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<br /> �` ��y.(d'��TC[�{lIL�.�'.�,��.G�i�1,,LS,.11/t.�il.iCC C�1{R�t�1t1C It4SU171100 5�1i��bC C�IOStO�1�f,$(�l�li"SII�L{O�GIIdCT`'.�.',
<br /> i�QfOV�1M�I�C�13b11�I10��.'waw+�'�'•J���• ��f!l�4ltf lI1�lA�IQ I:OVC('i�C�GS�{��01�G.T.�l11�1.K��r,.�.11:•
<br /> 1.C[I�Gf�O(AIOf�e Obfatll l'OYCli$Q W p10ICCt;.G�Cf�I��I51111�IC�OpCILy II18CCa[da[IlY W ltll�L�17•` ` � �
<br /> ��ItI5�I1CC pO�ICICS�fIQ tC11C1H315 5���1G,COCQIa�C Ttl�.tildl7.10d 5���lllC�lidQ A Sht�7� ,�kl�+„ ���: �f
<br /> shall have d�e rig6t tp hoid thr pol"icies and mKwat�. If�ender ioquines•Barower shalt prc�{fijt�!'�i��v���P�
<br /> _ � mns'ond�awwit mtices. In tha event of lass.Bortowa st�i[give p��pE�t�icr.tM(.i��l�st�ce c�� -
<br /> — - _ --- — ' uftossif[�etis�d�gca�[pti�bg8 �
<br /> : t.e et. f.en6er��f �i°'� —'- - -
<br /> - — � tJnkss 1x�er sa�Boaawa dbawEise�[+x iu wnting.insuiance p�oceeds.sh�ll,�x�tied��tt�4i��ar tepair of
<br /> � ��P�Y��the restatatia►���is eca�omicaily feasibtc and.l.endec?��s���il�°�i�;l�ssened. If the
<br /> mca�tion or�tir.is m�t ecoaomirally fr�ibk.or Lender�secbaity would.be La�seaed�:,tt�!:tn�t�ri'�:Y'4�.`.��5ls�.s�di`i�e
<br /> applied m tbe s�ts secuced by this Secunty Insdumm�wtrcther o[not then due,w�th.ar►'g,�tP��pd�.i:����+tntwer. �f, ,
<br /> B«mwa ab�dons ehe P�opeaY•or does nat aaswer withia'3U days a notice fmm•l.ender,�it�►n rc►si�s��,cz�ric��is��.
<br /> of�eied w seule a daim.dxn Lencier may ooiket the insurnc�e pmceeds. I.ende�may:use ttt?.� t��-: -.`�"��!��e�c�•: .
<br />-- `- the ptopcny or to pry sams sec,vRd by this Security 6utrs�ment.wt�alter ac riot th�ndwr.'!UG'�E1k��'��tctil�'+xt3l�t:gisi,�+l�fil�A s;..
<br />--=_ - thtratixisg�vrn. - �'�'e`' ` ta': , 'ski3��>tE�s�xis�i a
<br />-_ _ _--- Unkss Lender and Sor�owa att�eca��is�agcee in v�itinS���►Y�PP�iratic�e�ix►rfx;?�:'+��. .��?i��. ---
<br />`�'. postpone the dua date of tix manthtY P1Ymenis tefened to in Faragrapiu 1��2����F�10E�t���iat;t�r�tPaS'me�ts. tf �
<br />�;�,,:: Euider paragraph 21 the P�ope�t�r is acquired by I.eoder.�orrowcr's right ta.an�i%i�ist��taC!��'���-aed:pruc�eeds resulting
<br /> fmm duo�ge to the RopeaY Pcior to tBe acquisman sfinit p�ss to Lender•ta�h;.eztett�ttiG;�s�rti►s'secarcd by tftis Security
<br /> _:. Insuwnent immediately prior to ihe acquisition. . � � ;`<: .'.:.
