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<br /> —fi{1��I-- - . .r.. '" _ , .. —_ _�� . _ - -� . _
<br /> --'�IL":� tir. .� :x�� . . � _ _ _ --
<br /> . � _.
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<br /> - � �—w" - e . _. . . . -- . —� ---- _ —_ `�--- — ,-�-�^—_— — --�- -
<br /> ��Q�f '� ' ;..�� .. . _
<br /> .� ��:...__ �f� , .. . . . : . . . � ,f . . � . . .
<br /> • t' �f s�
<br /> � - .� _ � . , .` ASSZQl�II'! Ol�T�tTST`�DEffiD_ ` - . ��'� �V��e�� � � � �-
<br /> . . . _ . ` �Idil 1tLt �I[ EY �SE YtESE�4,. 1`Itat 1he.�resU�d tLtionil Eant of Grud Islaad. `: , <'
<br /> `� a coirposatioa, the paity of the firp! patt. i�' consid+eration o� the sw o€ !_i[�_t:�t�
<br /> . `ti�0utaad s!]c'Mm�"�!d f3.fts�aadr o/I : , D011sra• to it itt 6an� p bY . ,- ;c
<br /> �1►ixst Ca�a�cca ltortt�ts ��� � � •� Corporatfoa, the pattp.af tlte> -
<br /> - - --_-;-- .._'.--s�cand_�srt,_ts�e_ .int_vhereof_ is.�ttssltY_aeimvtileds[ed. bas granted. assi�_aAd ____._--- �-----_--
<br /> -- -
<br /> ttwnsferrsd and. by these presents does grant, assiga�and cr'ans�er• un.a t�su�cessosa - `—
<br /> --- - - and asstgn�, a:certait�Tsust Deed vherein th� said'?he Overland Nstiosral-Baak �-Graad -=- -
<br /> Islsnd is Beneficfargs GasY G. Piel snd Ys� M. Pieis bvsbaad asd vife
<br /> is Tmsytor, and tistional Bantc of. Co�esce Trust and Sa�ings AssoMat3mi is.Trust:c,.
<br /> �hich.Trusi Deed was dsted the 28tb dsy of �sy , 19 91,.and recarded ehe
<br /> `?tltk daf of 2la� , 19 91, as Docv�ent No.91_7 0�94(1 of the �tTGA6E
<br /> Recc�rdu of Hall Couatp, �tebraska and all ita sight, tit].e�.and intestst to
<br /> -- the��rog�rtg thers�n described,_ as fol3osra. to-irf.t: _
<br /> _ � ' �17. of Lot 13 aad a part ot�Lot 14 in th� RE-SOBDIVISIOI�i of Bloct 4, SECOND 6DDITIOIf: ;,� s<
<br /> . -3+� �10I��S ffiGHiiAY�0l�S SDD�IVISIO�t,.in.the City o#- Graad� Islaad,.Hall Catmty. _. °,_
<br /> - lf�bsaaica, thst part of ssid I�ot 1l�, bein�g�ore pazticulary deacribed as follars: ° �-' �
<br /> ,_t,.
<br /> .���� .- . . �:ianfng at tiie iron stal�e vbici� aisrl�is`t t�e ca�on cosner o f C o c h i n S t r e e t o f�L o t s '-.�;:;;�,.��:-:'
<br />�� - 13 ar�d.14, tlteact 3n a Southvesterly directioa along tbe �a�oa linc betveea said '_f;:;.:�:::'�r'�;
<br /> � ' lota�to a.stake vhich �ucks tke ca■ra�n coraer of. Lots 13, �14, lb. x:-and 3i ,tkcace�.�;;`:>;_��<i�'.�s;.�__--
<br /> � ,, .< . .a
<br /> === . ia:a l�iorthessterly directtoa to a paint vhicti wnld be 95.0 feet Sauthvestesly alon,�.-;:-;';�;';�;�---
<br /> �_1,:. ���- :- •L ..
<br /> - : tize co�wn Iin� bet�eea sstd Lots 13s 14, and 20 �cet Fortin►esterly at sigbt �:;:,`::._' .
<br /> ;;'t � to eai.d�lot 13a�: thetece Northeaaterl.g,a distaace of apprasiaately 95.Q feet oa a. .2�ae ` ---
<br /> ; � . gusllel r�ritb ssid co�os line betaeea'said i�ts.L3 and 14 to a poiat Where.esid '-%'�'��_ -----
<br /> line intasaects vith Cotbtu Strr.�t; txience SontheasLerly alang the curved liae �':```r'�'; _ _ �
<br /> t;,' :, �-'�
<br /> - , .-- aepars�sg �sid Iat:�4 u�d Ceciita;Streat, a distaace of approsisately 20.0 feet ;; : . ,��--
<br /> to the Pla¢e of Hegfnning. ,. , �..,��. _
<br /> _ _ ���'�'=
<br /> _ �-�:�.'�==:.
