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<br /> ----___-...�—.'—___— '_'_'____ _ ' -- - --� .. - _ —_ . . ' _"'-'_' ._ ' .
<br /> . a=, :� . ..'c ;� , . � .
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<br /> R .��°��. . _ - 9�,.--103258=. .
<br /> l:���.w,w.��. .. . . �- � - ,
<br /> ' c.)a�t�a�aor sqr.e�oept as lieitea b�►re�oas Laed b�r�eseaataq►io tbe are orps�meac aersutb.ce�ke
<br /> — : i�diMe DRl�is i�ll oi ar suos�OCUied b!ti�S�iV ta�tc�i� ,
<br /> (ij Da�rowatdefaqW dT faitioR�o pay ialiilt aqmaothbP�Y���7'��f�P�co or ao .
<br /> _ t6K doe d�te af tbe neat maatLllr D��m�t.,a: '
<br /> - C�8aro�a detadts by tailin�.fa a paiod of c�t7r dt�n.to peitoim�qy otba obti�ions ooaniaed in tbii Secm�ityr _ �` - ---
<br /> -,_ ....__ �. .-.-�-- - .__ : --�--- �- --:-.:- - � -- -- -
<br /> , _. . �----- -�- .
<br /> ,. ..�ysrewW�ta�rA�![+�ral.r.eod�xs�.n.if �7►��.aed.M;�hu�ep�iar�oft�osoc�y.�qm� --
<br /> � - i�edire prysia�E fi�!�oE a'll dia�tecaed�Seeml�y�iE
<br /> - ()M a prt d tbe Peopetty�is a�riae oramienrd(o�ar�o b�devi�e ac d�aees)b1►�����
<br /> .'`' ����g�ry���djr rhe pmeh�a a�ee a his a ber�ip�rY�it�lit�1aidaooe.or tbe purfiaer or
<br /> _,�:-'. pareedoes�axvqrthe Prapaty 6itlisaMetaedtYtaotbe�spjror�edit�000�Y�ca�D�erequitmatatt4ft6tSe�edry.
<br />_:;'f=?f.;,. � t�L1Vir�i�r.If,�cc�urthuwooWP���'�Immediit�PaYmmataHiltr6utE.eadetdoesmoE �v_----- -
<br /> .:,,_ ,re¢�fr�sad+.IRdU'�.:��s aat wairc its�h�s wicb napxt ta��. :, ,. ._.��.___.--- --�_.,_
<br /> _ -- --
<br />_ .._, - ,
<br /> ; fl�h�aalttE�JQ�S�e�:tamaaY���bi!t��'wilFIimiE�ec��l?tbt�+in ,:—_�_-w-_:.
<br />• cBecareofpR�meaE�tacequfcr�P�l'a�at��"�.�►'�'i!�F'�'d•'Chts�cy;T�tdoes ----- —-
<br />,--�= � � aot�lroc�xe aoae�d�inn.at f�a£€nac.Pa�3ttt��s�m���i= _ _ _ ' -- - ---- - -
<br /> --- ----
<br /> •.,, - - --- - -
<br /> _ . ..., � _ - - -
<br /> . � -• •`' - `��, -_
<br /> _ �J'� ^,4�.:�ti"i�t :3�� :.fi� • ,'''�,� �•�' � _ "_"
<br />' yi�Ir.�CRLCIIQ'r1i.5�f�Y,tQ,�.''L���:fi7f�''��""}"�''�/ ' f 7ff.��i1UC O� � :---Y��=__ -
<br /> '� �'�' Boccp�n;'s 6idt�e Lo�a�r aai a�PWnG`���, as+�i��=•+�-,=�}--���� �`'-��R �:�even afteF famlasure >T��"
<br /> t " 'promed�t�reia�?g��G��'����'�`19'a � :": `" �r _
<br /> J I 'L. SII�7���M�' ����II���� ..l •S�. I.
