— .�.
<br /> � p� . , : _
<br /> �Af;:� � . '�� :1,�,,<�• V - - -
<br /> � � : .
<br /> , , _ . �
<br /> . _.. ..
<br /> ;.= _ . .. „ . -- - - � - -- - - _ --- __- _
<br /> _ — r_:-�- - ----
<br /> •- — -- --
<br /> =;��r-- .._._.__� ..._ -- - - . . .. . _ _ _ .--_ - - - -- --�
<br /> -- . . : - - - _ ,
<br /> �3��'*.i`:- : �&r.:. . :' . . . . 4A _� . ����^r��. - c � � . � . ,.
<br /> a�rr.rlrl� , . . . � - � i�E." �.� -� 3�v9�� � + . i���"1����. .-.
<br /> �.��cd aioMhh►inst�ltment iba items(�?:lb).ru�dtcl sMll cquat aie•twdith cf thc�aewi!anwi+4t�:as re�►tstia�ted -
<br /> — �y Lender.i�iw�u►atn�wnt�utti�ent to n�intria aa�Qdi�ioeat bal�nce of not n�oce�han c��si�th ot the estinWated�mount�•
<br /> 7'he fuit uiatW at�wunt tot e�ch item shafl bt accunlulated by Lender within a period ehdln��e manth betaa�a iteAf woul�
<br /> b�cotee delie9ucN.t�ndet chall hald the imoudt�colbaxed ta truu to p�y item�ta�.tal.�d�tcl bctcxe thaY baotat delinQurnt.
<br /> If u aay time thc total of the qYm�ts field by t,ender for items(�),@?.and tcl�t�eti�er w�3th tlie futu[e moatWy pay�aenta
<br /> for such Items puyabk taLende�priet to tiK due dates of aurh.itans.exuceds by more than one•sixth ehe estimated a�ount
<br /> - -- - --- — - - - - r....i�:.�,..��t,...�
<br /> --
<br /> : --__' p���_.[� -
<br /> - U�«�3UC�i��QIlf W�t���i"DII"f�1C�O�C�[C�E�� �ii ataru�a�u.i�ua.� - --
<br /> - ciie access ovtr ane-sixth of ihe eui�ated�SY�ents or ciedit We exass oYer onasiuth of ths estimated p�ymcnts to aubsequtnt ---- -
<br /> - psyments by Boaovru,u the optioa o!�onavrer.li the total of the ps.yments made by Bortower for ium(a),(b).or(ry
<br /> = Is Insuftident co pay the item whea due,tl�en SoROwer s6�11 pay to Ltnder any amount necessary to make up the deficieacy
<br /> on or 6eforo the d�te the item ba�omes due.� . ____
<br />_"- As used in this Security[nstrutaent,"Secretary"meyms the Sectaa*Y of Housiaa aad Urbu►Devetopment or his or her
<br />-_ - datgaoe.Most SavritY inttrnments iasured by the SeccetarY are iasund uqder progcams wWch require advancr Ds►Yment of
<br />- __ the entirc mortaag�e insu[aoc�premium.Jf�his secudey iastrument is or was insure�!under a pro�ann wbich aid noc rwuire _
<br /> =— . --�r�p�9�tafinem�mo�t�einsurano�Premiu�°,theneacfimontistg�syme�tstsalt��eather('Zi aaiestaitment �==- -___-
<br /> [
<br /> of ti�e aan uai mort8pge insuranx prem[um to b�paid by Leader to tLr Seattary.or(u�a nsanthty cGarg�instc�d of a marcg�ge ---- -
