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l}-�,�.� ;'r. ; _ _ - - <br /> �.._ , . � --- ---��r�-. -�n�.'-- <br /> �.,_ --�__. . ,� <br /> tA.�IMe��w h�rMM��. �n� <br /> ly�nww MM�r.ExMnMon a�h.wn.lor p.ynwM a modll�ua+a��01 w�llf���tlw <br /> �1!of TwM pnnl�d by L:MfdK b my M�oowor N1 InMrNI M OortOwM YMN nol op+�nr b rMsM�.in�l nwnM.�INOMNy <br /> d thr o►ipin�I 8orrow�riuid Borroww�waoMwn In Inf�t.L�nd�►Miill not b�nqulmd b oamn�no�prooMdtnp`ap�Nwt <br /> woh aaoMiwr or nh�b�bnd IMn�lor p�ynMnt a o1h�wM�nwdNy�nw�Y�llon d tl�wm�Now�d b�r thN DMd af TruN <br /> by nawn M�ny d�n�nd�n�M I�y q�oripind Borro+w�r and Bonoww�waaMwn In InN�eN. <br /> . (b)I�nNr'�PowMS.Wlihout Nf�oNnp Ilw 14�MIily of an�r ottwr p�rson Ilab4a far tlw p� 101�u1y abllp�tlon Mr�tn <br /> m.naon.a,.nd wia�o�.t.n.oano au��.n or cn.►p.01 tha o.«!a rn�l upon�►ao�aon a th.�natMn a u�.�o�on. <br /> �Nd u wourty 1or th�tull�mount ot all unp�ld obllp�qon�,�d�r nr�ri trom tlm�w tln��nd without notia(I)�N�aM��ry► <br /> p.►son w u.w.,�u�.xandm.maawnyo►.iar.�yofuwe.►m.a�►nywoh oaw.aon�,cui►o�+�oa,.r�ndu�.no.s�,�vlr.Na.. <br /> or nconvhl,or oauw lo b�rN�aad or reconv�y�d at��y Hm�at L.mds�'s opNon�ny puaN,porUon or a!1 M th�Propwy, <br /> (h qk�or rNMM�ny oth�r a addltionN wourUy fa�ny oWip�don tNrNo m�naon�d,or(vt)mak�aanpoWlom a o11N► <br /> �nanp�rtrenh wit�d�bbr�in n4Uon tlror�to. <br /> — (c)Fppar�ap bY 1.Mid�r Nol a�iMw.My forbe�rsncs 6y I,�nder In uc�rclalnp�ny rlpht or r�a�dy h�nund�r,a <br /> oMwrMri»aMordd Ey �PP�Ic�bM I�w.Nyil not N s w�iwr M or pr�ekrd�IM�xuafs�of any auch dpht a r�m�dy.Th� <br /> procw�nt W(nwraec�or tlw payment of t�xp w other Ihns or chu�p by L�r�hall not b��wa1vK of L�nd�r'��tplN b <br /> �pbnlM tt�nyhMity d Ih�k�d�bladmss�sCUrad by fhie DsW ot Trwt <br /> - - — (�l�s�on�nd/l�n�owM�.IoIM and S�wrN I.wb�ly:C�Nloos.Ths cown�nb�nd�pr«rt+�nts t�Mn eon- <br /> qH�sd�hall bind,�nd th�rlphb hKSUnder shall Inu���r�sp�cWs wccasaor��nd usipns of LM��nd Trwto►/UI <br /> .cownanb end apre�mmts o1 Trusmr sh�ll bs�olot snd swenl.The apUons and hwdinps ot tA�Wuapnphs of thfs QNd d <br /> -:,,,,, -- TnM ers 1or conwnanc�only and uo oot to b�utsd to interprat or d�fine ths provhbns h�nd. <br /> _�:.;�;:� (e) R�qt�t lo�NoYeM.The p�rtfe�M+reby requeit that a copy of�ny nodce of d�fauft h�reund�r�u�d�capy o1 uny not� <br /> ��,1;i of�al�hsrounder M rn�ilsd to each perty to thi�Dsed of Tru�t at t�he Address�st forlh above�n the m�nner praertb�d by <br /> eppllaabt�I�w.Facaept for any othar nodce required under eppUcable law to be�iven in enother ma�nev,�ny notice provided <br /> ,_;k�� � . 