<br /> �, 'bi�B01't011'R[�6 i9¢�,'��.� �t0�G,,=d�',��`!i!O��QaS"QG-�����IAfW��+' :.;'�ie t' .��'�` _
<br /> R' '��
<br /> � -faecin�s.amsr aa�rtdkiona6ie and antcmaryt �ito�l�ey's taa iad etpease"s.��c�dY ��ci�tod wiW t6e forecloRrie� : � �:._° ' , -
<br /> t1 �ntbyHorroRa,thi�Sa�ritylastnmpattandthe���.�3s�ctisashaUramduinsftaKa�;.'';. '� ; i;i;`
<br /> � it��r�q�¢ed�m�at�P�7u��in fWL Howerer.�qs is not zeqosad t�l�nui�statement if:(�I.endertas:� ,, • '�; �:�.��` --
<br /> :-�; . .
<br /> �pneQE•�Rer the cowmeaameat ot fooar3osa'rd;��ithin t�rc uantediat�iy PreoaW!=�t� :; .�":r'- ---
<br />_ �;. o - �� . :"
<br /> ' �,: onm�enaeqoieal�a�.a x�cent fo�eclowre pm�eedt�+(iiI reiest�u[rmta �A prednde toreclost�#'r'�a difiamt gronads m tlt6�'•�`• ` ��,�:�•.} � >
<br /> „- fuque.a�f���tsment wii[pdve�sdY af(tct the prlotitY uf t6e lien crated 6y t4ts SecuritY I�strumeat. ,. �, �...
<br /> ,,-, ...• . .� � • -_
<br /> ��� • i 11.�ere�er Nof R4lweii Foeie�r�ee�Leaier Not�Wahea Extenstaii�Y6e ti�r of psyment or Yaoditk�tion of ----,- °
<br /> ;._ ama�on of tUe�ms:ecured by ihis Sewdty fastrument�nud by l.enda t4�Xsuccasor in iataest of Horro�rer shall not _ �._..
<br /> - <� �' oDaate to rekase ihe liab�ity of the o t i�i n�E B oROwa or B onoxa's suceessor i"a in t e r a t.Lendac shalF Aot be i e q u i r e d to = -
<br />• • `- .:.,�.,�::=. _ - ",�:
<br /> .-1Fh.�i,•; • cama�eaoe D�P��Y aaac�swi ia intaat a rrtuse taeatend time fos qaY�t os oifi�modtfy amortiradan
<br /> `k,z�^� �s{': of t�e ruas secund by tLis Secadry Iast�ment by reawn ot aaY deo�and m,ic�6y the origtinal Hocrowa or Bomaxer's . '.� _ -- -
<br /> ; snoeasois in intaaq._Any forbatranoe by l.endu in accr�sin;any rt�t us sem?t�+!shail aot bc a.c�aiver.m€oz proctade the •
<br /> .�si ',,,
<br /> , t �'�t� �,.: eaen�ite ot�ny rijht ar nem�d , '' ' =1 ' � � "-• , _-
<br /> Y- r:,,::.
