_ � _ _ . - _- — -- -
<br /> — �• - � � -- --
<br /> a� �f _ -
<br /> ,'`.` . -
<br /> -� tc � . .
<br /> `��- _ — - "�-= - - - _ _ _ � _ _" - _ _. —
<br /> -..�:�x�`s:. -=- �- - ----- - � - _.. -- -- - -
<br /> .� � . . . . - . - : -. , _ . _ _
<br /> - - ` ` . _ ��-- _ �03��`2. `.
<br /> sondemnation a at6er taking af ai�r p�ct�f tt►e PcuPertY•or for camrcy�xe in lieu of condemaatia�.ane lureby a�signtd and . .
<br /> shatl be p�d to!endc�. `. � . .
<br /> � [n.tho evuu of u tatal t�iceag of the I'r�crty. the pmceeds shall be�pplied to,tM sums secu�ed 6y ttiis Sceurtty
<br /> Instiumen�vuhethcr+.ir nqt thrn due:+vith an�r excess paid to Borrowcr. �In tlze e�ent of a ganiat talcing of the Pmpe�ig in
<br /> wldcA the fair m�kcR vatree of t(�e PropeRy imexdiatefy before the taking is eqwwe!!tu or greater th�n the a�nu�une of!he su�as
<br /> ------- secuned bv this Secnri tnsmimet►t im�3tei�r_before Ehe G�icin�unt�ti Bamwer and!ender othenvisc agfec�in writin . , 4 ,
<br /> . g
<br /> -- - — -- - - — -- - ... - - --
<br /> _--- -- =• __ _ _
<br /> the swns secuie�"By si-��nttnrnt sfaii 6e�ce�`by t�amoanr��i�pco�cds mu3t�ptied bp- vannS- -
<br /> ftactio� ta)ifie tofaf amount af thc sums secuc�ed immediately-before the taking,divided b�e(6�t6e Etir�madcet watue uf the
<br /> pr+npetty irtimediately 6efore the iatcing. Any 6�IanciF sh�11 be paid ro Borrower. in the event of a parti�l taicing of ttie
<br /> p�opecty in which thr fair m�uket value af tUe prnperty immediatety before the mlcing is tess tlian tRe amount of the sum.a
<br /> - �u�d im�iately (xfae tiie taicing.uniess BonnWer an�t Lender othemise agree w wpting or untess applicable law
<br /> - otherwise pmvides.the proceeds stwl!be appGed to tde sums secured.by tJtis.Sec�ty lnsirwrnnt whether or not the sumc are
<br /> - ;.y then duc. . :.. . •
<br />--- if the.i�mpe�ty is ab�ndoned by Bcnruwer.or if,after notice:(iy�Lender tn.BotTaWrer tttat the coitdeihnaroffets to m�l:e. ...,.
<br />:�,.`:-_
<br /> r;r
<br /> �^- := a�r�w�d'ac:scWcaclaiinfordama�es...fiaiiiuwerfaitstQrespoh�taLeadecwi�hi.�r3Qd:�.y4�theclate�the±wticeis�ive»; _ --
<br /> , '�. - - -_- -Lenaer•�aullio�o eoirect and•apply tile.ptoceais�at�i s'aj?tioif:e�iSec'Co ra"faratiUn o�ce{s�tir of dn�Frbperf.yvr f�s�tte--- , l•.�'""
<br /> _ swnssecucedli�i`thlsS�usitytnshiunenG�uhetttervsr�ottheu�du� , �::��'.•,
<br /> -- - �hIF�S=�lidCf BAd�V:e[�vtlSL':i�iFi:Writitta-anu�nniir.�tinA of Q[nCeCds[O Q[iltCijxll shall not extend ot_. ,-::_'-.�,::_ - _
<br /> � posTpode ihe�due daee of tfie�mnihlY p�Ymen�s referied tu intncnc�a�hs i a�s�2 or cbange the a�nount of such payrt�e�ns: .--- _
<br /> .,!j, II� I3bnYiK�er.Not Rdt�eti;F� By Exader NaL� W��e�- �xtension oi che time for paymeat sir• :� _ _ =
<br /> modific�tian af"mnoni7�tion of the su��.'ured bY tfiis Secun�Y irtst�ment ganted by Leixler to any successor�n intere�
<br /> . of Bormwe�sl�U not aperate to_refea4e the'li:i6i3ity of dte asi�ietal Borrower ar Bacrativer's successo�s ir�interest.l.ettil'ier • `�.�?���
<br /> - , sfi�tl not be cequitpd:,on commence ptac�eed'ut�s u�n+t any s+��re��r,r in inter�t u�refuse to eatend time for payrmenc�ir,, ,;;`°',` ;.,;.,._. -.__-
<br /> a
<br /> • cNhen�rise modify aawttizatinn of the�anti4 sect�reit by.thi�SenaitY itutrumes�t by reason of an}demand made 6y the orig�"aaC:c.-::. .:.;;`�r;.���-
<br /> Borrawrr ar Borrawer's successas in intec+es� An3 fofiear.�ncc bY Lendu in exer�ising any right or remeciy thatl t►s�t•(i�<r.:`" ' <::; :��_�_
<br /> , .. ; :cc :.�u�.:.:�.-—
<br /> . .- = waiver of or prr,ctude the exercise of any right or cemedy. � •� • �•, • �i�:, ' ����";�.�-�--.
