:�•�1��t ' __ � '- ��-, ` _-__•'- — ...-..., -. ..�...--'- -... ''ac.— r.-.-° � . --' —
<br /> ��
<br /> ��
<br /> ��� T � �. : , -- .. : ��.-- �-�3�40 �-�
<br /> �,,,���„� . _ ,
<br /> ..-.-::-�:Au�r��p�.t af the praoeeds co t6e prixipal shs1E eoe aaead ar pas[poae}4e du�duG oE cha manthht i��.� `
<br /> u
<br /> are rrf4�rrd to tn Pan�ipb 2,or cLan�e t�e amaunt of suCh PaYmeats.Any'ezcas pcoceeds aver an amauac required to
<br /> P�Y.�1!ouuandint indebtedeess urtder the Note amcl thisSecuricg tautumem shall br p�d to ttx entitY[e�UY tatitkd thereto,
<br /> - , �, i.Fees.Lrnder may cotk�ct fas and charta authoaized by the Secraary- � � � .
<br /> =- - !.Cao�is iK AanektiNio�t ot DA�t. . . . . . .
<br /> 5, . .
<br /> — : ,�.- ---- --� =- . ___. __. .., �
<br /> -�=--=--...- ;� - _. .. _ _..
<br /> (a)Oefwil.Lerdermay.rxa�C as limtted6Y�eguTatioas issuedbY t6e 5ecrdatlr u►th�a�fpayin�a�f Jet��i�r:r�qa�r�-- -. —_
<br /> .� im�ate p�ym�in full of atl su�soCUred hy tGic Securit�r tasicumeet if: • - -_
<br /> . ' ' _ (�Borrower defauRs by fa�Ing to pay in fuq anY manthty payment tequired bk ttris Security lnstri�mast prior to
<br /> ;r j- ar on thc due date of the next monthtY WYment,or —
<br />=y�'�- (u�8orro�rer defaalts bY f�8,tor a peciod of tbirty days.ta�per�fonn amr otha obli�ations ountainod in this —
<br />�_-•..
<br /> A.Y.:. _" Securic!►[nstrumeAt. . —
<br /> �2::.:. . -�,.�
<br /> '�_'��: - t►)S�k Witroat Cre�it�pprovaf.Leada shall.if perautted bY appdirabk la�r aad with th�prior aDPmval of the `--- -_ - - -
<br />, Secrotary,require immediue�ymmt�n fuU of all th�sums secured by th'�s Security Insuument if:, ' . __
<br /> ,, :... . .
<br /> - `' ._� _{i�A!I or put o!the Property is othet�vJse=tYausfured tatba thaa b�►devise�or d, � E 'bY e: nnaw�.an� __ __
<br /> � .. - . - � . �
<br /> ,�,:
<br /> ` � siaidence.os ihe 4_ '" ,_
<br /> .: (iij T`U�Property is not oocuPfefi bk the Purchazer or grantee as Uis orher � � .:' ;.,- - ;,>--�" --
<br />` � ��, . purd�r or graatee das so aecupy the Propeny but his or her credic-.Iras aot been approved in aeeordance witlr °:�; ,=;-�;,-,
<br /> °F �th�reqiiaemenu of We Seccetary., , . ; ;-���.„.
<br /> ,, :.: .._ . --
<br /> , - . �. . , . . � r;�_,'::;.-z.
<br /> _.�"� , .. (t)No Wabrer.lf.eircumstances Qecu�'tbat woutd permit[.ender to requiir�armediate payinent in�'ult.6ut t.�dec r-.: �`;, .'
<br /> . s�:.:
<br /> .z does unt�;e such paymeets.L.�er does aot waive its rights with rapect to subsequart everits. " ,. , ,-..:.*'
<br /> , .,,; ,W�� -
<br /> Y (q Rl�i�iCb�s�oi HUO Seaetar�..�"m'r�anY circumstanca regulaeions issued by tbe SecicEa�w711imft Lenda's dSh� ; - -
<br /> � ;` in the c�(��'�aymcat defaqtts t��I�i���l�Ym�t in full and forectose if notp This Secariti!i�. - -
<br /> does not suthonze aecel,eit�ii�'sn or fbreclosure if not permitted by regulations of the S� '��'• . ' � �__
<br /> �F r '� 10.Reiatat�t.Bonower has a right to be reinstated if Lender has rajuired 'unmediate pa�:�.fi�!}�as�af. - � _"
<br />,s�� t�F ' � Bonower's fa�7ure to pay an amount due undu the Note or t6is Security lastrument.This right a�Jfi��eaafres�orectasure
<br /><���;:,�� .. �;� � oc e e d in are institut e d.To rei n g t a te t he S e c u ri t y I n s t r u rt t e n t,B o r r o w e r s h a l l t e n d e r I n a t�g�a 4 1 a n a�s E s r e q u i r e d � .� :� ..