<br /> - :. ' •,,;�:•:_. . '.—
<br /> . " . , The carenuus�patd , eemenu of this SecuritY ,. ,'.: ," r-,°x
<br /> '' � �� 1t.S�cea�s aM iltr��d:�ei�t aM S�erd ILlilit!«.Ca:9irers. aB� .:, ;
<br />.;; _ • 4. Iastrwnent alaD bind aad benet'rt the:uooessocs an0�ssipis of Lead�zaad BonoMa.:abje�t to thc piovisioas of pua=r�ph9,b. `�;,,;=�•:;,.. :::�:
<br /> ° '�t'.•�" . Bocro�►�er's aovem�ats�nd sFeemena shsii be joint u�d scw�eral.Aii�Borrrorra�eho ca-si�s tius Saudty ias�n�mrnt bat doa _ . s,:;�_
<br /> 0
<br /> � - , �;i:�,�,�� "` aot exaute t1�e Notr(a)is casigniaj this Securit�►lastmmeat onls►co mort�e,B�e smd conveY that 8onower'a iaterest in ':��i yy;.��
<br /> ., �° '°'� • the PcopeRy ut�det We trnns oi this Security Iast�ument;tb)is not P�►��Y oDU�ated to psy the suras savcal by tAis Security • r�'?�r;%�_
<br /> � ::` ; .r;.. . Iaswmenr, and (c) �tas tIIstt l.eader aad any othtr Botrower m�y a�ra to atead, modif9, forb�u ot �mlce aay , .•� �,:-
<br /> '--�-;;;�
<br /> '��;,',..•' aocommodatbns wiW ntard to the term of this SecnritY lnstrameat or ide Note without thst Sonower•s conseni. r• ,- ; ;`�:'�:•'=
<br /> _Y.:-•r.-,:n _. , . •:r,.:
<br /> -�� �. ",.; :;t�r� 13.Netioa.Aay notiCe to Borrower provided for in this Socudty lasttumeat shall be�tvea by delivcrin�it or by mailtng it by ..r '',:''� .;�
<br /> .P i,kl•, "''` 1'•` •''
<br /> '., ,, x;!�,� . fHst ciari IOiil ulikri aDpliCable 1�1w fOq1►i1CS use of a110lhe�melhud.ThC IIoiiCe ihaU bC diTlCted io tLe PtOpC�Iy Addttss oT itisy i i i.r r�.�.
<br /> � �S�'���� • otba addtrss Borrowa dasip�ates by aotice to Leada.Aay aotice to Lertder sh�ll beYiven by Cust ctus madl[o Lender's addre�v•' „ . -� -
<br /> .,r :�*,>r.';.'. ./ ._ , . '.',r:-_
<br /> _ • �.:�� ;�;;��,;�-�; „ atated Ixreto or aay addras Leader dat�aata by notke to Horrower.Aay notiae provided tor in this Security Instrumeat sl�sit , __
<br /> _ u�,r�'r'�;:',` be damed to hsve baa�h'ea to Bo�ro�ra or Leader whea�irea as provided in ihis D�+�F�Db• .. , . f.:; . ..
<br /> -- •�;:�+?r��--. k.Cor�Liw;&reralWt7.Tdis Security iastn�ment s�lt lic goveraed by FMer�!i�w and the!aw of the jurisdictioa ia • . . : . . . _
<br /> _ f'';;=;/�%,;; whicb tfie Sr�aperty is located.tn We event that anY yrmdsion or r7aust of ihis Securlty lnstrument or the Note coaflIcts witb a�- . � ., .
<br /> : �•3�r�fJ • ,• • ,
<br /> �� l k.�,.y �;• pUcsble,law,sncb croa4Lct shaU not affect other pT�visions of tdus Socutity Inswment or the Not�which can be tiven effect••• , :
<br />• '" .��'� ���y��- � wit�out t6e confTrting rovision.To this end the�sovlsions of this Savrity Instrument and tha Note ate�les�artd to be
<br /> �.�+� p . ' •:�:.
<br /> � . ��
<br />..,, , ' �:. '�4:; y�° sererabk. . �:`, . .
<br /> , "- M 'll . _' .' • . ; ,. i Ylie f:�q�:'.
<br /> � �`` " 1S,�orcawer's Co/t.Bonower ahaU be given one conformed capy of ihi�Securlty f nstrument. . 4�c,-�'`'.,t•-•�
<br /> .�� ��i��. . �.: ; ..�
<br /> . ,�� .�; , . ..:;,_�,; �.,�;:-
<br /> ,��if� ;'��_�,
<br />- ? ��+' � l�:,A�iy�ae�t ot Raa.Bonowex aincoadlttoaally assigns and tran�iers to l.endet a11 the retics and revcnues c�f ihe PropMy. , ...,�� � . _;�.s ;
<br /> ' ��..'r•'.
<br /> � �`;( � ;�;;�, . .. Bonawet suthortz�s l.eader or LenQer•s sgents to coitect the rrnts and rtvenues and hereby directs each ter.ant mg the Property • � -
<br /> ;��;: *.��--� �, te yfry tbC.Ient�to t�d:r ar Lendar's agents.Howover.prior to Lender's notice to Horrower of Bonower's tiir.��ot any covr �• � , .
