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<br /> — _ T. -- - „�_
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<br /> . � { . . . . �.-.. _ - . . ' . ^ � "" . _ _R.` _._ . . — . .. . _ _ _ -- _� _. __
<br /> .''�ti.��'; t� 1 " ' ' ' - . ' . . , �. , .. _ _ . .
<br /> :. _ � . _- � . � -��1-- ��o��s� ,
<br /> �, . � . . .
<br /> . !.t„Tnu�.t�ftt�ey�M.w..�.M Ra1e t1.fG�uwa sr.0 r.�wbm aue uK pi�i�.and�iatscaa on,tee aabc. �
<br /> _ � nridrmed bt the Nate�ad�ate c�r�s dne ueds tbe Nate. : � � - . , `
<br /> ��� .,` 111�nMbtil�M�dTiooa.Lw�ce�tOlY�����IIL�LudeiaacbmcaWYO�lrmea�.toiet6n�rith =-
<br /> tLe pi�oup�i aod to�est as set fats ia the Na��s�llatc dsar�.an�o!anY(�)���� ___-
<br /> � kr3t+!ar to 6e krted apimt the Prap�a�t�r,tb)ie�oid P��t�+��oa the AroRrt9�and te)ycaniums fa `
<br /> _ -- __�=--- �r�'..d�X�4�-= -==_ ---_ — __- -
<br /> ._ . _ --=— --_—_-
<br /> _ , _ _.-_.
<br /> FiCbmoatbl9�iG[itlmi(s}.�b)�ntl(C}fh/11leqwtoac'ivslRllQlthCiIlntiil�ts.lt[CasooablYatim�tedSY � �_ _
<br /> IROder.WnsaaamocmtwfBckattotaaint�ia�uaddndooalbWnceofaamoretLanone-sWAatti�eestLn�teaamaunu.77K �__ _
<br /> EpII amval amamt for ekh item:haII be aoa�muLted bl►I�eod�wit6ia a peiiod��nt ane moath betae aa hem�ould `-""`�� - -
<br /> 6aoome de6oq�eat,i.ender ah�U hotd the amwmu wtieeted in wst to pY�ems(�).tb)an�(c)bdore t�eY b�o�e�a4� ��```�=`�'�=-___=_
<br /> - �if ataa�tioetLe taqlof tbepsymeutf hddby L+ooda for items(a).(b).aad(e).tosttbar�rith the funuemonthh►P�Y�u ' �_. r_;��___
<br />��::,j;,,, 6ac�.ftemsP�ri�ieto.LsoderP�wtLe�reditaoisuchicans.voeedtbymaetbanaK-s�t6eesHmatedamauntof -,Y==_-_--_---.--
<br />•. L od an t6e Nate srr a�reat.t�en �-
<br />' p�p��nicedto-pyf sudt foeoqs r�ea due.aad it pt� l.ender shall either rtttmd the r_-.:��_�=-=-
<br />��< etioes�avec ou�siu�af tfee�tad P��ur c�dic the eues+ova one-su�eh ot the atimaced Paymeats co sab�qoan�. . � _
<br /> F oe u� �by g��s for item(a?.[b).oi.tc).ia .�.,°�. -
<br />,�„r!f .: - ��BoetoweyaE�aO���ifthatoailoiehep�Yments tn�oaicea�t�ed�ar�az-- -_- ` � �
<br /> .,,, �mtmP�ftLefEm�vrtieadn�.t�eaBocmwec�itts[YtoLzaderaayamowaaeoe�9 -r-`.%,--,�i�s� �
<br /> �OIC u1C�Q 1bC l��El'OQ1�S QtIG �b{t Ct b!! A ' � r�
<br /> . -— - = As med in thi� ' -"5eer�`'-monu�tbe�taCY°f Ho�aad lftbaa Oe4e�opde�c r-=-;'�r. —'
<br /> _ � da�nee.MoatSaurkYlP�um�a u� �6�h�o4��"��pftLe ' �'� ,,�
<br /> sas�u+e�t�tb�Se�i►ueiawnedw�derRo�r�ms � . `-� {-,::
<br /> � �? '°::;. mtiremo�ti+��R��-tfthisSeauitYl�i�aat�socwasias�uedunderaP��it+m��no'treqmresdvanoe r
<br /> ��' ;?;;_ pqrmmtoftbeaui�emortia�e��c�.,:�wt�he Soa tu�y.� .mouWYsbacf��rnsteid o�o[the ' , - . -� -�^
<br /> .,ti�ud taa�Pl�i�aoce Dce�ium @a�:��
<br /> : i moKi�' �.�
<br /> �' r, �=ilhsuixooe pRmiam it tl�Seaart9 ta�m�a�2 is k�•�'�Se�msry.�acb montblY instaltmmt�fl�e mortp�e ins�uaaoe .