<br /> .�:.:,t . f. Qccrpa�cy, ereaervatiae. MaiMteNSOCe asd Protect�oo.d tb�.Fin�aty:{AtN't+�4rer's I�w� Applkados�
<br /> ' I,qiseia�s. Bort�nwersiralb accupy.esta6Gsb.aad ase the Prope�ty as Bo�vt��_Prmc�Pa1•�side�tce witiun siaty days after -
<br /> `•';"'v hisavmeat aetd shall cantinue tu accnpy ihe PrR'A�.F��-Banower's principal midence far.at�
<br /> ; .r� the eiecutiuq uf.this.Sa�f3t --
<br />,__-„� leact:an�;Veai�fce�'�#�;t�ate of oocup�ncy. unless l.ender aNecwis�agcees-in w�iting, which cansent sh�fl.nai,;be
<br /> - unreasot�s:o��al�iel�'cir;`tipkss eatrnuad�g c�rcwnstances e�cist cviudi:iue:beYa�d Boirowers contml. Bomuwer sttalU tjat, ---
<br /> � : � pE allow the Froperty ta��sf�.o,r_aanimft waste on.the Propnty. Bartawer s�hulli' , �
<br /> _ � y'�` ��"�`�°�' ' -uie�7ur_civiCo'r.�t�i�.t�gun that inl.ender'sgaaci fuith judgir�ent.
<br /> .. .'•�::��.��e in defai�it�9i►y fqr�iefa?�.?e aciian as gmceedmg: __--
<br /> '��` � ��� ar othenvise�.'inateriall � t�i'e lit�t created by lhis Sea.�urity,°Tndtntment or ==-=-_--
<br /> . ':,,:.,:: •could resutt m forfe�,:.�!.��the Property Y ��P� . . � = _=-
<br /> _ . ' . Lencter's securicy intere�.:L�i:irowermay c{u�sucE���fet`ault and reinstate as•.pirs�ni�d in paraf,taPh�8•bY�'�S the action - ��-
<br />� •`, or pmc�eeding m be disrfii`s�ed�aiih�-�����.in I�ocIer's-goad faitlt det�mini�sm:pt�eclades forfeitare of tfie Bocrower's !���`'-
<br />, s �}"'.,,
<br /> ' interest in the P�vperty or other iir��i�i itnpaimient of the lien cteated by thi�Secuniy.instriiment or Lender�securiry F, ;._.:`':
<br /> �� interest. Barmwer shall'�tso be_i�s:�:�writ if Borrowec.durirtg the loan ap�i�sa�ion pmce-ss. gave materially false or �;�-•___:_
<br /> , ' �,�,:..
<br /> inaccuiate infbm�ation or'.�ementsLL��:--''�der(ar failed ta provide l.ender wittr.��material infonnation)in connectiarwith �.r_
<br />' � - '- tfie loan evidenced by t�e:l�Sot�; i���:ng. but nat limited to. r�eprcse�tuti6cisi.�nceming Borrower:s occupaixy of the ;��=��:_
<br />� • pr as u i r+esiilence, If ii�*�`�uritY Tnswmenl is an a l�ehald,Bairower shall camply with all the provisians .�•`;�_-
<br /> �p�+, P�P� �ak . �_
<br /> • . of the 1��..�':{�Bomuwer xquirey fe�-;:...a..ya the Property.the 1ea.�l'so�d:�d the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agees �-�__--
<br />.. t0 thC l��El-7�Ct1 tYfltlQ& .+, •.•,.• . � ..-.. . .'_ ,�„ .
<br />` ?;-��ectiop at�l.endes's Ry�in t6e�l�petty �S'�'+-7m�a�rr fails to perfomt the covenanls a�d a�eemelur�;` �' `_
<br /> ;�.,y `�eantained in thi s S e c u r��: T n s u umen t�¢r there ibl�:tr�e�Prq�i��i;ra� m�y tii�nifican[►y affect Lender�.r'.�l�tc in the� ��,.
<br /> lkoperty(such as a��,g in bankruptcy.proba�i�or rondemnatian or farFeiture or to enfarcc taws ar.re�uiatiions),t1�en _ ���r;��_-,�;.
<br /> : n���-... ._ .
<br /> �. 1.ender may do and�k��r whatever is necessary ta pratect the value of the Propeay and Lender's ri�eirabe PropenY• _ �`�r.•. �f:,�;_,,_
<br /> • " l.ender's actians may i:�r;�de paying any sums secured by a lien which nas priarity over this Security Instrument.appearing •1 ;:.
<br /> in cou►'t.paying reasona5te attomcys'fees and entering on ihe Prc�peny to make repair�.Althoig6 Lender may take actcon "� :'���•� ?�
<br /> . under this paragmph�:,t:��der does nnt have to da yo. ' �
<br /> M��amaunGti�i-�t�ui'�rd by Lcndcr under this paragrapb 7 shall becamc additional debt of Barrawer secumd 6y this •� .
