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.. _�___ ...._..._.. .... . . ._r _.. _ "_._. __. . „1,R^�'i. -__-ir.-"_- - . �.--.� ��. +� <br /> ���� � . <br /> �.,t � <br /> _,_ , . � .. ... � .__._.�...�_ _ _ - _ .. • __ . .... ....-..-- �. <br /> 4 • � .j . .1 . ____ . ._ ._. __. - . � i <br /> � 'YYy�1 y� fMt1lMdIQ1MM�MMNtT1Yrt0►M�ba1lbMMiNIM11��DMdof'll!NNMI�MI�N�O���MIdrMIN�pM� <br /> d�M br1�nM�i�DMdd'Ih�ER�M�M�MIMy►d�wK�4hl��ndabMpMla�MbTh�Morth�n��p�N���M <br /> d� uM�aMOhol w�llwDMddYn�tM�aludwq�txAntNIMNMdb,MNl�ndl��ti�fMbh�w�M�WwM1 <br /> �y rM 1'h�11M MIMIOIM��p'OO�MWI�.7rYMb�I�f�MIM Mld *�Ilf MIM M�M MM01�� <br /> Th�bMw�M MaaAlo�d�Dwd�d 11wt � , ) /' , , <br /> K! (/r <br /> ,� M M wat� � <br /> r' p r , <br /> DEED OF TRUBT WRH FUTIJRE ADVAHCEB <br /> nws aeEO o��rnusr.K a m.��.d.y ot !�• .1�..�►.nd+�n+o�w <br /> rn.TruMo.. � i r t.w.c..nt• co a� n�Mil.�► . <br /> 1919 8 l.oaw! Gcand Iwl�a�. M 68Mi-62� <br /> �Iq»�r�p.�i� (he�dn"Tiudor:�rh�wr or►�a mo�iy _ <br /> tt»TwMM, Piw Poiat� S�a�. � IMbra�ica Cor�►�c�tion <br /> � � <br /> wtaM mdlinp addroos b �'•�CI. Box 13�7 Girand I�l�ndr� fl� 698i2 ����rutw'1��nd - <br /> , � <br /> ��ry��� Fi�►o#pt� 6aa� . , - <br /> w1aM nnNiopaddr«s N Zels N�„�a',taad��ll �irand Ida�d. 11B. 68802-18�7 (hsnln"l�ndr'�. <br /> . FOR W1L:�ABF.E CON�IpEpl►TION,'�clud�►p L�nder'��xanalon of andit W�ntliN�he�ejn tob �' M InveatMAtt CO � <br /> 1� 1.�'r]► Q Mil� . • (hsrNn"8orrower'. wtwther ane ar moie��nd th�trwt f�Mn crMbd. <br /> th�r�Mpt qt;whlch I�hKeKy�oknOYi�lpd�ed,Tru�tor hneby Inevocabty aranb,tranHsn,eonvey�ond�sslpns to TiwtM,IN <br /> TRUST,VYITH P�YVER O.F SAI.B,for the benerit and s�cu�Ity of L�nder,u�der�nd wbJsct to tM tWrtw and conditlons hMNn�fMr s�! <br /> totih��»nri�p�p��ak��rcrii�i�iciNowa: <br /> L07' 1 t17M�s7, REIBPKE.86COIID SUBDIYI&IOM �N bALL COUMITY. 1iBHRABKA . ' , _ <br /> ; � , . <br /> Topether wlth all bulldlnys,improvementa,flxlures,et�eete,olleys,pas�aqaw�y�,ea�ements,rlphte,prlvtlepea and appurte- <br /> n�nc�s IocaLed thbreon or,in aoywlse penalnlnp thereto,and!he ranb,I�ues�nd proflb,reverslona and��rtwlnders thereof,uid <br /> woh penonal property that i�atfeahed to the Impravements so�s to constiNte e flxtw�,Includln�,but not Ilmiled t0,hs�tlnp end <br /> coollnp�qulpmsn�and topethe►wlth the homeetead or m�rlhl Intereeri,If any.whkh interests aro hereby�Neaosd and w�hred;all <br /> oi whlch,tncludlnp�eplauments�nd addttlone thereto,Ie hereby declared to bea parlof th��pl afat�wcur�d by 1he INn of thl� <br /> Dad of Tast and�11 oi the toropolnp beinp referrod to h�r�ln as tho"Properry" <br /> Thl�DMd of Tnut shall ssaure(a)the payment ot the princtpel wm and inbrest wldancad by a promiswry�ota or c►�dlt <br /> �p��t�� ��y 3rd 1993 ,hYVlnp a matutfly dYtY OI �^ iSth 1998 <br /> . <br /> In ihe orlpinal pHnc(pal amount ot$ 1�•��3•� ,and any and all madlticatlons,extanslons asx!renewela - <br /> thsr�oi or thereto and any and aU tuture advances and readvances to Borcower(or any ol them it more tlun one)hsrounder <br /> punuent to one or more prom�saory notee or oredlt apreements(he►eIn celled"Note'�;(b)the payment of other wms adwnced by <br /> Lendsr b protect the soaurity of the Note;(c)the per(ormence ol all covenante a�d ayreements of Truetor wt fo�th hareln:and(d)all <br /> pre=snt�nd future Indebtedneas end obllpatlons of Borrawer(or any of them N more then one)to Lender whether dlrecf,ladkect, � <br /> �Moluts or contlnpent and whether arl�lnp by note,yuaranty,overdrak or otherwlea.The Nole,this Deed ol Tnnt and any�nd all :. <br /> other doownb that securo tt�e Note or otherwlee executed In connecdon fherewlfh,Includlnp wlthout