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<br /> • . � � - ' t EXdIB1T4wA�► . ' • . . . .
<br /> - �_... t . `. '. . .. � .. .
<br /> - ------ - - - - -���--=- -�=#i�s��_--�-t�_-l�-�-S�eian = � � .T ----
<br /> - - .� _26,.. . o�tus#�iP ,. li Itorxh. Raaq� 10 lttst. of th� 6tA � _
<br /> , �_
<br /> Principal heridisn, - HaII Cou�ty. S�at� o� l+t�ra��ta,
<br /> � � wore particularly d�scribad as toliovs: S�qianit►q at a �. �
<br /> � point on ths _W�st li�a of s�fd S�cLion Z6 ��id poiat �
<br /> b�inq thre�t bundr�d t�r�utythra� t323.�) f��t South o� �
<br /> - -. the 2�torthwst corner of �aid S�ction: Z6f lhanc�
<br /> °� ��- � �satsrly parall�l ta thd North lin� af s�ui►d Ssct�o�t Z6
<br /> - � at distance of ons thoue�ad �hree hundrad six�y-lit►��and
<br /> . , . . .,_-"':`:�` :eino�hundredtbs (1365.09j feet: theAce d�flectiAq riqht
<br /> � � 89°24'20" aad r.�uu�aq Southarly a distanq� a� si�c �
<br /> —
<br /> hundred twen�r��ne �ad five teaths � -(629:Sj - fi=t; — - -�
<br />-�-_ . _ � thence deflect�ng right S�°47'40" snd sv�nfeag itasteri� . .
<br /> _ a dist+nce of �e� htusdrad sixty-fiv�. �T65��) �ast;
<br /> - � thence runnfnq Northerl� paxallel. to "th� W�st. ��?:��e of ' -
<br /> =- — � said SectioA �6 z dfstanc� Qf thrae huti�3rad� -
<br /> �_ � �fqhty-three a�d f�fty-oae hun�rec�tbs�"�383.5�} �eet; � `� _
<br /> the�ace rumning Kest�r3y parsllel to said� Narth Lfae of %�� —
<br /> "- • :,'Sectaori 26 a;distanc� of �lix hundred tvelae aad thras�'�
<br />-_��
<br />-_ _ . `�.�tentti�,,:�Es?�:.3 y f�et, r.o..t�te idest line dif. gaid SectioA' �
<br />- `-- 26r'��hen�ce��Torthesly wloAq said Weat liae of Section 26 _ �
<br /> = a ..�i:stauice-of t�o hundfed seventy (2�0:O j feet tio. the .,`.
<br /> � � _ � '•:� •� . place of beginaing, contafainq 14.969 acrea a�ore or
<br /> _ - ."';: �`;:" ��: _ less., . _
<br /> ,..'...� ' .�: �::�'
<br /> -- � �"`�� : `Aiid
<br /> _�;�. . . .
<br />_ -::_.:_ ,::. :
<br /> "�`�'>�- �;-`� A tr.�ct of land eoiq�a�i`sinq a part of" the NWS; of Section ,.
<br />::;,.; : ,�:;.�:,:..�� .--:.: 26, To�nship 11 ��h�. Raaqe 2� West, of ths 6th .
<br />-_- �'':� �'�':�. Principal M�ridian,� �Sall Cauaty, State af� Nebraskw, :
<br /> �;;' ,.. . „`.�.:�._�....�
<br />:';�� `���<���� �.: more parti,�arly described::;as folluwS: Com�ncinq st a
<br /> :;-:..1 <<,�;.�::
<br /> ��.>;::�":;�.�� , point oa 'tlie West . line " of t.he M�Pk, five bu�drad .--_
<br /> � "" � � ;;:;;;;,'.� ninety-tYuee (593� faet South of the NinA�; thetic� -�.._
<br /> � � �roceedisiq.. along eaid line in a Southerly direcCion, `--
<br /> � _ ,"���^� foux htusd�t�t, two and six tentbs (402.6) feet; thenes • ��_:_;'_:
<br /> . deflectini����eft 92°15' and rw�r►ing Easterl�. a distaace :=�_
<br /> ^''�=-
<br /> _ '- of �six huatdtired xwelve and three ten�hs {612.3f .�e�t; __�.,_-
<br /> . ; �'�� ��! �*,t�?�.� ruaniaq Na�x3ierly and paral?:el to� tha West�;�11n� `=..:::�;
<br /> .,,..:•: � _
<br /> ' . � • d�,;�,��aid� Sectian���.�. a distanc.��<:�of three huiidred -
<br /> , , �`��, -;�:`,': , - aig�.ty-t��; and °�4.`tyone bundie�tha (383.51) feet; -
<br /> : �,�� -��, • thence ruz�r�q Wegterly pa,ralle� �a the..1�lorth line oP
<br />_ � < '�-�.,� ' , said Sectz�xfl��26 � ,distan�e of si�t �,�i�n�scet$ twelvs and , }
<br />- 4'�-��
<br /> three tentha (6Sr:;.��� fQet 'to the ,gti�#.at'.�of begiaainq. � � •�-
<br /> ;�� „y: ::�;.`�:v
<br /> ..6 containing five ��.��i��cres more or 1es�.; � � ,,- i_,.-;
<br /> cr- � ,. ,:, .: �, ;:�; . . �, ' ;,�
<br /> � - ' Together with aiYl '�rsii�i��;rcment3 �ereon si t r..c� ar.d appurtea- .:•��`� ��E .
<br /> - �E. ., � , ances thereto. ; .; ,-�;;,'�;, �� :,��:,;,.: ::�� .r;�•:. �
<br /> ;
<br /> 'r,' Fe' �'�°:=��'b� 1983 -
<br /> � �T j� �. � �� �L, � �.,.^ � .. / .t "'. Y • .��It:..
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