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..� ''i�.�+.� --�--- . �+-� �: A;r . . . -.�-�:''rr .:.J�.+[f..f"Ai- _ <br /> _--��z . � - � ' .. . � __.. - " . ° - �� .. •���� • `� S�� <br /> . . . .� . ..� . , . i <br /> .. �iM�i��R �f'��A����T������l��-�� . _ -. -.- <br /> - - - aa� a�r tx. s..t��.�rt ._ _ . .iri KIIr�.�i M+iW�w�.M�il.r.M o�.w�.i 1�►I�!.�!!�M►►.�., � . `_. <br /> � � � Lais��c�re.�swi���vwi4�w��r�"Fiw�.�." _ _ - _ :;_ <br /> �1tR04H�NC Ub►VBMANf1's drt�ano�wt i�M�rlrllr�el af tMe wq�e iMnby oo�r�y�pd Irr�11�tidt ro�aw , . <br /> wHl A�j�W�1e b 1b Mro�i�1�d�ew�d�.wpj�cl l��ebr�aarMrw�d eiotnd. � ' <br /> 1H19 SBCURtIY INSiRUMBNT ooer6Mes rnifann oora�Ni far atio�! we a�d e�awflo� oovwrrb wIM <br /> iiwibd�ui�tkw iry j�an b ooa�inMe a Yaifonn�ity iar�a�ea�corariiy ted p�opaty. <br /> � 1lI�QRM C'�OVBNAN'I's'�.QannMet�nd I.arider aova�et rtd yme a�tdlows: • <br /> 1. lqwait dlrM�cl�1�sd W�rMti�'++sMl�M Nd L�h CM�ry�t. Barmw�er�!1 pro�ypy rrMs d�tlie � <br /> d�ad lntar�t on d�e debt evklakaf by the Nde�!anY P�Y�+�and We ch�r�a due tbe Nole.-� <br /> r,� <br /> FhM1(br'hsa aN1 L�n�n�. 5nbject W applla�bie taw ar W�writlen w�ivrr by Laidar.Bamweir t�W pyt b <br /> i.eador on�he daY��Y P+�Y�u urs due under the i�Io1e.uail.die Nae i�p�id in fW1.a aun("i�")far:(�)�IY <br /> wtes�td�se�aneob�rAicb m�y atuin prEo�ity over thi� �rwnem u a lien an t6ee Ptopaty;�b)Y�Y� <br /> ar paMOid n�ts ao die Ptapdty. N my;(c)re���ac pno�perty in:utanoe promiums: (d) Yarlr Nood <br /> pnopert ms <br /> p�a�a�kns.i�'+q�:(e)Ywiy mo�ty�o in�uuace peimicr�s,,if�q�r:aal(fl any aums P�Y+�ble bY Bawvwx to <br /> I.ead��mord+�nce wit�c��orieion:of pu��r�8.kA liw a6�e p�m�aac at n�s inwnnca premiums. 7f�eso <br /> ilaias�ne callod'Esnaw Ile�s. Lende�nuy�u nny time.coltect sw�bwk6��a�oa�rwwt nnt w exoad the mmclmurn <br /> a�tount a leoder far� [adea��llx teWed m�orrtg�ge lan m�y requiro for Ba��o�w accaioR under the fe+deral Real <br /> �.+tame SetUenowt Prooad�e�Act af 1974 st amendod from dnne b ti�e.12 U.S.0 A 2601 et s�q,•.4"plE•SPA").unlas ariother <br /> Itw dut applies lo d�e fimds aets�lesser�maipN. 1f sa.L,mder nay.R an�►time.collect�nd hoid�Mia�fa ia an�maunt twt to <br /> • axaxd the Icttcr stm+►waat. I,cndcP may cuit�sic thc� amount ot'Hteds dae on tde b�ci�of a�t dMa�nd ts�tsoeehk <br /> �-- - e�tes of ea�prnditur�s of futwo�scmw Items or atl�e�wise ia ac��rce�ri�h applic.�blo I�w. <br /> '[Ua Ru�ds sfwll be hGld in�n inctitudon wlwse deposits a�e iasu�ed by� federa! a�ency.iawwnontilltY�or entity <br /> (iaclnding l.ender,if Lerder is sach an insdtudon) or in any 1-�edera!Home lAa�n Banlc. Lender sAell opp�j►the Rmds oo pay <br /> thc 8scrow Iams. Lender m�y aot charge Barrowa far holding and aQplyiqg the Ruwls.annuallY�natyzin8 the escmw <br /> _��� aocoun� or verifjriag t1�e�Escrow Items. untess L.�der paya Homower mtercsz on the Punds and applicabla law permiu <br /> _- Lender to nwlco sucb a churge. 1�owever.L.cnder moy�quiro Borrower w ppy a one-dme chwrge fa�a indepaident rral <br /> esWto taz re�ordng savace aseA by,LeMer in connecdon with this Iwn.unlese app:�cAbb law p�nvides oRhawlse. Unlas an <br /> — agroement ia rn�or�ble law requires fntenest ta bo paid,Lcnder slull not be roquired to Qay B�r�awer+u�y intercst a <br /> �_���• eaminB$on[he�ind�." we�an�l Lender may agree in writing,however.that interext s6aU be paid on the i�nds. l.ender <br /> ---'-• si�ll give tq Hom►wer. wittxwt cfiarge,an annual�rcrnunting of Ihe Ii�nds.showing credi�s u�d debits 40�oFne Fw�ds and the <br /> • '.Pwpose for which each dcb3t to d� f�ds was made. 'The Funds airo pledge�as addltional scen�lty,fur�11 sums cxwod by <br /> ,��' ' thu Securiry�51�1nen1. <br /> _-- <br /> _ __--� ., . , ji ci�e��heid by L�ender exc�i the amamts pe�mttted to be held by appllcable law, t.e�xlcr shall Account to <br /> ::;�� . Homower for Ihe caceas Funda in accordance with ihe nquirements of applicable law. If the amounl.;af.the FYinds held by <br /> _ - ° L.ender at any Ume is ndt:ufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.L.ender may so�oiiFy Bompwei�in writing, <br /> - _ • such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the emount necessary w make up the deficiency. 