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<br /> -^_�-�E --�� �.—�"'r ' . "" _ ;. —. - .- - -. - _. __ . — ' '- """'" .
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<br /> ' `�: � � r. �� 'i . . 4 �f _ . .. . . .. ... . ... . � _ . . . .
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<br /> : ... , � . . . . . ���--� �.0317� �,.-
<br /> � appiic+Eie law maX specit'y fa iei�meat)"6ttoe�e s�i�of tbe Pmpeeqr P�t auY Po�.af aale�irr�dis
<br /> � . • .Sec�rity Tmqnanea�pr p�)ean�►��!������� 1Uoae�couditioes ae�tb�t Boe�o�: [a) -
<br /> ° phrs l�dest sD���rUich t6a���uid be dua u�er this SecuritY i�men aad tLe Nate ai it no ac�elentioa bd
<br /> •, ooar�lb)�uaesang deFauItof my ad�a c�s a s�eemeats;(c)F�l���P�s inaused in enfatcin�this Sav�itY . ,
<br /> �inciadi�.b�t aot limitod to.ti+�somblc auaaeys'fees:aad td�t�ic�st�c6�cteaa u L,e�otier mt�F rrst�antbtY .
<br /> —. reanite to atture tl�t d�e tirn of ttis Se+c�tity insuwmeoit.Lasder�ngdts in tbt Pbpetty sad�vrNetk vbli��tioe W p�c!be
<br /> �-.�-�cc��q►_-- --`
<br /> — -- - � Ia�umem and We a6�i�tiaas sea�d i�e�ebY�i�f�ti�ecti���t�a�e�ed. Ho�re�tliis , --
<br /> tig6t W�te slWll not appty in tLc p�of aoak.�atiaai tmdes pmn�rapb iT. • with this Sceatiry .
<br /> 1!Sak d l�la�le:CM�d faa SeRloa: 71�Notc vr a pa�tia!imrat in the Norc(wgetba. -
<br /> � inswmeut)anay be soW oae ar maa times without prior aotioa�u Ba►mwer. A sak may res�it in a c6ange in tt�e eatity
<br /> (tno�vn ss 1Le"Loan Sat-iae�")th�t coilects mo�tNY P�Y��uodec 1Le Noie aiaa tios Secuo�itY Iasunmeat 7bete also
<br /> -- may 6e co�acrao��of iLe Lo�e Savioec uarel�wed w a s�k of the NatG If ttrcse is acAaoge of tbe Lwn Secvioer.
<br /> . ..' Ba�w�ill bc g►�wtit�m notia of tbe chm6e in aeoordaooe vvidt.-�rsph t4 above and apPlicable Iaw The notioe .
<br />—_ � xr�sme t�e�e and yddress o�tbe aew Loan Savica aad thtaddi+ess.ia wlti�psYn�e�ts should be��de. Thc aoti�e w�l
<br /> = atso c.00�a mty ul�riafarnntfan ctqui�ai by appl�cabie�iaw: -- . _.. . . , -
<br /> --_- � Haacia�s S�woe� Ba�owu sbatt�ot c�use or pamic[t�pecseoce.use,dis�l.staage.a nk�se o�zny.:
<br /> �- Fia�cdoQS�an or in t_h�Prnpe�ty: B6aower shalE aoc�,noc aUow anyaoe eLye ta du.any,t�n$�ng 1�e'. .
<br />� y :•�;-::�' pt�opatg d�isiqv�Oian of auy Envi�na�t Iaw.'ET�pnecediag two seamnces si�l1 not appt�tia dic�n�.ac- -
<br />�'F�-' ,,�,�;, _ stan�eauE�he�#ty of s�a�U ' Subsdnces tTr�t att to tx appc+opt�ate tattotma�t
<br /> _ quaantines oi F�udous B��Y� t ocma
<br />__.� ..:� nn
<br />:�`"- � . ���nsa�'to�ofWePkupeny '
<br /> �- .: , ; ;�ira'sti�il Pma�pKy gxve Lender wncow naioe of any investigacina.ciaim.deaoud,taw�it oc ud�eraction by a� �
<br /> :.� ��Y
<br /> � �T�[d4US C.�Marr�OE g11Y1I�01G�
<br /> =„•'i �
<br /> '��- j,�iV``����diyY�'[����gE. T�BOifOtIYC[ �.O[t8�t�b��Rjt F.QY�Of iC$11��[�[�.
<br /> r':�:� autl'nrity.tb�E?4g;.t�P��ar od�er s�emedia6on af aay Hazao�uus S�anoe=affecting the Pmperey is ae�►.Baaawer .
<br /> y:�:_r sbsll �" zemedial actians in accatdaaoe witb�Law. .
<br />-..•,:-.. P�PUY. . - �
<br /> . As used id :�(�ta�;34;."Hasardous Sdbstancea"ac�.ttase�defined as toxic ar h�zacdous su6snnees by•
<br /> � � . F avimnmea t a i�+j��G.r#�ie�#a�}o 8 sab�Cr�: 8���rsen�otha flammabte ar coiic pamleuin producas�,co�ic �
<br /> - pesticide�and h�s.v�a1S��;S�tvents,materials�asbestos or formaldehyde.aud rrdioactive��•,.As �..�. .