<br /> em
<br /> iasurauoeD�vm if this Sesuriht Inmumeat is heW try the Sacretan►-Fach maatblY ins�llmeat of the mortgage insurance ���-.��.-
<br /> gcsmium shall be in an atuoum suftideflt to avcumntate the full anana[mortgage insiva�nor premi�u with LQndar one maatL� � � _
<br /> prior to tIK date tht fWt annuat mottgage insurutae Premi�a►is due to�x SecretacY.or if tJ�is SecaritY tnsfrumau is heid _
<br /> by the Saccet�Y.a�cb moathIY chuge s�ll ix ia an amount eqnal w one twe[fth of onNhalf paoait af the o�tandinS priaaD� -,.�-...._�-�--�
<br /> -- balance dut on tise Not� - ,�� . ".::��t�-
<br /> -- ;;=.:; �`*�.*mem,Borrawer's account s6a11
<br /> ��� �' • If Horruwec,tend�i�b�i�der the fali gaymart of all suaas secured Isy.tlr��u?f"5.�� - -_ �-
<br /> ;; ;� ';� .for all instaIImen t ), 1��,k)��t �S � ��- --
<br /> ''`.;';t�. �b�¢td�e�a�3t6 tt�� ���?� ts for items a ��;:': E� �,� mu _ 3nsutance . ..�'��:��: ', "�;�°-� -
<br />" ; ,� ;: �`znie�,�.Ge�il�i'3�s tsot b000�e•i�li�te�xis pay w the Secr�ta�y,�R��-���s�����.����'��'r ;, s� ;.�,,n
<br /> f}�f` �"'� �,��3`�ocGattlY Drioe.'����.�sf�`s�'�s�che�erty or��'st�oi�b��.�a3�ti��+',s a�ac��`� H,, �
<br /> '�f�s :� y� _ "i+ :� �� r . ,, :•�� , ,'.��1` Y�� �4s;' --
<br /> . . C' ' ..'Cf2tS� �'ti�J7IS(3 s �a��+. d l�• . .
<br /> � �` f : .
<br /> . ..y.: ��YC�� �,c�"R •8Dy�ACC TCis�.�i1,' . . �, . � .�' . . �.r ,
<br /> , ` .
<br /> ��F� .� - l. .. � .. -
<br /> < r
<br /> _ �,�. � , . . e
<br /> '/'. . l �c ' ' .
<br /> t.?�;•ii � .
<br /> :�<<il�i� �� ' �.. � . '
<br /> : °'f� _.,.� -,R;. - ;�: ':;��� a �s 1 aad 2,�k4reapplk�t by��?�fo]Iav�,.s: __ . _ _ _::�_.
<br /> - ' ' '3,:-�A,�tioi mf I[�iseit4.i4}li pay�s:��ss�3 W'�r StaP or to t[�e montht Isy .';�aa�
<br /> M l" �` � '�'�� �`,r�,;��so m�r5ga�e.s"ns�uar`��^�uwn to 6e paid;by Lender to the Seeciccetar�; Y�Be tk�e�r
<br /> � '�- --_�, `,c�;r, • insutapxpraiiiumiti.�i,}��s .�.:' • : --
<br /> �= ,•• :;;fi�sfe��h a10�it�r[ tad�isr'� plCmi�m.uAless BOilOwer p3ld ihe etifue� , _
<br /> � ,���,� �`,.`.�t. .::: :..`. �
<br /> t. �- �<,,i. �'• '�... . ,:�
<br /> t: :,' �.. �`=
<br /> .l ```F�'T�..:..- C�'�,!�.�}; ' _ _--
<br /> � �avtuac hazard�insuraace '�
<br /> `;;;::<i �;�x._ :Soca�;iaa�<1�5��.�G85,4�;��.���3�paYraentSOfgrmU�Y�f»,•����`.�aJSr��tJxer kF� � `�� -
<br /> I ( 1 ' }��}����{� l . �'� ' . " ' ,�t �4 __.
<br /> ..��.. � , Y��""'�'�"p�i����'�'�i� _ . �:',).''.� �. . - t . _. :+ : l,_: ..r..� � � -'.