1or i�thl�O�sd ot Trost thall ba�fvon by malllop euch notice by ae►titiW meU addreaaed to the other pardu,atths addre�s sot <br /> •�k' :�,��� larth abovs.Any nodce ptqvided fa in this Deed of Trus4 ahall be eilecdve upon maiilny in the manner desipneted h�rNn.R <br /> .`' Tru�tor is more thsn ons pereon,notice�ent to the addrasa set torlh obove a�all be nWice ro oll such persoo�. <br /> +r�i�� (Q Insp�ctlon.Lender may make or cauae to be made reeconeble entries upon and impecdona of tho Property,providsd <br /> � that Lendsr shldl pive 7rustor nodc� prlor to any euch Inapectlon apecifyk�y reason�bla cau�e ther�far rslaqd to I.�nd�r'� <br /> �::;'�: Intaeat In the Property. <br /> ,�-�'�. (p) R�conv�►�.Upon payment of ell suma seaured by this Deed o1 Trust,Lender ahsll request Truqee to reconvey th� <br /> x�`r Property and ahall�urrender Mis Deed o1 Truet end all notea evida�aing indebtedness aecured by this Deed of Trust W Tru�tee. <br />---- Trustee�ehell roconvey th� Property wlthout warrenty and wlthout charge to the peraon a perwns I�Ny enWNd fMrNO. <br /> _•=:W '���' Truator ahall pay all co�ts of record�dan,if any. <br />�,:��;' , <br />_-__-_�__ _...�-__ _� (h)p�nonal Piopwtr;S�curMy Agr�nL Ae addltional eecurlty lor the payment of the Note,T►u�tor hsreby prnnb <br /> i�' Lendar under the N�braks Uniform Commeroial Code e aeourlty intereat in all fixturea,equlpmenL and othw penornl prop�rty <br /> �;;"�, <br /> �':� used in connectlon with the real eante or improveme�te located thereon,and not othervvlae declered or deemed to bs a paR of <br /> r `;!��, �' the roal estete secured hereby.Thi�insVument ehell be construed as a Securily Agreement under sald Code,and the Lender <br /> .� , •.,.:; " ehall heve all ihe rl�hta end remedles ol a secured part/under eafd Code in addltion to the riphte end�emediea areated under <br /> .,. ��� and accorded the Lander purwant to thle Deed ol Trunt p•ovided thet Lender'a riphte and remedles underthis paraQraph�hell <br /> -'' '���, be aumul�dve with,�nd in no way o Ilmitation on.Lender's rlphte and remedles under ony other�ecurily epreement sipned by <br /> � :�, 1 8orrower ar Trustor. <br /> -- ��� • '� (q LJ�m��nd�nc�unbranc�s.Tr�stor hereby warrents end repreeents thet there is no defeult under ihe provfslona o1 any <br /> y 'Y.� mortyepe,deed oi truet I�ee�y���p�� �t(�¢t descHqinp all or any paN of the Property,or other contract inatrument or <br /> egroement conatitudng a Ilen or encui�hf $ nat all or eny part ol the Property(colleaNvety,"Liena"►,exiaNnp es of the <br />-�: •,;w�., dete ol this Deed of Trus1,and that ony An . letinp Liens remein unmodi(ied except es dl�cloaed to lender In Troetor'a <br /> � ,��?:, + written disotosure ol lien� �nd s ed tpr herein.Trusto►ahell timely perform all of 7rustor's obllpetione, <br />�`,� ' � �v�,.. �• COV811YIIU,repreaentaUons and werrantiea under eny end all exieldng and future Liens,ehell promptly lorwerd W Lender coplei <br /> �� � � �����.