<br /> , �. ' used in mis�r.;;0."En�rrnentat la��e�fe¢ecsdt�ws and laws of the juris�iction wUap t6e Plopectg'ns'l�ated �,,,_ -
<br /> `�,' tha4tretatew ���esYaenviraruneacalg�n. -�; :',; , �;;;f '�'=,�,"`
<br /> ,: ''-`:.;�`` �ON-tJN�M COVENANTS. Bat�*�w�.s-"��futther cavenant and agrce as follows.�`.. :,- , .•.-- • �?��_
<br /> • `�`t?t•� ;:`'`. aada�tiwa• Remedks. Leidao`�G.�e�.to Borrower prtoe to scakratioie�l6i�ui�'�aci?nwer's �+':�.�;,�
<br /> (` . ����a�p cwe�nt oe�t to t��s 5iecan'��.�t(6at not prbr to aocekratio��a°� '��Ntfi�e '�`����:-
<br /> [, ,i�f1�s�;ppik�Nciiir proviie�ai�f�eewtse). TIK natiaE,si�d��ed�9: (�)tie aera�lt;(b)tie aNwe. —---_ -
<br /> , . . ,;,.,: , `�_
<br /> �} :.,:. �e�a�(c)s i�;`ivat ies�;t�pe�dsys iroril tbe di9e.t�e u�otice k.�vea to Barrower,6y Whicl��ife.defa�t,i��'ie --_
<br /> . � , fa�i�"u�rr��aqr�'the dda�4�'�s'a ie�ei�e�t:date s�eo'�d ia t�e aotice au�y resNtlE�aooetetii,5�o� ��a�;�
<br /> c�red;s�d(d}1Tyd= ---
<br /> . ` F`�f"� � ti�e srws�1f!��'�ruoil�Iast�;��FisY��t`�Pcop�+'�'"f�e natiee af�N iMrtl�'iMfvrnt Bore�a�i�v o� ..
<br /> F��� t6e ei�it to re6ufa�e aRa`sy�i��su�Y��'+�gbt W��ai�i�a caurt rrcctbo to ssse+rt#I�e eoa�exstedee d s defsele nr �
<br />_ � :: u W� �t ._
<br /> � � ' sq at�ee ddeiae d Barr�►+ec�l�ssocelera�p�i and sai�;l�'�6e detault ts nd cn�i�@r betore the Mte�a�ied jn �_":_.
<br /> ����.
<br /> � -,.:.,�,.;�;.,�
<br /> � t6e noticti l.eader at its op�ar�q require oo�medi�te psyment in full ot AU suas�es+tui�by tl�s Security�
<br />� ' � "� :, �� witroot tart6er dea�and and a�ay iovote tfK power ot sak and anq other rea�e�ues pero��tY APP����� s`;� . _ °_
<br /> � s:.�.,, :� Leader stiatl Ae eatitied to cdled s�ll expeases incurred in pursaiag the remedks p�ovWed.��e.��zi. � . . . .
<br /> , ., . � includiaE+bat nat limitcd to,re�sonsibk attorneya'fees pnd co�ts d titk evidence. �,.. �.. - r • .-_
<br />.' �i . :- .([{IIC pp1Yl1'0(S�IO�.9 IIlYOIIM,'Itustee shall rcea�d a�.�wtke ot detanit in eacl►capnty ia vv�iich�any�m�'the
<br /> v� . ..�,;�, .r
<br /> R�v�#x9 Lv located�ad sAAll mail capieac ot such iwtla i��+lanner presc�i6ed b�i�pq�licabk t��r to Borro��urt�to •;��,���;! f.f�.-_>
<br /> ` - die:iNlfks' bed by 9pplicable Is�v. AQer dd'Re,�,1�ne required by appli�Ntt •:� `'i�•"
<br />' �3W.�0.Sti'!S��?v'`�Il' ,>rFd�`�r�`�
<br /> �e d sale�,ta tlk� �s�wd ia tl�e nunaer prescriber�lt�apolicat�.la�s 71nu�a�withoat de!�od oo Borrawer, f° �`
<br /> � tcdie . ,• ��. .< =
<br /> sl�lt sell t�e Pe+a�ty At pablic aadlon to the hishest 6idder at tMe i�r:uu�plaae atrd ande�t��� ,`,' ".`:� .
<br /> 4:• : ,. . � S7�C O�AII Or ADy .., ... t,,. . ,'' `'
<br />. �;�(� ' iie notice'of salie.�o�ae or more pArcds and in any order 7�ustee d�i�iii�r���i�e Y P�!►w�' `"��. :
<br /> . � '! p�rcel d the Pro¢erty bY Fw�c announeement at tLe time and pia�;�a��Y 4�`?�a scl�eduie��s'lla Lender or its �:,�: . `.�r.r"l�'�+��.
<br /> � =."� �l9��7 Porc6ats the P3!�perty at aay sAle. � � '` :.;r. `_,.,. ,L��;s`r;t;�`'r`f
<br /> ...,,• , n,+,,.1.{rt,��.:
<br /> • UP��P��D�9�nt d the prke bld.7lrusta shall deliver tp tl�e pa�'7lrasta s dced comeying the ;,'t��IW��;�e"`�;
<br /> � �t�;,�. � �, .'. A'opM9• 7'ie reciWs in tde 71rustee's daa��tl be prlms tacie eriden�e d the t�tb of the statemeets made therein. • ; .
<br /> �Yi� • ..
<br />. � . ,. . . 71r�sta sMsll appty tre proceeds ot the s�1�r ilge tdbwir�order: (s�l to sll costs and expenses�i�rr�sci�ing tUe po�rer
<br />_ i• i,.. � � . •-'° ii'�,:_�i', . .�i: � � • • ' .
<br /> , _ . .. , i' '�i' f .
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