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��E'"+"'r"�"'""_ , ��. , _ ' � _r -- <br /> S �", <br /> . <br /> - -:: - ..'-'�� r -�Iv:. . . - <br /> �S T - =:-1 _ — � � ` . -- . - -vr�- - M�-. .-.— - <br /> 3# _'�- i. . . _ . -. �. . <br /> ..��� ��- ` � , . <br /> �* . . . .. . . .. . . . . `, . _ . .. .. . . ... . <br /> �� � �, � � . � � . . � . ` .: - �gl� iO3�11 ., . <br /> _ � s _ : - <br /> °noc;�wi�tr�u me t�o+���►a��ao����r.�na ai��.�� � <br /> .m fixxn.� ar�er�f�a pu�;af t�e propem►. Au reptace�eacs aoa aaa;6ans st�au at�o t�ooYaCa b}►ch;s sec�rriry <br /> � �rp�N.'!l�!of 1be iaceEoina is�mttased to!n t6is Secm►tY ta�ume�t as t�e"Ropen�r•" - � , , <br /> . 90RRAWER COVENAN75 tbat Barovrer is fawfully stised of tt�e cslste t��mreYed�d I�ts the righf to�t. <br /> --- ----- �_--�adconvey�M-�1�1 the Ptvpetty is uaa�cum0ete4.eaapt for eacumbrances of recocd, Bur�uwxr watr�nts and - -- --- _ <br /> - -- — willdefend—_- -tvtt�Pi.����il�mec�Fded�idS:suUj��'��s��nbs'atxcst�t�-- ,--- <br /> TH1S SECl1RiTY INSTRIIMENT com3ines uaifcxm cmraunts for mtion�l ose and�uaeftxnt oovmants�with <br /> , Hmited vxiatian b�jwisaiction to ca�riiate a uaiform soctuity iaswmenc covrridg i+eal propenY. <br /> (�11i1PdRM C�OY�I+1A(�Ff�. Hamwer aM i.crWet oavrnmt au�agte�as fdlows: • wheo due the <br /> _ � 1. Pxr�eat d Prt�cipd a�t�teral:PreP�J�eat stl l.a�e Crar�. Bo�cvwer sdaU�comP�Y PaY <br /> _-- aad tate cNaBcs du�under thc Nota <br />-__� yxinc;pat ocam�m the aebt eviaenoed bar tl,e Nae ana any p�epar�u, <br />__V:� . 2 Pfr�iK'ii�e�a�d 1�c� Subjact to appl�cable law ar to a wntten waiYer ay I�ender.Bamwa sl�all paY to <br /> - -`-_ Lender an tht day ntiaothty paymeats are due wlder the Note.until the Nnte is paid in sUm("Funds 1 far:ta3 Y�Y `- <br /> ';;.-�. taues aM assesanaqs��say atta�q Pnacity�m�u kdis Ssn�tity_�ud�!►t-�y�,-�_�-_at-�th�eP�p�Y�tb_)_Y�Y�Ob - -- , <br /> a reots on tht QtoQe�ty.if wy: ic)yeu1Y miums: cb)��iy�.-- <br /> - ' WY� � , iesur�nce nms.if arsy:and(fl any,surtrs payabk by Barrower w..: _- - - <br /> •. � ;us�uaaee.QnmiwnF. �f any;tel Y�X�8�� �t .�ROf=raas�e[a�nce�remiurns..T6es� -- -- <br /> J � L�e�der,.itt�ccor�Ce with�e provisi�'s of p�r+gtaph Ccevt flf tiie Qa} <br /> f.: _ �c --:_ <br /> items azt calTe+d''Escr4w ltem�".�.L�+rd�r arry tim�witeri aud.hold Fund.�iir a�t aa�ounc r�otto eaceed tAe tnaaintuut -- <br /> " amo�t.�Iatder fur$federpltY��tated matg�ge twu max n�qnit+e for.Baaawet�es�mw acmuat uadec the federat Reat ��--a <br />°`,`z,:' Estate Setttana���of 1974 as arnebed froat time t�.tuu�.t�Z L7��$Zbtl t et seq.P'tiE�SPA").wrless a�hec �` --- <br /> Z ] �:;t�y�� <br /> F;:', taw tMu appiies to tlre�ds sets a Tessetamoua� If so.l.endar amg.�.�y ritae.cdl�ct ab1�ttal�Fitads ia�amnunt�st ta � - � �a�r�-�-� <br /> M <br /> - ex000d the ksser�moutu. l�et�der may estim�te tNe araaunt af�r.tds due:on the basis mf cunent data snd reasboabte � �:�: <br /> estim�tes of expmditu�es of futut�e Eumw Items or at6erwise in ecxar+daaca wid��PMirabk iaw: . �t.,_.;_ <br /> 7Ue Ii�nds s1�aU be held ia an institutioa whose deposits as insurod by a federai agencq:in.� e�:.� �r-`_�A-- <br />- " (iacludiag Le�der.�f Lencfer is such an instwr6anl.or in any F+ederal Hotne l.oart Bank. t.axkr sf�ati°a�pEY thc Funds to Wy �-:�-=. <br /> '';� the Escrnw Items. i.ender may aot chuge Borrowier for holding and applying the Funds.anauaIIy a�i�Fgsin$the esc�n�: .