<br /> '�•, , -. anaual imu�soae pem��ritb[+eader ox mt�atb , �
<br /> «< <• _ °.°:,�i�emimo s1�II be ia aa smoaat safiida�4�aac�:t�e iWl mort�e ader�d8 Me
<br /> �i if this Tastr�iment is !''>,�� -
<br /> � : �:sr;:. � y'�miumisdoetotbeSoRetu7t.or Sa�t�s bY ;•r-.;:k:L,Y_ ---
<br /> ;���/r c�w ..�t.�1�,,y-� ��a w aae-iwdRb of one-haif pema�t of t5e outstandiM P��P� �%':.
<br /> .. �I�� :i„''..:- ' `<� �W����SOO � J�'V�i�1!�,T�� . ' . •l�i::iF. ' ,_ -
<br /> C 1t r. � : � �+�i�G�MY�ww�wl�i"'
<br /> -7.°'.+: t i
<br /> �!t� 4 i- i < j�ILt,�k.'C16t�IC�C. .:, , . � ��t[ i �r,a _ _
<br /> 1 �n � ' �IffiRLQ��StlmSsc�sw vl ��►�K�T�f 9L+�0�1lt�ua+�$E �x�3 i��;(
<br /> ,`�,`, ���:� �.Yr ao����c� �nems t.�,�z�€c����e�x��p� .. .��t�;�;��`° , '-�-
<br /> f; .. . : . 'cie�ited witri., te�ininf f�a�i�:. ��mdanY�S£itucY�.G�:>. ���..r$, .. . �;F
<br /> • , _` , �iaslallment that t,ender bas not beooine oblig�ed to paTba'tl�eSeaets�l.aa8�a� ,
<br /> < ,;� t`�=r�:-�- a foroctosurt sak of L1K PrapeitY or its acqtuscc�om E�t,�.raii�*�►m*x�'s eooa+�rrl��1'6e.. ��`"�;;�t
<br /> �{�; , ,�•: EoRawer Immea.�uaS►vrio��ror au ia��er�u ror itaas es�.ro��e r. . . ., 4�fr� � :
<br /> �f�� � � c�edittd plt6 aa7►baltnce c -':�..�. :.•�:�.;�•`'-...: ::� , �.r. _ „ • .�
<br /> '`� � �' � � l and 2 adall be �yY tertdsia5�ws: '-.:".' ,.•- , ,,� . ^':
<br /> �f{:��ir'`. ' <<` .., `�� 3.A//rea�M�dls��ab.AD WY�ts�nda par�g�As � � � ' " _
<br /> ,�,, gj$$r,to We�aat�e ia�r�ce p�iam to be paid by Leader to the Saret�g a�rm�moati�br�bg��SeaetuY � `� 4�
<br /> ` .� -:•-�� th19 n►a�tpte insarsu�oc re,mium,uateas&ftrmva p�id tUe eatuc moitp�e pnma?u�. this �t`'", ,
<br /> d ittsar�nct f��-,,•, �,.
<br /> �a �,r:.'�..;,., ,..