<br /> '� Together vith the piomissory note thereia descrifsed, and the money due or. i�i.� �°��----_
<br /> . •.� rs�_��
<br /> • beco�e due thtreunder, including interest thereoa, subject only to the provistons ` ;
<br /> '�. : ,R_-�:.
<br /> . of. eai� Trust Deed tisereia contaiase d. "` ��'�'
<br /> �` �';r' —.--___.
<br /> � Ili iiiTRESS LiHExEOF, Ttie Over�aad Pational Bank of Gsand Islasid s�;a carparat�v�;' �-�_--
<br /> � has cauaed this Ass3gnmeat of Trns� IIeed to be executed bp its = ��� -� ?` .�` ��;_�
<br /> . � .
<br /> � � aad�attesied by �fts Sr. Vice.Presidant/Cashier , aad its cozpoze�ti�:��-�a �Ze,:. •. ,.
<br /> `,r r� -- hereuatu afif3xed tbis 28th day of _�laY � � , 19 91, - , . , '
<br /> !a t t�t.�.�,
<br /> � }r� j� , . . . • ��� _ -
<br /> �i{ti �!,� ��.' .�. . � .. - � ;,� —
<br /> ,. . ,. . . -
<br /> `;. �.. �' _ . -
<br /> ,;L•t;, ..� .� The Overla ational Bank of Grand Ieland. ; .. .J``� _
<br /> , . . •.... A CO S �.031 ,. ' ' �.. _
<br /> :(;:' � ' . , ��i•, � •-.:''
<br />;;. �'i-..: Bys . -
<br /> ,>:,.,, t . � � ' '
<br /> J- r.�. � ��s ' . � � "- � ' - ' .. -j�
<br /> ?.sr�J,lr.a.1 �j�f� . ;%r�. . ��;/ ' �:-f � . ...� Attest: �'V���� '�, �i- . —
<br /> '':�(;�j.t`� Yi ' . . . , . . , . ��,� . . . • . .. -r._
<br /> r, 1 �a •,��:.,s�.a �' . . � .
<br /> a , . , , .is.-
<br /> � � ?�: STA1'P, U�1�ii138RASKA ) ,. -
<br />_ i.; ' • )SS , � . � ,. .- ..
<br /> , COUNTY OF HALL ) � . . : -
<br />_ �. � f ..
<br />', ' Q:t;:thia 28th day o� " rlay , 19 91 , before me a notary public duly � . � �.�;�.
<br />.'` ..� � caaa�:�ia�ned and uallfied�.� and for said county and staee, personally came the above . . '-
<br /> �S 9 , i , ,,,r�,..
<br /> � ;- � :�', �ni�ert A. Morris + � " .
<br /> ���'�ar.�.�, '' David D. Svanson___ of Ti�e Overland NaLip•;:�3. Bank of � .
<br /> ' � ,:�...����t3 �s2and, whu are personally kna-+m to me to be the' ideztica��'�+�rsor.y ����e namea i
<br /> `��` ' �. are.aEE�sed to the above Asaignment of Trust Deed as �lic. '������ '�:`;' . ' �'
<br />'���'" . ana •.�-��.•Vice Yreaideat/Cashier of.s�ii� :cospoaatf,da.u;n.�•Ciicry'acicnalEedge.�he � ' . -
<br /> � �.i.�:; :, �ri8ttu�aent to be their voluntasy act aad @eed and Ehe 4aTunt�ry�'a�� and dee�:%of said.
<br /> Y...�;,� • , �` •
<br /> :�•-_:•. � co�aiation. � �. � � .
<br /> . J,•�,,�'L..� :
<br /> �.�v��} '.
<br /> ' � �. ;�r�,.� � fiITNESS my hand and o�ffeie2 sea$ at Grand Island, Kebxas� � , in said :.' . �
<br />. yr-
<br /> ��•� countp, the date afaresaid. �
<br /> ..tti'': . . . " S .
<br /> . _"Z'''
<br /> . •�,._.;-`. :.;�. . .
<br />. 'w,'�'...n:k,.+�ni•
<br /> � � �� ptasy Public
<br /> • -�-�. IMCALWIAk ' • . .
<br /> -. --- - -�. !�!1[ COl�lISSION EXPIRESs ��E�r Ac�:+iq� _ . ,
<br /> . •.r•�� � .
<br /> ' -,�,;�;:• RETURN T0: 1M�� .
<br /> ;,: • .
<br /> � - ° Grand 2s�aad Abstsatt , '
<br /> ;�;.. .
<br /> . . '� . �.
<br /> .r . . . .�a . .
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