alf hsve the rijht to hoid tde policies and renewals. If l.eedes roqdlres.B4�wer shall ixumP�tY Sive w Lender�lt raeipts
<br /> _ � _. _ --�e�-���enewal�odices:_In tUe eve�of Ioss.Borrower_shall�ive�t.►pt notice�_��'u�surance avr�er and�--� _ —_
<br /> _ Lmder. t�ende�r msY make P�f of i�is$if tfo�t-in�-��y'����. � —� • .
<br /> Ueless Le�der and 8orrowec abernrise a�nee in wnting.msar.�rtce Pracad�s�be sppiied to nstaratia��sepa'sc of
<br /> th�p�pM9 darw�ed.if the restaatidn ot reQair is ecouomicalt�r fe�sible and Lend`er's secuiity is a�ot tesse� If the.
<br /> �or repair�S nat awaomicattY fa►�ibtt or l.a�dor�securiry wauld be lessene�the insur•u9c�c pmvceds s6all be
<br /> ap�teed to thc swus sec�tued bY this Seauitg larnunxnt�wt�tber or not then due.with any eace�s paid to Bomarver. If
<br /> BaRaw�r a6�tdoas t�PcopeRy.or daes not answer within 3f?days a notice fcom Leeder�hat the insurar►ce cazriec has
<br /> offaed w seuk a c�iat.th�n Lenckr may cotkct tfie insur�nct pcoc�eds- Lender may use tiu proceeds to npair er nstae
<br /> t6�Prope�ey or tap�y s�uns sauiad by this Sauciry Iiuuunxnc,wTiether or not�hrn dac: The 30-ciay paiad witt begin when -
<br /> -_-- ti�notioe�s girea _ _ • - - -— ---
<br /> --=-- Unkss l.ender and Borrower otherwise agret in vvriting.any application of 'to pnmpal shall aot extand� -
<br />- _ . p�tpone the dae dau of the monthIy payments ceferrcd to in paragraphc!and 2 or chaage the anwoat of the payments. !f
<br /> -_-_ under paeagcaph 21 the Prapefly is acquired islr�.ender.Bormwers right io any iasurrnce:policie.c and pmceedc resWting ;__ •- . i��__
<br />--��`°:` fram damage w the PropenY Pnor m the aaquismon sball pass to I.ender to the eatent of the sums seciued by this Security .
<br />:'�;:`' insuua�kat�iately priorto the acquisitian. . '. � _-
<br /> �:;�`. 6► Uec�pwc�;Pre�e#v�on, Maiateaau�ti a�td Protection d t6e Fr.opi�ty: Borrovra's Loss;�{1Plkatian;. _-
<br />,-:x;,:_, �.�,�_ _-
<br />_ - E�oidi. Botmwec s6�:qcc�y-establish,and use tbe ProperiY as 8otrawer's p�ine�pal residence within siicty�days . _W_
<br /> �"'� d�eaecution of this Se�w�ii�:��avment and sl�at!+eo�rtinue to oec.-upy tfie E*mpe�t.ac Sorrowerfi prineipai res$der�ee fac ac , ��_�--_
<br /> -_- 'kast one yeu aRer tt�d3te of accapancy, untess'i.e�xler athe�wise•a�rees-ur writing. which cansent.siiall Rot be -_-_--_
<br />-_=-=`= waeasonably withheld.or 6niess exte}�uating cin�unnstauces exist wlnch a�r beyond Barcaweris control. Borrower y-flarli ttaE __-
<br />�==?r • destroy,dunage+nr impair tTtc:Praperty,altow ihe,Pnopecry to deteriorat�or commil:ivaste on the P�aperty. 6artuwe{�aAai{.. __;-_
<br />"'';' '� 6e in defaWt if an fafeiture actial or prueeedin�,w(tet�r civil or criminal'is.begun that in I.erider's good fudt��Cnt -----
<br />=�. . y �'�jfY'�
<br /> �°" cauW eesult io forfeimre af the Hnperty a otherwise materially impair the Gen c�eated by this Security InsAsi�ent or �,n�
<br />:«.N. t . vided in IS.b causing ttie actioa ` yoK;
<br /> :;:��, :
<br /> t�ender s security inte�est. BarroWre�may cure soch a defactfl and��n�5wte,as,�no � F�B�Ph Y ���'�i�•���.
