- ���;_.._.�-.^-.-, ;--��t,,. --.; _ . . . . _ _ ,
<br /> . . .
<br /> � � _ :.,+`. T "'. " . _ - �__" . . ' __ ___
<br /> C•:. i Aer �,-�_
<br /> _�� ' . ..^ — . - _�_ _ �.�'`.4- `� -- _-- _ _ .__ ' - . _" _ _'__ _---. . . _ ___-_
<br /> ��'•�- —_— -_ - - . . . ' - , � -- — -.
<br /> ���..�,::... _.. "' � . . . . . . . . ... � � � . .. _ ._ . _-. . . .
<br /> _ _ , � � �032��. ��:,
<br /> 'l�GS1tlFR wrrfl aU the imp�oY«umts nov�e«�d�fter erocaa«►tl�po�!,ae"i�alf�.�S,
<br /> aod SatuMC now a tiaaEter a put of th�prape�t�r AI!�aod addidoas sh�ll alsa be covered 6�this Secudt�. _, - . .-
<br /> � Insnnnami. AU of t6efocegaiF�g is tefe�red W in 1bLs 5avdtl►iasmut�ent a4 tfK°�y" .
<br /> -- --- soRleawQi oov�NArgrs d�t�x�O�a is 1a�rauy s�d or fn�e�ee�ebx aa�,Y�yea�tta h�s t��F�►�w g�nt .
<br /> ' � __ aod oonec�r the Fmperty,and Q�at the Ympeity is v�n�,racxpt far encumb�ances of�ecard.�Borcuwet wanant�and ,
<br /> -- -•--- - ,xiff6eT�er�"ga�erafi�tis�til��t�u�-Frax.-��g�i�t$ucF�imsgnaae���Yca�uner�xsofs�ra - -_�:......
<br /> _ ��$�[JR� Q1�����t�i7@b!lIGS!)alfQlill QDVtRS(11S f0�tiit10�.1lSC.8� �0{L�liAifOiR]COY�iS WI1�i - --
<br /> limiudvaciatiansby jucisdicnonwcon5rin�eaunifam securit�i�aumemoovaiagce�i pcope�ty.
<br /> lJi�TffflRMC4V�A1�i'S. Bormwes�nclLendtrcovenantudagieeasfdIawr_ '
<br /> L Paa.ait of Fsir�cipat a.a r.teres����•a t.ate cear�rs. e�armwer slnll pranpct�Qay wt�n aue the
<br /> == P�P�of and int�st on tht debtev�deoccdbyr tde Nne�aod aay t�rePaYtnepf aod 1ue cEuges due unde+c the Nate
<br />.{...:�.� i E9ads For'I�xes a�d t�rawca Stibjact to applicabte law or to a K�ritten wtiver 6}r La�der,BoROVret shaR p�y to
<br />=��: I�eodet an tl�e day mo[�g PaYments an d�t�md�t�Note,nmu�thr Not�is paid in fntl.a svm t°�s"!fa�=([�se�td
<br /> :, ,. • . .
<br />:.-r=.---. _�c�aa�asses��may_at[aua�ic�n�nv�ihic Sec.v�nty Imstrumeat as a Len an Ne p[opt�tY.(b) .
<br /> ; . -- --_ _ ;_�s_,�._—�_- -._. _
<br /> • PaYmatts°�Smund�rnts oQ t�Qtopeitg.if any;fc)Y�I►baz�rd a P�operCY ias�uance �emiun�t�y�Y�_ _
<br /> '• iaa�nuice Pcemiums.'d�anY:fe)Y�Y�8���"�-if any:and(�aay sams paya6te b�r Barower w _ -
<br />.i;,`: .� I�de�ia ac�ac+dwoe vrith�e pcar�.c�ons ai pazagra�h 8.�t�of t5e pagrnent oF inortgage iusuan:e�e�auiuns- 7hese - -_: - -. _-- ----_._
<br /> e
<br /> ft;�ns ut calkd"�,sc�aw Irem�.l.�tr.may at aag wne.coliect aad hold Funds uE an amnnnt not to eaconed the ma�amtun __ �_
<br />� �nount a tender foc a f�deralty retued Aioitgage twn ma�raquite fi�z Bam►wer's esccow account un�ier�-th�fedzral.Rra�' - '= - -
<br /> f T�tt S�u�t Ptooedans Act af 19i'4 as amende�fram time w tjme.y2 US.0 g 260t el seq.t"RFSP�P:anless anatArs F __
<br /> ,4 . . �tt�at apgtirs to the F�d�stts a tesseranwun� If sQ;I.enckr may�at auj tim�caB9a aadtcai��td�in aa ama�y„llr notto � � ;, �
<br /> s� � s�cc�ed;he lesser amanat I.cnder-rmy esti�e the atdoant.of tmds�ue on thc basis of c�nc data and r��iQe�te -_ ..��,_
<br />', f!;�F} atimates Qf'expu�dimr��of ti�turt Fscmw(teaisar otl�erwise iaaxot+�anoe with appti�a6te t��r.. ... , : .