<br /> Pr Ss r;s;F�..�, °
<br />�r� ' •'. +�. to bring Borrower's account current inciuding,to the extent they are obliga'tIons of Borrower unde�ttiisSecara�i�utnimene, ;... �,<.•.-•.. -
<br />. _ , , �.r s���.,.: .:._
<br /> ` for e c l osnre costs an d reasana b k an d c u s tamary a tt o rn e y s f e e s a n d e x p e n s e s p r o p e r l y a s s o t J a t e d w i tb tlie forociasac��srocad i n g. �t.�,��.•�iir'.'�':`'._.;��_
<br /> '`'' ``'' ,;t Upon reinstatement by Borrower,this Security Instrument and the obligations that it s�uYes shall remain in eff��as if Lender �;v��;;�• -
<br /> ' '"^'��'�� ' :`:�. had not requirM�edlate paymerrt in ful�N�wever.Lender is not rtquired to permit�m.�7atemer4tii;ti)Lenifeffias accepced .
<br /> ,�,.,�;;t,y, :-. ;t�r� , '�: . '
<br /> :G,.; ,.n.;� .�; ; reinstatement a i ,z Fommeacement of fo_�ctosure proceedings withm two years i�cn:c�atelg p�roading the commencement , _
<br /> ,:,.;;..��, s: �� -
<br /> -�'�.':�;;;"„� . . -;�.:•,�, '.:" of a current fa�.ii�w�c�procading, (ii)rei�s�atement wi�1 prectude fareclosure on.diffetent gv¢�ds in tbe future.or(iu1 _—
<br /> .)f.�t(.� . ._ . , , •p._
<br /> ;,�; .;� :'�• reinstatement�wi33::tci.��ersptq affeet the priority oi the tien created 6y lbis Security tustrttment,.', , .., . . ` -�
<br /> � ,, ,�Y` -'' �,]it�.�rt�."�Relas�a�.JFarbesr�ace By Leeder i`ot s W�iver.Emension o�the time of g�yment o��ficacion '� ;�_
<br /> � '�:� .�< of�?�w�cii�,sums secured by this Security Inscc�cc�ment granted by Lender to any successflr in intere'sF aa��orrower - ";�, L �
<br /> �, !'" � ' sha11 rt��re����:lease ihe liability oi the c�,�ctal Bottower or Borrower's successor in intetesE.Reader shai�nat b�e rtquirod �• �r�•;�'.�. . t.rY+�:�.�
<br /> , ' •• "'•`�'� to coatcarnce prii�i.�dings a g a inst any succesya�si.r,.±�erest or re fuse to ex t e n d t i m e f o r y m e n t o ro t h e r w i s e m o d ii a monizat�on `' ' ����'`���
<br /> . ._ ` -. ,: . °n P1 . Y , � -, . .. :.:`;�,;;a",._ -
<br /> �;•a•, ,;� ' � ''i of tRe�s secured by this Security Instrume�t tir?reasan of apy demand made by the ongmal Batrower ar Bonuwer s successors . ,_;•: ,;,,,-,,r.�,.
