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' '� � 'c,ril�.!.+�j�a, plZh.;.r.•� _. ' ` --.. <br /> ► I . l,'' - <br /> .:.: 'L"`i� _ .. -, <br /> . _.--`--- __..�_...��if� <br /> • . r <br /> 10'�54.3 <br /> �__ -�-- �3_ • � <br /> _ — UNIFORIiA COVENANTB.8arrnw�r�nd L�nd�r cov�nt md pr«�s blbws: <br /> -_ � — 1. '�p11MN OI�IMIOI�M YM IIMMM�.BOrtoMrM shali WoA10rY P�Y whM dw iM ptlnClpal Of and fniNNt on tt1� <br /> f�nMS�vid�np�dtf�tfMNol�, I�ndlaMeharp�saprovltMdfnth�NoM.andlh�princfpalntandlnM��slo� <br /> �1r utun AdwncM s�aw�d bf►th��o�i Tnnt <br /> �.flMbMrTp�M/MMwNio�.8ubNCfb�ppllwbl�l�worbswrftMnwalwrb�rL�nd�r,8orrowKNuilp�ytoL�nd� <br /> '. onth�daymontlltylfl�tallmEnbofpdnclptla�fdlntcrestaropay�dleunderfheNole.unhlMMNoMbpudlnfull awm�h�nfn r- <br /> � Funds")quN 1a on�-�1111�of 1 M y�lr qutM and auNtm�nb wl�ich may�tqin pNorit�ova th11 D�of Ttuq.�nd <br /> .'4: proundnMsantMPro�ly.Nmy.pluson�-tw�Mhdy�ryrP��minsqllm�nbfo►hnzardNiwr�,Mwon�•1wMfMiot <br /> -. rh ium NuriNt�la ta inw►u�o�,ft my.�II�1 renon�bly aqm�Nd Ir�iNd�r and 1rom tin�b tlirw M► <br /> ,- �..:.:,�i�l �°on"�.d.wa�a�ne�' <br /> Th�Funds�llbrhNdln�ninstHutlonth�d�posiba�eoou�botwhlchanimu�edorpuan��F��lorWts <br /> �i�l'S:�r• :i��.`� eW�aY Ilncludin�L�ndw H L�ndK is fuah�n i�slNudonl.��shdl�ppty tM funds 1� � a�id t�xes.�a. <br /> ���:'��2'.i,,�t�� �p�:�mi�MLN1��dMtDm�ik�i��eBortO�sdiid���rN1t1M�i�lircep��ttl�i�1�i uHOnM bD��d�O�ITnI�t _ <br /> `z�7.�y;:•:^�: thN Int�al on th�Funds shrll b�p�iiid to BoaowK.�nd unMi wch prom�nt i�ma�M or�pp�kalb�I�w wch <br /> �, �' - . � f nterat ro be w�d,L�ndu sh�l1 not M roqufnd to p�y 8arew�r any intKat or s�min�on�Fwids.4andK s��w b <br /> ��:r. . �� Botrower,without�h�r�an v�nwl accountl�g ot tf�Pw�da ehowinp C_ndib�nd d�b8s b MN FW�M�d�Mpurpos�b'c _ <br /> � r wh�hNehd�bltb�Fun��r�smnN.Th*Funck�pl�dp�d��aaaipon�INCUritrlorM»wn�s�euniibyM�i�ONda� <br /> � .,Y:,��. . ' . :�.:7 T�wt . <br /> s.,'� � ,, . „ If 1he�mowM n�we 1w�ds h�i0�y L�ndK.fop�MNr wiw 1M hilura monlhly imWlmenRS of Funds 0�rib�e P�b lh�dus <br /> datq o1 Wca,assa�.Mn�ncs pnmiums�nd yra�nd�ts.�N sxce�d ths amar�l nq�wed b pqr srid R�uc�s. <br /> �4 . . . _ �f as�smmis,insir�a p�wniums and nd ronts as the�r fall dus,such�xeeis sh�N b�,�t Bo►row�r's oplior�.�r <br /> i . `(; • LE110�rfhl��blOY�G�llltbp��.��b.inaixance�premiu��ndfg roundren�uthepfaNd�ui.FuBaro�sh�ll �_ <br /> pa�t0 LM�fie►Iu�y�n10llrlt rteCMSary to malt�uP 1M dNfCieIlCy wAhin 90 d11�ftom d1s d�a nodC�is mll�.d�r�«�er ro <br /> � 9orrOwu tequestilg paymsnt thero0l. <br /> ' Uponp�ya�tinwllofNlwms�ecuredbythls0eedotT�u�,Lendersh�IlpramptlyretundroBwroweranyFundsheldby �,,_ <br /> l.