�•�''�'� oi all noNc�s of delault tent in connecNon wNh eny and all exleting or luture Uena,and shall not without Lender's pdor wrltten <br />"="w '{ `-^"'"•"i"`�'!°�'�' � consent In any manner modiy the provleions of or allow any tuture edvencea under eny existlnp or lutae Llena. . <br /> `K�"��'i�*i�'��•:�� ��'� Q)�►�aao�a arm�a.Unleea otherwisa requlred by law,eums paid to Lender hereunder,including without Ilmltadon <br /> � �``';`�i�"�"��'�'�'•� payments of prinalpal end interest,f�surance proceeds,oondemnatbn proceeda and rents and pro0ts,�hell be appNed by <br />'3, ;;;!�`�r�;� � � ' Lender to the emounts due and owing from Truator end Borrower in such order as Lender in IW sde dlecretbn deeme deelrable. <br /> r,��!;:�... - . (k) Sw�raWNt�r.I�eny provislon of this Deed of 7rust contlicts with appBcable lew or is declered Invalld or otherwlae <br /> ' ��; , � unentorceaGle,euch coniNct or fnvelidpy shell not aHect ihe other provlsona ot thls Oeed of Trust or the Note whlch can be <br />— ._ glven eflect without theconlNcti�p provlelon,end to thls end the proviabns ol thla Deed of Trust and the Note are decl�red to be <br />�;�'� severable. <br /> �'� ;- =•- (q Tinn�.The terrn�"Truetor"end"Borrower"shall inGude both sfngular and plurel,and when tha Trustor end 8wrowe► <br />. -�. � are the same person(s),thoae terme as used In thfa Deed ol Trust ahell be interchangeable. <br /> _- '��Yd:�r..:.. (m) QovemNp Law. Thls Deed of Trust ahall be governed by the lawa ot the State ot Nebraska. <br /> �k � �^� ' • Truetor hea executed thl� Deed ol T►uet es o1 the date written ebove. <br /> W •.��R';��'� :'� .. <br /> 4�i" 1: ' rr,t:1. <br /> = ,�tis,y^::�t:�... � .L- Trusta <br /> _ �, s.�,, ti R � A NERSHIP n„ OL <br />-_ _.. +.,��..-��;,�, , � • _11r! <br /> ,i,t!' .r�.�`;��NAt • • ' -+1 ` N8t � L� <br /> •'•`�:: 'i�•�)J��hf`,"� ..i i _E Z 0 <br /> ��'r. i .+ <br /> �:.�... �t:'.� <br /> �}.i S{;-i'��. .� 17 . <br /> :4.l� Z��v.�,.����.� � {i <br /> 24�s a ��tnji�. <br />-Cj•�ti�; �tYt:F�i •. '.` <br /> - •:I�+��I ��': - ti�'r��:; <br /> '1�' .'J` �';;�. <br /> :n:i+::r • ' • �'i <br />- .,,�S�ji ,..Q,-.: '`�,..I�;?.l _. <br /> ��hl'tAG�� ,,�;;i.•,•,4.�J� �:r,. <br />- . �L, +:;.ysLH�'4V''_. <br />. ._N} �1.1 +� ' <br /> - �.w j ri�i�:�X:Yis�{t�n{� <br /> . �rei.etitr�w•rt%;r,�� <br /> { ` ' <br /> �..,b ��•�si�.rtiL�.a <br /> �.'I�JLWf.. � <br /> y�OV��� <br /> __-- }��.��_i"��� . <br />.--_ _ ..MAx�Y"1 ` �:'' � • <br /> 1�t;~;��� .� � . <br /> . • \��•a��. <br /> — •�S <br /> . �•... ������n— <br /> �'� � ` ' <br />