... ,. ._. _: _�_,,:.-
<br /> �=� •'� _ ._ ---- — — - ---
<br /> ��:-�---�. --- - ,� - - -- = =-- — _ �,_ --- -
<br /> _ ,
<br /> t " - � " ��-
<br /> ` � - " _- s,..�.�;....5.:. - `"'-� -• . - - _ -- - - - - -- -,-.. - _. _� ._..— ... . - -
<br /> ::�-� - - - - .
<br /> �t:� - ---- ---- -- - -- ----.—_ - -- --- _ _-- .� - - `�i �a324'7
<br /> _ :�
<br /> ,�.�..��.�..W..��. � � . � � �
<br /> t•�n.�w:�m.r.��u�a ar��e��s�«eanr r���or�.�a�r.�.Ka� --
<br /> i�mad�te pa7�m�is tdl of�11 wms�ecuced bY tbis S4a�city twtrummt.ii `
<br /> - ' (�Barow�defwki by i�m�r ia t�U�nY maat�h►DUra�t�e�u�ad�►t�is Secu��Y lasttnmert D�ior to ar on ---.
<br /> - t6e daa d�te ot We aeu moaihly DapaKnt.a < �'a==-._
<br /> _ (�Borcoper rkfanits by failin�.for a palad ottLi�ty dqrs.ta pafaTn aay atda aDliptiom ooetained ta this Securlty , _ . . ,.�-:'`_----
<br /> a I�ts1�CA� . •�. —
<br /> - -- ----�-��iieW�iw� -- --�----- --- �jj_:ifpe�b9!pPii�ie�'ied+�iH�6feptkira�@ttw�iof�2S�y.� � ; ��"--a `-.-�� _
<br /> � isexti�py�meat ia,tnII d dl lt�c mm aeaned bS►t4�s Saa�'L�nma�t i� : ° '-_- � -:- �: --'
<br /> . � . ( � r�y��+�•--
<br /> (j}�ai pfi 0�1�PICQtRy 3�O�OC�����dlY�C dt dC'�) l�C BOflblYCt.71d - _ a,'-?�
<br /> .-x _�a.
<br /> (�7'1�p�opaty ia ao[a�cupied Dy th�p�a pao�x as�is ar 6a pie�`ryi ee9deao�,a tbe p�or . .. n=` . �` _
<br /> psreedaai000aipyrdeQ�apasybat6'sa6ecaad�hnnoebe�appare�in�aoo�dmeewi���afBieSara�y. << < : - •
<br /> -r,- - ._. . -
<br /> • . � (c�IY�NM�Udre�stanoes oenu t5u�W 0���to rQ4uice iimmodifte D�lt�nsnt ia fuQ..but i.ender doa aat .. -- --
<br /> teqtdre an�h W7mauR 1�ade�dot�nat wdve itt st�bu�vitlt rapact tc:ub�e4uent�+rcats. � ' � �
<br />` ___ _ (���LH1JD8eentR re�ui�i[oas i�e�6Y t�e Seaetsr7►�rfA limii Ltndet's rt�his.ta ; --- -_�,:-,-: ; -- -
<br /> tbecsx ot paYment defiulu.to zoqoine immedi�te paYaKat in iWl and fonslore if not paid.'i'hts Sewrity Iasaument das ; . .
<br /> - - ' not�nthociae aoedaadon or.toteclosette if nat pamiued by rejulatians of t6e Sn7etuY. � � - �
<br /> =-_ � : ",_. :,_�.:_;,..-.;. :
<br /> - - 1� �f.Ha�towa das s rl�[st w be relnsated if Leatter ha�req�hod immadiue psY�t ia full 6ecause of � ,, ,. � . �. .. _
<br /> u
<br /> Barowa'a t�ure w paY aa amount due under tUe I�ote or this Security Ias�mea�This ri�Ut applia�vm after foreciosiu�e ( . �:�;:.�
<br /> � are tastitutod.To reiastate the SecurIty lashamea�Borrow1er a4�11 tmda in a tump sum all amounts�equired to ,�" t-`"
<br /> r as at
<br /> •' Iff�p�BOffC1�C�'f i0001IOt CY[DCGt IiICT11E�t0 tbG 11Qp1t ibCy itC Ob�itI011i Of ROl'IOIYG[Wd!!t�.t SlCtIRIY TOSt(Il�lIIt� �� . '�� .
