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<br />_---: _._._.TFrEiSDEEf�OF'FRUSTt"Sa�urityIasuwaent")sismade.ca � "
<br />_..>, .. , : • .
<br />-_ ' 1Lc 81�tor is
<br />__;;;;� GazY G. Fiel aad Peqgy i�i. Pf�. hvsba¢c'E. a�ad wffes • � - `
<br /> -;.�:x.>
<br />'�-. —
<br />,r"lliti� . � •
<br />_�� � � Hank of Coa�?^�.e Trnst �an8 Savfaqs Associeatioa, 13tU:and . �-
<br />�=r f �BOEI��Wlf���.T�IC ifILSLa.'IS L�.'�1Ad�. Y;, ' �"TJpSLCC"�.�1C�}�'S[y 15,
<br /> --.:1- "O" Stteet. LiACOln.-1�'¢�3508_ _�. . , , , ,�. �.
<br />_ -.---- � �. << , ,:: .f���!'p',��.�s�@ Island • ,::.:'�.� -:��
<br /> ��.se��t � '�:/�. . � ��I� � O N:+.+s+. _ •i�;;t'�.ri � ''�r �_ _-
<br /> �.�` '`-' ,'.I OVS/B!1'd11d ; . ..<<c.: C.;� '•':'4:.ar.: _-'-
<br /> �'s��'��; .r which is organi�i��n8 undet tha tavvs of Nebraska _ �� ' � ;'•�f��`�.�_';� -- _
<br /> ��� address is 304 ��:` . Hoa 1688 GranB 2slaad,�1� 688t?2: ' .. � � , , :'•.,`�:�t•. -��-:�..
<br /> ;?��, • 3Yd Sts. � P.O. . ,r `.r
<br />�tF €�� . , . (•`Lender")?�av:n�,wer owes Lerider the��um of � �"'�_
<br /> 'f�G` : : . _ _._..,.� � �.���=
<br /> }k''��,� , .� Pifty-seven thousaad six huadred;fiftiy a�nd no/10 . �. � .'.:'� .,",::;.,,., ..�; . ��:L. --
<br />�t}}i��°{�� � Doilars(U.S.S 5�,650.00 � �:`T�c debt is evidenced b��c+-s3wer's asa,re dated tEte�t�,�ate�s thfis Socurity - - -_
<br /> ���rS�t'. Ins{�uqa�lt (••Note"),which pazi�for sii�tiy paY.,ip�^:`-s.with��r�':�i c�ebe. �"�c paid rar�'�'�,��j�?Yable on --
<br /> �_� � TlusSec�.*z�`5'�n:a��a�e�s.s�cL��sto Lendet:.+�2+i the rePaYmeu��'c�r����videnced i
<br /> , � :�Jaae 1. 2021 „ •. � ��
<br /> �q����;� , by�tC�c'tiote.witt�ic�►trnest,�nd a'�rw�ewal�;`�z�Ar��m���ccbaTt.'s�`(b)the paytnent of alt�%sf!�.�g��`�interat, , — -
<br /> r`aii?>�� �-` : i-
<br /> �� adva�xd under�saPh 6 to protoct the se,c;wr��:a°:���;�m,.csa�ia�:and(c)ihe perf'ormacr�.�,���r;'... �s covrnanu;. �-
<br /> .; and agreemen[s�r this Security Instrume�i�.;�n3 th�Na�'�e'For�th,$'��ipose.Borrower irrevoca���,�'rants and cunveys i�: .,� �
<br /> � Truste�,.in mut,with the power of sate,the following d�cri6ecl pioperty located in .� � � ` � � 'r
<br /> � ,�` ,•�k'
<br /> � ' Hali County,Nebraska:.:�.. �,�'�''�4",.ttw,�:,;:�.:
<br /> , ' � 7t;:...;;.T
<br /> �� Ail cf Lot 13 and a part of Lot 14 isi the RE-StJBDIVISION o£ Bloak 4, SEC�ND ADDITION TO , �{ ,,:Y �.._
<br /> 'HOLCOMB'3 �ZC+�Y HOb�S SDSDIVISION, in the City af Grand Island, Ha].�k ':auaty. Nebraska._;:::,, ,..;.
<br /> � � ehat.part of said Lot 14, being more parLiculary describe8 as follewss � � .;-�;�
<br /> :,_ ,...,
<br />: , _ Begnu�ming at tha 3son stake which masks the conmroa corne�r of Cochin 5treet of Lota 13 ?�=:-
<br /> anc�.a��?., thence ia a Southaesterly direct�on alanq the comraon �aa betKeen said lota to - �-',,�-
<br /> f��ris,s,�- : a ��.�-��sh �arks the coo�on corner of Lo�s�13, 14, 16, 2.;�s.d 37 thence in a �`�
<br /> ,F;r'ra�c: "' Nor�a?��z��y �#rection to � point which wou18 be 95.0 feat Santhwestc�3y along the .�. ;�
<br /> �' "�`�` casMOS��13xie�e+bween said lots 13, 14, and 20 feet Nortbwestsrly at sr#:q�•.an9lea.to said
<br /> � lpt,,�iae� thence Northeasterly a distasice og approximately 95;.0, feet'�i.,,a line parallel , , -
<br />� �: �rith"said camon line between said Lots 13 ana lA to a point'�tere said line inlsrseats . , ;'=
<br /> with Cochin Street; thence Southeasterly alonq the curve8 line separatinc� said Lot 14 '�:
<br /> .�. `,�..
