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<br /> . ' ' �pplic�ble fa�v mtY�►fa�iroataemit)izefae sak af the Propeity pursu�nt to�ny�powe�of sak coaau�ed ia t6is
<br /> � Se�u�ity i�an�af�or lb)emY of a judpnpn eofoe�ing 16is Secu�itY Iaat�uneat. liwse caaditions arc th�t Bamwec: ta) �
<br /> p�ys Leade,r�II sums whkb 16a�wouW 6a due m�d�r tAis Securiry Instrutnent �nd the NoUe as if ao acoeientiao had
<br /> . o�ccuaed:(1s)s�a�r defiwit ot any ot6a aova�ua a apeamen�:(�)WYs ali�i�rc�ed in eafocring this Sauri�Y .
<br /> � Instr�neaR. iaetpding.�t aot limite�to.teasaaabk suameYs•fas:aod(�t�s sucb action as tender may neasao�hlY - .
<br /> to aswre tlat the tiat d tbts Security Iawumen�Leedet�s dguts in tbe Ptopetty aM&xrower�c�ig:tiaa to pay t6e �
<br /> �-- __ _.;--_:�- -�-- . . .
<br /> _ --sums secwi�isy�ftis-S�rs�ity= - gsxt-s+detsta�e+�lajx_Bor�a�.Wis S��Y_,__. _ _---
<br /> - Insp�aomt:aod t1�e obli�tions stcwed hereby s6a11 temain fWiy e�'ective as Jno acceteraum had occorred. Howevti this
<br /> " right to teimtate sM11 nat�ppty in ti�e case of aooekntian uodes pusgr,�pA t7. - � �. .���
<br /> -� . , . 1!: Sale e�NNe:(.'i�le a�LoMt Senlar. 7'6e Nota or a paN�t i�uercsE in the Note ftogetf�er with this Savrisy
<br /> �- Insaumd�t)maY be soTd oae ac moce[im�es wit�aat prior notice w Botrow� A sak mag resutt in a ci�nge ia the auity
<br /> - ` (fmavm ag tbe'Lmn Senricer'1 tfiat colkrts monWY WY��doe under the NotG and this Security[nsmunent lbete aLw,
<br />� ' ut�g be oae ar�orc chanats of t6e Loan Serviotr waetated to a sak of the NatG if tt�e�e is a dunge of the�pan Servioeti
<br />�-i .. Haemwer wiA be giyeo wriuen notice d the c�oge ia aa�d�with ptioragtaph�14 abnve�ad applicabk Iaw. 'il�e notice
<br /> - wiU sqtc d�e n�me snd addness of tlia new Laaa Servicer and tbe additss to v�cd payaxnts shoutd be madG The natice witt �..—
<br />-`=i.�- _ aiso cntMarti s�ty odiec�ufat�atiaa�t�nQed t►Y applecable law=- _.. - - -, — -------
<br /> �u
<br />� Zf. H�m�rdo�S�6eWaY. Barower s6all not qase or pemai,tbe presence.ase,disposal:storaSa o�a�se ofany ` --
<br /> " '� fLvaNnus Snb�s an ar in ttie PtoQecty. Bamwtr shall not do�twr alb�at�yas�else'to do,aaY�B��8 the �=__---
<br />�z-�'� Ftvpatp�ia in vinl�ut�oE�ng Eaviin�une�t�Taw. 'll�e p�codin8 hvo senfenxs stt�I1 nat apply to the pnesmce.usGar� _ �=�.,-._��.--
<br />- storagG m tTic Ptvpa�iy of snmli qwatities ot Har�ardous Substaaces tdat ate 8�13'*�S�ized w 6e apptopri�te ta+w�mal :Y;,�'�`�°_
<br /> �; � ,
<br /> � tesideaGi�l uses and m m�tenuKx of the Plropaty. ' `��:5p�", -
<br /> . Bomuwa slwli p�omPUY 8ive l.rnder written naice of aay iayestigatiatk claim,demand.lawsuit or other actian 6y anY ``s�.;�.
<br />- • ��a�A�y�pmr�p�y�nvolving the Pcopeit�and any Huardous Substance a F�vi�anmental .:y�,:�,: .
<br /> .�' �;� t.aw of:�vbicD Boaowa bas actual knowiedge. If Borrawec[�:or is riqtified byi any gove�runental or�latory -��-
<br /> �.u;r,---
<br /> . ' �tlarhy;t6u any removal a otbet nemediatian of�ty Aa�ndoas Sab�aoe�aYie�g d�e Ftope�ty isnecessacy:Sa�rvwer �._ -
<br /> �,:' z_..,;..