<br /> �<<;� , or pticetding ta be dismissed with a niliag tbat.in Leader's good faith detemtination.prec tu d e s f o r f e iture of the Borrowers •-:�N.�.;;..�_..
<br /> .�..., interest In the propecty or odt�r.mzterial impainuent of the lien created by this Securiry Insttument or Lenders security ',.: �. �F..
<br /> ,,,.,.,,,,.
<br /> . - interest. Bormwer sha11:,3�:�e in defaW� i€ SarmWer.during ihe loan,application pracess. gave materially false or •:_�:�' a�_,-
<br /> ' . i�ecurate infonnation ors�'t��ua�nts to l.erxkr(or far�'a+o provide l.ender arith any matetial information)in connection with ��-'`�' �
<br /> ' the loan evidenced by tir,�;�te, incla���_but not��ited to, representations conceming Barrower's occupancy of the ,t����`'�� _.
<br /> �,�'��''r.� Qroperty as a�7c+acipal residet�4�:���nty instnr�ent is on a fe��hold Hmmwer shall compty witt�alt the Provac�ons � e
<br /> J�' of the[ease:;i�f�vrrower s�s fe�a�r,��e Pr+npecty,the 1eau�v�Ji�:`�ia�the fee title shall nai merge unte�s Lender ugre�s ";�.r�+„�._
<br /> i:7,p*,'., ?�F„• , ,. : �_,. . . . ; ,; �
<br /> „ � LO the mCI'ge�s�[wifling.; , . , >. < . �S:. ' �'�. , ro
<br /> � f � ° ff�arr.� �`Faz�=�a��erform the covenants aad a�cajs'r � ., �. .
<br /> 7. Protedion of.����i the•�� w�-.. �`' �;:.�W � -
<br /> - 1��._.. . •
<br /> _ ' � cot►tained it� ihis Secun���.�:?ir_'�•w?:c'(ete is a 4�.�� aceedin that 5 icantl affeet Lenders ri�it�;�;�� , `, _ ..
<br /> P� S �'::� Y . , , �l a"?':
<br />�yirt f : + �►Pe�Y(�uch as a procc�c,,p���'l�Yu:p.'1..."f,j1i013'dt�t DS,.ondemnatian or farfeituze or ta enfacre laws or regu.i��►-rzti� '�t�7=:-,;:"•,:.' y,; ,; _ ,
<br /> r? � y, ;' l.ender may do su�d pay fdr w�raietie-c.,r�.�tiary to�`�'tect the value of trie Properry und Lender!c rightv in tfn:Fr+��i�;: :. , � .
<br /> ..-rs•� � .-.�' i :
<br /> _<«, � Lenderk actions may include payin�,��:�ir,.s,s�cured�y a lien whicb has prioriry over this Security Ir4ctrume.r�.�ug ,:�•�'
<br /> �s�
<br /> Y in couA.Paying reasanabte at*t�^,: b .�s�a�sd e�nterir�an the Property to make rcpairs.Although Lender may ia.�Cr actior� . . . � � �:. •.`..