<br /> � �,�,, Security Iasuumen�, C�ritess 8orrower and l.ender agrce to other terms of paymen�these amou�ttc shaU bear interest from the � , -
<br /> date of disbu�eme�r��he Note rate and shall bc payabte,with intere�t.upan natice fram Lender to Bormwer requesting
<br /> :::. • •-;'�,. �� • -
<br /> rt paymern -- � ,
<br /> e
<br /> _, `," S. ,.;?�ae�.�aasttra�ce. If Lender�equired ma��age iasurance as a canditian of maT►irn�the toan secured lry thfi�': :;
<br />.- ,. ,. �u�t1s��ran;;a:r.t..8o�rowcr shail pay the premium� requircd tn maintain the mort�age in�urnn��e�n effece. If, for�an+,�;: ; ,_ _
<br /> "�- r .reasan. th�';�ort� �:s:arance coveruge requir�wi ti_v.-,lxnder lap�e:: or ceaseti to be in effect. 8nrmwe.,'hu!1 P�Y �!�:. ,
<br /> . � ; pnemiums requireQ t �nt3in coverage,yubstarsi�J.►ti:ryuivatent ta the mortgage inrur�nce previously�itt•e'�'i cs�.at a �ast t ` ���,� _
<br /> ' • f;;�-• tiubstantial�yr equivafi��r,u�.�he cast tn�3�s+�i�wer iit°?���nangage in�urAnce pro��iously in effcct,from Ast a.�*��i�mortgag. „��;�.,��,,
<br /> ,:�� insuner approved by Lr:r�er. IYtia6su;rtially eNuivaccnt maAgage inwrunce cavemge is not nvailabte,8ostou�er shaU pay td� �• _=
<br /> '�%�� Lencler each month�sym cyual to nne-cwctfth of the ycarly man�age incurancc premium beir�g��tii,�by Harrawer when the• � ,y����___
<br /> {c� insurance caverage la�v::�arcea.red to bc in e f fecG L en der wi l l accep�use a n d r e t a i n t h e r c p a��a e e+n��ac a loss reserve in lieu ��*� •• ,<<.�-- -�
<br /> ,, ,....,
<br /> of morcgage insuranc�: Y.o�s rescrve paymem4 may no langcr be�cyuirrd.ut�he aptian of Lcadcr.if mort a e in.wrance ' '���:'.�:��_
<br /> !,. 8 S '�t�;,•. . .. , _
<br /> � :'�' coverage(in the amount and for thc periad thai Lcndcr requirc�l pravidcd t+}�an intiurcr appraved by Lcnder again becomes }`'j: `. • .-
<br /> � -• -' • availabte•rtsd ix abtained.Borrowcr shall pay the premiumc rcqu�r�d tn maintum martgagc�nsunu►ce�n eifcct.(1f tpjlTOVttIC il ,�'a; , •r,,.ir,.:
<br /> • �'� toss r�ua��.Until the requircment far mo»gagr in�urance crt d,:iia<r:S:.�r danrc w•i t h any written a greemcnt betwcen Bnm��ver�. i;;� ti :.,:
<br /> .;::��N, : ;�; . :•
<br /> �_.:��:,:.C L :' . :rtd Leni�:fior appliCable law. , ,. �,� �
<br /> ` ' y 4 �, Insptction. Lender or iu:�gcnt may ma ke ri..�t,n:3�1��:�:irie�u p n n i m d i n�p e ct io n���f the Prn peay. Lender shall�i �5} ,, , ��.'�;
<br /> �� :� � '� . give BorrQwcr noucc at the tim.uf o�privr t��an iny�:rian:y:�titif;i:;g rca�onabte cau:c for the in�pee�iun. 3t`�.;: .� ,,• �
<br /> '• 10 Condemnatiun. 'fhr pr�xced.uf any a��aac�;+�r'G'1a�rn't�ir damage�.dirc�ar r�m�ryucntial.in a�r�.?:�xian with an�• ��r; ,,
<br /> � . • ► •,'•
<br />. �.:-,c•r"... , �,.� �,,j
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<br /> ..,(`;';;,: ' . � . " � , ti�rJ'GW�:6us'm+YUf%Inc �. .,:.,.
<br /> . ;,, + i,
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