�nde►.Ilunderpar�aph 18 hereolMe Propsrllr ia eoldatheP�ops�trla olharwi�sacquired b►r Lender,Lender ah1�I1�pp1Y <br /> +I ool�te►tl�nimmed�tNypnortothstslsotthePropsKyorit���u�isif(onbyLa der.andFundlh�IdbyLsnd�r�tlMti�eo� ��'_= <br /> applk�tion aa a crodit�inst fM aums secured by thia Oa2rJ o7 Trusl. <br /> • ! �.AppNc�W P Unless applicable lawp�ownles otherwfse,ell p�yments reeeived by Lender under t7�p�VOte <br /> and ap pM 1 and�shall be applied by LenAer tiral in p�yment ol amounts payabte to Lender by Bonowar unde► <br /> � paro�Drepb�2 he�eo},thsn to inqrat peyabNootha Nots,thsn toth�p�incipvl of th�Not�,and then toint�nat�nd p�iaclpal on <br /> . anr Fudxe�►dv�ncea. <br /> �,ChM�;L!M».&�nowerssh�ll pay all taxea,asseasmentsond othercha�es,Hnes andlmpasddvns athlhuhbls to�e <br />:. . <br /> � � . � P�opKty which mnr atlain a prloret�arer ihls Deed of T�u��and IMSelwtd peymems o�ground renfs,i7 any,in the msnner <br /> .:%r�,`. provided uncNr paapraph 2 heren�a.if not pdd In wch mannar,by BoROwer m�kinq ymenl.wh�n dus.di►eatly to fhe - <br /> -- ..� ayne�xa�t.9orrower eAell p►omp�Y h�m��h to LenefM all notic�s ol amounh due u�thb paagraph.and in tlN ewnt <br />_ --:;, .::•".-- <br /> .: <br /> , ���� ' rrowar shul m�kep�yment diacdy.8orrower eh�U promptiy fumish lo Lender recelpb eviden�ing auch p�ym�nts. _ <br /> '����'•:r�'• �.• �� Bonower sh�ll pramptly dischar�s any Ilsn which hes priorily owr thfs DMd o1 Truak Provided,that�r�owe►sh�ll not be <br /> � , �'•� '•�� • requirodtoditcharpsanya�uchliensolonqea8orrowershellapreelnwrftinptothepaymsntoftheoblic�a�l�onsecurodb�such <br /> �i• tien in e m�nmr aacspabts to Lsnder.or ahall in qood faith canteu such lien by,or defend eMacemern o�1 such lien in,lepel <br /> t i;�i�•; � proc�edinpa which operds to prewnt the enforcement ot the lien or IorfaRure of the P�opsrry or any part thereof. <br /> , ,-;,�; : 5, H1:ard In�ur�q•8orrower fhall ke�pthe improve�r:onts now axiadng or herealter ereeted on thu Property insured =_ <br /> • a{�ainst lots by ti►e,hu�Ns inaluded wid�ln the term"exlended coverage",and auch otAer huarda es Lende►mey requi�e �ti: <br /> antl In such amouMs and for auch psrioda ea Lender m�y requ�ro:provlded,tluit Lender ehaq not�equire that the�mount o1 <br /> � auc h covKaps ex c e s d t h�t amoun t o f coverage requ l r e d to pay I he sums aecu r e d b y t h f s D e�d o f T r u s G N' <br /> * Thisineu�cecsrrbrprovidingthelnsu�aaceshellbechoaenby Bo►roweraub�ecttoapprovalby Lender,provided,�at <br /> such approval shall not be unroasonably wifhheld.All premfuma on ineurance policlea shall bepaid in the manna►provided � <br /> uncle��wroproph 2 hsrsol or,if not paid in such manner,by Bor►ower maklnQ peyment,when du�,dinctly to th�inturance � <br /> ��' caraier. ��rs,:. <br /> �� , . , All ineurance policies end renewels thereal shall be in fo�m acceptablo to Lender end shaN Include a atendard mort�pe � _ <br /> clauae