<br /> y�,�: imtpd of the moa P :., ;: �. •�i�°•,.�''.. _.
<br /> � •� • . ... ��-j� :+-:-
<br />,. � • • $EQA�I6�Q�CAt Rif S�IOd: ' i!II iIld flTC.��OOd�O�bR h�T#[�1QSY[�t10E ;;l`'�'� ' a.`_
<br /> �f f ',. �Q.to aaY tua.special a�aeau.ieuebaid.Dalrtqeats or�round ts, , s� _
<br /> {i� ,.t: t'�$ . �*� , P!M111�11�.��N�i .;... . . .. �=.;.� c� _
<br /> ��Q;to.intaa�dae t}adec tba Nocr, -
<br /> , j , � ;to�mott3zattoa of tde priadpal o!the Note: . 1,•' , v ` '
<br />'� ..,.��. . �w lue�dlue w�der tde Note. �,%rf'� � � .
<br /> ' c ,. , :,` �1. . ... tz�'��;:,�,' ;.
<br /> , �� ,. �.�l�I�7��/Y��H1'fi!'d1��0l.�OROWCTf��LLS(t[C�1�IptOYC11K71ffOAlbCptOpMys • '.,�c ' .
<br /> ��'' u Ii11C111Cf!l01Y/AE1dSt�71CC �`:;{:;;,,;�,+ i;
<br /> ' _ ---' : ,. or subse4uatiy aated.a�ainst anY h�ruds.casa�lties.aad continiencies.IaclndW fae.for�rLkA Leader roqaira insutwoe• ,��:.;g%,j� � .• ;;,; .
<br /> . ~:�c�:'', '.' , � '1'dis�osuranx shall be maintained In th�amoaats urd for the paiods that Lmder nquira.Borrower shaU also iiuure all�'. '. ..'. . , .
<br /> ' '��_-� :�� - � improvemenu on the ProP�Y.whet6er avw ntswdsteaee or subsequently erectcd.�tN�loss by flood�to the extrnt cequired by . . ;.i;� :
<br /> t
<br /> . .-,�.
<br />. � .:_ ` .�., tAe SocretstY.AU insut�aa shail be carriecS y�i41►,��a approvad bY 1.ender.The iasuranoe po�aad anY�eaewal�sho0 � � -:.!�
<br /> :* '�.:-, ' de IKW by Lender aad shall include toss payabJc c}�uses�n ftvor of,aad in a foim svoeptabk to. . •
<br /> .. ,.. ,,. . .,
<br /> '°. ,�;:%.T�.�;;:.,t;..' . , - Intbe event ottoss.Borrawer shaU�tva Le}Wis irrim�dia+.cnodce bY m�il.Lender taaY�e proof of tosslf aot tasde prompt- ' � '.' � .. : ..
<br />��.:;' 4` �� R_=�, .'�•,,;t;;:-' ty bY Hoaa�a.Eub insurance comD�Y�eeraec�is.��rebY autdo�4d and directal to malce Dsyment for sucb loss dlratlY to ,.
<br /> ,r, r. , , Ltadet.iasttaA af to 8orrower and to Lendtr.i�ntty.A1F tis�ny pare OSehe insarance Qrooeeds msy 6e aDDilad 6y l.eada.at its • �
<br /> k�c.,,�;: •s�,�; eption.ei2t�sr ta)to che rcduaien of tfi�in�sbcednr,a jnader the NaTe aad this Securiri Instrumesu. first[o any deUnqumt j ,, .'��sh�,�
<br /> }r�� .
<br /> , amoant�apptkd in the arder in Puagapls 3:add ihtn so�irepayspent oi prindp�l.Qr(b)to the s�toration or repair ot the • . ,f:�,,,�,., , ';��i'.;:.