<br /> :., .4'' 12. Suocesso�s�nd As�gns Bound:ldnt And Se��enl Lia6ilitY;Co�signtns. The covenants aad agi+ec�itg.il�'t#�iY.<;'• . � --- ,;_.
<br /> Security Instament shall bind and beaefit the succes.son and av-i�is af l.ender and Bortowrr.subjcet ta the pcovl�s�nirsruG';; _�.._
<br /> _:�•:�r-'�-::__
<br /> ._ . pa�graph I7. Borrower's covenanu and agreementc shall be jainr and several.Any Barrower who ca-si�tis ttus Seeiu�n::� ..>-:.��.,=�-------
<br /> tnstniment but does na execute the Note: (al is co-�igaing this Security tasmnnzttt tmlp 7o moA�e.E.ranf a��!��z�a�� •-"��>-"� -
<br /> � Bortow•et's inte�st in ihe Propeny under the tem�of this Security las-tcumen� Ibl ic aot personaily abligated�r�v�eay'die sum.ti ''�� , •�:�` -_
<br />;;:;�.-: .~ - securcd by this Security insuomen�artd tc)agre�that Lender and any athzr Borm��r may agree to exten���v� forbear, , � ' - - ' '��
<br />-�''•`:; , or malce any accommadatipns with rcgard to the term�nf ihis S�unty irtstramrnt or the Note withou�th�t Bur�ow�a`;• :c�.��
<br /> c�sen� ��' � � '� --
<br /> 13. I.oAn CbArges. If the[a�n �ecured by thi.+Security (actrumert is�abject co a lav�which sets maximum taajs' �:�._. �,,. _-
<br /> .e
<br /> �. t • chaqyes.and that law is finalt iraerpreted so that the interest ar ot1►�r loan ettar��colteeted or to be callected in conaection :z1� � � _
<br /> ;;= with the tvan exceed the pemiitted limics,then: Ia)any such loan ch�e chal�l�iieduced by the umaunt necessary ta reduce °"•`-� �'''::kt •� _
<br /> the chatge to the permitted limi�anG lb)a�y wms already ral fect e d.fro�$���*�t�r which eaceeQed rmined IlmicS wili be '.' +;��.i:_ •;��--
<br /> 1�" refunded ta Bonower. Lender may choose ta make this refund by r�lucie�thz�:i�cipa!awed under the Note or hy makin��►. `,:.'f,`i��t„� -
<br /> ,;;; , dicect payment to Borrawer. lf a refurtd teduces principal,the crAuc�ia�4 e�al6��t�eated as a paRial prepayment without an3� � � ,ti�,���4��'f;
<br /> �e
<br /> �1•'�'h r il;,'. ` P�y-ment c[targe uader the Note. . . , �. . . . � '=Ss raa�r�. �
<br /> ���,.��, . 1Q. 11�oticts. Any noticc to BarmH�er pruvided for in ihiti S�,-un�w.Insirurri�nt shall be givea by delivering it or"�w �: '�:',:. . ` � �
<br /> �'• . -'�'-�'� mailing it by fusY c�s ma�unle�s appticable laµrequir��r use�f anolharmeihocL��"ne natice tihall be directed to the Proprrty � , � � !�
<br /> . � �.. ��r.. . ' ..
<br /> :;''�,�� . ;��'�". `c,• � Addr�.4 6z anY other a�dre�.�BoROaer designate+by notice ta Lea�::..•�1m�i��fice to Lendzr shall be gi�en hy first clacy � .