<br /> :� ,� TI1t1'�'�C�IAtC[�St.(�t�If�19?I?�L�t�"', � 1 f'' ' . f^,4YC U�l Y -
<br /> �•;. FOU�, toatnortizAt3ona€��+�4.�9t«.�t� r.. •
<br /> ��,� i �
<br /> �ea t�h'e�aie� ���3= .�„Y,-,,,.,,,--
<br /> _ .s : FJfth,to late chu8es due un . . _ , .., , . ,.� =_a;:��,,.::,_
<br /> . :+..,. 9 . . . '.... '.:'�:,:.'.. ,•+.• ' t
<br />� . ' 4.Firc,I�7ood a�d p�IKr Hs�ud/�ur��ce. Bosrower shall insure alt improvemeats on the Praperty,whether now tn � ,' �-=
<br /> ' � :�r' e�istence or subsequeatly erected,against any haza:ds.casualttes.and candagencies.inclucling fire,for which Lender requires . . �_ _
<br /> �' Insurance.This jnsurance shall be maintained in the amounts and far tha per�ods that l.ender requirts. Borrower shall alsa . * ' �
<br /> � � '``.`F"� � insure alt improvements on thc Praperty,wdether now in existmce or subsequently erected,against loss by tioads to the extent , ,. .�
<br /> •� ��" required by the Seeretary.All insurance shall be camed with campanies approved by L.ender.The insurance polieies and any ,� k
<br /> ` -�`°.,�` ' renewals shall be held by Lender and sha11 include loss payabte clauses in iavar oi,and in a form acceptable to, Lender. . . � .L�-=.
<br /> �.c-_,
<br /> . i;��,�;,, 1n the cveni of lass,Barrawer shall give I.onder immcdiatc notice by mail.Lendor may make proof oP loss if not made .
<br /> , �:•` promptiy by Botrowor.Each insurance company cancerned'u hereby suthorized and directed to make paymant for such loss , ,
<br /> dinctly to Lender.instead ot to B�nawer and to Lende�Jointly.All or any pan af tho i�surana proceeds may be applied �"`'�
<br /> :_ ' . ;..;:i..,,... :-_
<br /> ,1,�;,�.,�_�. by Lender,at its opilon,either(a)to tho reduction of the irtdebtedness under the Notc and this Security lnstrument.first to i �_, „�,:
<br /> .� : any delinguent amounts applied in the order in Paragtapb 3.and thrn to prepaymerit of principal,or(b)to the restoration •: =
<br /> '�'.-.'"'`��� ar repair of the damagod propeny.Any appliration of the prace�ds to the principal shai!not extend or postpone the due date •. _ -».�'
<br /> �''��" , of the monthly paymsnts whicb are referred to ia ParagEa�h 2.or change the amount oi such payments.Any excess iasurancc � . �°�j:
<br /> � � '
<br /> ' � ,� , :i :..:ia�i�
<br /> ,�,���,,, � proceeds over an amount ttquired to Fay aU outstandii�g imdebtedness under the Note and this 5ecurity lnstrument shaU be ,� �.:
<br /> paid to the entity fegalty mtltl�tleereto. ' '� ''"'�''�`�'�'•
<br /> �-.�',;: .^ . . '.''',;;...,� .
<br /> � t ..; . , '•,i:.'':�r^':_
<br />. . ��-:;' :
<br /> ln the event of fpreclasure of this Security lpstrume�i ac othet transier of tilic to thc Propony th�t extinguishes tbr ' � � ' �.; .:�,�
<br /> kJ��,:{ ; ia�ebtedness.aii right,titte and interesroi Svnowes in and tQ insu�ance policies in Porce shal!pass to the puichaur. . . �����. , ,
<br /> � .�?.,.` 5.Fasttvatb���d Mataua�tee of tte PropeAy.l�daehulds.BarroWer sha11 not mmmlt waste ar destroy.Gamage ax , . � ,
<br /> } substant➢ally change the Propers}ox a;flow the Propetty lo deierinra�e�rgasonable wear and tear eaccepied.l.endta may insDoct �, �
<br /> ' ���`''.'= the prbpMty it the prapeny is vacant or aban�ton�cl or the ioa�is in default. Lender may take reasot�ablo actifln fo piotoGt '. '.