<br /> ti a6t : ��..
<br /> , '�t�e.�s�all fu held in an iastitution v�ose deposits aie irisured by a federal agencS+'.in��,.,'laT:�itY ..�h.±z
<br /> ' � tt�:1�, :���,-�-
<br /> � ("u+ctadiag l.ender,if i.cnder is sucb an insriturim�}or ia aaF Ced��ra1 Hoa�e�.oan Bank. Le�der sha]l"appiY the Feu{.:..� �aY =;.:-�;-
<br /> m
<br /> : � s tht Ecc[+uw Items. Letxkr may not charge Botrowea'fo�hotding and appiying the Ru�ds.anauaUy anatyzing d�.��ow .. 'ccx;:?;:_
<br /> ,. ��„ „_ ._
<br /> • . �•s..,, eec�unt.or vecifying the Escroar items. w►[e�s 1.ender pays Bocrawes interest on the Funds and applicable[a�pimuts - .�.,��: l-
<br /> - s Lender.to tnake such a charge,. Howevec..I.ender mag tequae Barmwer to pay a one-�ime charge fa aa independent teat _
<br /> - .. f - estate Iaa reponin8 servlce used by Le�der in cannection witlr ttus Toan.unless applicable taw pravides otherwise. Unless an ,°- .
<br /> ' P'�"�''� •' agteemene is made or applicabte law rrquires interest tv be paid.i.e�der shall not be required to pay B�r�wer any interes�or - -,
<br /> • l ��: � eamings on the Funds. Bortawer atrd l�endcr may agree i►w a+iiting.l�owever.that interese sh�ll be paid an the Funds. Lender =_-
<br /> < ,'�.;:�'�. shall give to Borrower.without et�rge,an annual accamting of the�'unds.showing credits and debits to the F�unds and the� . - _
<br /> ;;;rf«,•-:�•.� � '�=
<br /> , � :.r�;,`� puipose tar whict�e�c h d e t s it ta t he F u n d s was m a d e. '�e�'u n 3�a r e p t e d g e d a s a d d i t i o p a l s e c u r i l N for a�l swns secured b y -_-_
<br /> �.�.��=J�3;',. . this$acutity 8isttame�tt�. . • : . '. • --
<br /> , r,.��ac:
<br /> ;�::�;.�::•.. '.1f the Funds Aeld by I.ende�exceed the amounts petmitte3 rn:��h�td by applica6le law,Leusiet shalD account to . .: '_
<br /> ,;�'';?� ��;,�. �rower for the exeoss F�mds in accardance with the requitem.st►'.���.up�3�cable law. If the�u�t��the Funds hetd by �' '. �.�LL_
<br /> ;;�,;,_�r' �:�:": �Li�.at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Iterps infi�n�due.l:ander may so notify Hattay��a qn writiag.and.in _—
<br /> ',,;::-:, T�� s- ':� +�e Bomnwer shall to txnder t6e amount neoassacy�a rrtalce up the defciency. Borrow�ee�s�4aii t�na�:e-up the � . -
<br />�:;.;',�,y,r�*;,�. `'�.�E�:`��� . . . �;.: e PaY , , ' � ,-
<br /> :;:.,� -' - -�a ��ncy in no more than twelve monthlY payments.ai 1=e�t�z�so te discretion. . .•�`.:''�=
<br /> :`;�:::.
