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.vt �. ' , .. - 7 "":J. -:.'` � —,. �...-.. � _ - - <br /> •.r_�..�aa�rau� �'yw�-�_b'�. <br /> - - .- - .,. .�' ' ' " '" �.rGK ' '' ��iwy".rlilCldFlf�N�S�yYi�At1[�^_� .A�. - - — __ _ . -_ <br /> ,,,� z ., ' •f'�1r�� ���� ,, ... � �J o - � �rlw .-- <br /> . ����� p����� •� '� . �-.i=��.�_my <br /> ,� , ., <br /> .. , .. ., -, •. ,. � . .i.��:.a <br /> _.. .. . . - -- ---'- - ;`�.- -- _""ti���.c�_�. , _� . <br /> . " <br /> °� '.� .r M MN�r�r+,w rw i�i�i►M...i i.+�wM�.�t r.M�I�N•.ad.r�fiw�..r�d�r on+. r`�,; V <br /> iwir■rt�')K1�t��w d��l�Ye iniiel�/!�''�ri�rewr"1 M�w/�rr�r'�A�M R�w 11wl�M��i <br /> � Mt"I.�dlrq d IY MiM iM r M�II�1 .. , <br /> �tirrw�lY�iMrMqLMtwMtWM�w�nt , ,;,�...:,:,,•.-�y: <br /> 107A SQUTH PINE. GRAND ISLAMD kE 698Q1 . <br /> thovh�ANr«d , <br /> 7'�M�a su�Yi� Mw�Mw ia�4/tM i�M M�rI iMwwt wb MI rI 1�iM1► .. <br /> �q�M1.'�fU MM�M in111�M�M�t�►rMIM wM ea�eM�ry�M�!w�rr Iw/ • • "`' <br /> i�lYi�Yi���Y��i�wbl�t/�. <br /> AOD11'iONAL ODV6IJAI�17li.l��dOftion to tb auwwA��d��w�wt��dt i�t�t 8�arWr iytrw�wt.�anowrt rd I�ds <br /> (YKtMK cor�rt ar�rar/oroes: <br /> A. IM'O�li?RA7t AND MON7f0.Y�AYM�Nf'CNANGiB <br /> 'Itis Ncq pa'id�tar a�i�W�l bite�wt ma ot 8.00 �.Srcflor 4 of tUs NoM Ratd�for�i�1Ye iMR�t wn wd tM <br /> .a�Mb►po•Mw,..�rman: <br /> �, IMBJP&4%'RA7gANpAIQIVTHLYPA7'Al6NPCNAN�BS <br /> U� ��M Ow� . <br /> 7Uef�ta�wtnaelwUlORY�Yc�/QaatUeMtd�Yof J� .t9 � .udosNMtdqeweY <br /> �2 •. Id00th{tll�'MRR.B��tf 00 NU�CII m9ItliMit fit0�OIIW CW�II CaIMd����YI�O D�tf.�� <br /> � �tif�fi <br /> Be�ill�l�witb tAe Mt Chao�e D�te.m!interpt nte Nit16e byod m 1u11ade�t.'I'6e"I�dot•�fif th0 wed[IY��+te Y�On Ullited 841tet <br /> 7lpwry�eWritier�wtod w a 000quK m�uritY of I yerr,�m�de avaU�b4e by tl�o Pedeal aorerw Hard.TM wat na�t Lda[flp�n <br /> avail�Ele at of tMe dMte43 d�ya before e�ch Clwo�e Duei�c�lled t6e"Curreat IoOex." <br /> , It t6e Ind�c b ao toyer�v�it�ble.tLe Nan HoWer wW cboae a ne�Wmt�rl�eh it ba�ed upoa aowpr�hfar�atlo�.l7r Noet <br /> � ' . ��ddarwAl�ivsmeqoliosoflhiscLoioe. � . <br /> . . :(O �wd�a.� TFiii£E Ah'I� OAiE-HA�F <br /> 1'` 9ofan acb��ato.tbe 1Vote HoWer w[Q qdcu4te my new inte�at rate bY addint Pa'�M <br /> , pd�y t_3.5_,,:,.q�,)W Ibe C�rtmt lodea�d raudini W the oaraK 1/ftA otl41.Wbjact to ths Ilo�itt�qued io SlClioa�NI 6ebw. <br /> 't�taroded amount wip 6e my oew taterat wte until tbe oeat Clw�a�ate. ,. <br /> 71rc Nae Hotda wlp�bea detetmine tAe�moum of t6e moothlY pY�ihat waild be�t W«p�Y ia fW!tbe P�PV t am <br /> acpaxea w owe on thu elua�e D�te ia waunwur e9�v�r�br��aate a my aee iata�t rate.Tbe r�ealt at tat�c�atatoo <br /> wW be Hu new aowunt of my moalhlY p�Y�• <br /> ' (D) UwtrNlwnMf�aM4'i�� <br /> 11►e iotarat nte 1 am ropuired to p�y at the fim G7nnte Drte wiU aot be �+eaur th�n 8•[� 1f� o�,�s t4ao <br /> ��'i.7'haafter.mY 7nterat nte�vfll never be incrased or decreased on wy�Ityle CFian�e Date by awm than I Wu <br /> m tbe rato ot interat I tuwe bea paYlni for the proadin�cwelva monUn.The mlNmwa 3aterat nte on thb loan Mlq neva 6e <br /> taa ua�n 4•� �ana�de m.