<br /> . shall p�ompdiy taiue all aecess�ty�err�e��l actiaos in accvcdar�ce with 6otvaio�aE Law. , , __ ,�:
<br /> �9 � '�'- -
<br /> _ As u�d'w this p�t�grsph 2 0."H a�a a+d o a s Su b s w�c e s"ar�c d t o�c�d e f�n e d a s w x i c o r h a z a�dous substances b y =�r- -- -,-
<br /> u �::t:.;:;-
<br />_;:;�;- , F�viionmmtat;Law and the following su6stances: gasolinc.kerasen�od�ar tTammable a toaic petrolam products.toaic • � ,:•..�;,
<br /> . � pacticides and herbteides.volw'te so2veMs.materiaLs containi,ng asbestaa5 oc fonnaldehyde.and radioactive mateqials. AS " '•` '�
<br /> _ �- �: usp�m this�rapapb 20i"Firvira�unental iaw"me�s fedecatlacvs�d iaws o�t��arisdicuon where the Rnpe�t�is Ibcatec� _ •-
<br /> that relate to healtd.safety�nr enviro�uqenwl gmtectioo. �. •„�.., ..� -
<br /> NON-UMFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and ixt�der furtl�er cavepant ar�¢:��ee as foDows: : r '�`,
<br />� ' tl. Accetesstion,Rtmedies Le�der s6alt give aotkx to Barro�ver p�iot to�!fdlowi�Horrower's �.__.' • • -
<br />�'•�:` < breseb of say caveaaat ae�reement ir tbis Secur�ty t��f�ut aot prior to aooda��under PusE�aPb iT • : . ' ��-
<br />;;` - � ;€:' :•. ���pp�icapi�I�nv provides dtierwi�:; 79ie natke s6aQ�`:!a)tLe default.N)t6c'�1�i�►�requiced to car�the. . . -
<br /> ��de��k;(c)s a�e►.oe k�s t Y�.3 e d s�s from a r e d a�e t��.�s a�v e n a B o r r o+v e r,I t�;��t i t e ddaol!mQSt be �i�.�, .�-:
<br /> ' :` wred;�d td)trat tail�re to care ttie def�alt a�ac bKfnrr the dsbe spceitied iR�Ye�otice msy resslt.ia�leratioa ot ;.';'� :.-. -
<br /> ' � ,� � �s�o�sa�ed b�tlds Secarity Inst�mnt a�s�'e ot tUe PrapMy..'l're ao�ice s6a11 tnNher im�,r�13axroRer ot -
<br /> �.•`;�e�¢t ta rei�tat�sftes aoodaratiqa a�d tbe ri�to bMn�a+ves�adlos w assect tbe aoa-t�e��t`�c�efwit o�F ::.: , -
<br /> ' . _',.�sy at�a de6ease d Boeroweir to�tcodaatton a�d s�la Bthe defaalt is not cared oe or F�'r�+e:t�c�gsp�citied Fx--. . '_
<br /> . � ;..
<br /> _.. F y;` ':':�V[e uutioti�arder at it�opNon may require immediate payment ia tall of s�ll sun4 secnred b�!#�5�tnstrame�C-,. • •. ,
<br /> :V .�
<br />, ;,. , •`.�aat tart6er demaod�aW mAy involce the pmker of sak and any ofher cemedie�bg,t�'i�6k law >r<�;�� '
<br /> wt• �
<br /> ' :��.�• Tteeder sha(I be enfittrd�tn�eollect aii ra�penses incarred in porsuing the reraedies provideQ aP'tl��Ph Z1. ,rr;.:�; ' .
<br /> • .,r,'-�"f?.� '.:�•,incladiea,6at not limite�2tr�reasooabe�ttorneys'tees and eosts d titk evi�kei'^e. • ''��'`��•' '%"�`�, • ,. =
<br /> j�"�`��-'� � �t fhe power o�sak ia invulced,�'r�ee shall record a notice ot default in each count��a sr�fr�sim��pArt ot the :;:
<br /> �Y� ,•'.�! � Cii�'..
<br /> -.�;,_ r: . pnuperty is located and sha(I m�il oapies of sucb notice ta tLe m�aner prescri6ed by appt�be t1�to 8�rrowt�And to . �"-
<br /> -�y�'� �; ttie olher p�raoes pn�btd by appikabk law After the timc required by appika6k law.'tYastee��ive pablic _
<br /> sMla o�asb to the persons and in the manner pr�scsibed by applicable iaw: 7lrustee.withoat dema�o��orrower. , --
<br /> , •",.�sd1 t�e Property at publk aucNon to the h�biddtr at the Nme and ptaoe�nd under the tm��d�wted io ��. '
<br /> �� �:. t�e n o t i c e Q t s A k i n o n e o r m o r e p a r c e t s a�l d[n��-=c c?�.r 7'r�ce determines. 7frusta ma y p o s t p o n e sak'�all or any k'
<br /> �;, _ ''.�-� �' ' .�arce!o�rJ�e�ropierty by puhlk announcemeat�.�;a��pT:tse otany previously schedukd sak Ltnder or it�. ; ..
<br />� ' � �y; •• ' '� .: alesigoee n�y parcb�se the Property at any sata, °:. '. .. • � ;�
<br />, ,�' {"_ ,:y: , , • � lJpon recetpt o/p�f!ment d the price bi�,�',ssts�uee�l rlel'+�`to the purchaser 7Yusta's deed�wJ4e��g�1ne ,. ;� i � r.
<br /> � <<`.' � .. �roperty. 7'Ue recitals C�t i:�e 7lrustee�detd sh�i1.1���vna facie evidence ot t�truth of the statements�r�fie�herei�s: �'��.�,. � y��
<br /> . ' �1 ` � , "�%;1�:;.. '_-
<br /> , '�Srastce shall aPpt9 the y�paeds ot the sak in!he f�cin�order. tal to al�aa��and ea�penses o�extrci�di�q't1�e paRer ,E,:.;.;�
<br /> '��``;'�` -
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