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v ' ,,'` ' • - � . ' ,. .� . . -4..r�.--,Y4u ,_ <br /> • � . . . . __ . . ��� � . .. . .._. <br /> __��_.J-___. . . . ._.�_�� - � - ���_._�_ -. _L - - _ __" _.. <br /> � ���� '! � .. _..__ _ - C-�" 'I.♦ ' . `' __'" , _ _..,._. _ - <br /> . �+�w«wr�w�rwrw�«�er+.��a.Mir�rw.�.i.�oe.iM rr�•���rri�i� <br /> a.r. � rr b w.o..�a trw��r�Mw.�+r�I�I�M rw aM.�b 7h�r�a.���M �YwM <br /> M• � a d un�M»OMdo1TYuM,b�eNM�.MKnotMniN�114�N. tl�Aeahwrt�rh�/M�ri�l <br /> �MII'��qIM�1�dM Mo�MIM1�11H+MM Nip1�MMl� M�n�N1�t �M�M�/�r <br /> Iq!'�M1f�NQIiN011.11��M��1Yr1/t , . • <br /> • � . <br /> , � . .., v .N• . ' . � <br /> ` , • � �Ai D C <br /> , . �y <br /> OEED.OR TRUBT WITH Ri�T1JRE ADVANC�B <br /> THIa DEk�O�7RlJST,b�'mstN a of th�._.�.Btb�.day d �nr�l �lp.-�y b'l►�Id�11o11p <br /> qM T�y�� Aileap,�,, ar�enrlel a merrted oanen ind G. D�vid CruandaL_ h�r hu:b�nd, <br /> who»m�llinp add�p N �gze w �..�M. ��A,,,��.�.� ���..+�'_NES�n"Trw►or,"whMh�r on�a�N, <br /> tM 11�uqM, ' <br /> who�w�.ma�lnp�ddnq la p A•,..�rii�SIIZ.—Grahd I:lar�d t�tE 68804-1507 (h�nin"TiuMa1•Q�n4 <br /> thM I�P�wol��►. • <br /> wh6Mf niau�np�ddrass u !'�'"la"d'r�• <br /> '�GR VAWABLE CONSIDERIITION,Inok�dinp Lenda's oxten�lon of andlt IdNniflod h�rNn to �_ �avid ���Iwwn D. <br /> �ruendel , (he►ei�"Bonowe",whaher one or moro)u�d th���we f�in on�Md <br /> � tl�e rqaelpt of whfoh li hweby aok�owlalOed�7►usror hereby Irrevacably prenb,trand�ro,conveye and�saipns to 7rus0»,IN <br /> Tf3US?,UHTt!!'ODUEfi OF 3!+l.E,!or tha bane!!!and securlty of Lender.under end eubl•�tto�h.nrm�and condiUon�haNntlr►Mt <br /> lonh,ihe r�sl propsrry,tlesortbed es follovn: _ <br /> See Attached Exhlbit "A" .. <br /> TopMher with all bulldinpe.improvements,il�ctures,atreets,�Iley�,paueQew�ys,eaaemenb,�iphts,privilps�and appurb- <br /> n�ncq locatsd th�►�on or In�nywise pertalnl�p thereto,and tho renb,is�ues and prolNs.reveraione and romainden thsreof,and <br /> suah psrwnsl property th�t is alfachsd to the Improvementr eo a�to con�Gtuta a IlKtun,includinp,but not Ilmlqd to,hpitl�p and <br /> coWinp�qulpm�n�and topaMer with the homeatead or marital i�uresb,if eny.which fntereaq are hmeby relea�sd�nd waiwd;all <br /> of which,lnaludinp repl�camenq�nd addillons thareto,I�hereby declered to be a pan of the real estate a�aund by tho N�n o11Ala <br /> Dwd of Tnut�nd all 01 tM forepolnp bslnp reterced to horeln a�tho"Property". <br /> Thio Ds�d ol Trun�hall �eaure(e)ths peymont of the princlpat wm and Inhrsst evidenaed by a promiwory note or andft <br /> aqreemant dated �1pK71. 1 fi,-1993 ,havinp e malurity date ol MT� 2003 , <br /> In the o►Ipinal prinolpol amount of S Q nnn nn ,end any end ell moditlrsUons,exta�slom and renewals <br /> theroof or thereto and any and eU future advances and readvances to 8orrower(or eny of them it more then one)hereunder <br /> purauant to ona or more promle�ory ootes w credit epreementa(herein called"NOte");(b)the payment o1 other eum�Advanced by <br /> Lender to protect U�e securQy of the Note;(c)the pertormance o1 all aovenants and apreemente ot Truawr eet forth hereln;and(d)all <br /> pr�ent and future indebtednesa and oblfyations of Borrower(or any of them il more than one)to Lender whether direct,Indirecf, <br /> absotute or condnpent end whether ariainp by note,puaranty,overdraft or otherwqe. The Note,this Oaed of Tru�l and any end all <br /> othe►dxuents that seoure the Note or otherwf»e exeouted In connectlon therewlth,includinq without Ilmitellon pueranteee,eeourily <br />• aQ�eemente