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. . t1 :.�:.4nWWlwxM�+�!AhY'�71�3�'df�Ga1Wl.1Y.u.�.e::.. <br /> . . ... .i: . _.L� ....... ����3I►�.f� �'nv� - <br /> K%:.�.. ° -° , , . � ' ' . -• � . - . - . , , , �tt:a- - <br /> ' , , ,. �1�' , , � <br /> '1�OG�171��iY1'1'N � io�r ar Y�rrMe.�w�d a�dM ptopNtr.�ed rl. '__ <br /> ---�--a�3��+R-.�:�+t�a�a�`w�Ma '.__f�,n��wx1���aiz�ita'��.�.���_�'_�- - <br /> ..�r � A����I�b��/1�N�10�����MIMk M dN�f�.� Z <br /> � " �� �tay/R ooveNM�'s aM�t 1a�O:�h I�iup,�e1ua a d�.aRa1.M�+�►«i.w„e.a rw A.�t,a s� � � .. �;;` <br /> . �d t�onvey�qn Anoprety�nd 11�t dr!l�opa�q 1�arteaawn6med.esoop4!ar�b�enoa d n0o�d. Banv+�er wair+pif�IM - <br /> wW delimd�aarwll�uM tittls a ibc P�wey�piin�dl al�ina�ad daMnd�wbject a a�y eocWnbrraoe�o�recad. . � , <br /> :� 'IHIS SBLURTIY MS't'�UI�&IT oaa�6ina w�iffaen oava�nq [a a�tian�l we and nm-mifam�aWwu�ntt witi „. <br /> • Ilrattnd va:iatloos by jutfsdiWoa ta coandtnte�uititann eennity instnnnrnt eave!rfna re�l prope�ty. <br /> UNIpDRM ODVBNAM'3. Ba�aw�er�nd La�Aer oavamnt�sd�se d folloM: <br /> L n�nNew��Pr�cipa..e I�M:�p•r��+�� 9am�wa�lw�p�oe�ptty pr whea aw Ibe <br /> �d and inta�t aa tha ddM evidentoed by the Nob�ad any pep�ynna►t ard late chwr�d due w�br tbo Nde. .° <br /> I+I�w ta�lkxa a�d Uiwr�oe. Subjoct to�p1icable law or w a wrtpen vraive�r by Lender.6orrowcr�bdl p�y w <br /> Le�nder m the daY�S'P��an due under tho-[Vote,uatil the Ndo I�paid in twU�a sum l"l�Imdt")foc(�1 Y�9 <br /> wces wd asaanaw whic6 anRy atqin priarity over thi�Securdty Iaqnammt a a Ika m tNe P�opa�y;(bl YeatlY leueLold <br /> �n or dmwia renu a� �he Yro�p�rcy,if�u►y: ta)r�Y �a or pnopaty Gaunmoe p�emivan;ca) y tlood <br /> P�miwm�,if u►y;(e)YauiY mort8i8e incunu�ce Pnmiwru� if�uy:md(�wY su�s P�Yabk hY���mowar M <br /> l.a�der.k�#000rd�utoe wlth tGe pmvi�o�u of p�ngraph 8.ia ltea of the pymd�t of mai�ge inauu�oe panluu�. 7'hese <br /> itans�ro calkd'T:cc�ow Itans." I.endqr tn� any time.coUect and hotd Fund:in m or�ount not w oxcad the muimwn <br /> �nwunt �lender for A fodetaU9 roWod ua�tgaga laam may raquine for Barowerti esciow awount w�der the tedael Rtsl <br /> Bet�te Seulemda Prooedw�es Act of 1974�a�akndod fraa time to Naie.12 U.S.C.�?btq et seq.("RESPA"1,unless�nolher <br /> !Rk tb�s,�pptk,,co d�e c�set�a loaser,unowit u ao.t.ender m�y.u any time,eouoct Ana t►ola Pl�ads in in aawura nw ro <br /> ' e:oeed the le�er mwuqt. l.endi�z�paY estLnate tbe ia�owu of Wadi due on thc b�ais.of�utr+►t dw u�d rc�o�Me <br /> e�of expeudidua of fuWro Escrow Item�or att�erwise in�oca�dance wi�h applicqble law. � <br /> 'lf�e Rubt siul) be held in an insUpttion wMue depaits�no in�d by a tederal agenoy� in� mtity <br /> (including l.ade�.if La�der is wcb�n inadaHon)or in any Redernl Hane Lo�a Bank. L,cndcr shall�pply the Au�ds to p�y � <br /> the&cmw Ihms. Lender rtwy aot ch�uge Borrower far holding and aPaY�B tlKS Amds.annUally mnNlyzing the escrow <br /> aoc�unt,ar vaifying the Fscrow Items.unkas I.enda pAys Bonower intereat on q�c Fu�d9 and appliaible iww pe�mip <br /> Lendar W make such a charge. However.Lender may roqui�e Borrower w p�y o one-Wra clwrge far an independant ral <br /> aq�te ttuc n�ot�ng�etvla used by l.rnder in.connectioa with Ihis loan,unleas applic�bie law provides othenvise. Unkss an <br /> agieemeot�mrde or applicable I�w requima inoe�ct to be paid.I.a�da shall nat 6e roquirod w pay Borrower any inoercst or <br /> wnings an the Funds. Bomower and l�ender may agree in writjng,however,thrt interest stW16o paid on the Rinds. L.ender <br />�'�: �ll give to Bonnwer.witlwut annual wxaunHng of the li�nds.slwwLig cnedlta and debits to the fiu�ds and the <br /> pu�pose for wbich euh debit to the Fund�w�s mde. 7Ue E�ndr aro pledgod ac additiaial cacurity for all wm�securod by <br /> . thi�Security Instru�aen� <br /> It'!!x 4'lutds hc#�! by l.tssdsr txsad !hc amosss:ts pessrslltt� so!x hek!by applicable law, Lrtxfe�eh�ll