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_Li!� .-....�.� _"_ -_—_"_._-__"_-_.TS —' .--�..-�L�IR'1C'D!`YJ.'�'T"'�.--.. . .. ._17 :""`�H_.- _ _ .. <br /> _ _�_�_— .. .. . . . ;:- . . • . .:.r:.-:,:,.t_=- <br /> - • • , .ti .. . '- -' - <br /> .� � 93- �� - <br /> ��r�r�t�-��a���a�a�����.�e�����. . . . , <br /> - ,�M�..c+►ar iiw�r.prn ef tl�p�y�� iwi�.wa�a+i�ia..i�li.Mo b.a..�ii i�► +�i.�►� _ <br /> Yww�M. Aq d IMq I��rpi�b wbrNd to M iY�3M.wity lau�M w�IM'l�raputy.' . <br /> BORlioweR covBNAM'8 drt earearer u uiwlauy�ea d a.e atMe n�roby oo�veyed..a w+the s�bt 1a p�rt <br /> �d canver d�e aad�tlwt the Pirope�ty I�uaarcwnbemd.exoapl fa�o!�.+coed. Ba�nw�er w�rr�ats ad <br /> wW Aelrpld��Wk b Iy IropNty�t�W all cWmt aod dewM�d�.s�t 1�a*11���d leoad. <br /> TH19 SBNRfTY INS7'RUMBNT oonl�� �dtam oov�m for atlood we aod non-unilurm oav�aant� � <br /> Iid10d v�rfMio��y jwifdlai0fl b calMtipMe�lipltOfn��Oavity imu�raent 00�real p�opatY• <br /> u[YQ+ORM cav�+rAt�i7's. 9o�e�rer.ea I.eoda cwe� qnee�rouo�: <br /> L h�we�t d h�l�I�tawM1�er7�eat+a�d I.aM C��t�. Harower�6d1 pcompdY Py wYaa b�e dre <br /> �of and inta�e�m tbo deb�evidonc�ed by t!a IVale ond enY P�'�P�Y����due unde*ebe 1�3a1e. <br /> t+��tar'I�a�d Io�wa�oa Subject ta�pplicabb Lw or w a wrtit�ea wairer y l.a�der.BarroMnenhall p�y w <br /> l.ender m�he d�y mawWy payn�aMs Mne due w�da�de Nwe.wntil tbe Nate i�paid ia Poq.�wm t`Rr�ds")!'ar:(a)Y�Y <br /> tues�ad aue�mentc which raay amia�io�� aver dds Socurity Insuu�nau a a Uea ao tAe Prope�ty:(b)yearlY 1e�ebold <br /> p�ymo�ar grouod reua on the Prap�cy- . U s�: lc) i�F �� a ProP�ni' insursoce p�r�aimns: (d) ie�iy 11ood <br /> — iasunu�o Praaitans. it aqy: (e)YeW� mort�inswtiuwe preaiiwms. if aqp;aad(��nY�P�Y+�bY �0°''a�° <br />�cad�noe wtW tbe�ovWons of par�rrpd 8,ia Rw of�e payiomt oi matg�e ina�nanoe p�s. 'Ibese <br /> items are c�►lled" Itemi. La�der m�y,at�uy dmo.oollect wd buW Eir�is in an imount not w ezcad tue a�w�imum <br /> �mount a ltnder for�federallY ieWed moet�a low uoay�eyWre tor Barrowerti escrow aocouru uade�r tue kder�l Real <br /> Bst�te Seplema�t•P�oadura Act oi 1974�amended froan tlme w ame. 12 U.s.C.i 2601 et ssq.("RESPA").unlesa�o�ha <br /> law tlut applies to the�nds�ts a laser��wwit. If s0.1.a�der may.u any tiaae,colkct wd taW RuWs in�n amount not to <br /> �T�___ ezcoed tl�e laser antount. I.endet ntay estlm�te�he amaunt of t�lmd.s dua on the basis of curteat�1r yr�d r.z�cor�bW <br /> atimAtes of expenditures of futu�e Ascrow Items ar atherwlse in srccotdu�oe witA applicabfo 4w. <br /> 7fte Punds shall be held in An institutim whose deposita aro ins�ued by w foder�l al8ency. instrummtallry. or�titY <br /> liacluding l.cnder.if I.ender is such�n institudoa�)or in nny Federal Home Lwa B�nlc. l.ender stiall apply 1he tivads to PaY <br /> the Esarow Items. LeMer may nat cliarge Borrawu for holdiog ands�plyiug the Wncls.annuaUy�nalydra�ttse esaow <br /> account, or verifyiog the Es�ow Iums.unkss Lender pAys Bort+ower interat on the Plmds iud appllcsWe 4w permits <br /> Lender to malce such a chuge However,t.ender may roc�ui�e Bormwer ta pay a one-Ume chorge for an independent rcal <br /> esMto t�uc nepordng sa�vloe used by l,ender in coeuiecdon w�lh this loan,unless applicable law provldes othbrwi se. Unkss an <br /> •gnxment ic nwde arapplicable Inw roquires iweresl to be p�aid.I.aKkr sfwU nut be roquirod to Wy Bartow�r any inka�est°�' <br /> eamings on the ILnds. Bomower apd L.en�ter may agree in writing,however.U�t interest strall be paid on the Fi�uds. I,ender <br /> ahall give►o Botrnwer.wilhout xnnual accounting of the Iiu�ds.siawing credits ond delxts to the�s�nd the <br /> - purpose for which euch dabit to the Punds wa�rnxk. The Funds aro pledged us addltional