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. � . g3- i��� _ <br /> Toa�wrrH�I�a�e�aprO,► a na+e.ner e�ea a�d�a p�pa+y,+�na��a�na,.p�arte�«�, „ <br /> �n H��s n�v a.{,b�wMfier a p{�-rt af 1iN pmr.a� Ait e�o yj�`_.,�.,,���,..c�d�dV�alt i�=o bo ecvrnd byr 1ld�N_ce�ty _ <br /> � ���OY�R��b� ��7 1�W�R��~�J�w . <br /> BORROWBR C�OV�NAM'S dut Barower U I�wlWly„�ei�ed af tbe at�heneby oonveyed wA ha da rl�ht to�at �� <br /> �nd oorncy the PropertY and thw the Prope�ty it unencumbared.exoepl far aicumbranoa M'record. Baruwer w�u+�ws aerd <br /> wW def'end�akraliy�he titb to tho Propetty�tmt�11 cWm��nd dem�i�.wbJect to any encum6t�nces d rocad. <br /> 71�II3 SBCtJRiTY tNS71tUM�NT oombina wdfam oovaw�u €or n�tio�uil u�e �nd noiwnitarnn cova�anu wit6 • <br /> lintited nulatiais bY Ju�iadictMn to constitute a unifam securiry bubvment oovadnA re�l propaty. <br /> � 11N1PORM COVBNAN'i'3. Harower�nd l.ender wve�tt�ad�+ee a�fdbwa: <br /> 1. P�qaiat o�P�'tndpRl aed latawti�P�1�t s�d Late Cle��er. Banawer sh�U promP�Y pY when due�he <br /> ��of aad intacu on tho deM evidenced by tho NWO u�d�nY P�'�WY�t and I�te chirge�duc undet dte Nale. <br /> Fb�wh tor 7Yaa�ad Idnrs�ce. 5ubject to spplic�blo l�w or to�wrinon waiver by Lender.Bormwer shaU P�y w <br /> i,e+ider an the day ma�thlY WY���duc under tha Nate,unti!tho Note is p�id io full.a sum("Huids")for:ta1 Y�Y <br /> qaes�nd+��sewnaib which nuy�tt�in pr�adty over lhio Security Inspument as�licn on the Property:(b)Yesriy leuehald <br /> 04Y��or g►ound renw an Iha Property. IP any; (a) Yeady I�ard ar pmpaty insurance poemiwns: (d) Ye�ulY flood <br /> i�irrroroe p�cmium�. if�ny: (e) Y�9�nB+�Bc innur�nce prcmiums. if my: �nd (��nF $�PQY�ble by Bamwer w <br /> �,e�der ir�coordu�ce with tho pmviQiona of p�r�grnph 8,in 11eu of the payment of moRg�ge iu�nce P��w�s. '� <br /> ilerps ue called"Bacrow Itema" L�ender any time,collect ond hold Wr�vr aa�mouot not to exceed the maxi�onm <br /> aa�ouait�knder far a federally rel�ted martgwge loan m�y requine for Bartower�escrow aa�ouot ueder drc federa) Rmi <br /> FstYe Seakmatt Procedures Ace of 1974 as amended from tlme w dme. 12 U.S.C.¢2b01 es seq.('R.ESPA"�.unkss anwUer <br /> 1�r ih�t�pp0es to the Plmds seu a lesser amwu�4 If so.Lrnder any tlme,colloct and hold Rmds in au amoant na to <br /> excood the tascr pmou�u. L.e�taer as�' esteen�e the amount of PWnds due on the bes[s of cwrcnt dau aod�eaconabb <br /> euinuta of expaidiwros of fuwc�e Escrow Itnns o�r o�ha�wise in accordurco with applicabk iaw. <br /> T1�e R�nds slWl be held in �n instiwtion w6ose depoeits arc insurai by a federal agency.inst�u►1ity. or entity <br /> (includirig Lender.if Lxndcr is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender stwll apply Ihc�'v►�da to paY <br /> the Fscrow Items. I.ender rtay not charge Borrower for tiolding and applying 1he Punds. mnually wialyiireg the escmw <br /> aocow�b ar vcrifyfng the F.scrow Items. unless L,ender pays Bonower intenest on the FLnds saM applicable•lew pemuts <br /> Lender W m�lce such a charge. However.Lender may requi�e Norrower ta pay a one-time cha��for an independent�) <br /> estate tax reporting service used by l.ender In connection with this loan,unless applicable law ptc�vides otherwlse. Unksa an <br /> sgrxment i�m�de or�pplicable law requires[nterest to be pald.L.ender shall not be�quired to pay Burtower any interest or <br /> e�rnings on the Hmds. Borrowcr and Lender may agree in writing.however,that in��est shAll be paid an the Funds. l,ender <br /> sha!!give w Bonrower,without chuge,an umual accounting of the�n�c�edits and debits to the Punds and the <br /> purpose for which each debit w the