<br />-:,:,��•,., � �,� ,�,� . . •
<br /> �r,. ' ;under this parapaPh 7.lxc�ii�ruaes not hatie ta do so;.. .��� . . ��•_
<br /> ' � ' Any amounts disbus�!;�u i.ender under thi��a�.���?fi 7�ha(1 6ecome aQQifiana)debt of Borrower se:.u�ed by this �'''•. _
<br /> .� • Security fnst�umen� Unless�orrawer�nd l.znder a���b�;t��r�esrns df payment�tt�ese amount�tifiall t�ear int�mst fram the , ..,,: _
<br /> ��4�` '' date of dis�i►m�tqnt at ihe Note rate and shall be p'a j°a�}:�i:th:cr=u�sN upan rtuli�e f4om Ixndc:aw Rarrower reyuesting _
<br /> � iJ ' �.._.. . . : . �: ' �; '� -:=::..,''� ' . ;. -
<br /> 'if,;S;2";_ '�. � � �ymg�����,��� If Lender required�rr�r+'�age i�t�a:�+�r as u cdndi�inn of ma�iing i�ld��ured by this ,., -
<br /> - ' ., •.Socuriry f;�,c��nt:�a.�^:���.shall pay the premiucr,:a�,,,:sred to�maintain the:martgs►ge in.surancc in cffect. 1�,for any �i::, ,
<br /> . ' h P 't,�:,� ;
<br /> ' �s ; -:r-rv...��--an,��:����n's:r:�ase covcrage required.E-�lx.�^der lapses or ceas���ta be m effect. Barrower.s �1t ay the �'�
<br /> r.,:i
<br /> � }x '."�iu�d:::;�;�ui��to a:+�:�ni�raverage suintantialiy.�;��:°�a�tcm ta the mortgagc insurance previously in efYtc�.• at a wst `�� .�, .
<br /> `� � ' . • " � nce revioust in effect��i���an altemate mortgage .
<br /> - {,. . �,r;,�u�;il1`3;.�qmrvatent to thc cost ta Borrower of the mon�,age�n ura p y .
<br />� ° -ia.�s�y���✓ed by Lendei. If cubstantiaUy cyaivalent�mortgage insurance coverage is not s►vaant�l�.Borrawer shall pay to �� , ,:�;,�
<br /> ' 4�eedcr e�cT�month a gumeyual to anc-twclfih af chc}�arly mortgage insurance prcmium t�eing.ptud by Borrower when the V . •;_ -_�
<br /> " ' � s�surance coverAge lapscie�cceascd to be in cifect. 1,�:rlti:�:wil1 arcept.use and retuin these pay�ie�t�a,a a tvvs:resetve in lieu
<br /> � msunince
<br />_t` �• of mortgage insurancc. l:ass reserve payments may;cr�'ti�^�cr pe requircd,at tho��ptlon ai l:en�(�r..�f irt�:�_s,�e' .
<br /> cavetage(az i8r.amoua�:u�d fi�r the periqc!that Lcnder t��ircw��S:av�Eded by an int�urcr approy�s.bv l.cndCr mg�cn.6cromcs �:-.
<br />;`°;;;:�_: . � .:
<br /> ,, avuilAble a�ai•L�mblained.Barrawer shali yray�he premiurr�requ�:JYO,inainu�in murigttge iaruraarce in etfect.or ta pravidc s�'' �., •,,_,�:
<br /> .',,i� IOS9 fCSC11��unt.i�the requiremem for moAgAgc insur.�nce ends ln accesrdancc with:�ny wntten ug�temem between Borrow�x �.
<br /> .' � , ,. , �
<br /> �.��..�" . arxl Lenderv,r:g�iicahle law. ' ' �'�';�'.> '�
<br /> - ��r 9 1�;�+�a�er<�r ita�gent may makc rcutiunablc cmricy upan und in�pccUun�af thc Property. Lendcr tihall . , .. '4;;:;i;;�.,• •.
<br /> �;. givc HorroR�rcrnt:ir,�'a:�"��`�:��:me c�f or prior to an inrpcctian�pccifying rca+�mablr cautc fur thc inspcction. '-',�;{'�.�•.",,',�•:` �
<br />' �1i � � e�< 10 �•�e pnxeeati uf any a�vard or rluim fi�r dams�gcx,direci��r camequcntial.in rnnncc�ian with any '•�;??:+
<br /> � : . ,..
<br /> I 4.' ���' , 5,�...
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<br /> �i ' �`�e 'c .i��}c.:i
<br /> , . .� '�.1� l. ,: '�1YaitL"1�H$Itl1EHB��Ullm:hM'� -5'f�.--
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