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CHARCESi I.IBNB <br />- UNform Covenant 4 ot the Security Instrument ia unended to read as follows: <br /> 4. C4r�ni Uein.8ottower:hdl pay dl uza, assasmenta,and other charaa,fines,end Nnpoeidotu att�butabk ta the Pruperty which maY <br />_ �ttaln a pHority over thie`uecurfty Instrumrnt,�nd lasehoid paymenla uf�{ruuuS�auts,If w�y,+n�1�e r,wnner providcd ander para4raph 2 h�rcaf <br /> or.itnot pdd in:uch manner,by Borrowa m�kina payment,when duc,dircctly to the payee thereof.Borrawer�hall prompUy furnish Lender <br /> dl notioa of amounts due under thls puapnph.u�d in the event Borrower shall make payrnent dlrectly.Borrowu�ha11 promptly iurnlsh to <br /> I.pider roxipu evtdencing such paymenn. Borrower�hall promptly dlschuQe any Ilen whlch has pr{ority over thl� Secudty Instrument; <br /> howaver,Borrower shall not be rcqui�ed to discharae any such lien so lon�as Bonowa:1a)ehall�ree in writing to�he paymrnt ot the <br /> obU�tton aecured by euch Uen in�he monner oeceptable to L.ender;(b)shell in good Uith cantest such lien by,or defend ayainst enforcemmt ot <br /> wch Uen In.ley�l proceedin�t whlch in the opMion of Lender operate to prevent Ihe cntorcement of the lien or torfciturc of the Property or any <br /> p�rt thereof:or(c)th�ll txure f�om the holder of tuch tlen an aatament in�Porm satbfactory to Leader iubordlnatln��uch Ikn to this <br />- 3ecurlty lnstrument. <br /> If La�der determina 11uU all w any put ot the Property fs subject to a lim which may atuJn a priorfty over thii Secu�ity Instrumrnt. <br /> Lender th�ll�ive Borrower a notia ldentifying such lien. Borrower shall wtbfy such lien or take one or morc oi tne�euons�tortn aoove <br /> wiUOa ten dAri of the�iviuQ of the notia. <br /> - C. NOTtCE <br /> UNform Oovaunt 14 of tAe Secudty Imtrument It�mended to read as fdlowa: <br /> U. Notia.Bxapt for�ny noUa requirod under�ppliable law to 6e�iven in another m�mer,(�)any notla to Borrowcr provided tor in this <br /> Secutlty Instrument edall be oiven by dellverin�i�or by mailinQ it by tint c4w mail co Borrower at the Propeny Addras or at such aMer addnss <br /> u 8orrower may da�l4nate by naice to Lmder as provlded herein,and pi)any aotiee to lender shall be Qlven by tint class m�ll to Lender's <br /> �ddras ihted herdn or to auch other add�u Lender my dai�aate Dy notia to 8orrowa as provided hercin.Any aotice provlded for{n thia <br /> � Security GutrunKnt�hall be damed to Mave barf�iven�a Borrower or 4ender when�vm ir.ahe mumet deei4nsted hercin. <br />