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_ .. . .. . �—. T �T.,�i�Lr�•_ti.,?,;::4'"t3"5«T;iei'rL,.r�t,�,_ -__-.�..' _ <br /> ._���° i . . -. . -. . ._ .• .. _—�-T �i[;-•- _�=ci_�- <br /> � � .. ,• �� � _:... . _ . <br /> ' ia�►wqs iP�'far�)eelone wk d rhe ,rnw�t ro�y pow+r d.w oo�aib�M fp M� , � <br /> � ���w.r�-ortf���r dw .ot�.�BR`.S�Ss��:.�.:�. '��r,..�'�:�� �,u�.:�r.."'f.:bt�'- "`.—'- '. <br /> p1�►s l.w�d�r�M/� MYe�tM w�dM Mwdl[1W �IIr11i� 1111 ie Z'IeM r If MDi �111M i;:s`•.;.,.. <br /> oo�lb)�aq bliwN d�q►albe�t oarw�te ar�r,��)P�n atl sx�lnon�d i� iM�oW�r . <br /> Ie�M,indMdY�,brt uot Ileailed b,roa�on�bM�no�w�'ba:aid t�Woes�adi sc+tion�t.t�d1r i�1a wrlowMll► <br /> �iecMrod �r�r IW��Sec�it�r�� caalirre �i L1�oN 1eiMM��t b!' �• rlsbMw�q► <br /> La�o�noal iad tie obli�,rtiaa�secur�ed 6a�eby�all rao�in Mn►efl�eRive a11t 8o aoariant�oa krd c�a�rnd. qew�+Nr.1Mis <br /> ripn b e�ebuarb�1 aa a�pi�►ia dre are af aocela�an nnder�rap�ph l7. , . <br /> 1! Sre�t I�NI�CY�t 4M Srrrieer. Tbe[�ow a�e p�rdd�i�eet ia d�e Niae (u��iis�arily <br /> Imwnoot)m+q►6o akl aie or mo�e thae�wldioM prior aotioe 1�8a A de�y raaM iw�a ch�e.M Mie a�il�r <br /> (teoyra as die"I.o�n S�od')d�t ooliecat n�oaddyt pq�nma dae u�der Wa Nolo�nd tl�SecwM�r I�aieat. '11�e�Mo <br /> a�y be aie ar morc dstq�a at�ha l.a�a Sa�riar aucelNed b�Wa o�tbe Nob. If theee is�cLrnse o(die La�s�vfoer. <br /> Barow�cr wil!be=ira�Mrtiqeo aotioe d the clw�e la�ooa�d�oee with p�cap�ph 1��bova�d�ppiieabie 4w. 76e notbe <br /> �viU swe d�e waAe aod acld�a�d d�e aaw La.n Sarjoa and d�e�ddia�a wMicb p�meob�W be w�de. 7Uo aot�oe wiq <br /> �ka cc�oWn�r dha iafc�tmti�on rr�quit�ed tiY aPWicabie law. <br /> �Oi. Hasardars SrbuM�oa Bar;nuer�11 not cw�e ar pettait Wc p�eiaioe.are,�fe+ar reka�e of asry <br /> Haz�+doua Subetaooa aa cr in the Pmpecty. Ba�rowv sh�ll not do.nor�Ilow aay�oqe alse to do.�lLina+Irecdn=1ue <br /> p+�P��Y tial is in violadoa d aay Bavtroamawl�. Tbe preoedinj twr��aiien�a s6a11 nd apply w tUa p�aaja, <br /> st�e on ibe P�+upaty of sanu quaodties of Hazarao�n sub�w�ns�t�ne�a�adiy raoopiiaed to be�pp�op��s to namd <br /> rcsideatial nses�nld to�e af die Fropaty. <br /> Borrowei thall promptiy give i.rnda writ�n aotke ot�ty investig�tian,cWm.dem�nd�I�wwit a od�er sctjoa b�r aay <br /> _ ___ _____-—. ���►�'�3'�Y«P��P�Y iovdvin�dse Ptop�e�ty aod�ny H�z�rd�o�us Subumoe ar Bavi�aommW <br /> Law of vrpich Barzaw�a h�s sctua! ImowlWge. If Bono�rer lants. or is notjfiod by'anY 8�'� a �E���Y <br /> tutNo�ty.d�t�ay�emuval a dber Rraeditdon of aay Ha7ardoua Subcfanx atrectia6 t6ee prapaty i�nooescary.Batower <br /> :halt promPtlY qlce all nec�eswy rcm�djd ac�ans in s�ccadyrca with EnvLo�utkntal I.�w. <br /> A8 114��0[�6�I�ii�l�.�HlZ�OilS SU�1if�tlCt3~WC f�IOS�.`SIfbS1�Lx8 dC�110d�f LOk�C 0��fi7��045 SII�1/IKYS� <br /> Emuaunmtal I.Rw�nd the following au6s�anccs: gswline.kemsene.other fl�manble ar to:iu pedolapn pioducth w�ic <br /> pesdcides and herbicides. volatjle solventa,materi�ls containing a�bestos or raclio�ctive m�terLl�. As <br /> USOd�II f�f��ti$ffjl��1��WilO11IIl�llt�uW�Illl'�118 Fdkfi��iWY�fld�SWi Of tf1C�SdICt�011 W�lRO dIC P10�R1y�i�OC�bd <br /> lhit IC�iIC b�IG�l�1.S�Cty+Qi EI�V�I�Of1111C11fY�p10ICC[�Ofl. <br /> NON-UNIFORM,COVP.I�iANTS. Barower aad Lender funher covenant end ag�ee u foqows: <br /> 21. Aooder�tiont Reuedks. Le�der shW�tve natice w Bon�ower prbr to aooeleratios fdlowiq Bor�w�er's <br /> breacr d�ay oaren�a�iur�ra�t i�tris Security Iaat�a�eut(6it�ot prior to��oder prr�rapY 17 <br /> wlet�applioobk�fies all�er�b Tbe uat{ce si�ll specify: (a)tre delf��lt.l6)tUe actiw r�eqrired to aa+e tMe <br /> �t ts)x�,s�l�ss tlrso 3a�ays lfrc�!!se�ase!