in lavorof and in form acceptebleto Lende�.Lender shell heve the right to hold thepo Iicies and renewals thereofend <br /> BorrowerahaMpromptlyfumlehtoLenderallronewelnotfcesendallreceipbofpeidpremiuma.lnthewentolloas.8orrowe� <br /> �, ahallgiveprvmptnoticetothelnaurancecerrierandLender.Lendermeymakeproofotloaaifnotmadepromptlyby8orrower. � <br /> ! ,., U�lelel.end�randBorrowerotherwiaeagreemwrltlng,inaurance proceedashsllbeappliedloreatoreNonorropalrolthe � • <br /> Property damaged,provided euch restoretlon or repeir Is economicelly tee�ible and the sacuMy ol thfa Deed of Truet is not <br /> �:� � :�+� lhersby unp aked.II such restoratfon or repafr la not econpmically feasfbls or il the aecurfty o1 thro Deed ot Trust would be � <br /> "'�'� '; impalred,M�e Insurence proceeds ahell be epplled to the auma secured by thfa Deed of T►ust,w�th the exceas,rt any,pald to <br /> ,,`'•:,�.��'�' . Borrower.It the Prop8►iy is ebendoned by Borrower,or If Borrower feUs to respond to Lerder w�thln 30 deya hom the date f <br /> '; , � noUCe le malled by Lender to 8orrower thet the msurance cerrier oflera to ae111e a cla�m lor msurence benellta,Lender is <br /> � '` authoNzed to col lect and spply lhe inaurance proceeds et Lender'a option erther to restorauon or repa�r of the Property or to <br /> .. '�;�', the aums secu�ed by thia Deed ot Trust , <br /> r �:• UnleeaLenderend8orcowerotherwlseagree�nwritfng,anysucheppllcotlonotproceedstoprfncipalshellnoteKlondor � <br /> �::�,;���,;���:�'`'� po atpone ths due date of the monthly inatallmenta referred to i�paragraphs 1 end 2 hereof or chenge the amount of euch , <br /> � �'' �-' lnstallmenta.If u�der parayreph 18 hereof U�e Propeny Is acquired by Lender,all rfph�btle and mtereat of Borrower�n and to � <br /> ,t��',., .;,., ,: U �. <br /> anylnaurencepolkleaendlnendtotheprxeedathereofresulU�glromdemagetotheProperrypriortothesaleoracquisfdon <br /> + �;y�������,"� �.:i;�� ahall pase to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by thls Deed ol Trust�mmedfately pnor to such aale or ecquisitlon. I �:� <br /> '��� 8. Pr�rv�tlon and Malnl�nsne�of Prop�Ay:LeiaMoldr,Condominlunn;Pl�nn�d Un110�v�ppm�nb.Borrower ahall <br /> . • �• ' keap the Propetty In good repalr and shall not commit waste or p�mit impeirment of detenoratlon ol the Property and shall <br /> ., � `• � comply xdlh the provlslone of any leese�f thls Deed of T�ust is on a leaaehold.If this Oeed of Truat is on a unit In a condominwm ' <br /> or a planned unit developmenG Barower shell perform all ol Barrower's obllgaUons under the declarat�on or covenants � <br /> � rfRAtin4 nr everNng the condominium or plenned unil developmenL the by-laws and regulatlona of the condominium o� <br /> i � � �' , � planned unf�dgvebpment,and constftuent documents.N a condanfnium or