<br /> • and Cochin Street, a distance of appraximately 20.0 feet to the Place of 9egiAni.ng. , : .
<br /> . � � .�:
<br /> ' � _ •.r. � i,:' . .
<br /> . ... , .. .�;�;a,�:.
<br /> �;;.;.
<br /> , : � . ,�5�,��r�;� .
<br /> ,,��.
<br /> � . , ; . �, ���' .
<br /> '�� , , ,t„ .,.. , .r � �y �, ,'' .
<br /> ! �w�'r,��ili�t�.e,a�lli�hn.�;s•of �:�I.�".i�ii:rs;'•:sfr., Grand Island � �y�rai.ra�yl. ; 't;:.
<br /> : ; ••Pro rt Address"1: - � , . � ��,t
<br /> .,,�:�b.'e$�:'�a��"� `.`+„� .�..:;, ["/.(Pt'cxlcl. ( I� Y , ';
<br /> � .., `.�. ;� • . ,. -
<br /> ;..� .�.':.,;.::,, . . . ,
<br /> �.�i�l`;,,. . i - . .�. � 1� .,.. .,•. .. ;, •. .. �
<br /> ��;�r.;..;. �� � � � ����'��'��1�t'�H all the improvcments now on c�rcafter crec�ed�i�tSie property.and alt easi:an�n}s,rights.appurtcna�nces. �'
<br /> :;�(t;;f�j;< <,.��`_ ''`�f ' rents,royatt'ses,mi»eral,oit artd gas rights and profils.water rights anii',�iiscic and al)fi�ctures,i��w:ut hereafter a parl of the
<br /> '"•? � r,�• � _'_``'� �mperty.All replarements artd�dditians shal)also he covrred by tt�iy'�uieacit}in.s�niment..Ail of the fore�;oing is teferred �,
<br /> "•' '• ' '`�:��= ' �
<br />� ::;•4� ;�: ta in this 5ecuaty Instrumem us�hc"Property.•• . ' , , ` .
<br /> , . .
<br /> >,:: .
<br /> t�=•��• '"`' EbTtRO��ER CbVLNANT5 ihat Bono�vcr is lawiulty sehed c►i rhe estate here�y com�c�•�i:utd hats th�right to mortgage.
<br /> . • �=_�,, �:..,.
<br /> - - . � •:}: �;-: grant and cunveythe Property and Ihat the Praperty is uneacumbeeuf,e�cepi Por encnmbtan�.��f re�:ard.BotroH•er wanan�� _ _
<br /> . ' srid�vill de!'end generaliy the titic to the Property�gaiast ali claims a��d dcm�nds,subjcwt to��y encumbranres pf rcrnrd.
<br /> •�.Ayt+4 a�a.c-�. .. - . ;
<br /> '. .�,rai - _' '' �� .
<br /> ;� 1. PsYa�tsl ut PN�eipal.i�terest asA Late C6ar�e.Horra�vcr shull huy�viten duc the nrin��pal�uf'.add intcrrst u».ihc ,�...
<br /> ';�_-��.; ,�,�. debt evtdenced by the Note aitd tate cl�argcs due under•thc l�tutc. � F
<br /> �,`�'.: .�. }
<br /> Z. Mosi�i�pf��eet+af Tszrr.'tesYraece aad/llMer Ctar�es.8arro��er sha11 Inclu�tc in cach monthiy p�}ment.cogether � .
<br />�..-_,__--:._ '_"'' '. , -
<br /> . x� � with 1he P�ncipal and interest as s�t fanh in�hc t�fore and a�ry ia[e charga.an irrsfs}inyrrit uf�ny is►{�.�es ast�syc��scs�mc�s . . —=-_ - -
<br /> tevied or to be tevied agaiast the proper�y.lb)Ie:�sehoid pa}menss ur ground re�ts nn the rropeny.attd Ic)premium.f�u !
<br /> ar. - ��":. , �
<br /> ���` :� i n s u r a n c e r e q u i r e�!b y p a r a g r a p h 4.
<br /> .. .: ,
<br /> ,...�. .... .
<br /> ..���' _ _ - - - - -- ' .
<br /> F . !'oz�l:•Js iifA�tMa.�s tlte�ol tta`t -f2!If- ! -
<br /> "_ ",9��°'-i" - �-IAINEI ��,�,i, �6'✓NOafGaGt�GQ��`�•�i�s-z�e8�oo�•e00�51+riaT . _ � .
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