<br /> '`'+ �,��s.�..�..�':�� aad preserve such vacaat or abandoned property.!f this Sc¢uritp instcaem«nt is on a feasehold.Boarower.st�al!compty with r_ _ .___ _ . �
<br /> .�'�-_! •.`-," � the provislons oi Ihe lease.lP Bonower acquir�*a f�e iittc ta fhe Prapeny.ihe teasehold and fce Ntle s6afl�maG br merge0 unlr3s ��
<br /> ':��;., . •, � - Lendcr agrees to the merger in writing. . • '
<br /> . .. � ..'
<br /> -"`�''i :�:• . i �to Borrowa a�d PratecUoe at Leeder's WRhu in f6e Pro �
<br /> ;; -,�, _ _ a.. � perty.8orrawer shall pay all governmental or municipal
<br /> � ' charges.tines and impwsitlons that ate not included in P:+ragraph 2.gonow�cr shall pay thesc obligations on time directly to
<br /> � ��� � � the entity which is owed the payment.If fa ilure t o p ay w o u l d a d v e r s e ly a f t c c t L e n d e r's i n t e r e s t i n t h e P r o p e n y.u p o n L en d er•s ,
<br /> • � «guest Borrower shall promptly tumish to Lender rccelpts evidencing these paymen�s. (
<br /> �
<br /> �.-`: Ii�onower tails to make these payments ar the payments repuired by Paragraph 2.ar fails to perPorm any ather covenants :�+"•
<br /> ' . and agrcrments contained in�his 5ecurlty tnstrument,ar there is a lrgal proreeding that may significantty afkct l.ender's rights 's . .
<br /> , �, ��-••-° -- � in the Property(�uch as a proceedin9 in bankruptcy,for condemnation or to enforce laws or regWations).then Lender may '
<br /> ',�'��;:� - �r do and pay whateve[i�s necessary to protect�he value of the Properly and�.ender's righfs in the Property,including paymeut I ,
<br /> �� `'�f°.;.:>� .;� of taxes,hazard insuaance and other items mcntioned in Paragraph 1. .
<br />,;`+,.;;.r�.;(;,.. ., t . + , _
<br /> '�`�° "'- ��' Any,amaunt�:disbursgd by Lender under t�is f'aragraph shall hecome an additianal ctcbt of Borro�rer and be seciued�''�'�'
<br />'���j,'= •� �:;:. , �, . . . ;, .. �
<br /> , ,.,,��. .,,,5 • , . , .
<br /> -�';;;,.r,fi ��" i�;.;,v,i;, ,;,,,,.,�.;,:, •isy this Security lnstrnment°.These amuunfs shall 6car.inturest froni the date of'disbursemcnt,at the IVote rate.and nt rhe �,'.�
<br /> „�,�„�.'�, i��il,_,; ;,,, r.
<br /> � '� �iak;;`.;�,. „y�;�,,... . ,� option oF Lender. sNafl He i�nmediately,due�nd pa?�ble_ . i .
<br /> '��') �� �"�, `,� '�� '� T.Cosdemuat�an�The pca�eds of any award or�uim far dumuges.direct or caaseguential. in cnnne�.�tian�vitlr any `,,
<br /> ..�:_� s._�.�.___.�._._��:�_� . � , ��,:. .. _.
<br /> --- .'1 ,,.;� - � . - eondemnation oroiher.ti�:in�of auy�Part offlie Pr6�y�:�f 1'af�on�e�ancein�p{�rc�afrandiKti�iatiari:arrlic��els}-�ssigned . ..._.___.�.__
<br /> • 2md shall be p�id to(.ender ta th�extetu d!the tull amount pf tbc indchtrdn+.�ss�Nat remains unpaid undci tbe Note nnd this _ �
<br />� � , Y,�`•"'�'"{� . Sernriry Instrumenf.l.ender shatt�pp1y surh praceeds to the reduction uf ihe indebtedness under the Note and ihis 5ecunty :
<br /> ���•.�. . � � , , __.. .Insttument.tits�to any detinquem amounts applied in�hcorder provided in Paragraph 3.and thcn ia ptepayment of princlpal. .
<br /> . „ . _ ._ {
<br /> _- • . /��ne i af s �
<br /> .
<br /> • S .
<br />