<br /> _ } '�_:f ' ;<:;:�' tococb�are �ts a�cwonabk aad custoa�tr9 ��f►'s fe� aad expatsa P�o�rIY sssociued with tiie fpreclonice � ` •,' °:-
<br /> eQO . '. .,:�`�_
<br /> _' :s;s - '�- P�i-Uyonz+�tbYBacra�rer.tlnsSee�uit!►lashumentandtlko6lipeinnstba{8so�v�ashallcematnineffectas '. --_--
<br /> S"r,t �-:�' UI.COO�t�nOt lEQlt�[!d�CPs�IIldlt�11 fYII:H4�U�VC.LlIfOR 1SAOf tO�Iy�tO�10 QQIAtI IMSt1tC7nlA1�f r1�f AiS �.��uE._:
<br />, . ';�• . 4ctYpted rdaaatement_atta tht sa�aaieoament of fo�llosatt Dm'ooedinis wititia t�va yeats immediately preoedia�tbe , ` `�„'.,�--
<br /> .x "`: •' .commeacaamt af a c�trc�at fo�odosuca P�d�f.Cn� �masaoemeat+n'll p�edade tareclusure�ir-diffe"rent:Smands in tAe . •ti.��.r�:L;`•-
<br /> �,..-
<br /> ' ;'•�-�:y�A'�<��t�= `, • , futare.a f��r�eat vv�l adversely affict We p�iority ot the lieo creided bq this Secarity Ynstrumeni:.. � . �.._-
<br />, . t ' u.Mnw�w N�f�i;p�w�oe l�Ieaia Nat a W1d�er.$xteRSi9p of the ttme of payment or aindtftqtioA of _ < ,., _ --
<br /> � ' ,,. � ` amoRiauiea of the snms socutsd by this Security Instnuamt jranted by l.eader W AnY sacices.wr in iaterat of Borro�rer shal!not . I�� , �
<br /> . � opeiace tc�•cekue the liab�tty of the odpa�)Boae�res or Bormwer's sucaswr 1n intuat.Lenda ahall aoc be requiced to � , • . -
<br /> . �
<br /> .� - .,'` . . _ , �c��spceedinpapinst sury suocessor in intercst or tefase to extend time forpaymeat or othecwisc modify amoniradon . .
<br /> � •• " of the sr�s�u+ed by this Savdty instrument by reason ot any demand made by the odgiaal Borrower or Borroaer's - �-::��:
<br /> ; . .. ,:.suto�sots in intaat:.�Y forb�rance bq Lender in�ercising aay right or remmody shaU not 6e s waiver of�preclade the � ' ,S�:�.:_.
<br /> � ".�'� . ' 'saaciseotang�ig"6ror�esmady. •. --"''"=_
<br /> ' ' ' t �;;,,., 1?.Sreoe�'�atd.Aa�og�os���.�S�,a�rcallLWit�:Ca'Sipas.'I'hecovenSnlsasut.a�eementsof3hisSoc�dty .. f . '• ,;;t�.;�'��
<br /> - -..."�'�' � lnunumarts�'haDfi9ndanu�3ren�R4�esu�a�xsandassiYasoPLacc�andBorrower:subjxttot�seprae�i��nsQ.4Para�raPb9.b.�.. �� , ,-;�>,::�;'-?� • --
<br /> '.•.��.:.
<br /> - :``�:: � . _ Botrc���eYenat�is�a�_a6�ns�l.6e�olnt aad seretal.�3r�Bbtroxa wha co-sip�s chis5catiitY trisuvntent but ctbcs . - z:,;;},.=".�-
<br /> : -...;.
<br /> � .
<br /> :..:- .
<br /> ' ,.,, ;°-.. ... �, ,..,. . . • � � �- "�:t;r'.4�r ���e
<br /> .. ea c�ae�e�tac�,[s!ascasip,irr��ais Secudcy Instrumrnt aafi�.amnrt�ge.gcaat And convey iliat Bomiarti s�auses.iQ � ,�.• ... r
<br /> n y
<br /> ;�r'. . . the Proyeriy underthe ix*ms oY this Secudty lasuum�ut;Ib)is not personapy obfli�atsd to pay the snms secured bnj tbisSecati:y • � . .. - •: _�
<br /> su u •�-
<br /> ,tnsaument; aAd (c) agre�a th�t Lenda ar[d any other 8orrower may agre't:`s eacrnd, modify, forbear:or m�lce any
<br /> ' !��'�' .� . accommoduioas wltb regard to the term of this Security lnstrument or the Note wiihout tnat Borrower's constn�. � ,� . � '� .',
<br /> � . �.., .. :t
<br /> ' : �: ° 11.N�tica.Any natice ro Bocrowa provlded for in this Securtty tnmumeni sha11 be given 6y delivering It or by mailinB it by E � , �
<br /> Rrat ckss m�tl uata�applicable law rcquircs use of another method.The nodce s5a11 be dUected to the Property Address or any t
<br /> `� ,,.•t">,•f�, :.� ' otdet�pcldress Borrower daignata by notke to Lender.Any notia ta Lender sha'u 6e�iven by fitst class mail ta Lender•saddress � '," . . - • _
<br /> at4tod herein or anY a3ds"es�Lender deslgaates by notice to Sorrower.Any noa�pr�vided tor in thls Security instrument shail �?>%'`, -_
<br /> � be deemed to hsve baa 6n'en to B oaower or l.rn dcs��.en giv rn a s p r o v l d e d z 4.�:P u a S r a P h. �;;::�. . _
<br /> .• .. . . . ,. . , . .� � , IvjN�:�f� .�" . - -
<br /> t� ,..`•. .