FLnds was made. Tha Fluids a�e pledged s�s additional secwi.ty for all wms recurc,�i by <br /> U�is Security Inatrument . . . <br /> �� p�1��.b hy t.en�ler exceed the amounts permiued to be held by applicable law.Lender shall accou�t to .. . . . <br /> ' •'�Bolrower for the excess FLnds in accordance with the�equuements of applicabk law. If the amount of ttrc Funds I►eld ay . <br /> � 'l.ender at ony time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow ltems when due.Lender may so notlfy Borrower in wriUng,and,in, <br /> such case�orrower shalf pay to l.ender the amount necessary to malce up the deficiency. Hurtower sh�ll moke up the <br /> ' '�deticiency in no more than twelve monthly Londor�s so➢�e discredon. <br /> Upon peyment in full af all siima secured by this Security Imstrument.Lender shall prompaly r+efund to Barower any � <br /> Phnds held by Lender. If.undcr puagraph 21.L.ender shall acquire or sell�he Praperty,l.ender,prior to the acquisition or <br /> � salo of the Prope�ty.shall apply pny FLnds held by Lander at the time of acquisidon or sak es e cndit againu the sum� <br /> • securcd by this Security Instrument. <br /> • 3. Applkatbn o�Paymenla Unless upplicable law provides otherwise, AU payments raceived by l.ender under <br /> � paragraphs 1 and 2 sha116e applied:first,to any pr�epayment charges due under the Note; amounts payable w�der <br /> ' . ' paragraph 2;third,to intcrest due;fourth,to principal due;end last,to any late cherges due under the Note. <br /> 4. Cd�es; Lieea Bomower shall pay all taxes. assessments. charges,Fnes and impositiona attribulable to the <br /> �PnopeRy which may auain priorlty over this Security Inshument.and leasehold payments or ground rents. if any. Bomower <br /> shall pay lhese obligations in p�e manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Bo�rower shell p�y them on <br /> dme diratly to the person owed payment. Bomowcr shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be pafd under <br /> this ps�ragraph. If Borrower mwkes tF�ese payments directly.Borrower shall promptly fumish 10 Lender receipts evldencing <br /> Ihe paymeats. <br /> Bort�wer shalt pmmptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agcees <br /> in writing to the payment oi the obligation secur�ed by thc lien in a munner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in gaod feith the <br /> Ilen by.or defends aga�nst enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to przvent the <br /> enforcement of thc lien;or(c)secures from the holder of 1he lien an agreement satlsfactory to Lender subordinating the lien <br /> to this Security Inswment. If Lender determines that nny pnrt of the Pr+operty is subject to a lien whtch muy attain prioriry <br /> over this Security Inswment,l.ender may give Borrower a nutice identifying the lien. Borrower shall sotisfy the lien or wke <br /> one or more of the actions set forth above wilhin 10 days of�he giving of notice. <br /> S. H�rd or Property lnsuraace. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existinR or hereafter erected on the <br /> Property insured agains�loss by fire,hazards included wlthin U�e tertn"extended covemge"und any other heu►rds, including <br /> iloods or tlooding, for which Lender mquires insurance. 71iis insuranee shall be muintAined in the wnounts end for the <br /> . , <br /> Ebrm JOIB 9/90 f/wRt 2 nj6 pogttl <br /> �zusxwa�sra�srru_:s�..:�5; +��''���f. �`��,��,t�'iti�°�• '.` ". ' •'-r�'*rc't;t'/`,,�',.a�r ��tl'��'•�xr,. <br /> �R1'lG,r.�} t � �1<<� 1 , . , �� �'. :1 f�� �' �� 5�•3"JC, : /f � <br /> � � 2.11� . 'i�J � . 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