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. ..4 _ . -»+v!�r4Ri:r.....yp;-,,i.�y,0i�. __ _ _-� -----� -------- <br /> ------ _--_.._�. - . ' '.i,. '.;"- :c:�- ...._--- <br /> .. . . ' ''� 1 S '..-t��g�� �n-�;y,..+ �•i. '� �;.�,.�w�..,��. <br /> � + • . ' .� - , •. `�•. . � _� .� ' � Y, gY'�—__ <br /> _ �� ., . �n -. . . �.. . .. ...•G����I��Z��- <br /> .. w�ll�ii�I�rt�e►llrYlt tl[wY���!lL��ll��M�II�R� .' �-_ . -- <br /> -----•---_ _ _'�;. .�.;'j���wvi�i��'� M �e �IY���N�11'�' ,�.,:� _- - <br /> . �M�w1�M r4►�N at�q�r tr��M ar+��iMt��wliw��,sb� � `�;; <br /> , Yw��l,i�If�,M�t iat�w�� 1�W.E�1�t�oM l��r� . . <br /> �riw�s�ewn�Mn dM IMa o�tbir 1�iia �t,�wu�tt d�Ya b�M1��IrolrlY,+rid � . � <br /> � �w�.�r ik �o�it7 brinrw�x� ooa�lnw u�dlr�i�1. Upa ��a�, *it. <br /> Iraau��ed Ihe nMl�lanr ra�ndb�6y�11 ronu�n Adly dlrcdw r It ao�ood�tMloA Atl g�ooa�wl� MoMw�� � . . <br /> �!f. �M at lrslei�M� Iw�Sletie�et Tha Nom ar���ln�awt in t!M ATaa(toptI1�wllh M��w�k�r . - <br /> Imaument)m�y b�ald othe at maro daia wNl�out prlor notioe�o�. A aN nwy rault Ia•d�a�e b tM Ndq► <br /> (Ic�owm as tbe"La�n Seevicer')s�t a�tlecn rmonMlY I�Y�u��'�he Nol��ad!hb 3acurity(aa�unw�l. 't'Mn�► <br /> m�y 6e aae or man chn�of tha L�o1n�vlcei'uruelatad to+�wlo ot qte No�e. It d�mn it R cha��e of tbe I.oin Srevio�r. <br /> Barowar wlll be�ivaa writ�m naAke d tb4�Afe ia�cco�d�noe with p�ryra�h 14�bovo and�ppItc�bb U�,v. TM notioe <br /> wiu shoe the a«mo+�a naa�.of a,e nca►Loa.sen►toer ana a�e.aarea.w whica pRym�aa shouW b.m.a.. '[1�nodoe ww <br /> .4o coaaiM aay oma�ioro�Non roquirod b�►�ppuc.ek low. <br /> �1�. N�a�r�o�SMirR�o�s. Baro�er tl�ll aat cawae a pesmit�pr�aenoe.uct.dl�po�l.�e.or relaue af ary <br /> Hwrdous Subq�noet�oa a in tl�Pxopaty. Ba�ower s1�lA�ot do.nor Wow�nyana d�a W do.anythW��int d�e <br /> P'topaiqr tlMt is in viol�tian of any Faviroaamc+aal I.�r. The prooedins cwo�nuta�oea�11 aot appl�r eo d�e poeita�ce.we.a <br /> a�a�e an tha P�upGty of cm�U qu�atitia of H�za�dow Sub�t�noa�tbu ane�a�e+al17 r000�nixed w 6e�ire Ro oa�t <br /> oeddentia!uses md w a�iaoa�aoeof Wo Propaity. <br /> ilot�aw�er�hdl P'�PUY 8jvo Leader vrr-iaa�aoNoe of any investiaation,cl��ad.I�wauit ar olher actio�6y any <br /> �uvcna�R+�t ur rugul�kry�w%7 ur lMiv�p�ty iuvaiv3t�g Wc I'ragcrry sa��ay li�a.�daus Substanx os� <br /> L.iw ot which Bortower hae pctu�l knowkdge. If Boimwer teuns. or i� natit'Kd by ury govaomea�tal a neaulwwry <br /> suthotity.tluit Any rc�nova!or�c�l�er rrarkditi�ian of�ny Hazordous Substonoo af1'�cti�g tA�o�Aop�aty is aec�wry.Banowrr <br /> slull PnnmptlY tAke 3t�1 noceseqry zemes�l actiaas in accoNance with Bnvimnmentel law. ',' '. <br /> At used in tdis•p�cs�ral�h xb."I�az�rdaua Subawroea"su+e those subswnces det�a"s�udou=subsWivesfiY " . ' ; <br /> p. Bavi�onmental Law ar�d the fpllowing eubslanxs: gualiae. Iceiosene.other tlamr�ble or'to�1�.Petra�aim Prnduca.toulc ''. <br /> pesticides and heifiioides,vdatile so�vcnte.tsutet9als contaiaing asbestoa or fornialdchyde. �nd tA�lid�tive �rial�. ,As �� � .,,���; <br /> _- used in thj�pnragraph 20,'�Envloonnitntal I.�w'means Pede►ai I�ws and 1wWc of tite jwisrlictioa w�r��ipp H+n�erty ai 1oCated <br /> thu�I�to ro health�esfety t�r environ�'�ental Psq�ecacm. .. •�_ : � , �, � <br /> NON-UNIFORM COV�[VAN7'S. Horrowcr ond�L�mder fiuther covenant and agree as follow�: <br /> 21. AceelerAtloni Remedies� I.eader shaU sfve aodce to Borrower prlor to aooeleration fdbwl�g Bvrro�►er'e . .. <br /> bra�cb of aay covau�at or Agresmeat lu'thi�3ecurt4Y Iaetrumeet(but not Prlor to:#oeelerntlon under p1a�A��H . <br /> ualese Appllcabk Ww providea otherwise� '1Ue aoda sdaU fpedf�: (al tbe detiulf:tb)thu sictlon requtred�to cqre fUe <br /> __ dcf�li�ttj�daic,dai!