planned urnt development nder is excuial by , <br /> Borrower and recorded together w�th thla Deed of Trust,the covenanta and agreements ol sucn rlder ahall be fncorporeted <br /> . into and shall amend and aupplement the covenants and agreements ol thls Deed ot Trust as II the nder were a paA hereot. <br /> � 7. Prot�ctlon ol L�ndK'�8�eurqy.If Borrower la�ls to perform the covenants and agreements contained in thia Deed of . <br /> ' Truat,or II eny actlon or proCeeding fs commenced with matenally aHects Lender'a Interesl in the Properry,�ncludiny but not <br /> ' ; 4 limltedto,erninantdomain,insolvency.cadeenlorceme�t,orarrangementao�proceedingsmvolvi�gabankruptordecedent, , <br /> then Lender ef Lender's option,upon nollce to Borrower,may make such appearences.diaburae euch aums and teke auch <br /> � � �. _ ;,', actionaefenece�sarytOprotectlender'slntereat,including,butnotlimitedto,dlsbursementolreasonableattomey'ateeaand <br /> , • ent►y upontheProperytomakerepefrs.ItLenderrequiredmortgapemeuranceaseconditlonotrnekmgtheloansecuredby , , <br /> the Deed oi Truat,Borrower ghatl pay Ihe premiuma reqwred io maintafn euch insu►ance in effect untll auch rime ae the , <br /> !� � �� requlrementlor Such ingurance termfnetes in accordance wdh Borrower'sand Lender'e wntteneg reement or appI�celbelew <br /> _ � ;� ._�;�: ^ _ _� Borrow�r shell pey the amount ot all mortgage msurance perm�ums in the manner prowded under paragraph 2 hereot. <br /> � -�' l " iiluivv:: �i:uii .~..",vv:::v ,�.v.�•3H�.��1 <br />- �yT— . Nlly BI�IQYIIIL UIbYUtOVN Y/ LOI�YVI yulbua��� W i�iia qio d�+ii •. '.'r:u� �iiiuiaui <br /> ti ' indebtedneae of Borrower secured by thfs Deed ot Trust.Unreas�orrowerand Lender agree to W her�erms of peyment,such <br /> � s j:., <f ,,,,'. • ^� amountesh811 be peyeble upon noUCe lrom Lender to Barrower request��g payment hereot,and shell bear�nterost Irom the <br /> � }' , , dateofdebureementatfheratepayablelromtlmetotlmeonoutstand�ngp�incipalunderlheNoteunlesapaymentofinterest <br /> {� et suCh ret�wOUld be Contrary to eppllcgble law,�n wh�ch event�uch emounts shall bear�ntereal et the highest rate i <br /> � �`"..t permi8slbleundorapplfcsblelsw.NothingCOntaln�tl�nthisparagraph7she11reqwreLenderto��curanye�penaeortnkeany <br /> • ' +�... �' � �,�'� ,::� action hereunder. <br /> � � ' 4. `+;>,��.,:'.•.'�,�'�,:\ � 8. Inlp�cNon.Lender may make or cau�e to be made reasonable entr�es upon and inspectbns of the Property,provided <br /> �' •• ,-• ••,1�,,.,,��?I thafLend@�ahellgive8orrowe�not�Cepnortoanysuchinspecl�onspecdymg�easo�ablpcau5elheielorerelatedtoLender's <br /> ; �,L:,�t'•�•� '��••7;,�. intereat In the Properly. � <br /> r i � ..1.;;��; � ;'r•7d; - <br /> . � '' '�'l,i�, , <br /> 1 j i � • : : <br /> _ ' ` � <br /> � � <br /> g ; ' <br /> , <br /> � t <br />