: ..:,- : . . _
<br /> � +r�'r rty;..—
<br /> `T���_ 1 ' . _ .:'e_. ,� '� . . .. . . � ` _ . ._ f.-�-��— —-
<br /> . ' . ..�-
<br /> _.___ —_—. ' —" .:.�,__'�`"c ' '' ".' . ' _ '
<br /> _ 1 '.__'_. '_ __.--_ —= _. —__— ��
<br /> . .. . . r.;:.._.. . . ,,. � .�.��'�_.."__" "._;.,; ._ - ,. .�
<br /> ,�i. _
<br /> .
<br /> ... � .. .- ,_i_ ' -._ � . ---_
<br /> _ M� � .,� . . ....._. .-�----- —'— --'---- -- . . - ._. ..-_, ,__.__._ --- � __ - — — _—�..
<br /> � ; �y' - -' �: � - _ , . . _ - . 9��-- �.Q322v
<br /> - Each inwethty instdimtnt for itert��ta).(by,a�tc)sh�!!eqwt!atto-tvrdflh of th�annw��mounts,as raisoaabty tnimated
<br /> by Lrr�der.plus an amount:uttkienCco m�iat�in�n ad�fitioa�l batance of na morc th�n one-sixth ai chc estimated amounts.
<br /> Thc[tiit�nnw1 a�nuunc[ar acA�tem s6af16e accumu�ted tiy LceAer within s t�ad mdin�one moncp befoce an item wou{d
<br /> .btCOe�e detinquent.i.ersder shalt ho{a the amounts cdkctcd in tru:t co gay iteros ta?.lb�.and(cl be[ore they berome deljrWuent.
<br /> It at wny�ime tha tav of thQ�y�ents hct�by L endrr for i«ms(y.(D}.a�x!(c).tuge[her Kith the fatune monthly paymaus
<br /> for such items payabk to Lender pdor w the due dates of such items.eaceeds by more than ouasixth the estimated amount
<br /> - - - - �t-paymaits�rrquircdta�;-atsae itaas�hsa.d�ancl�[�ymc�t+�c+n-the Nate are curreat.t hen l.e n d sr s h a l l e t t h e r r etund
<br /> the sacess Qvcr oae-slxth of tlic estlmated�+syaeents or cndit the excess uver oao-stxth of the estlmated paymeats to subsequtat - - - -__ _ -
<br /> =:' paymeats by Borrowa.at the opttoo of Borrower. lf the total af the payments made by Borrower�or item(a),(b).or(c)
<br /> is insufi'icient to p�y tQe item when due,then Borrower shall pay to I.ende�any amount nocessarY to make up the de8aency
<br /> on or before the date thc item beeomes dua , --
<br />��::,Y`` As used ia ttis Security Instrument,"Secretary"means the Secr�tary of Housing and Urban Devdopmeat or bis ac hec -
<br /> `:�:� desi�nx.Most Secu�lty lttstnunents inttued by the SecretarY are insuted utlder ProBr�ms wltich requice advaaee paymeaE of .—
<br /> the entire mongage Insuranee premium.If this Security InsuuaKnt is or was insured uitder a prograza vv6ich di�c�ot¢equice ----_
<br />-'=- - - -�sd+ranet�y�eaL of the mtuc mQrtg�ge i�wr�tt��mium,theu�mantfiiY�aymsat shaliaisa u�dade eithec:(I�a��a�licn� -�--�_� _
<br />, _ -
<br /> � • - af the annnal mortgage insurana paauum to 6e paid by Larda to the Sea�etary�.ur(�'�"mort�c7�u8�insfe�c�f a uzortgage �---.-
<br /> . `_
<br /> ��,e�ra��p�um if this Secur►tY Iastrumeat is hdd by the Secretac�r.Each mouthIy cnstaflmen�aE the caact�age fnsurance �c.--t�.,�.:.,�•_ --
<br /> _- . _premiuus sl[ai�i�ia a�a��t saff'caent to accumnlate thr[a!E asmuat moMgage insuranccPc+em►►un wit�t fi�en�er one muatf� _ z=-_-
<br />%', - �nd�.an or if ah�Securit Insic�a�w��ire[d, ` ���-�-�- --- -