<br /> +i.:�-���= . in iei�en�st.M forbearance by Lende�in exe�+a;i�sg aay right or remedy shall not be a waiver af or preclud�tb�e�cercise of -:;;�, _ •'�;�1` .`•
<br /> ' , f:.,e�m• Y � � �+,•_;��.r; .� .i�_
<br /> • '` r• ���tsti-;,: an}`•cj�t;f or remedy. �.• , .. ,.,;, ,. .-:
<br /> �, �°.._�.� �;.,.: , : .. .. -
<br /> ;�1,_;{�e: ��•. . �Z,Sp�llSSpiS;f�A,4,9I�S BOYSA:Joial.����bility:Co-Signers.The covenants and agreements o6 this Secutity .,. _;
<br /> ,:.;,- ..,. :
<br />. .>�:�,�;�� - :.,.��. - Instrument shall�and benefit the success�c�-asc�,��;_hs oi Lender and Borrower.subject to ihe provisions of par�grapt�� �
<br /> '�;,";��;i �` ' r� � 9.b. Borrower's a�ru�r�nts and agrcements sT�?be joim and several. Any Borrower who casigns lhis Seeurity instsu�e�� ' "
<br /> 5}, �i r�'�� ,,.•:�. but does not exei�.u;.ii'�Note:la)is co-signirtg this 5ecurity lnsirument only to more ��c.grant and convey th��rra�s�r'�- ; , .�:
<br /> Interest in the Pro�y,.�f undec t7i�terms af this 5ecurity Instrument;(b)is noi persu�r;�i.iy abligated to pay d7e:».f�i��!s�iuie�•,.,., �
<br /> w`� �� •�� by this 5ecurity In�rument;3+irsi�t��3grees that Lendcr and any othcr Borrowcr may aY_���cd extend,modify;;Fqcir�r ar�ii�ke .�:����°f:����.:� ', ,;;;;
<br /> 1�� '������ " � any accommodat�'�with rc�c�;ra the term ot this 5ecurity Instrument or the 'Vu�,::wii.itcs;�c��i�i tioeruqq; ��n��t';�i,;. , • ��-
<br /> 9 E` �I�InS�S�' ° t�. . . :: . , - . . . . . . . Y`
<br /> ' r f�t;�if}41 . .. , A ' ` : �_ � , ��r .
<br /> ���;�r���; ';r 13.Notiea.Any natice to BoROwer�rh`{:',ed for in ihis Security Instrument shalt:i'se!,'t��rt;�'r +l.�.��erin8 n or by mailitig- , �.{ :
<br /> j � � '"` it �rst ciass mail urtles.s a E�..Ixte!aw r n:3 use oi'another methad.The no�ice sl�a.4l i�c��lii:�.t�ai:c�the Propeny Addieas � , . •�:,=_ � .'�-. ::-
<br /> �r�t�F�f,�:l• .F.. �. by � Dp�.''. ��.� , � ,
<br /> � . �x�,.i�.t�.:tf��� addt�:�3teQ hCrrein or any ��iLzt�td.ec�����iate�hy noticc to Horrowcr Any aot��}i�i�ii;jf;iii�c�,S�i,��tnst�rumetm ;' st;'�t' •
<br /> � '!;1{#;. ; sha3C l�e deer�tc�ur.iaave been T tti•td 8<frra��tr or Lender�vhen given as provtded rn i b�s��ar��3���s. . ` �'`1�!�''
<br /> � l �
<br /> , . . , , , ..• , ,..,�c�<<,.,.
<br /> 14.Cov , , �w•5eve�ili�;ty.This�Sccuri�y Instrumem�hall be governcd by F'edcral laa and rhe taw ot'1he jurisdia9bir �
<br /> .. • . `�•,.','�'�.�� ��, , :'r: ,:
<br /> ��� '�` � in which Ihe�h°��.�s�oc3����.,[a the event that any provision or rlause oP thiti 5ecurity Inst�ument or the Note ronf7iixx• � :..i�;�r."'
<br /> .�;4f��,t.'�,�,.:.,i� , ' with applicab!e t,��y:.;�is�ti;;.o�111'}31�'.'t�all not affcct viher prmi�innv oP thiti Sccurity inurument or the Note ahich::w7.n,b,g�iceii�'� ; , , ,.�;:.,,. •
<br /> � efPect without tTie.��ntTi��tin�:f?r?�vislon.To this enci the pruvi�ianv nf this Securir��lns�rument and�he Note are di:�lu�ecf ics� ';,�'+�.�r
<br /> , •� � :�. .,t� . • ►
<br /> ;,�,<•,; , � , � - be severa6fe. , '4. ,,: . . , ;'
<br /> r;:t: . } , , .. �,
<br /> JS�'i1(��.:. e"t. �//��I�t� � ' ' .. ' - . . '
<br /> �S�5S�1�4�;;�'� -' � ':��`'+{;�ti" . .�: .. 1S. Botro�is�,'u���'it�y.Sorro«�er vfi�3ll'lie siven c+ne eunformed copy of this Security lnstrutttcut.� � , � :�i�� . ' � . ,
<br /> :,���: ir„ � �' �
<br /> ' �J. . ,, '•''y rl(}, ' :r..;; , . �� . •, .,
<br />'.,�4'1����:. C.''s -. I:y'�y ���" j ;. i y , . 'r ' � ' ' .
