:i� ���' - " _ —
<br /> - ' ;�; , -
<br /> <: - . .
<br /> _ ,.... .:� - - - -
<br /> �e.`i .� .- '`�., � � , � _ _ -----
<br /> __l�$-- .1< .. ' --`- --°_ —...--- - -.- :._ .-._-_
<br /> .�� - — _..�.�i_ • `-'- --- � -- - - -- -- -- - - - - --
<br /> - . .
<br /> i�.-2- , . `a-�, . _. ___ . - . ._ . ._.... _ .. � � . . � . -- . ._ _.---_. -.. -..—� - -- -
<br /> _�-..i•ii�as� _ . � . . . � � . ' ' � . . _ ' . . `- . -
<br /> . . : .,6'' �_ . _ . , _ • _ ` �1-- zp� ��
<br /> - �,;a. ����e�����,��
<br /> ,�s unc iender�. '[t�a u�ar� �8 .
<br /> �nvat whkh slWl nat 6e u�big:w�thhaW. IEHanovvef fsils io anait�in cm+aa�e descri6dl above.;1�nder msy.at
<br /> I.mder�s option,obS�t��'�����fights in tf►e�i�,eicy in accard�ncx vvith prrsgraph T•
<br /> _�11I insuranca.p�icies and te�awals sMdi be sr�:eptubtt to � and�sti�1!inch�de a st�dud morEgage clau�e. t.eader
<br /> sha[i fiave thc riglu to hald tTta policios an�!�eaewals. tf�l.ander cequi�es.Bomlwer st�aU pran►pt1Y Sive to.l�eader�!t receipts
<br /> ' ms and t+�na�ra�:naticts. In.tdt cveot of ldss.Barrower shajl give pampt rnxice to�ht ia.wrance earriex and _
<br /> ——°f_��� _.. _...._ vf:tass if�sat��snss�ptty�y$�mtt�tv�-,__—.-�—� -
<br /> — — - -- Lender.�e�rm�lYm�Pt°u� be app i4'dfo�!tsio�tioli or i��irof— - . .�— —_.
<br /> tlnkss t:eeder,�d Bamuwer otfienviseagt+x�n,v�rriEi�.-i��
<br /> a�
<br /> —_-.-�tse.�:�ia�d::if;tha,reseoraiiat�ur�ep�ir iaecnaomic�lt�fea.sihl8 and�.radrss_seeiu;iy.is not resse�ea.�1 ua ,
<br /> — - i�tio�ar.i�ep�r:��cc�xxRnicaliy feasibk ar-I�ui����..^ss��_��uiSi"�c t�3c,�:�se-�t�u�e P�
<br /> �d
<br /> applie�l to the swns secuied•by.thi�Sa�utiry.Inst�ument,wl�etIu�or,s�t.3it�•duc.�vN►any excers paid Eo Sot�awer. If
<br /> Hamwa abandans tha Pmpezty:os daes nat answer witt�ia,3�:days a:aatiC� from Lcnder.that t6e i�rarce csurie�
<br /> offered ro settlo a.ctaim,then Lerider n�ap�llea the insur.NUe pcoceed.s.. Lender may use the Q�aa�ed *e�i�
<br /> ibe Ptvpetty.a,tii pnY,swns sesurcd by�thts Secuttt�.Insmm�ant+wt�ethet'�oc<<iat<<han due. 'fite 3Q�Aay periad vritt begin when
<br /> - tbe notice is ° •; . •-
<br /> __ ------���� 'se-ag�ee-tn-��-;�+X'APRli�tion�nf pr+aceed4 to pritxtipat shalt not extead or
<br /> ts tcfemed ta in•Pais+B�nPh.�.a!and.2 or change the amount of tf�e�PaYnisn� , f -- ---
<br /> = posipone the di�d�'bf�tba manthly.paYmcn �cswlUng . —
<br /> - - ���P�S�°2i tt�#'rope�ty is xqait��by.I.enderi Bs��w�cis.right�ta�any inswance policies and pr�oeeeds_ -
<br />-- - fcom�damago t4,iha;i�i!�P�Y P�to thc accluisWon shatf pass.fi i:estder•ia�e�tenE e�ti�e su�secured bY thix�ctnricy
<br /> ^� insuumeni imm��l�ci,rio�'�o�ha acqu�siNan. _ .• -� - g�owds Lwu AQplia�los+
<br />�;�: 6, Qqpjp�•.��tian. Ms�iatee�."e aad.Protection ot the Propert7+
<br /> -- di�[i;ac�Y.estA6li�..and usa tUe_�rapeaY.asqar'tnwer s principal ces"sde�e�vtthin sixey days after
<br /> __" t;p�pid�¢olri�+��,, �d.sfia�ll-cml[iiiti��tn:a�cupy the.ProP�RY as Hmiowe{s.P�cesidenre for at
<br />. s:= �'�f�t1`an of this Seciliit���uneM whtr�.xansent sh�ll na be '
<br /> j� ` ttnlpss,'l�it�{�erwise agrecs in.wti6ng:.. '
<br />----�a. 'It�tt:ii�le S�� after the d�e•.:9f occuRu�cY=- -
<br /> .ar uniess e�[cnaatin8;c3�!mf�u�r�d�iid►�are�heyand Bnav+�er"s.comroL Borrower shall nat
<br /> �=: ' � i�nAb�{�!withheW. . • Barrowe��hall
<br /> -:;� ;tbi:ikterca`uttr i.iicotnmit�irasteaa.tt�:Pto�eitY-
<br /> - _ destioy;da�naSa flir:imi4��t11�p►'�A�S'���`�-�� �y�l a c�iis begun that in_'�,�r�r��;rond faith judgmetn --
<br />--L�� . 6e in�aiefuulpif�po�t.��orfcmua aetion or�p,m�:�:�.����..