�lmum uuerat race wIa ncver be�rata than 11 .00 �y. <br /> (L� FJtall•e D�te dCY� <br /> My ncw lntaest nte w1Q become etfective aa ach CManie Dau.l will p�y tAe amount ot my new moathlY P�Y��b�Y aa t4e flnt <br /> moatNY WY�t dau oRer the Ch�n{e Date uaW the aaow►t of my a►onthlY WY����+��• <br /> (Fl N�tbrofC��ea <br /> '1'he Tlote yulder wilt pwil or dellver to me a noUa before ach Ctunte Date.The notice wfll tdvise me oi: <br /> (i) !he new intetpt rote on my lo�n as of thc Chan�e Dnte; <br /> (ii) the amoum oi my�aonthlY WY�t foNow�in�the Chanao Date; <br />- (lii) any addiNw�l matten whlch the Note Holder is requ�red to disclae;and <br /> (iv) the wddras of tpe aswclulon you cou�d cunaa n�ardin�any queatbm abonc ehe adJwtment aala. <br />_ �. Cf1AflGF:�;IJ�NS <br /> Uaiforta Covwnt 4 of the Sxudty Imtrument is�mended to ratd as fdlows: <br /> �, p�e�i 1,1e�,gorrower tbpll pay all taap,auasmenu,and other chuaa.iina,oad Impoai�ions attributable to the Property Nhich may <br /> anoin e Mi�xity over thl�Security lrutrument,and leasehotd psymenu�of ground renu,it�ny,in the manner provtdaf under pua�tnph 2 Aereot <br /> or.if aat patd Ia�uch Hottower makina payment,when due.directly to the p�yae thereof.Borrower:hall promptly furnl+h Lrnder <br />- d!notka of amounts due under thts paraW��ph,ond in the event Borrower sFwll make psyment directly.Borrown�hdl pranptly furrttsh to <br /> L�enda�eoelpts evidencln=:ueh paymenls. Borrower�hall promptly dluhu�e any Ikn which has prioriry over Ihb Savriry Imtrument; <br />- howeva.Hortower shall not be reqWred to dischar�e any such lien eo bn�as Harrower.(a)�h�tl�gra in wri�ing to the payma�t oi the <br />- ablip�8on xeured by aucA Ikn in the m�nner�xepabk to Lmder;(b)shall in good fdth contest auch lim by,or defend a�tinu�nforcement of <br /> ach lkn ia,kgal prooeedin4e which in the opinion of Lender operote to prevrnt the enforament of the Uen or forfeiturc of the Propaty or any <br /> pvt q�peofi or(c)�hall ucute from the holder of wch Ilen an�rcement in a torm ntisfactoryr to Lender eubordlnatin��uch Ilen w thls <br /> Secudty Initrumrnt. <br /> tt L.ender determina tlu�t�II or any part of the Propeny is subject to a Iten which may atWn�priority over�hb Securiry Instrument. <br /> I,ender�hall tive Honowu a aotice 1denNfyin�such Iten. Borcower shall utfsfy such Itm or uke one or more oi tee acciow sec iorte�bme <br /> withlo tm d�ys ot the d�V of the nake. <br /> C. NOrRCI� <br /> Udform Coveaant 14 of the Securlty taetrummc i�anxnded to rad w tollowa: <br /> 11. Notloe.F.�coept for�ny notia requfred under appliable Inw to be�ivcn in anaher manner.(�)any notla to Barrower ptovided for in this - <br /> Securtty Imuuma�t ahall be yiven by deUverin�it or by roailina it by iint clau mail to Borrower at the Property Addras or at iuch aher address � <br /> p 8orrower may deaiaaate by nalee to Lender a+provlded hercin.and(4)any nodce to Lender�hall be�Iven by fint clas�mail a Lender'a <br /> addrets�tated hareln or to wch olher�ddras u I.ender mpy dafy�ate by nodce to Borrower�s provided hercin.My notice provided for in thi: - <br /> Secudty In�wmmt rhW be damed to have bao�Iven to Borrower or Lander when�fvea in tAe�nner dai�nated herefn. <br />