�:—,.,�¢t�._ <br /> ;^`' s Bamwer intecest on the Funds and aPPiicable!aw peimiu , - <br /> • accomt,oc veritying the Fscmw [teau.unless Lender pay. � _- <br /> - . h.:- i.ender ta n�Tce.sucA a charge. Ho�.l.ertdet may taqu�re Barrower to pa�r a ot�e-tm�e charSe for an independent t+eat ___ _ <br /> =� •� esnte tas reporting senrice used by Lender in conn�don with tBis toan.uWess applicabJe law provides atNerwise. Uatess arF.,. , - <br /> ;`';;:�t"..,.; -�' � agooemeat is made ar applicabie law requires intetcst to 6e pai4 i�der shait nat be tequind w gay Boriawer anK intecest ar' � ` ' - �� � <br />:�;;�,;,f., ;_.:� � <br />.::,,�c�•=:•. :: -�. � earmngs on tLe Funds. Barower anct�er may agt�e in writing,however.ttiat inte�t shall be paid an the Fvnd�. 4endzs':.` _ � ' <br /> �".� <br /> << ; +-.: <br /> '�,-, shall give ta Borrower.withatu�annual accounting o f t h e F u n c t s.S h o w i n g c n e d i t s a n d debits to the Cv�ds and sl�.; _-- Y, _ _ <br /> e � <br /> ' � � puipose fa w hi�fi eac h d e b i t to t h e F u n d s w a s m a d e. 17ie Funds are ptedged as addiuonal security for af!sums sacucec��v; � . _-- <br /> ,. tlus Seaniry/nsuament. ":• � . ; � <br /> If the Funds held by Lencier ezceed ihe amounts Permiued t°be i�eld by applicable law.i.ender shali accow�t�::� . : <br /> , � .,-: Bartvwer for the eacess Fiu�ds in acca'darce with the te�Niiements of apQlipble law. If the amount of tt�e Funds held by A-- <br /> � Lender at any tune is not su�eie�t to pay the E�scraw items when due.I.ertcks may so tatify Bortower in .�.r- .- _ <br /> � , sucit case Bortawer shail pay to l.eader the amauaot aecessarY[o make up the'deficiency. Borrawer shall,malce up the � '. ": :-�L�+�. <br /> s ��.� • Lender�sole disc�etion. 'a';s;`;, ;`; -�•�;-== <br /> • deficiency in no mor�e t6antwelve monthtY PaY��-� ' ."`..-. <br /> :�;;r:?�:.,' (1pon paymeat in�"ull of all sams secure d b y t�cs Secu r i ry In s u u m e n l.•I�d L c.s h a l l p r o m p t l y r e fund to Borrower an y �:, ��. � <br /> � , Lender.prior to the aoquisitian or �':.� <br /> �. .. :.:�i::",_ <br /> ° ���•,'.,-, I'unds h�by�.ender..•IIf,under pazaL�raPh 21.l.ende'r shall acquire or sell the�1'operty. ; ��` <br /> �'.'a�'it:S'a� �`�'. <br /> , �.. . ,: : sale af tira 1hu�e►ty,siia[1 apply any Funds hetd by i.ender at¢�e Eime af xqaisition or sale as a credit against the sums . .•,.�'�'; <br /> � ,r,: secured by ifiis SeCUric��trument. ' � • <br /> • "�'����'�.�,r . <br /> r 3. A t i q�m t's�a y m e n t s. U N e s s a p p l�c a.�f e t a w Q a u?c L d e s o t h e r w i s e,a l l p a y m e n t s received b y l.en�kr under .. . .;.L_�. <br /> Yf�u��'.' P�B�P� ���2 si�zt�6e applied:firs�to anY Pre��}acec�t ch�rg�due unders�e Vate;second,ta amaunts payable under �- <br /> u �• '���'i"��'1,'�:�:1.. ' _ . r . <br /> ,;;,,,,, p a r a g r a p h 2;thirQ to intetest principal d�e:and ta�,,:c�na�ny lace cha�ges duc under the Nae. ,. <br />--� ., �. " �.,,. 'r}',=. 4. Ch�lrges: Liens. Borro�•c�s h a 1 1 pay a l l ta�ces. as s e s i i i�i F s.c h a r g e s. f i n e c a rs d i m p o s i d o n s a tt ri b u t a b l e w the �; . , ._ <br /> ., ,•.,�;_'�,?� ���;easehdld a me�ts ac'�nmd renu.if any. Borroa��r ri -�_ <br /> ����r i`�; .;.�;r.;�;�� .���:�,� pr p p e r t y which ma y aaain p r iority nverthis Security Instrament:�....: P Y. .. - <br /> ••+• '-�'��a'`Y'���'; shall these abli atia�s in the manner avi d e d in,�aragrap h 2.