<br /> ff • '� mail to I.en�er's address stated he�eia or any othcr address I.ender•cFa.r��a't�:�6}noticc to Rortowee Any natice pravided for � �•� �.�
<br /> :;;�r�,' , ' in this Secunt}tatitruraent shall be d�a�ed to have I�een giv�ra t�a�orr�awer or l.ender whea given as pravidcd in thi5 _ . • •�-�
<br /> r'r;. ' � Paz�$�P,�.• . "; , .'; . ;. i .�;.-
<br /> ��--
<br /> _._ 15. t'�overniag t;Aw; Severa6ility: This 9tcurity lnwtrument�tra(C t+�.fi�c►semed by fedcral law and ihe law of the : - , -
<br /> , .. �•'�%' jurisdiction in which the Pmperty is located. ln th'e.evtnt ih•ri any provisioii sr�lautie of�hic Security tn�trument ar the Note �.:;;t:-.
<br /> ' � �:r�"��` : ' conflic�s witn applicabte law.such coriflict shall not uffee1��thet vision.c af ih"s.s�Security Inxtrumcat or ttw Nnte�vhich can ',r . '` "'::•• " .'���`.
<br /> .,.�,. ,.... P�° ,�;1,� ,.
<br /> !;� • 'j� bc given eifect withaut the canflir.�ing provision. Ti�thi.end the.gcovi,ian�01'thiy 5ecurity Instrumem and the�Jate sue �,. ��,. �1,�. ,�.,
<br /> . ��j ��'1..--'�' , . ' � ��;�'.�,•jv:,�:.'IYr')-.
<br />`;i" _ declarcd to i►c xeverable. :
<br /> .�t...., • ;...r.;_-'=��rX_'.
<br /> � !6. Horrower s t;t►py. Bnrrowcr�hall he givcn anc conf�m�copy uf Ihe N�tc and af thiti Security In.rtrumem. ; f��<<:�.
<br /> 1?. 7lransfcr of Ihe PiropeMy or a Beneflclat laterest in Borrow•er. If uU��r any pan of�hc Pra�ert�or any intcretii in ��``
<br /> .. '�;: � ��_::
<br /> it iw sold or transferred�'ar if�6cneficial intcre�t in 8arraw•cr i++old m trantiferred.�nd B�rro«�cr i�not f�nalurAl persanl s, �
<br /> � � witltout Lender�prior wr3tten wnsent.Lendcr may,at it�option.requiro immediate paymcm in full of alt'ywan.ti ticcumd by �'� ,
<br />- • his Securit lnst[ument. Howerer.thi+a tion shall not t►e cxcrcised hy I.rnder if ex�rcirc i�prnhibited by f���eral law as of ��.'�• ': ;..-,�`��.:
<br /> ^�•��
<br /> . .r,',. , t Y p . ,
<br /> � thc date of this Security tnstrument. •. � . . ' - " �•
<br /> � � � � j�;�; � If Lrnder cxercitie�this opdon,Lender tihaU�ivr Burcna�cr naUce af:icaclrrution. The notice�hafl prd�ide a periodl ai' ...
<br /> .;��.,•_ �z��;:� nat lesti Ihun 30 da��s frc�cn thc date the nuticr iti delivoud��r m�iled�vithin which Honu�rer mu�t p:►y ali sp�t.�,'c�.^ured by ihi�
<br /> � • '> >' '� �rial tAndes v�:� in�•okc�in �":
<br /> -� ,;x,•'��� •,�±;f;:'.�, ' 5ecurity Instrument: Il��wru�wer tail�tc�pay the�e�ums prinr ta thc expttatu n�! 1h� �x . y y
<br /> ' '"+�;r; ,��� � remcdies pertniued by tl�is Security Invtrument withuu�f'urthcr nutirc or dcmand an Barru�vcr. - �•�
<br /> a; ,�.�'•''''-.,+��'���':;'. �-:�;:::�..'. �8� 6orrower's Righl tu Relastate. If(iorrowrr mrrt�crnain cc�nditiany. Borrawer.h;�tl h;►vc th;•right ta have ,
<br /> . ,,:� +r`�� ,�.� �
<br /> � ����[l1{ f(t/).�` �c�,;et�fi'unvar.u:m of lhi�Serurity In�t►ruma�r.diu�mlinucd at uny Iime pri��r to the earticr of: (at, day�tar such e+�hcr peri�xt u-+
<br />,`.1��' 3 I1l���1` ��� .. .� � . ',. ,... � .
<br /> ,. . �itl+.�'''��4.t,; i� � .5.� . . . • - "S+rrgp:�:'a�..;t��=lannie�fuliieddir�1ac11rIFOR11t�ti'CIt14;}:WT--t.���i:r:!?4�utenant� 4�9f1 �raccJ��/h�t��e.�l ,
<br /> ' , • ,�� .1`�.71.�5-������<:f��i a ,�.,',I . .. . , . � .. � � . ' � . � , �Ir�. � }
<br /> .� :�`i 1� q !.¢J!}, �'l,' , . � ' , . ' -y; ' ... jl
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