�s i�as 38 days!1�!!te date the aatke!s�s iQ evl�k�tl�e defenlE+n��1� <br /> cured�aad(d)that tailure to cure N�e detAUlt on or betorB the dAte speciAed ia t6e aotloe may result io�eoeJet�tioq d <br /> tl�e sums secured by thts 3ecu�lty Instrument rud sale of We Property. The notta shall tWrther laform Hor�+ower of <br />" tl�e right to relnetnte ntter acoeler�don and Ihe rtgNt to briag w court actbn ta�asert tde aomezlatena ota ddwlt or <br /> any other defencc ot Borrower to AccelerAtien and sale. U the defAUlt Is nnt cured on or before tbe dRte rpaifled In <br /> thc nM(oe,l.ender At ite opdon may require Immedute pAyment in tull of all sumo securod by Wi�Security Imotrna�est <br /> wiWout fWrtber demAnd and nuy iavoke the power af sak and any Mher remedks pa�mitted by applicabk law <br />- - Leoder shWl be enNtled to�ollect all expe�ses ipcurred la pursuing the remedfes provlded ia thb para�spM 2l, <br /> iacNiding,but not Iltnited t0.�asonabk attameys'leex wid costs ot Utle evideec�. <br /> If N�e power of eak is InvokM.'I�uslee sludl record a aotke o�det�ult M e�cA awaty In whkh aay pa�t o�Ibe <br /> property Is located aod sfwll maY rnpks of Ruch notke in the manner prescrlbed by Applknbk law to Bore�ower and to <br /> tbe MMer perwos prescribed by apptkable I�w ARer the Ume required by appllcabk Inw.7Yustee shAU�Ive publ{c <br /> -- — nat(ee of sak to the persons and t�the manaer prescribed by�pppcable Ipw. 7Yusta,without demond oa Borrowd�. <br /> slWl sell the Prnperty at public auction to the highest bldder at the tlme�nd pinoe and under the te�ms desl�nated la <br /> the aMice of sale In one or more pyrccls aed k�Any order 7Yustce determtnes. 7�ustee mpy postpone swk ot all or any <br /> p�+cel oi the Property by public�nnouncernent n11he tlme and plpce ot Any prerlously scheduled sole. I.ender or ite <br /> _ deslgaee may purchose the Properly At any s�le. <br /> � � Upon receipt ot payment of the price bid.'Irustee shall dellver lo the purchaser 7Y�ustce'g deed conveying the <br /> Property. 71�e recltals tn Ihe 7lruatee's deed shpN be prlma fpcie evidence of tMe truth of the statements mAde lher+eM. <br /> 'I�ustee shWl apply the praceeds of the sale ip the folbwing order: Ial to all cosls ond ezpenses otexercising tlu poWer <br /> irs #1�� <br />:_��� <br />— r�,1 <br /> - - ''��`�� <br /> .� ..•�*�:�,::._ <br /> '�,;;F]'>�y,,'t;', ..�;.` <br />- - ^:,:F:$,;1i�' . . <br /> -- '�"'»;-^t,^.:..'. <br /> �.y, .., <br /> • ry �.y9' • <br /> :�. ; Fbrm 302N 919Y 1/wRf C uf b�wKfs I <br /> v,fa�,:'i>.•:a. ,y <br /> .,j;�,';.'�,,'�{'��:;'�,r" <br /> ti� r: �i <br /> _K_ ,.�,• :� <br /> ,r - <br /> � '1„ . . -..-..�,...-:r-r.�.•-tr-�+��nw.••rwo.raa . R,n'^�.,sw�'!rwp�'�./'S'S�1}S"s ;°-.f� r ri.r=':.-. <br /> � �! ...Y-' . . . ., . � ����.� . � ��\ r ..:.�,- .. .,. .� � • <br /> ���r;- � !;'r� °' t� � !'i? c�r �' �iIF`� _-'°"ti� <br /> ''�`:. . � . �� . �,��i', .� ;.�+,,,, � �,- <br /> .. . <br /> . . ' <br /> ti�.:. �•' ;,�,• . . �� �i" <br /> �:. . t�� <br /> .�_ �Tt;�N�L•r�.� � _ •-'-----�' - � --- -- .i1i:_._�.i . . �% �,��(...-.u.� I�L�I�s .s._.:�.�r..� :.i,, i-- -- <br /> ydF �t — — <br /> �� ,�r..,� . <br /> u_�,.,�ac:.�°:S?s:' ,,,y""�r-�rT '��,� r — -- — �� � _ ��f,= 3 �r ri r�`�� <br /> 'rr � �'r -.r -� <br /> �i !�, �i Y t P�:�t"• ��%i1 ti ' . - - . _ - - - !jd � �, � _� � .w4- t- e . � � <br /> .,'�y i � -f i . � <br /> { t� � l,f'��• , Ilr. � � � ��h <br /> q'� '�� .��y��,�� f�. i• 1 � ' � !}�-� . ��.„.. _�:.t r p �y r�.�t.`{Tti�� :i � � <br /> � ri aT.�„T,.._..___x:.-... �c ,.1.1. . . ��+'SJ _5=•\ _ .�: x_, ,� t�Y <br /> .'����/p���q��p;�, �` _ ...-__..-+�. 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