limlq�tion�uerentNS,�scurNy - <br /> �yr�smsnts and aeslpnmenta of(eases and rents,ehell be�efsrred to hereln as the"Loen Instrumentf". <br /> Trustor covonent�and apree�wlth Lender as tollowa: _ <br /> t. P�pn�nt d Ind�badnu�.All Indebtedness secured hereby ahell be paid when due. <br /> 2. Ti1N.Truitor le the owner of/he Properly,hes the rlyht end authorly to convey the Properly,end wanonts that the Ilen <br /> created hereby Is a 11rst end prlor Ilen on the Property,except for Ilene and encumbrancee set lo�th by T�uator in w►Idnp end - <br /> deNvered to Lender before execudon of thle Deed of Trust,and tho execution snd delfvery ol thls Deed of Trwt does not vlolate any <br /> COhk'8Ct or otlter ob11p8a0n to whlCh TNStor Is 9ubJ8Ct. ` <br /> 3. Ta«u,As�n�nts.To ppy betore deltnqueney atl taxes,epeclal aeoesemente and ell other ehar�ea ayalnst the PropeAy <br /> now or hereaher bvied. <br /> 4. Inwr�.To keep the Property Insured epainst qamape by flre,hazerda included wlthin tha term"exlended coverape",and A, <br /> such ofher he�tards a�Lencler mey requke,In emounts and wMh compenles nCCAptabte to Lender,naminp Lender as an additlonal - <br /> nemsd Insured,wlth tosa payable�the Lender.In ce�e of lose under such p�llcies,tfie Lender la authorized to ndjusf,collect and - <br /> compromf�e�all ctelms thsreunder and ahell heve the optlon of epplying al!or pan of the Inaurance procesds(1)to any Indebtednesa <br /> aecured hereby and In such order es Lender may determine,(11)to the 7ruato►to be used for the repatr or resWraUon of the Property <br /> or(Hq tor�ny other purpoie or obJect taUelactory to Lender wlthout elleatinp the Ilen o1 thia Qeed of 4ru�f for tha full amoum�ecured <br /> hersby bsbre wch payment ever took ptace.Any applicaUon of proceeds W Indebtedneas shall nnt extend or postpone the due <br /> daa of any paymsnts under the Note,or cure any delault thereunder or hereunder. - <br /> 1[. f.w�w�r_I lrnn W►tMo�ef.rn�nA hu 1 onel�r Tn��fnr�hnll nav fn I nnrlwr In u�r_.h mq_nnwr�s Lender maV dM1��fA.lulflCl6td <br /> ....._..__...---_, .._._ .__._ _ -- �-• °--"--•.. <br /> sums to�nab1Y Lender to pay es lhey become due one or more of the followf np:(Ij all faxes,assesaments end othar cherper a�ainst <br /> tlN Prop�Ay��i)tha premlums on the pro�rry M�uranca roqulred hereundor,and(ifq tho premiums on any moApepe Irauranc� _ <br /> nqulr�d b�r L,ender. - <br /> 8. �ai�iN�w�a,W�p�ka��nl CompHane�wlih L�wr.T�uutu�eheli keap tl►e Property In pood condltlon and repalr, sha!! <br /> promptly npqb,or replrce anr Improvement whlah may be dameqed or d�atroyed;shell not commll or permlt any waste a - <br /> d�lor�don ol fhe Propev�;ehall no�remove,demollsh or eubstantlally akor any oi the Improvemente o�the Properiy;�hall not _ <br /> cort�miL suNe►ur ye►mR�ny aat to be dons In or upon the Proparty in violatlon oi eny law,orClnance,or repuladon;end ohell psy and <br /> promptly dischar��!T►ustor's coN�nd oxpense all Ilant,�ncumbnnces ond charpea levled,lmposad or aswasad ap�insl�M <br /> Proprly or atry p�rt Uisreof. <br /> 7. EmNNnlOomaN.Lendar h hsreby aeelpn�d st!compensedon,ewards,dame�es end othsr paymenb a rs1iM(hu�in�hsr <br /> "Proceeds'�In conneatlon wNh candemnaUon or otAer taklnp otthe Propery or part theroof,or tor convsyance In Ifw of condsmna- <br /> tlon.l.�nd��II b�entltlsd at ib opUon to commence.appe�r In�nd pro�ecute In its own neme�ny actlon or proceedlnp�,snd = <br /> �h�ll alw b��ntl1Nd b m�k�any comproml�s or wttlem�nt In oonn�otlon wfth woh Wclnp or domape.In tlw evw�t ony pordon of <br /> IMCiK7�aMDM�M►.taM �� '.�l. 'y. � - <br /> O 1�N/MIMN�Milt MCMMMrMT►w�MM fwM�AYOewwR WquY4 Ndrwy -. <br />