<br /> � �' 'i'='=' �'� n�tsi ar ameae�s u��Secud Instrument,8orcower shall cotfat and raceive all«nu aad rcvenues of thc Psa�'rrty a+trustee ;�•
<br /> , i<;::. ;..�,� . � � ;I� ..
<br /> • tor 1tv:t�tfit of.�rs�:�and B�onower.Thls assignment of reats consdtutes an absolute ass3gtaasrat and not an assignment for 1�_
<br />;,,,��.. � ,: . � �;�E. a�Sxr'r,rr,�;s7isscuritj�.o�Cy. _ � '.:��.'•
<br /> : . scurit :
<br />�5;:�.;` �!::.•��..•- • ;;�,,�,, : . �r.
<br />.:��,,, . ,� � : "' _ • • ; 'tE�gii'ixn»i��t breuh to Borrower.(a)atl rcnts received by Horrowershall be held by[3ottower aa trus�ee for bmeQt ;';�� �
<br /> • : �;r; ��pr+ .. -�� :�� ;.::��'.�' of l.�.'�tE�t oAip:r�,j�::�1�ed to 1he sums sccared by_r�3ecurity Instrument;f�}f:errder shall 6e eatitted to coStixt:�d recelve aU !"' �', �
<br /> ��?;;j; �7.. . . - '� ";:., of the renta oF d�c�r�x:Y;and(e1 escb tenant 6t t�tr:Praperty shall DaY alk iz�nL•di�uad unpaid to l.enQe�(�r.L:r�tder's asent i
<br /> 1'r;, t;,•�.. , .= ;� . . . ...... .: . . ..�:. �;,: .,. •
<br /> ';` ,. �',t`• f„:r � .,, aa!_ender's wnt�ai,+i�3'�nd to�he teaant. ;. . •. , : :,. . � � �
<br />';'`,;, � f�: . ., .�:r'-� .9arr�wer ha9 nu�t�ierx�wced any�nior dss%�nin'tsi��%�i?slie�ems a�id�ta;�s�uit pi�d;M;'s1!nat pcaiqrm=�nY ace tAnt wou14 ptevent
<br /> • ,',1';.� r';;lj'; �.CIIdtx"ffbmeae[Cisiagitsrighl�.uy1l3�rtliispera�l716. . ,".. ' ' . s,': ; . . ;
<br /> � ' S�,• ::,j.:r . � ' ':'r:.k, 1;: i' . ,; • . .
<br /> ' • , .+;,:�•;,_', { Lead�'cr ah�ll nae be required,�;�u tf�ii��:tti►'�}�r}�trol ot or ma�ntaln the Arpperty before o`r atite givlag notice ot breach to ;.;„,.�
<br /> � � �o�ro�rer.Ho�revet;Lendet or.at��GU+i4;cgpi7ll�l�ai�ieceiver may Qo sa at any°rimc there is a breach.Any appucatlun of rrnts
<br /> sh�p nat cuce or waive aay cfef��ii1{sn iiai•�t�afiy other right or remedy of Lender.This assignment o!ren�s at the Property �: �
<br /> '` , .J ; sbatt termin�ro when the Qe6t s+�a►x?i'1i�i che 5ect�rity lnstrument Is pald in full. �I����;,�'r,� ,
<br /> � •. .
<br /> .:�-." , � :� , , ` '�ii., ; ' ' '�:;: .
<br /> ' . . , ._... . . j :f'�
<br /> .... .. . . . _ . � E .
<br /> f i: '. . ' � . .
<br /> . . . ._� .' , . .
<br /> � `
<br /> . ' ' �
<br /> .._ .—..�._— •
<br /> . .....�._� . _. _ . .' ` ' ' . _ . _ ' . .. . .
<br /> . . '_ ' _ _ _ . .. . . . .. . _.. . i.-._.__—_"_"_
<br /> _ ;.... : : p�yt3�J� �. . '
<br />. . . , _.. ._- �
<br />