�e aal�rr is givea to�s�ss�e�ser.�y �!�r�as�bs <br /> cur+ed;aai(d)thst f�1#lure b care Ue defwlt oi or before t6e date apeciAed ia the notice may re�lt i�Aeada�atio�o� <br /> ' Ibe wms secured b'tbis Security Instrmm�t su�d s�le of We Property. 1'he nodoe shall f1�rtYer tnfotm 8brro7rer o� <br /> tbe�A to rot�state s�7te�accekrAtba aad the rigdt to 6ring�court actba to�seert We aon�exi�tence o�a dehult or <br /> uy o16er de�ease d Borro�rer to acceleratbn and sole. If the defaWt is aat cured a or before the d�te speciAed In <br /> - tUe aotke,Leader at its optba may reqairc immediate paymeal in full d nll sna�secur+ed b'Ihis Security Ingtrumest <br /> — witho�t hrther den�ad aed may Invoke the power of sak aad any other remedies pennittcd by�pplk�bk law <br />.-;� I.eeder sWl be eatitled to coNcct�II expenses Incurred in pursuiog the remedles provlded i�thi�para�rapb 21, <br /> ; t�clYdi�s,b�t aot Umited t0.rtasonable attorneya'�as aad costs of title evldence. <br />__ lt the power d salt is invoked,7lrustce sMall record a ootice of defaulf io each couaty(a wdich aay part ot the <br /> - Proptrty 6 loated and sbaq m�il copie.s ot such aotice io the maaner prescribed b applica6k law to Barrower aad to <br /> tYe o14er persous prescribed 6'�pplicabk law Atter the tiroe required by appl�ble I�w.1lrustee shall give publk <br />_ —� �otice at sale W tde persom and in 16e maneer prescribed by applicabk law. 'itustee,vvllhout demaad o�Bon�ov►er, . <br /> a6a11 sell We Property at prblie auctlon to the hlghest bidder at Ihe time And place aad under the terrnv designated in <br /> t6e aotke ot sale in one o►aore parccls and in any order'I�ustee determines. 7lrugtee rr�y postpone sale of all or any <br />_ paral of the Prnperty by prblk annamcemen!at the tlme and place of any prevlou�ly schedukd sak. Lender or tts <br /> desi�nee msy purehase the Property at Any�k. <br /> Upoo receipt of payment of the p�(ce bid.7lrustee shall deliver to the purchaser 71�ustee•s deed canveying tbe <br /> Property. The recitals in the 7�ustee's deed shall be prinw�acle evidence of the lrutb oP Ihe sfatements mwde therefa. <br /> ;�t+ 'I�ustee slwll apply tde proceeds of the sale in the following order: (A)to all cosQs and expenses of exerclsiu�the power <br />�-;����^ <br />�l: ! ..l <br />_ y!. <br /> '��� �«at'} `y ,. <br /> �',\5�'��';,^t <br /> .�Y'?`'�'�_����'� tbrd 3028 9l9� ipuer���n puues► <br /> � . �.. � <br /> '',• dcr'::�� ,x�:'.�ir•: <br /> -�7:.+�J.�r�.� ,. _ <br /> }�y:�.�+�-�._ "i <br /> '�'•;,�°Yr�?`� <br /> .��:. . . �t'.' �`iI?7'4�°p"'-''�m++-�-�►�+' "r'�T---+-�.tw�ww�a14���i� , � R�liV�lp��t,�T � -_ <br /> _�': - i�f. - , • � . .;li' . � ;� . _ �� .;�F !; . , ':Sl(� . ..r-..: e 14 � TI), . <br /> :�1°f :1.,, � 1 1 � � l �� 1�.`:•� ` <br /> ,r- ��- h i ' - . - .i'c' !.i � �i v ��.1' 4V �� , t .. 1 .�i - <br /> '� ��, .r,.�' . 1 '�I. 4,: :(';?,;t3;- � ' '"., <br /> . •, <br /> � '- �- <br /> ... . . , • , <br /> �. . .'!. ,. 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