<br /> � , �wutr7�r�+Iri'p�tp�#'eiwna•of�the Prope�ty•:�ii:.ntiici�ii�.;i�ji�etr�lly impair•'.iTie lien creafed by st.i�S�rity instrumerrc or —_
<br /> .�` �-8���r ma�.�sitv�ii s�dcfaWt°�aii:r�einstate.as provided in pa�grap�r k8:.i�y causing the actian. _ -
<br /> _ �'�� �1 faith d�tetmiimtion.Pteetudes fcxfr'etnne of the 8arrn�ers — ---
<br /> � ` � � or�eediaa i4 ti�,dismiss�;t±�i��a'N1in8.tha�:in�l:endegs --- ___-
<br />' ����t. or Qd�sr,cilatariaU itapaitment of tite-licn cceated by this Secudty Insuumettt ur L.ender's securiry _ _
<br /> �interest irt ti�+� �T�
<br /> • ���� ' `iaurest. �Botiai�'�`�11'atto�be�ui,dafitulii:if:$urrower. during thc Man applicaaon process,.g;��e�m�terialiy false ar . �__
<br /> � ' , inaccurate info�iu�i`or,stptt�t��<<ia lleit�ec�fiir`_failed to provide Lettdcc with�r►Y material info�a���,ie connecti p� , .��
<br /> =T^ 4• . . , the,�oag evidemo�+by ttfa-Ntitt�,:it�CZt�ding;:`k:-�e not limited to. �iU10A5 CO(1CCfRtITb,BOlt4"�c�s QCCUpBfIGj!� . . . �__ _ .
<br /> as a P�ipa1 r�cdmu�:.isthi�;Security-instrumuen;.is an a l���d,Borrowesd;:;iicompiy.+�Kh a8 the pi�ayis�ons _ v
<br /> ' �iztisc,1f Bamwer,aoqtt�tas�..fa:'i�t�e ta•the Property,�tii�tea.sehnldsc�Yd the fee e"rt��'n6t merge unless L.e�der'a�rees
<br />' ` ::+. ` ti�?kser�rgerbpwriti ,::�:�� ��: -' ,..�n the:cF�a^ agruemen�s =—--
<br /> t`� - :<;`?i, � Leeder's i ts�R•�e`Pro �`�t•Borrowe,f fails to.perf'� �..,;?�.s.And . _
<br /> .-'�t.it ;�i pf�,�, �(1�; � R gh p!�'C�:,' r � -—-
<br />;'.� �,<,,,, ` �� : a.Frrct:+.i�c►y sig��tly�affei.�,•��::�'s.ri�ti�icm the �_
<br /> ..y<<�.•/ '� ca�ied in,t�ui�.�er�t�it3':lastcumenG nr�b�.:i's �te�Y:g?�n„' �.
<br />�.�•.,,,t<, :.'�.r�.:
<br /> a;etiforre��s;•�?seguL�uaas►.then.
<br /> ,� .,�,.. p�ty(sucha��Ameee�llriginlaanla�ptcy.proirste.far.��?3:�munan-ux€�feiturec�r �_�
<br /> `• ma du�:��PaK`fmrca•h�yer is necessary to prc;ti9y:.i;�z value of fia Prope�y;a.^'i.€Lender"s i�r�€s:i:r�:L�Y•
<br /> ��" y ti P Y �'�-
<br /> � ' 1,endCt's acsions may.inelade p�dping any.'ums secured ti�r s?i:aa which h�.s riorit av��.r�is Securi. �.-s.�re�mer.r..�s�arin8 �+,��-
<br /> � in couA.paying re�onuble attomeys'feer.and enteang oa fie Propecty to make repair.+.illthough f,rens.fer may:ake acnon �� .�R _
<br /> �, .: '�4aas+,. :._..
<br /> • under t6is pams,�rp.y 7.1-cndcr dcec n�t has�•a ta do so. `• ��
<br /> Any amauctcs dubu�sed by Lf.�nder under this puragrapb 7 tihall hecame additinnal debt af Bae-awer+ecuced by this . .,..