sec�aity tor dl aurau�ecured by <br /> _ :- _ this Seouriry Insttumont. <br /> If the Wnds hald by l.eoder exceal the amounts permitted to be held by �pplicabk law. Lender:AaU�000um to <br /> Bot�ower for the excess Funda in uaordance with the requirements of applicnble law. If tha amount of the F�Uids Neld by <br /> — Lender at any time i�not wfficient w pay the Escrow Items when due. Lender may so notlfy Borrower in wridng, <br />_�. ' such case Borrower siuill pay to Lender the unount necessary to muke up Ihe deficiency. Botrower st�ll m�lce up the <br />- � deficiency in no more Ihen twelve rnonthly I.ender�s sole dlscrotiop. <br />';= ; Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument, Lende�shall promptly refund to Barawer any <br /> I I�nds hdd by I.ender. If,under pa�graph 21,Lendcr shall acquire or sell the��operty,Lender.prior to the aoquisition or <br /> - sale af the Property. shell apply nny FLnds held by Lender at Ihe time oi acquisitbn or sale as a credit agaimt the sums <br /> , secured by this Security Insdvment. <br />_' 3. Applicatbn of Prnymeate� Untess npplicuble law provides atherwise,all payments receivat by l.ender wider <br />''��' paragraphs 1 end 2 shall bc s►ppHed:first,to eny pnpayment chsvges duc undcr the Nae; amounts p�yabk under <br /> ��"� paragrnph 2; interest due;for�th,to principal due;nnd la�t,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> ;.. � 4. Char�es; l.iena Borrawer shall pay all taxes, asseASments, charges. fines and impositions anribuuble to the <br /> `�`=`.�" which ma anain riod� over this 5ecudt Instrument,end lessehold ments or round r+enls,if an 8orrower <br /> - �PenY Y p Y Y PaY B Y• <br /> ;. �, shall pay�hese ot+ligations in the manner provlded in paragrnph 2,or ii not paid in that manner,BoROwer siwl l pay�hem on <br />�•, ;S. �me directly to ihe person owed payment. Barower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be pald under <br /> ;" this ra IF Borrower make�ihese a ments direcU Borrower shall rom tl fumish to l.ender recei taevidencin <br />,::`i' �.�' the �entPh• P Y Y• P P Y P 8 <br /> ; � •�-�-"•�^ Bo�irower shall prompQy dischuge any lien which ha.c pria�ity over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees <br /> i Y,... <br /> ���,�, ..'....,:. <br /> �s,,Y, •t• I in writing to tlx payment of the obligation secured by the Ikn in a ms►nner ucceptabk to Lender,(b)contests in gaod faith�he <br /> � ••�' �� "' lien by.or defends agninst enforcement of the lien in,legat proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> i(;'a <br />.;;T; � ��y'��t�'� ���4� enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the hulder of the lien un egrecment sAtisfuctory to Lender subordinwing�he lien _ <br /> 4���r to this Security Instrument. lf Lender detenminrs�hut uny pan of the Properry is subject to a lien whirh may t+nain priority <br /> ; �}.� ��,�v inaa <br /> � over this Security lnspument,l.ender rnay give Btorrower A notice idenafyin�;the lien. Bonower shull satisfy the lien or take <br /> .`'7::�;' ��;�. <br /> `� �%;;:7�;°•_:� �; one ar more of thc actions set fonh abovc withn 10 duys of the giving of noti��c, <br /> —' �'�`�'��`y i i�4tt11 '''' S. Nazard or Properly Insurance, eorrower shall keep Ihe improvements now existing or hereafter crccted on the <br /> "' '�`�•` Property insured again.rt loss by fire,huzards included within the terrn"extended coverage"And uny other hazards, including <br /> " ".4`�f•.�".�i;i.f`�: <br /> - `:��_ ,.s�. i tloods or flooding, for which L.ender requires insurnnce. This inscrra�c:e shall be mnintained in the umounts rnd for the <br /> ':�':.�:;:_�:t.r <br />_ �..�;• - <br /> ;•t• , ,•.. 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