<br /> priar r�46e date ttie fup annuaE mart e �pramivm is due to che Secre�y. ., ., ;; _�__
<br /> . $aB y y:- :' `
<br /> 6yi tbe SeQetars'.ead�mattIiig cha�tge shal[be m aa amotmt equaE to otte�tvrelM of oae�half pecoent of the aut�andia8l�aG� �� r,:`. '�''-°
<br /> ` bstlance due eQ t�e Ncarte, • ,:� f �'�°�irr��K -
<br />, � If Borrower e�ati�a�G�ader c$te€ult papmeaa of all sums securad 6g'sIus Sc�rity�8!t��teat;Barru.�zi's a�catcui���, ` ��t�
<br /> f' �be creditod with the��`��nEtaiair8 fur a!I i�itait�euts SoQ.�cem��iaD.i�?.aud f�)and aay mortga$e:�raace,�?�'+na�o ; r ,`,
<br /> zY�t i
<br /> ,r,x nzs'taall�aeAt that Lestdqr���ux become o6ligated c��g ta t�e 5ea�arS,�a�L•.eader shall promptiy re�iia�d any,errcess fai�d� .:':: � • ��t"'-_
<br /> t �r,k�oauwer.lmme`�-'e1�.�rlor to a forec t o s a t e s a f e Q f i ft r F c o f��i t s a o q N i s i t i o n b y L e n d e r,B a F r w�r,'s a c a u g a t�b a L i ,;,.�, � ,.:`�r .,
<br /> ��II' . ... . _
<br /> �rch be credited With ar�y`�a;ance remaining for all insqall�neau foi items(a).(b).i+nd (c)- : ,`` � � �: <}hjr�
<br />.t 4t`rl� � � � . • � _. ._. • � -• : . - _. - f- <ES�:���'����-_
<br /> 3:�rai�os ot'Psyme�ts.Ali paymems uadet 1�'a8�p�'�and 2 shal!6e app]�ed�y l.endec as foUuvvs. ;;-;��i F,?;t ,��
<br />,� � �t�.. . _ ' 1.�;�•,'� �'' ji�if -
<br />:;'; ,,4��; �,�.: Fus�t;cRitfe mortgage insurance premium to be pa�d hy Lender ta the Secse�ary or to the monthly�charge bythe S�ccreiary :,;,.r,• ,,,h,t�i-�;,. --
<br /> ,� ,�
<br /> L��t,', �}�r.�.; ins[ead.cF�tte momhl�uiortga8e iasurance pcemiuiu,uNess Borrower paid the einise mangaBe insurance Premium;�vvlicn th�s : �,, ;'``� i�a y�4rf".'._-
<br /> o� 'j j �,. . SecurirF..�'ustrament was signed; . '�. + �'v f
<br />�rrrYr.�' �
<br /> t�oa!aad othec hazar�insarance .� �� s-
<br /> 1�� f h`•:"'' Se+�ai�;tb any taxes.special ass�smenu,leasehold payments or gound rents;and fite. ., ., ` l�f�`,
<br /> '�resi:J'�'` � 7�`'` Pre�siu�as cequired; .. , ..�:� �
<br />'•�'`^;�:`,- S �?;'�� ThIId;40 liIIGT!'St ilU@.pI1dBT thC NQiC; . �
<br /> '"��'�';�'� � ' • Fourth,to amoitizaicon of the principal of the Note; �
<br />' � �,�;:i'. '•���:: .�,: �� -
<br /> T��.� _,
<br /> . ���T_.�.:;�- Fifth,to tate charges due under the Note. :..--
<br /> .r_--
<br /> ��`�SVrT::;' �� • :.'r`.;:.;:_
<br /> ` �::i� ,. � 4.Ftrc.Ftaod a�d OtYer N�aud lasara�ce•Bonawer shall insure all improvemeats on[he Propeny.whcther now in . . :��.;_
<br /> ? , • existence ar subsequentty erected,against any baxards.casualttes,and contingencies,including fire.far wbich i.ender requires - • ;�
<br /> insurance.This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and Car the periods that i.ender requires.Barrower shall also ' " �,�
<br />' � • ' insure all improvements on thc Property.whether rtow in existertce or subsequenity erected.against loss by iloats to the extcat , .
