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��xri.m.�_.b_._��� ..�. _. _ . .. I . _ .. ,. . � - ,. . .� _�'�'r'.::�1'w':i.=�.— _.. <br /> . . . 93- � �oml��► --. <br /> . ���� <br /> , �n�a�T.��rnt��,e.d..�MC�our.dw. 26TH �y pf APRiI � 9a�.3,_..�M <br /> � _ _ —.. ... . ,�w'rM`�i7�iiv� ..�w.„.�wy�w.�.J-�_ �C��y� ���1��1't.Q.�1lY�����R!!!���!!�a� •_ --- <br /> �������� „w �M M����wA � �11�{����Afil �1ww�if���p�NRI�.N� 1 W�� <br /> � �rrow�r'��n�f�dnNS�hMNn�ft�►r�hrnd b a�tM"Nob"�to HOIAE REDEFtAL BAVINQB AND LOAN A6SO�CIATION� • <br /> QRAND 18LAND,MhIn�R�►nhn�d to a�tl»"6�nd�r".of th�t�n�d�b�nd oow�1�W th�propuly d�arib�d In tA�i�orrlty <br /> Instfwl�Mlt Ilnd IoQ�f�d it: <br /> 325 WAIMtlRIGHT, GRA(� ISLA(�. NE6RASKA 88801 <br /> — — IPrap�ly AdarMSl <br /> WITNBSSEIH: <br /> WHEREAB.BorrowK�nd l.�ntMr haw�pread that amr arrt�and proflls�ttMbutabl�to th�prop�rt�r shouW e�tltut� <br /> addltional s�ourity to tlf�L�MNr fot th�p�ynwnt of th�Not�; <br /> NOW.THEREFORE,It Is�prMd that th�S�auriry Instrument eh�ll M�mendsd h�nby�nd dNm�d to Includ�tM tollowlnp <br /> P�� <br /> �, ��Iqp���nts�nd Landar Rantal Coltectlort Rlahfs.BOt�owYr hereby�bsoluhly and uncOndltlon�lly�Ipns�II <br /> hnU, Is�u�s and prollta ot th� prop�rty to 8�n�flolary. I.ender sh�ll haw th� �ipht, pow�r and authorlt�r durinp tA� <br /> contlnu�nae of tfw.S�aurlty Instrum�nt to coll�ct th�nnt�,isews a�d prof1U of the prop�Ry and of any p�rsonMl•prop�rty <br /> low�hd 11��on wlth or without t*klnp po��suton of ths p►opsrty aH�cbd hsaby.I.,�ndrr,howsva.A�r�by cone�MS to <br /> �___ ___�— BonQw►er's colMotlon and r�t�ntton of suoh r�nb.issues and profits�e thsy�coru��d hecam payabl�.w lonp��Bar►ow�r <br /> � . is not,�t such tlm�, In d�fault with n�p�ot to payment of any Ind�bt�dn�as oeaurod h�rabq.or In th�p�norm�ot any <br /> " Wi►M�I��nt h�nundn. . ' <br /> Q, ��nnolntmant ot Rsasivsr.It any evsnt of dsfault in rsepect to the Seaurity Inatrumsnt e�ail'havs occune4 Mnd b� <br /> aontlnulnp� L�nd�r,�t� matter of r�pht and without�otloe to Borrowsr or�nyone clalminp under Borrow�r, a�d without <br />_ npud to th�wlw of th�trust aet�ts or ths Inter�st o}th�8orrow�r thsnl�,sh�ll have the dpht b apply to�ny courY havinp • <br /> - Jwi�dlotlon to�ppolnt�noNver of th�p�ape►ty. � <br /> -- — 9, Riaht to Posassslon.In o�s�of d�f�ult In ihe p�yment of the satd prinalpal Note or Intereet,or any p�rt theroof,ae N <br /> �h�ll m�tun,or In th�aase of fallurs to kesp or perfonn any of the aovenants or aQreem�nte contalned le fh�Sscurity Instru• . <br /> nNnt,tfNn ths L�nder, Its�uccs�wrs or asalans, ehall he and te hereby authorizad end empqwered to t�ke Imm�dlate <br /> po��don of th�sNd pr�mlNS thanin d��a�ibed and to colleot tho rants th�nirom.And to apply the proas�d�th�r�of to the <br /> paynNnt of tM Not�. . <br /> �' 4. Aoolle�tlon ot Rents.ieeues and i�►oiiis.Aii rente aaiieoied by i.endar or fhs r�eivbr aii&ii inl e�ipN�Nrei to poy�i <br /> =f� of ths coets of manapsment of ths propany and colleotlon of rents,Including,but not Ilmlted to,�ecelvsr'e feas,premlums on <br /> rsadvsr's bonde ond reasonabl�attorney's fees,and then to the eume seaured by the Seou►Ity Instrum�nt.l.snder and th� <br /> �ao�iver�hall bs H�bk to aacount only for those rents aotually recelved. <br />