<br /> )�i�!�y � ��
<br />'�'�'(•` ;;�'��?'h'•::°�`r., �? ' q ��1' �.(3curn«�er�4n�rcti�lunal! assi� and transfcrs ro Lcnd�Y all thc rcnts and retenu4�s iif'�hc Property. � �' 1
<br /> � :;�-� f i� � ' :��Ibs, �i�nt�uw.' �-' Y !�
<br />„1..,;�� " `�, r,_ s:����1;�`�,:';�:%,,', . ', �
<br />;�,,,�.� 4.1,i�,���::i7)�;;�4,4�Pt;�.% �•,s�:�'.��t�i�trn�ti�L�autharNi���:efi�i�'I�i�i.�»¢c�r.�sa�entstocnllec�thercnt�andre�rnucs:utdhrrebydirectseschecnanfuf:ll�ePro�rty `, ,._,`.
<br /> ri�t4. '. �:1���1�ti..(1 ��ti�,��il ��.,i'I . . � . .
<br /> t,3�S- � . � y,�4�, ` , to pdy the rencs Mo��i�:��e�C�r L'cati�;t.s a�eqts. Noaavcr. rriot t��I.cndcr'�noticc tu 13urro���cr af t3orrou�r s hrea�h of anY
<br /> i,l,�:,;t.' .. .Ya1:� covenant or agrf�n�1�,�:t►1.IIt}:�S:.�uqt��y�1+iattument. I�otraarr shal)collect and recui�c:�II rrnt��nd ret�nues M'the Prct�xrt� ,
<br /> y-.� .. ..-.��. •1. t(
<br /> ���:x� � ' .,,�....,�y4rr,.�. as�rustee for th�°tii��i:�it��f�,�?+�'C�n��l�urroa•��r.'rhi+assignmcm ul'rcnts contititu�es an;�bsolutc assignment an�i nut a�r . .
<br /> _�.Y��.,. °%� . . ��ai�� � : ,, .
<br />'., ". . assignment Por;�t�dhSitnaT�i�:qt11�':�un1Y: , ' � • �'` ` . `
<br /> . ,Ii;�._,_. ... , ... .4t�. .. .,1:',.:.,.:. �' • ,
<br /> � it Lcnder�ives noti��eC,i�rcach to gorrot�cr.!�l all tcntc►rcri�cd by 8urroa•cr shall Mc ticld'b�liarro�veru�.trustee iut
<br />.�' - -- • bene�f of[.ende"r onty.to if�dpptied to Ihc+ums c«urccl by the fie.urity imtritme»t;(b1'Lrltdcr.wl�:tl)-Mr•���ftStl�Yf ro evllect - .
<br /> � � and recei�e all�or ehe rents af the propert�;and Icl cach tenam��9 thr{'roperty ciiidl pu��illl�renl�du�•�i�d'uflp�ucf to Lrnd�T
<br /> � '. � • or Lender's a�ent�n Lender'ti��riacn dcmand t�ihc�cn�nt. .
<br /> � Borrower h�not executed any prior�ssi�nmrnt�i the rem�anc�h�s n��s and•�i1)nut p�tfi+rm am act�har a�.u1J pre�cne �
<br /> ' . ' Leicctet hom enereising its rights under tliis paragraph ib. .
<br /> • Lende�shall not bc rcyuirec!tn enter uFon.Iakc cunuu)of or maincain the 1'resp�rtt befom��r alicr ci.ing nrt icr�+1 hr�arlt
<br /> ° --- — - ----- - tcs 8E»rv,�rt. Ht,�tearr. {.c�st�r c►F a�jt��i::�aiiy ap�usistcc€rc:ciccc r,r;ct:fc��c�se:En}liute tleese�<s l�r�tctz _1��:t�pli�ut�ot� ._--_-.-,�.--__-.•-.
<br /> ' ut'rents rhali not curr or wairc any defautt or in�alidatc any othcr right or rcmcd} ot Lcndcr. 1 hi.a.�icnmcm �•t rcnt•at . .
<br /> , , tfie�'rvpc�tS s����erminatr atictt the debt�ceurrd b� thc tic.uritr� tnsrrum�nf i�raiJ iit Rdt.
<br /> , '� _ _ . • _. , .
<br /> - --- , . .
<br /> � . .. . '� . a�,;�•,..i� _ . `.
<br /> � �,
<br /> ! .;
<br /> :' ' ,:� .�
<br />