��f n a t p a i d i c a t h a t r r;n i i�'�o r r o w e r s h a l l p a y t h e m o n . , <br /> -�.�;r;tY,r'':;i,`.r PaY S a � �'� ' , ..' _ ; <br /> � ��: tlme directly to the person owed payment. Bomav:��-�satf promptty furnish ta L,�ax#r.��'�cs of amounts ta be pard undes �: <br /> ;��,.f�;,;.,,<� ,ahis paragraph. If Borrower makes these paymtr��-u�:tly.Borrower shali p:am���+:�"s�.'s to L e n d er�'rpts evidencin g � . � :�, �� <br /> �'t•it�� �' �'1. � � ' �,1;�'.. . ,_�' .;'. <br /> � �� ;��'�� � '� ' ����vt shall promptly dissb�i-����.y lien which has priarity over this Securiry la�t'�Q-�ra;r�tess Barrvxer:tai � . .. =�i��,:�±, <br /> ' :1ir�.; '�-1., <br />- in�'n�fn�,»��e payment af the ob�;.�ui�securcd by the lien m a manner acceptabte to 1,�,�€a^riti�1 coneests ingoad f�i srk�• : ��?�A;�;' <br /> ' � - ' � ' t" ur;�,zferxts agacn.Y er�uiC:�=of the lien in,legal praceedings which in the Lend�a`i���ion apemt,e[a Fser.,�?�� ��;_: , <br /> '��?5;',�;, <br /> , ' - enf�.of the lien:,��t�t��:��trom the hotder of the lien an agreemcnE sa�isiactory aiii'.�.eadec su66�:n.zfi�t d4:lien . �, -�''_�= �F <br /> � ,�.. � y p p¢��.- : .. <br /> ��, , to�i1i��unry lnstrui��st;� �t'�.�?t�r determines that An aA of the Pco ���t�bje�t to a.iR�whic[t i�.��13iti•��ti�aly . <br /> . _,. ?`1�`���:. <br /> :-,;�;� t,�:,� averil�i's'SaairitylnstrumM�t.a?r3ier'i�raygiveBarroweranatieeidentifyirtgf:�rl�ien. BorraR+:�rshallsa�cjiA�y'�t�Nii�r►�c#r,Ice <br /> .':+�.:;r.>,�`'�1���,}� one v'r ita�Pf the actians set farc4i al�zv'�within 10 dayc af the giving of notice._ �' :� •'• • <br /> r <br /> " '� :`�"���''��'-� �:"�I�a�rd or Property i�,us� Bortower shall kcep thc�mprovement�now exi�in�,bi hereaftcr c�ected r�u:dxe , w , , <br /> .°-,;;';��'.';'•''_��:'` Properry;nsuted against toss by frn:,l4�rds inctuded within the term"extended coverage'a�t'�a�y o-1►e�t'�?aards•ine�i��cng � • <br />� . '�`Yc.�,;'����ir�';'� . . � . .. , <br /> fIoods ttr flooding,tor which Led�et'c�equires insurance.� This insurance shall be maintained in the snu�ur[s aztd for 1 e � , <br /> .�:� ;.��ff��,?.�.. • . ,` , •,',',. ; -,:,' <br /> : �� � <br /> '• it`t?�:�i '. Y.ona-5028 91lY± rjc?iK�.i:�nlniNra� . <br /> .r�,, .� � .S; ;��5(,:.. , . . .. . � , <br /> .,�.. ,i' f�l� ( ��i�: <br /> ' . , r',Fr•�.` ., . � l.. •1 �t.. . � �' � • . !' " � . . <br /> � •�' .•' .� .',�.. . � ' . � � �'1 :�I' . '� I - � . <br /> . � .t' . - . ra"�. .— .i� � :i�r�-.—• "_ "_ ' . <br /> . .. .�i����l�� , f . _ _ ' " _ ' . . ... ' - , ��4i��,.1 � � _1.4�i��/,�1`J�. . . . , <br />. . �,.�. .. '�t;, , ' -.'- •;. .__ . .. . � . . .... . , . . +�� . ����.,.�,,i.. . '��,� _ . <br /> �� ,�X���;�' "r...�i"'� . .. � . . . , , �.I��� �. . , , � . <br /> J , <br /> �4-.,�'t`.���...��•.. � . � � . ' a . � . .- . <br /> •5 '1 - .. . . � .. <br /> .. .. :i•.. � . . <br />. �. .- . .. �.� , .... _"' _ ' ' -." ' ' . .. • . � . - . _. . . ' ' "' ' <br /> . . .J�' � � . . ' ' . . '. ' ' , " .. <br /> . .� � �.��' . <br /> ' ' - . • , - - ' • . . . �t • . � . . <br /> . � �. �.. . <br /> • • • � <br /> _1 .___ . __.�'.��_-:�.'.�._ _•.' . _ • " • _ - _ _ _ <br /> . ' .I ,''�.� .. . . .�� . . . . . <br /> ' `` r. " � • ,aI ' . ' , . I .. . ' ' _ ' .. . . . <br /> ' . �- ' .. t " "". _ . .._ .. . . . � � !� . . <br /> � <br /> .""•.�•.. «.' l �. . .. ` ,. . . ' . <br /> r . . <br /> . <br /> . , � . <br /> f_• • ' _ __—" _'"_ ._ ._. .___ <br />