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Nabrask�e� __ �nd It101�pnYR111�y1N�M�1i�d <br /> - 10'sr,�i°�•aW.�n.r.awnicnn.i«r.�ie.�«raaan.�sin.n.ruMPromt...M,�oaudt auroocwrarda�naa+�r�n <br /> :_`: ��aMaMaerl�in��M.wilAmodicrlfa�,Y�ny.d�ib�dln8ch�duts8h�r�of. ��w�����id <br /> � -:;,�,..........�.::- . <br /> . r�.-;� (�9 i11�alld�1 O�Of 1�MI�IS�� IiPl�t 81id�) flh'd1 O��10���D�i 0� qB�f� `- <br /> . �- t wtder arry 1u�d sN�d�ions Or�e Of�n�/��and all 1+�11a►isSU�.pnolits,aYenue�►tY�posib.�n�M n'b+w1l <br /> � �'�,;.��� p �hb end b�lits no�w or I�na1Mr adst�kam such bss��nci Irnr�ciet or for tlte uM�nd oocup�rK:I►of 1h� <br /> ��� � ,^.: ,� . . p'�an�an!►a�nd all extsneions and nen�w�is fMreot Safd IwsN�nd Ie�ncUs oroN�er uN of tlN PnmI�M 1o0a11N► <br />. .�:.�.r,�,r��..` <br /> . ��> i'" '.� Mrithen�tandall�uaanlMS,moditip�ions,exlsn�lons.and[�1�1M�hthMeofdaNbOSannldmMffereillNlKnlKndbaf _ <br /> • M�I N N�N. <br /> .. t-. <br /> ..•f N • <br /> � FoR�+E PuaPOS�oF sECU�a: <br /> _ �� . ti..� _.. <br />=; "�*_:t �:�':�s�,:,.;•�t:. <br /> . ,: ;. .. .:�.. <br />��''. ,,�,:.: t,. :. ONE Paym�nt and per(ormance of each And evsrY debb lisbility and obUpaion of��d!A� -- <br />�r:�, � <br /> .,. :.w.'7a7�"-{;'� ''..� <br /> .... �„� wh�h Assipnor may now or anydms hxeslbr owe b includkp.but not Ikeh�d b�1h� 4_27 �1a 93_. <br /> + ' secured by that oerW n mo�aps a de�d af trust matJs by ih��A�opn�x b the Msf�ne��ordNd d ch�r� <br /> . ::; `'�`��.`�i�.' andrecordedortoberecorded�taprlortolherecordinpofthtsAssipnmsnt.orenyo�her <br />. ;' :, ��'••.••", aFfhsProF.ii�es,iwi�s�ersus���.s�flb!l��norlrx�orl�h�► <br /> °-,,'.:A,..� .y.,.•. : covsring the whois a ariy Pa� <br /> Y � incurred a�whs�her it Is a msy be dlrect or indlrecR due or to beaome ue.absWu�e or contlrqentp��l a��'I►• <br /> , ;� ` ". liquidated a unliquidated,or�oin�saveral,or Joint and teverel,e�l such dx6�s.linWUHes�nd obl pi itlons bs�^o h�rNn <br /> . ;:,.r.��.. �_ <br /> , �.'� �i""�•.. coqecdwly retemed�o aoewtlmes a the"Obli�etions'9�and � <br />. 5. . <br /> �' s ' TWp; Perbnnence and dischsrge oi each and every obtigeti�on. covenaM and aproen�ern of Aaipnqr - <br /> �,., conmined herein or in any auah moRyape or deed of wst or any note o�bond aecured thereby,or in any obli�eNon or eny = <br /> � pcu�inp document qiven In connec�tion with arry of the Obliyationa aeoured he►eby. _ <br /> ''����•� �•• �;sr. A. TO PROTEC7 THE SECURITY OF THIS ASSIGINMENT ASSI(3NOR AQREES,WITH RE3PECT TO EACH �;��: <br /> �� _��';-�:�:... � I.EASE: <br /> �� ... i..�.4� -- <br /> ' ' � ' ,;;,.., 1. Yo feithfully abide by,perform end dfacherge each end every obNgallon,covenent and apreament of the Lsaae � <br /> �� ':;'`��'� � by Leasor to be pertormed,to give,prompt notice to fhe Aaaignee of any nodce of defeult on the paR of A�aipnor with re�pectto ___ <br /> ��'����; �,�:�:��' �� thelsasereceivedhomletseeorguarantor,to�etherwithenaccu►ateandcomptetecopy ofanyauchnotice:atthesofecost ___ <br /> j� ." '�``" and expense of Asafpnor,to en9orce or secure the perbrmance of each and every obli�eHon,corenenR condiNon and <br /> • a�reementoftheLeaaeby theLesseetobeperformed;nottomodiyorinanywayalterL`retermsotthe�ease;nottotemdnate — <br /> � the te►m of the Lease and not to accept a surrendar ot the rents thereunder or to waive,excuse,condone or in any manner �. <br /> release or diacharge the Lessee thereu�der ham the obNgeHons,covenants,condtdons end epreements by the Lesaee to be _ <br /> ~ ' perfor�,including the oblipation to pay the rental called 1ar thereunder in the manner and at the ptacs and dme apecHied _.. <br /> � :,:... thereln,And Aaelpnor does by th�e present�expressly retease,relinqulah and sunender unto the Assipnee all Assigrwra <br /> �ipht,powerendautho►iytomodityorinanywayalterthetetmsorprovf8ionsoltheLusse,ortoterminetelhetem�oraccepte �-� <br /> � �"' "� sunender lhereof,and any attempt o�the pert ot the Assignor to exercise any such�ipht without the writEen autho�ity and � <br /> � _, � ' � • consent of the Assignee thereto being Hrat had and obtalned shall constitute a Delault ot the terms deNnsd � <br /> :, ' ��`�'' herefnaiter,enddinp the Aasf�nee ta decla►e a0 sums aecured hereby fmmedietely due end payabte. �'` <br /> ;+ „ ., ` �?'• <br /> ' 2. At Assigno�'s sole cost and expense to appear in and defend any action or proceedinp arisf�p under,�rowin� �'� <br /> :,. ,. , <br /> � ': y .q ��. � out of or in any menner connected with the Lease or the obligetio�s,dutles or Ifabilides of l.essor,Lessee or yuarantor <br /> � r:, � i _ t her e under,and to p a y all costs and expenaes of the Assignee,includfng attorney's ieea in a reascmable sum,in any such � � <br /> � � : ;„ acdon or proceediny in whfah the Asafqnee may eppear. � <br /> �:, •. . <br /> • , : , .rf��. 1 . <br /> �:� ; y .;'c`�;�'. 3. That should Assipnor iall to make any payment or to do any act as herein provided,then the Assignee,but <br /> wfthout obligadon so to do and wilhout noUce to or demend on Assignor,and without releasing Assignor hom any obligaUon �• <br /> � �,� � hereal,may make or do the seme in such manner and to such e�ent as the Assignee may deem necessery to protect the � <br /> :�' • ;;,t . ' � secu�ity hereof,including speclfically,without Iimiting ib general powers, the�ight to eppear in and defend any action or � <br /> ' , proceedi�g purpoNingloaifeclthesecurityhereofortherighlsorpowersoftheAssipnee,andalsotherightbutnottheduNto ! <br /> ' � ,�� � perform and dlscharye each end every obligation, covenant and agreement of Lesaor in the Lease contalned;and !n <br /> � ' �' ` exercising any auch powers to pay necessery costs and expenaes,employ counael and Mcur and pay►easonable alromey's ; <br /> .�- ,�� .. ;:;;� � , <br /> - : <br /> `_ �. , <br /> �� `� ., , ' � � 4. To pay immedialely upon demand aN sums expended by 1he Asslgnee under the authority hereof,toyether with <br /> interest thereon at fhe hipheat r�te set forlh In any of the Obligarions secured hereby,and the eame ahall be added to the <br /> �' �--• .• ;�.;r -- Obll�atla�3 and shall be secured hereby and by the eaid mortgage a deed of trusL <br /> -r�� `.! <br /> � �, , �� .� ' ! 5. That Asaignor will not t►ansferor convey to the Lessee the tee Utle to the demised Premises,or any part thereof, <br /> � , � . unlessthe Lessee asaumes in writlnp end agreesto pay the debt secured hereby In accordance with the terms,covenants and <br /> conditlone of the said note or bond secured by sald mortyage or deed o}truat <br /> S ;�' <br /> � :,. <br /> ;� � ..;i�j• � <br /> ;, . I f �. ,:;�;, . . .i <br /> �. �'1':tvj.?�:�;i e <br /> _ j,� -, f;f:8h1 4�tlM1 71 <br /> . . . � <br /> w� _. . _. .__ __ . ._.. _ . <br />