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�scurlly tor the peyment of th�Nota,Trustor hereby Onnb <br /> .;;,�i�v,;ir.,�� i 3 i-'aiituiiii itiop��yi 8�assritY A�s�ar�. <br />- �+�� •"'� Le�der under the Nbbraeka UMtorm Commeroal Coda a aecurlly intereet In all fixturea,equipmenf.and othx personal propsrty <br />`�-:'j i u�ed In eonnecUo�with the�eal eatete a�Improvemente Iocated the►eon,and not otherwriee deol�red or desmed to be�p�R o1 <br /> :�;�:�� 1he resl e�tete aeaured hereby.Yhl4 Inat►ument ohall be conatrued as a SeaurNy Apreement u�der sald Code,and th�L�nder <br />— shaN hsve ell the riphts end►emedlea oi a aecured party under satd Code In additlon to the riphq and remedla�areated under <br />— end�caorded the Lander purwant to thts DBed of Trus�provlded thet Lender'e riqhta end remediss under thl�parapaph�haN <br /> - M ownul�dve with,and In�o way e Ihnitadon on.Lender's►Iphts end remedle�under any other Nourity a�r�ement tipmd by <br /> Bonower a Trustor. <br /> (q I.i�ns�nd EnaumbranaN.Truetor he�eby w�rrents and rapre�enb thet there I�no deTault und�r ths provldons ol any <br /> mort�p�,d«d of trust,IaM or purohaee centract de�crlbinp aN or any part of ths Prop�rty.a oth�r conVaot,innrummt a <br /> aprNrrwnt comGtuUnp�Ilen or encumbnnce a�alnst all or eny pert of the Propsrty(collecdvely."Uen�"),exlsdn��s ol th� <br /> c t as di�cla�sd ro Lender in Tru�toPt <br /> date of thh Os�d o1 Trwt,ond th�t any and all exbtinp Liena remeln unmodltled ex ap <br /> wNlan dUolpiure ol lf�n� and enoumbrence�p�ovlded for hereln.Trueto�shall Umely p�Aorm �II o1 TrusWr's obllpadons, <br /> � eowrwnb,np►�sentstlon�and war►antle�under any and all exlaNfny and tuhxe l.lem,�h�ll prompUy forwud to l�nd�r aopls� <br /> ot all nodces ol deiault�ent In conneaQon with any�nd ell exl�tinp or future Llens,and shNl not without Lender's pr�ar writt�n <br />�I.�� conwnt In eny menne�modlly the provlslons o1 or ellow any tuture edvencea unde►any existlnp or fulure Llsna. <br /> • Q) Applloatbn o1 Pa�nanb.U�lesa othenvise requked by law,auma paid to�ender hereunda�,lncluding without Ilmitetlon <br />'�:. •A 1•N�.t�y�; paymonta ot principal and intereat,Ineurence proceade,condemnatinn proceeda and rents end profits,eh�ll be applied by <br /> •� •;��.;t,.:;h , Lender to the amounts due end owlnp Irom Truotor and Borrower In such order es Lender in Ib sole disarotbn deema desinbie. <br /> ' `:*r•::��;+., (k) SwKabitUy.If any p►ovislon oi thls Deed of Truat conflbts with eppliaable law or Is decl�red invalid or otherwise <br /> �M,-��%%'��;i'�. I unenforceeble,9uah conlllct or Invelidity ehatl not a(fect the other provisone of this Oeed of Trust or the Note which cm bs <br /> _ ��, -,��r:�.;�.�.±t� piven e8eot without the confliotin�provision,and to this end the provlslons of thls Deed of Truat and the Note aro deolered b ba <br /> ,.y..s;`:..�v.� ' wvorable. <br /> �._•:ti:,.._.,....�; . <br /> -• ;t t�;.,. I (I) TMms.The lerma"Truetor"and"Borrowe�"shall inalude both einpular end plurel,end when the Truabr and Borrowa► <br /> �.. -- i pra the same person�a),Ihoae terma aa uaed In thle Deed at Trust ahall be Interchenpeable. <br /> (m) f�ov�nln�I.�w.Thls Deed ot Trust ehall be governed by t e lewa o1 the 31ate ol Nelxeska. <br />_-.° .�`s:: : ,:.;�� Truota h�s exeauted thle Deed of Trust af of the date w�irien above.,�� l (? <br />��v,r��• .!r ...;.4,: -�..� _��: / �, / C�,��<f.-.t�f"�J = <br /> . �:. ��: �n �. cru a sto� <br /> i� �'r:�f��t'r�.�; � <br /> . J;�i�,,�,�.�,_.. _... :z �.i��� t1�%c i �.- � �c . = <br />- «�- ••�, �"� (G. Devid GruendelXrusror <br /> tl'. '•�� ' ;�,.,,f .�;,. <br />. . ,Y��iw:' . <br /> ' v d`dr5b:.;;%��..::•• <br />- Yc`r,r.,. <br /> .�=n ,T`��F,�'. . ' � - • �9 <br /> .-tiC. „•r� .\.• 'l/�, <br />... '� ' ' J_.' <br /> 2 <br /> =:y �'k71.:l.r\4':r':'..)4 . <br /> "a_�A )i}�•.-:.'-t'e�'.',`' ` <br /> , ',�z'�� y �,Sr.���� . <br /> .� .:��;t;�t, <br /> :;��, tt�.\, <br />_-�,� �� '...•:`.:.. ►;' <br /> r � 4i ¢ ��: <br /> _, � �,�:',5�1� <br /> t�'��t����` �''':i,�.�� <br /> - ��:t,,.Tikytif'�:�..Sr'a�( y� <br /> .',��; ��;,�,�y��at(r,. �1?A, ' `q � •i: �ff. . <br /> �rY�t S`� t�i:t. � <br /> .,.',}.� '`i!1 �F '�,, -. <br /> p � .�� <br /> 1 <br /> `p.-.: ii� ,f.: ..' . <br /> � �: . .. <br />.r '�::� .. . . <br /> ' t.� �., . <br /> ,_ <br /> A...�. .,. •�i . . ... . _ _.__ ._ __ _ _ _ __-. -.__.._ <br />