<br /> If�.Gor.�Lsw;$cvenibWty.TAis Security Instr-«.�c^t ssa'L�t 3overned E.��«;erel iaw aad ct}e law of the iurisdiction ia Y '�.•<;,•
<br /> ' '. ,,,��':.• , ,;;� �%r -
<br /> . . �, �•.- • whicb afir�`r�pcitg is 3acated.In thse��t th�t any prcc7,-:�a�ce1��f tfis Secar~y:astrc.�en:ar the Note conflicca wlth aD- � ' ` '
<br /> . ,.�°:`': r pHcabt:iaAt.sudh comfl�ce shall aot af.�ct ot6cr pra��ans o:�his Sx�uity la�.�es c:.�.�7ote which can be Siven effe� � ,� ;�
<br /> ,.iS..-.. ,r, :tr�..� . . . � r i � .? ' .
<br /> : . .,;��,�n;. ,,, p d t h o a t t l r�e o u f d i p i n g p s o v i s i o n. T o t h i s e n d t h t�p r o v i��i�a�o� t k i s S e e u r i c}�Z�s�-.�s a t.a n d t h e No t e ace dalared to be
<br /> • �� sevaabte. . '.. , f• • • .
<br /> � 1S.liae�otrst's tb�T.Horrower shall be gtven vne conformod ca�y of thls 5�.~i.:��:ist�{�am. � .
<br /> ; ,t'�;...:"..:. ':: � �� R� . . . . � . � .: .
<br /> ,-:.._..__.:_... . �.j���=�gew.Barrower uncos►dltionatly assigas and is�u�.�ss to i:e_..tr a'.1 i�e c�;�and revmues of the Property. f . . .
<br /> ,.,;s;,
<br /> !31•';_; � Borrower auCbv�s II.�nder or Lender's aaents to collect the roAU arnd r:vcaces���-e�g� ' :s eacfi tensnt of the Propertyr .i . � � :
<br /> �r f�� • • , �.� to psy tde rrnis to�eu�e+r ot LendePs agents.Hawever.priar to LeAd�'s�o��ip��c�er af 8orrowa's��of any cova v.• . �
<br /> ��e,
<br /> �i�..:: " ` n�nt ma�reemcnt inl�.°-.�CCUdty 1rlst�ttmCllt�BO�IOWGS 5ha11 C�uC:�at�Sd'C�2�x�2t7d-�CVeauCS of thC Friq[ty 89 tN3lee x•:a��. .
<br /> r,,;.
<br />,. , tor tbe benefit of teu;d�r and Hortower.This rculgnmv��of rent��a�ccps�ces aa a'.��i��e as.si.�,r.ice�t and noi a�assignment for . �� .•,,:,.,
<br /> ' additional security cc��y. . � . ��, ' ;. . '
<br /> � � , �. • '�:!:�
<br /> If Leada gives nouce of breach to Borrowar:!a)a1!renu receive�6�?�S�srw:s sSaU be he.+«�b?:�a:rower as irustee for benafit �!� ' '''�`�;�'�'
<br /> ' o!l.enQer only.to be a,.�vp.`u!d tolhC sums secu(ed by the SeCUiily lA5::•�ne:st;E�t;�3cs shar:s�ar�utiQed eo coltect and recelve alI ;
<br /> eu
<br /> • o!the rents ot the P�a�r!+;andlc►each tenani ot the Propeny sha11 pay a'j re�;;:�."xe:�d�npaid to Lendcr or Lcnder's asent ���.�
<br /> � � on Lendec's wrinea clamaa3 to thc ttnant. . : , �
<br /> � • Bonawee ha►s�t�C e.w::sited.any prtor assignment of tht tents and has ac4��,d��.I mot perfac!t�any act that would p(event � �{, '
<br /> ' .,,'.��;� , , : , .. . . . ..
<br /> ;.;;:..-0s, leada�ct�'eir�r�i�s�ights vr�.�'chis paragraph 16. • ,;,.�.�.:, �. (
<br /> :1;�•;;; . �-'
<br /> Lertdar��"noe�+cre�:eired to ex�e.p on�take castrot at orm��',a;�s:re P3'c7ertY before.o�a[:at giving noHce of bteach to�
<br /> ' � Hotro�rer:4Ydxeaer,,l:.er�er or a Ju�llcially appoirifir�receiver may di�so at ar.y:ZTC lhcre is�4�reach.Any appl3cation of tants' � '�• �
<br /> � shill not cure or wuip�ay dcfault or invalidaie a.c�}�r(ler d8ht or remedy of Ler.der.Thb asslgnment of renfs of thr Ptoperty `!'��
<br /> • ah�ll terminate when the debt secured by the Sec�my insuument is p�id in Full. _ .,
<br />• , ,. '.; . . _ •
<br /> _ . . - Y�LZe)u1� E � .
<br />, _ .. � �
<br />