<br /> - � . ''�Droperty.My ap�Ucacion of cht"Droceed�io tt[e�vhuiDat ahal)aot extendr a�s.yost0one the due due of ihe moathly ,q;�,,,;�.._,,
<br /> � • '''ty,:; ', � yaynKnts whkA are referred to ia P �2.or chaa�athe sm'iat�t aFaucb psYmeAtS.Any excess insnrance proceods over an t�;i`-``�i��� ' :.
<br /> ��e.;.; amountrequitedtopayalloutsua�absednwvndettheNotetm�lti�s3eeuriiYAa�trumecesh�p6epaidtotheeatityte�{� `�� ��Y`F(�i`4".�t�
<br /> . ''��� ` s � ly eaNtkd thereco. • .� ` If r� . . `�`'
<br /> , :�.,.... ,
<br /> „ s%t.° , � . tn the event of forectosure o!this$z�ity Instrumeni or other transtcr ot fnle Ya ihe Prop�sp thae extin�uisha the 1M , � L,;;' ,;�. • , 'r 7,...
<br />, ;: '�':`�' ��.�?y;`', ` ' d�btedaeu.all djht.dtte aud lnterest.'o?'8onowcr in aad to iasurance policies m iar�ot�hal1 pas:�zo:hc yurchuer. •�, �`a!;;:� �, .: ..'
<br /> 9�f +1.. �
<br /> ,:1 ,�'s'�`(=;.. ,r ",,(!� � . . �� �
<br /> ., , � .�. ' . �� `:;,�, ,;?t.,��;;,,'.
<br /> � � � ' ... . . _ , 3r1';' _
<br /> ;� ���f�• .,;'�;t�+� ,>. �.treienadw w/M�tewee o!Ire fea�ertg�,i�iol�.Borrowa aha]!saro�'si�m.mti w�ste or destroy. vr.'."�'; � �:{,��•r,;;:;;;�.
<br /> r4�;���� �`.' ,���.'� � � � substautWlY ch�a�e the Property oi allow the Propc�1ta deterlor�te,reawn�bte v��eac mr0 tear expepcal.Lender tasY iasDcct :�,,':':�;�:�,��.-��;.���';°�:r:;;;�
<br /> ;' � . �s ���';` ;�,. .,�` ,� tLe Oro�erty i!the property�S vacant a:abAadoned or t14e toui�S ln defiWt.Lmder may talu rezso�a'sk action ta protect an� . . ;��,�°,�-rt
<br /> ;t,'.i. 3�., , ,:,i .;¢�'"7.:. -;.
<br /> ;r i..4��.���.; -�.�.,'�
<br />:i li;;%:i;;r',,': �;e`: •,'y�y„4{;.f•, pcanve sucb vacaat or abandoaad pro�ucY.lt thi+Security lasttument 1�on a tasehold.Boirower s�"�arl�comDty vrtth the pravi- �.�F f;,' ,,,:'
<br /> ::�;:,,.�
<br /> . ,I�,�>:t,f't• �t,{,� siad of the laso.If Honow4r acqutres�ee dtle to the Proyeriy,the letsehold aad ta tide shaU r.aa be mersed unless t.ender .,;,;;� „;.;
<br /> „ _ � . i ,{t,j�)'.r ,��� :
<br /> •.',.',; �� jc � � �(Cq t01�1Q m!(j!f In WTfUA$. . ' • '':�� ..,. .
<br /> /� �
<br /> '����I r• r����'�i1� � i�tre .Soaawa-sha31 p�y att�oyeremem�tormnnicipal j`r�i;;°'1 � .
<br /> ,:: °�'r��.4. , i. I�Mtes�erWibRv�chlo��lLeNer'sfli�ils lio�eril .�
<br /> �_��..,,.,,:'i ;i'i�ire ,'. . . 1 y � h Z.fSurrawer shall pay these nbligatintss oa timEdiii�tty to We � ..