<br />' Secwiry Instrument. [3nle�.s_Barrower and Lcnder Agree to ather terms of paymcnl.these amann�:shalL t�r interest�m 1 S ���.;';��,;�^:�`
<br /> ' � data nf disburscment�at�tlie I�'�:c r+tc and yhuU be p�yable.with intere5t,upon nntice fram l.endcr ta Borrower r. etitin `r.�3. �
<br /> � , ::..� '
<br /> • ' ��& Mortgage InFUIC�• �F 1.ender�„uired martgagc inaurunce at n candition of mttking tite loan securt'��y tfiis .:,�„ .;:. �_,
<br /> . �, & , _
<br /> y i Securiry Insttum�a;8arrowcr shall pay cue�iumc*t�uimd ro mainiuin the m�RgaSc inr�uraace��i't�fect. N.far any
<br /> res4son._the mvn=::�,� insurnnce roveragc`mr�:.**�hy L�der lap.ex �x ceases to be in eifect,.Earc��'er �hall pay the �,, `. ;�..;j:-
<br /> � prem�.ms �.�•�w xo abtAin coverage subs�r:infia5ly► vc`�,��;em to ih,e:?a.c�!gASe intiurnncc previausYk�i.•effcrt� As a co�t ',<',:-°.:,<< ._
<br /> � ra ro a y' �:.'.'1,r',f.- ;'.
<br /> '�,at,h�+ras�moct�a e � }
<br /> •;¢ti�r,,;�,Fi�lji,ew�i�lent to the wst tv Bortowcr of the can�..<;�;. i�s�1��:�reviousi �,c effect.frdrr � S t,,
<br /> � i�i�,,,,��r e*.��by Lender. If su�tiull eyuivulent a;o�ein�z!an:.�,scyF•er�g�'s�a��ai,available.�tiirr3a��rw�tr�IcpaY to _- _:
<br /> ` •�;;a I.CRG�'X`�'�Glfil]u':'C.:a AUIII C(�UaI t0 PflC•twelfth of the yeady martgage zntiar�.�::.�Tse?�zt4rn being paT�,o}.�urmwer'when the ,
<br /> ,��y+,. .
<br /> ��'r'� �nsur�ca�L��:'aapsed ar cea.�ed tu be in effect. Lender will vccept�se a:�tret�in t3=be paym�tis��f.�ss reserve in lieu •;_!„ .. _ �-"
<br /> :-.pv1
<br /> af mort�uge i�s:s�.a�se. La�cs reserve payments may na tonger t�e rec;w-�:st 1he o�tia;�of La�dcs s`'�.,�'�Se insurance • `���'�`
<br />. � ' cniernge tin the amount and�'Ri the periad th�t Lcndcr rc�uirct)provided by an insi:r4�'r,��'c.f��w�b�:y�ns�-:ra�a.?:�:become.w ' `�� . �
<br /> � <<a� ,F�' r.
<br /> • r= a�.�able and is obtaincd.�sri��;x�Yr�ball pay the premiums�c�yuirc�i to maints+m mc�n�;;r.yn�,::�:t�.�s�s��.'�"�.'� <K'�-• ,ovide a -.. •
<br /> la�s rescrve,until the reyuirc-�t far mangage imurancc ecid�in acwrdance wi�h an�:��=�'�.�?r�e�*'cr;l�r�e':�a-'"-`_�'m°wer �� ���.
<br /> � and Lender ur Applicabfc I�w.' ' . , n ..
<br /> ::...,.,...:..:::� �;, ;; ,
<br /> ,;, �;.;,;� q lRSpectiotl. l.endcr or it�agrnt m�}�makr rca�onablc cntricy upero smd in4pei:c��w;,,7�C r�:te W'n�+i:aty. l.cndcr tihall
<br />.;;;�;?;�t;';>� } ' give Bnrrower notice ut the tim�of or yriortw an�in+pec�ian�pecifying re�asanable cau�e ti�s`;l§e in�xc�:a'r. .
<br /> ;;.,:,�i,'': 10. Candemnatiun. 7'he procced�aE�af,y award�u ctaim for damagc�.dirccl or cxu�tivqu�nEiv(.in ccmne�^ES�-►yith:my �.. _�
<br /> .:,�,-��
<br /> .:"':"y., ' Sir�i::L-�iniq..ian��k�fae7Frcddie�/ac CNIi1�NN I�cTR/i�fEtiS=•�aa�i�ttri Cuvrnantr 9l9U �pr;:}�'�.:fid(�a¢�'�� ;'
<br />'�u`;'.:;;y �'; .
<br />. . :.:.iil;; , . '([ealldtaQitl01tD6V[MN.hlt.� � .
<br /> _ . �.��+���,.��.�.��,o.,.s��.��-��3��. f.
<br />.. � 'r^1{''f :TT 1� . . '. . . . . � . . � ' , l • ..
<br /> . �. �����. : . . . . . . ' . ,. �� - _ - .- ... _._�.. �
<br /> y .� . .
<br /> ' .:li :C' _ n_....-_.......r...f.i. - .... __ .. . .. �.���� . , � .
<br /> ' J[j,'i.'. ._. _.•.�s�T�FyC«-.w -��-- ., './:... _ . . _ � f ' � .
<br /> .. . iT'.lw� h � • . .
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