and assipnments ot leates end rents,shall be referred to hereln ae the"Loan InsUuments". <br /> T�uator oowrrwmr and a�rees wlth Lende�ea followe: <br /> 1. ol Mid�bt�dnNa.All indebtedneas secured hereby ahal l be pald when due. <br /> 2. T .Truator is thQ owne�of the Property,has the right and authorfy to convey the Property,and warrente that the Uen <br />. created hereby le a first anc!p�Ior Ilen on the Property,except lor Ilens end encumbrances set fath by 7rwtor in wrlUnp and <br /> dptivercd to Lcndar before or.ecutlon ot thl�Deed of Truet,end the executbn�.uf dallvery of thfa Deed of Tru�t does oot vlolaw any <br />�= contraCt or other obllpadon to which Truator Is aubJect <br /> 3. TiuN.MtNNn�nb.To pay beforo delinquency all taxea,�pealal a�sewmente end all other aharyes apein�t ihe PropoAy <br /> now or hereatter levlad. <br /> 4. Mwnna�.To keep the P�oparty Inaured against damage by f i re,hezerda Included wNhin the term"extended covereqe",and <br /> such other hezard4 0o Lender may requlre,in am0unts and wlth companles accepteblelo Lender,nami�p Lender ee en eddiUonal <br /> named imurod,with lou payable to the Lender.ln case ollosa under such policies,the Lender Is authorlied to odjust collect and - <br /> COmpromise,ell clalms thereunder end shall have the optlon of epplyinp all or part dthe Insurance prxeeda(i)to any Indebtedness <br /> saCU►Qd hereby end In euah order os Lender may o.rtermine,(iq to the Truator to be used lot the repair or restoroUon of the Proporty - <br /> w pll)for eny other purpose o�obJeat ssUsiaotory to Lender wMhoutaflectinp the lien oi thls Oeed ol Trwt tor tha full amount sscund <br /> Aereby before euch payment ever took place.Any epplication o1 proceada to Mdebtednes�shall not exbnd or poatpone the due <br /> datt of am uaym�nb under 4he Note,or cure eny default thereunder or hereunder. <br /> 5. E�arow.Upon written demend by Lender,Truator ah�ll pay to Lender,in such manner ea Lender may tlesiynate,euflioient <br /> sume to anabte Lender to pay es they become due one or more of the followlnp:p)eN texes.a�s�ments and other ahsr�es epain�t _ <br /> tho Property,(II)the premlum�on 1he propery insuronce raqufred hereunder.and(iif)the premlum�on any mortpepe Insurance <br /> requlred by Lender. <br /> 8. Maln��,R�ir��nd Compll�nc�wNh Liw�.Truetor ehall keep the Properly In poad conditlon end repalr;ahall - <br /> promptfy ropair,or�eplace any improvemenl whioh may be damaped w deetro�ad;ehall not commit or permit any weate or <br /> d�loratlon of ths PropsAy;thell not►emove,demolish or eubatantlolly alter any oi the lmprovemenla on the Property;ahall not _ <br /> commit,wller or permit any aot to be dono In or upon the Properry In vlolatipn olany law,ordMence,or repulaUon;and ahell pay and <br /> prompfly dl�chorye at Tru�tors co�t�nd expenae all Ilen�,enoumbronce�and cheryea levled,Impo�ed or asws�d apainet the - <br /> Property or eny part the►eo}. <br /> 7. Emin�t DomaM�.Lendsr i�hsreby a�sipnsd alf compenaetEon,awerda,dema�u and otAer paymenb or rellef(hereinefter <br /> "ProCesd�'�In conneotlon with cond�mnatlon or other taking of the Property or paAthereof,or tor conveyance In Neu of condemno- _ <br /> UOn.Lendsr sh�ll bs�ntlGed�t�h option to commenae,eppear In and prosec ute In fta own nertw any�oNopQ��pr.Q�edinp�,end <br /> shall atso bs entlWd tn mak��ny compromNe a ietttement In connectlon wilh euch tekfnp or damape.Yl�MliNsntAny portlon ot - <br /> UqC 3�871MaYpkWlurN DMq INv 10/M <br />-- 0 1�NMIO�W�MiY W Camw4 TrM�nd tMrNM AreeMUen�lM�e01R NMrWu <br />