<br /> '' , ��:_.�.�_ required by the Seeretary.All insurance shall be carried witb companies approved by Lender.The insutanee policies and any
<br /> � ;,. ' renewaLs ahail be hetd by Lender and sbaU include tocs payable clauses in Pavor of,and in a form acceptable to.Lender. ; •
<br /> �' . ;��': .
<br /> � :-�� ;:;::*�.- in the ovent of 1oss�Horrower shaQ give l.cndtr immediute noticc by mait.Lender may make proof of loss if not made __
<br /> � �ri;:�--,,:-�: . promptiy by Borrower.Gach insurance company roncerned is hereby authoriuA.and direcced to 4nake p�yment for such loss . __
<br /> ""' dircctly to Lender,instead of to Borrower and to Lender jointly.Ati or any patt ot�he insurance proceeds may be apptied
<br /> ��� : �:.i-�; .,, ' ..;.;(
<br /> � �;:, _ : by l.ender,at its option,either(a)to the reducNon of the irtdebtedacss undet the Note and this Security lc�strumrnt,iirst to ,
<br /> '�'� ��'� ' � ����` � any ddinquent amounts applied ln the order in paragaph 3,aad then to prepayrncnt of princlpal.or(b�to the restoration ,
<br /> ,.i <.•:,:::- .
<br /> � �'�,_• : � ot Tepait of the damaged Propmy.Any application af the proceeds to the principal shatl not extend or postpone the due ciate _
<br /> ���f �'�`�''�� A' of the mQnxd�ly payments which are rcferred to in paragraph 2,os change the amount of such paYments.Any excess insurance , � -.
<br /> „.�;:...:., `�
<br />�., �.'' :,,+.A;. ��yfi_ praSeeds aver aa amarnit required to pay all aut�tanding indebtedness uadEr the Note and this Secucity.lnstrument shall bc _:_;:�:
<br /> ,;�, �����'_; . par"�ta t�c,en'tiay Iegslly�entitled thereto. � � , �`� `
<br /> �,.F.....
<br /> . �'t -r:. ,;�,+�_���'� '� �n;i�z,-���,���f�ectosure of this 5ecurity tnstrumem or other transfer of ti�le to ihe PropertY that exlingui�he�.ifi�E � -
<br /> . . ``����:�:� � '•'-,indeCyrod�,�'i�r�r�gk¢:taile and interest of 8onower in and ea insurance policies in f�r�e shail pass to the purchasfr. ;�, �
<br /> �• .}�4 .�.f� �'. .-,f�i:`'.. . ��' . .
<br /> " TYrtLY:_Ll�"� : `' V. '�;[�� "1•. . . . . ` �. .�. . _.•
<br /> jr�,, ,r � _ • � :_.;r;;t ,�,i���ua;iumd Md�teeaace oi Ihe Properly.l.eagehold9.Boaower sha11 not commit waste or dcstroy.damage ot �' ? � .
<br /> �� ' '�uis�caur9a�J�p�rhang�.a3�e E�Yoperty or allaw the Pro;�r[y to deteriorate,reas4na�le wrar s�nd tear cxcepted.l.cnder may inspec� . ��
<br /> ,�;;, '��• • k, ��iie L�ni��if ttt�.l�t�3l�ty ls vacant or abarr�l�cra,�u�r thc loan is in defauS..�Lendcr may takc rcasr�nable action to protect � � ,:,
<br /> � °�•'� '''�{ " ; � - and'p�;;��uel�,v'�n.l:nr abaadoned Proneer;,,��:his Se�aa�tiy�ostr�c��ni:s�`on a leas�hold.BurroK•er shall camply with � '
<br /> �� r •m�i:_i% ., ;, : ' ,�::••''; :.
<br />�. ,�� .>� "� '- , - the pr�3rsir�n�a?tts�;te�..�.li Borrawi�a�uir45 f�"t�tic to th��•P'raperty.tt�e 9easehold aad fiee tiQe shaii not be merged unless � .,,.,:y
<br /> ,,;_;, �� �I�eRt�Gt s�{iT,L'�'3 t0 iU�iri1iT',�Cf�D W�t"Ui�i;� f •, - • ;; . . .