<br /> ;;,'T>:';;�';�i �.r�on payment in full of aU sums secured by this Seci�ei¢y Instrumenb Lender shal!promptly refund to Bs�iaawe�r at�y �' - `�'';�
<br /> _:�',�,;,';� '' '� � 4`, .� • , .Rug�(zeld by l.ender. If.urtder paraBraPh 21,[.eader sRiall acquisie or sell the Ptoperty.Lender.pnor to the acquisitiou or . .. �: •K,
<br /> s��� �1�1�r=��c� ', " , .'s��.i;�t�he Property.shall apply any Funds hetd hy l.er�des at thc time of acquisition or sate as a crr,�fit agaiast the sums ,_
<br /> . s ;�; , �b5r t;�iX'. ., ., : . � . "_
<br /> •,.,����. .,R. ,�c:•., s��4 Uy this Security Instrument. . .... ,
<br /> . .f� �' � '.4� . �- � A tlon of P� meats. Unless a 1lcabI:]nw ovides othenvise.all ynenis received b Lender under • . .
<br /> '.�► �`^ � PP� 9 PP Pr Paf Y .::
<br /> '' ''_�-': �-.�s 1 aad 2 shall be applied:fust.to aaY Prepayrc�ena cbazges duc undcr tAe Nate:�econd,to amounu pay�'b2�ut►der . ., • > :<=:
<br /> �fg:`r.'����'i.t�:•�` i . . �`�
<br /> ��a2;�3viU..��interest due:fourth.to principat due:and last,to any late charges due under tt�e Note.
<br /> ;����',;t:�: `;' :.�: :� . C�Seas. Borrower shaq.�iay alt tax�s.assessmenu.chargc�s. fines and impositions.atuibutable�to the . . ;L-
<br /> ���
<br /> ��'', �,.;':`;,``� �:• 9�r���'a�.;i�3`:�sain Pnariry over thla Security li�s#cument,and leasehald payments at ground rents.if any. Bosrower ' � -:
<br /> f^�.=}k�''r)�a��t�:�r: _ - . . -
<br /> ,: � 1, �]�?ib���digaiions in.tfie.manner provided in pas�aph 2.or if not paid in�hat manner.8arower sha�t pay.ihem on . .
<br /> . ;:,�,'�, ;:,,•..,;,,� . �
<br />, �,�..;;•;�y,�;r;; m�r�mva�Ly ro the personflw�,i:�,s�i���.nt. Hasrower sh��p�ptiy fumish to Lcnder aQ notices of amaunts ta be�ud.under �
<br /> �`>:;,;�E;�-;�'� thns p�s^�graph. If Borrower rrratti:�:tir�gayments directty.�orrower shall pramp�ty fumish to Lend�zr receipTS ecndencing � �.
<br /> - •� . the payments. : •:� : ;.� '� � ' `�
<br /> � =' -� Borrower shall promptty dis�ge;anti?;���n which hav prioriry over this Security lnstrument unless Barrrcaaer:(a)agrees . • __
<br /> ;�,I F.";; in writing to the payment of theoTi(c�tiQn�;ured by the lien�n a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in gbod faith the :�yrY
<br /> lien by.or defends against eief��a�t u��cI�r.ien in.icgal proceedings which in tho l.ender�s opinion openu�ai��vent the . ,
<br /> ��, r enforcement oE the lien;or 6c�sa�.�s fca��i`i�iwlder of the tien an agreement satisfac[oay to Lender subo,dlni�tlir�;the lien -- .
<br /> �,i;-'=<-�` . tp this Socurity Instrument. lf�.e�der dece�rut��that any pan of ihe Praperty is subject to a lien which may,�if�irF�riority .
<br /> � over this Security Instrumenb Lender magr giat�lff�srrower a nolicc idenrifj i�cg thc ticn. Horrower shall�tisfy`tTi�Ui�ar take :�
<br /> ,•. � � � one or mon of the actions set forth above Wi�1�irr ti7¢ays of ihe giving of.tzvtice. � , �:','":� ''�' ' ,
<br /> • - • � � • S. Htrsrd or Property lnsuraece. t3+?ct�wer�halt keep thc�reprovements now existing ar 1'r,�±-�;iii.�cr�kecf oA the
<br /> ' � Ptoperty insured against loss by fire.ha�ards ictc:uded�i�f�in the term"cxtended covcrage'and any o�iv�Ir�ir�:»i�udin� ( ,
<br /> � . � itoods or ftoading.for which l.cnder requircS ids:crai�ruu.'TT.1is insurance tihall be maintained in the:�-u;�s���•s�ii;i'rn the !
<br /> •�.. ._ . ... . . . . . . , �
<br /> . . .� iurm3s81 9l�6&ij�oti�:i,jbin:e'sl �
<br /> ` ?`` � , • ; ' F ,� . �:
<br /> ;: . , ' '1:" li'i i%:i;�� ' c
<br /> ' �. •, ,�
<br /> i: `,�f �7; .
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