e�x�+t�nt to <br /> � Bormwcr for 1he excess I�nds in accotdence with�he requircments of epplicabk law. If the amount af the P+�nda held by <br /> • l..a►da at any dme ic not suf�icient to pey the Escrow Items when due.I.ender may so naify Botmwcr ln writing,�nd,in <br /> auch casa Barower sh�ll pay to lan�er the amount necess�y to make up tha deficiency. Bormwer elWl m�lc�up the <br /> � deficiency in no more th�n twolve monthly paymant�.at i.ender's solo discnedon. <br /> Upon payment in tLll of all sums escured by this Securiry Instniment,Lender shal!promptly rcfund to Borrower u�y <br /> I�nds held by Lende�. U.under paragraph 21,Lender shail acqui�or scll the Property.lxnder,EMor to ttie acquisitian or <br /> � sale of the Prope�ty,shall apply any Funds held by l.ender u the tima of acquiait�on or sale aa a credit�{aintt the sunu <br /> _ secwed 6y this Security Insaument. <br /> �_3. AppUcatlon of Pnymenis. U�less applicable Inw provides oti�erwise, all paymente received by Lenda�under <br /> s 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,ta any prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounte payable under <br /> puag�aph U�ird,to inter�est due;fourlh,to principal duc;end IesG 10 any late charges due under 1he Note. <br /> , 4. C ;Lieas. Horrower ahall pay �11 taxes, assessments. charges,tines and imposidons auibuwble to the <br /> prope�ty which ay auain pdoriry over this Secudty Instrument,wnd leasehold payments ur ground�nta,if any. Barower <br /> slu�ll ps�y these ligat�ons in the manner provided in paregreph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shali p�y them on <br /> flma dirocdy to e person owed payment. Bomower shull promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under <br /> this pnragre If Bomower makes these payments directly,Bottower shall promptly fumish to Lender raxipts evide�cing <br /> tlie payments. <br /> Eon�wer shall promptly discharge any lien which has prioriry over this Security Instrum�nt unleas�orrower.(a)ag�ces <br /> in wriung to the payment of 1he obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)comtESts in good faith the <br /> lien by.or defrnds against enforcement of the lien in,lega!proceedings wNkh in the Lender's opinion vperate to prevent Ihe <br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinatMg�he lien <br /> w thi�Securiry Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to m•lien whicA may attain priority <br /> over this Secwity Instrument.i.ender may give Borrower A nottce identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take <br /> onn or mo�otthe actlons set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of nolice. <br /> S. Harard or Piroperty Insurance. Boirower shull keep the improvements now existing or her�eafter erected on the <br /> Property inswed ageinst loss by fire,hazar�ds included within the term"extended coverage"und any ot,her harsrds,including <br /> tloods or floading,Por which Lender rcquires insuronce. This insurance shull be maintained in �he amounts and for the <br /> ra..�s 9190 (pdRt 2 af 6 pn�ttl <br /> --- _ _ — <br /> --- �7 4 i��- a Zl /f�'�,�RM°F•,•.s'}.`r.:'^ _ , a'P'�RS'""S�'"r'�7R^n�y1�p�4. . -�}7�f�;��omre.rvrsTC arqif ,"'s!Or-+�"��P . <br /> � f ,(� } <br /> ws) .�IYS}!,J'�1,�'"t�'',Ir � 1�.�,,. . . �`�.r S� S�+ !'S�(t ,i(t . � 4 ; . . <br /> .— �"�rr�l4��sZ43F����f�i� ��.. i ��. -� �` -�i � � � � -�.7� ��+r� 4 f r'�}�s r7!�, '1�Hn t�.•;<�,3•_':cr,: � . <br /> ` - .��`� _ �'�'r.$1�_�..LitriYw�,�:.e:,u1�L�� <br /> .�,�..,�ecr .Si�['�y, f i:i � --` -- - ��.,- -� ,���(t��1 ���. �4( .y t�-�f �t l •+t -y N_;: <br /> '..� f 1 ��1`� ��! �1�! 1� ` r - <br /> --- ---'--' —x j1.e. 11�1� •� � • -. . � r(7f, � ��Yhrn d � J\. _ � <br /> �_.._--.�._.'. _ o t - � .- . ,l 1'1 '. _' <br /> '_�._.�f.S�vii,l�riY J � . .. �L n�.,�'X...�I.t-�. � . ��k.};��!� ��A'�4h.�.i� u . ., . 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