<br /> �.� „, �i�,` _,,,, i '. cy�yp.fiaes aed impositians ct�ar a,rc anr�inaluded in P�:ugraD upon Leader's ra •
<br /> ;ii,;�:�,; Vr�}s,, ;`��: d�, eetit�►w�hich i�owed the payntea�1.�ffdlUrr co Wy woutd adversdy sffxt Lender's interest in the L�taperty. � "f'.`�'
<br /> '�}�.�'t`•,t `. ��ri - , � '�'f'�;�,a'�� � . 9uat 8onawer shatl o tty � ttr:l�der receipts evidenciag these payments. � . _ .
<br /> �' if�% t..i,.li. D� � ��' .. f� ;t�,�,,,;:
<br /> • .itc;;�;j• tf Borrower f�ils to make these payma�is.nr the DaymentsS reQuired by P�ragraph 2,ar faila to perform any other cavm�nts aad '. � I;':, .�
<br /> �};;'i;tr.�<,.' ' �!�' �..•. ;�.
<br /> ,,�;s.�. � . ���y�e��;��gecudty tustrument.or dcer�Is a le�al pracadia8 thu may silniticantly atfect L.�de�"s riahb in
<br /> ta
<br /> :r,�3�ti,�,
<br /> ���;a,�, , the praperty(auch as a procadin8 in bas�kruptcy.�or candrmnation or to enforce taws or ieauiations).then Lender ms�Y Qo aad _
<br />. � . , �,;:. p�y wbatever i�necessuy to pmtax the v�Iue ot the Property u►A Leadu'�riShW in the Ptopeny.inctudina payment of taxa.
<br /> ::,; .. ' • � hu�rd ia�uraece an0 other items meationed ie Puaaraph 2. '
<br /> , ,•��.w�..:.,. �,�.'.,,.. _
<br /> �.�,,. , AoY��m�dls�uts�by tende�uader ihls para�Dh s(��141xmme an addl�ioaal deb�o!gorrawv�nd be aec�red bY�h�
<br /> ' -, .. . :;•- ,-' 5austtY instniaKnt.'th�emnunts shalt 6eu intereu.from th�date of disbuisea�sn�ae the Note rate.and�t the optton ot :
<br /> , ;�,�; � , Lendet.s6W be immediatelY due und paytible. � . • ,
<br /> , �,�.'ihe preaeeds of anyaward or claim far dj�m�ges.direct or coasequend�l.in cannection with u►y tonQmt•
<br /> ir
<br /> na�ion or othsr takin=ot sny�t efth�i�roperty,or far eonveyaaa�in ptace of conQemnuioe.ue haehy assiEaed aad stsall lir� •�.� •. , ' . .
<br /> • ' . � paid to t.ender to the atent of tLt full�mount aC tht iitdebtMttess'that teen�lns unPsid under the Note ana�hi�Securisy EnsW- ' �.'-�' '.. . '
<br /> �. - • ment.l�eeder d1Wt apptY such ptoeeeas to We iedi�Ctian otthe iade6tcdnes�uader the Nntt aed this Securily tnstrumtnt.fim to� :. �. .
<br /> � �. ' ' �ny delinquene amoueb applicd in the arder provlded in Par�ra�h�.�ad ttKe co preDsYment ot pdndpal.Any app�icuion oi
<br /> ,-, - ---===—�--- --th�psa.xeds tal�e peinelDaL sbs!!natatead ar Z+o�ane ehe Que due af the moatNl��eE+. hicb are reterrca te in --- ----__----
<br /> w
<br /> . , • - patipapb 2�or ch�eRe the areount of such paymeat�.My escess Pr�ovu�a aeiount required to p�y alt6utsi3adi�i�
<br /> ' ' . debtedaes�under the Notc tn0 t�Is 5ecaflty In�truexac sbill 6c p�id ta the eetity IeaaUY wtitkQ tbrlcco. .
<br /> . .• "' , �.Fe�a.l.etider may roliect fees aad chu6es authoriztd by tht Settetuy. . . ' .
<br /> .. ,. Pa�1 oJ�
<br /> . �
<br />