<br /> ,...;., • , ,. . �.��.,�.. . <;; � _
<br /> ...1,., . . , . ,. : . .. ,
<br /> .,4x;, . , , .,.
<br /> �°,�� ,� � . �'. .• 6.Cba�es to Bo,irs�'ver a4d Protecdon oi�un�'s RiRhts in the Propt�iy.,H��rrower sha0 pay all go���imental or municipa] ;
<br /> ' � •• • charges,iina and lmgositions thut are not inctuded in paragrapb 2. Borrow�r shall pay�hese obligations on time directly ro .
<br /> �� the entity which is owed the payment.Jf failurc to pay woutd advcrscly Affect Lender's in�e�-esi in the�Propcny.upon Lcnder's
<br /> � request Borrower shail promptly furnish to Lcndrr reccipts evidencing these paymeais.,,.'_. ,
<br /> r,�_,
<br /> , �'; " � � If Bonower fails ta makc thcse paymcnts ar the,payments reyuired by p:�r�raph 2.ori��t's to perform any o�hcr covenants , ,
<br /> � �=fi � and agceements mntained in this 5ecurity Instrwpi�i.or them is a Irgml pra�1��}g that,rn�!signif�cantly aPfect Lender's rights � ;. . ,
<br /> ���,� -�-- '-- � � in the Property(such as a proceeditig in bankrupicy.i'or¢aademnation pr tij;���?ra.��.)�.51`5,or regulations),ihen Lender may �, �-. �`��_: ', �F;;: •�_.,
<br /> . __. • ,� .�;;_�. ' do unrl pay whatever is necessary co protect the��alue of the�t��;cny a&�tt�teii�ta's wi�9�1'iat thr I'roprrty.including paym�r�c , �; ' �r� , s-
<br /> � �t�:�; ' of taxes.hazard insurance andather items mentioned in par`�r,�h�� � ' ``' ,.� �•��'�,• ` � `' ��� �1
<br /> .. •�;_ .,j;:. _. ,i. �4�.f� • ..''1' •�i : �+ t ;rtiyt��+. ..'
<br /> r::
<br /> .� t,i `' pny atnounts dis@u�sed by.Lender undec thi�paragraph ah�'b{�yin�;�,;�t additio:ial deb�o,f Borto«er:�t d I�a.:�j:w'�i+ :�`:'. ,
<br /> ,,,,, �� by this 5ecurity Instrument."Chese amounts shail_hear interest trom fi��;�li�li:oi disbursement.at she Note rate,and at ta�ie � �y �;;'I�;! ' ', ��."
<br /> � op�ian of iender.sirall be immediatelY due aind'payable. `.�- ° _. ' +: �>4. . . ,
<br /> , ; r:. ,,;_.�.�: � .. " . ., �'' `�� .
<br /> I .+,(, ..,. ,�i_ { � .
<br /> ,,. . _ --'-,-:�� 'f.-Coudtrratb�.The pmcceds ot anY aw�rd or,4t�im.Put'd�njag��:�dircct o�conscquemial. in connec:riun�cith a»y _ tik�'���_
<br /> �n e.ti � :
<br /> • ' coademnatioa ar�at�her tnking oi`�'a�tY,p�Q�He Pfb�ftg:or tor com�ej•anre in ptace vf rondc��tytailc�t.are hcreb}as'signed-•�-,- t—
<br /> � � ' aad shaU be paid to l.eader to che extent uCthe iull amounj af the Indebtedrsess that rrmains unpaid under the Nate and this � . _
<br /> ' Secudty tnsttument.l.ender shall app2y such proceeds to the teduction of the indebtedness un�ier the Note and thls Security _
<br /> . ;" . . � � �• lnstrument.�rst toaay delueqttent�aounts apptiedin the order provided i»Daragrxph 3.nnd then to prepaymrnt of prindpal. _
<br /> . � . . . , pa3e 2 aJI _. _ �
<br /> , , a �..
<br /> , . " :, .
<br />. • ' • . . _— . _ _ _--�` - -
<br />