8onowu ahall,moke up the <br />_ -- deficicncy in no more than twelve mantlily[.ender�sole discretian. <br /> [Jpon payment in full of all sums secured by tAis Securiry Inswment.Len�er shWl promptly refund to�orrower any <br />- Funds held by Lender. lt;under paragrnph 21,Lender shull Acquire a sell the P�aperty.Lender,prlor to the acqulsition or <br /> sale of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by I.ender at the dme of acquisition or sale�o credit against the rums <br /> secund by this Security Instrument. <br /> 3. Appikatlon of P�yments. Unless upplieable law provides otherwisc� all payments received by I.ender under <br />� paragrap6s 1 and 2 sh�tl be applied: uny prepn}+ment cherges due under the Note;second,to tunounts payable uncier <br /> + -- ��4.p Cha'rest Llens.stBorrower shallP�u iall t���sessmentsy char es,�M s andlemthsit�ons attributable to the <br /> B + P Y S p� <br /> Propetty which may mtain pdoriry over this Security Inswment,and lesisehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower <br /> - shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,ar if not paid in thut manner,Horrower 4ha11 pay them on <br /> tima di�+ecUy to the person owed payment. Borrower ahall promp�ly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under <br /> this pareg�aph. If Borrower mukes these paymentF directly,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing - <br /> the payments. = <br /> Botrower shall promptly discharge nny lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Bomnwer.(a)agrees <br /> �.SSr^'�:��ti�: in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by Ihe lien in a manner ncceptable to Lender.(b)contests in good feilh the <br /> _ lien by.or defends ageinst enforcement of the lien in,legul proceedings which in thc Lender's opinion uperatc to prevent the <br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secunes from the holder of Ihe lien nn agreement sutisfuctory to Lender subordinating the lien <br /> - ���x;,,� to this Security Inswment. Ii Lender detertnines that:my part of the Property is subject to a lien which mny attain priority <br />__��y��•�:�T„== over this Securiry Instrurnent,Lender may give Horrower u notice ideMifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or�ake <br /> °';-��,3;:"' <br /> _ - .,t.; one or moro of the actiona set forth uMve within 10 days of the giving oY notice. <br /> —�r''F'""' S. 47azArd or Property Insurance. Borrowcr shall keeQ the improvements now existing or hereafttr erected on thc <br /> ����;T� 1� <br />_ —'""�`'�%'�. '''�''° Propeny insured aguinst bss by fire.hazards included wilhin the lerm"extended coverage"and any other hazards,including <br /> �. � • :��`" ' flaods or floading, for which Lender requires insuronce. '1'his insurance shall be muintuined in the amounts and for the <br /> ,..�':.: . <br /> : S�S._.:y.�.' -. <br /> ':i <br /> '!t�i�'K"�.�� FMmJi28 9l90 fpaRe2njbpnResl <br /> :':�� .• '7,��:;�..;r. <br /> ��i���%:Cj,,'',�;i • , <br /> ''ft�<<i:;+ �' .�.i <br /> �`e3�' <br /> ./.°-, q !i , �.�.. �.�x.t ?7, �\S1'�_^���iy�M'7fito�a�a^-;• -- - ��_. <br /> f�1r,� :. . . ,�rE�' . �l; f�'Rr�f!^r'.:IV'sy:`�'� �..... <br />_— -- ' t>.ti r..�s�. � t�Ir6�': , y�rti �' ��'y ' �:;1��l'{y' �Si- ' tu t at - �•l .` , .: ,r_(�,� L r�_�- <br />=�� �xi;., .,- y-�i -�JA�`,�.���. `�;r'.'y�,� . � . •t. •�t:.�t�r .:�.'t"1',:. .�� • .a�.�' t�4t�:�:��'.`�:�t;i:. �1'` � :� `�� i,.•�•- <br /> ,� f ', 5 .. ,•�� ' ,t..�.V lJ ' � � �r'.����. -:.�-�..-1 _.. � , ' .r :l i�.._ <br /> — �`°"``�.:.r._1St`�i/:...�.•!4�'``-c�` `,.1'ti.. -uT_•., �? ,�1'ti,,.', i�'���' -ii,:�:�i�f_,1.. ;±��5.'.`M'�'''�k"k3l2131��e131_�_�]±��RI'•`1fMW���I�`�J_+!Y�..'�.: <br /> �;:t��j�p`��ti� Y , . , _ '` ,,�.;. � � '�, , ;,, t� l� � ... .•�:�;..,u;:, 7 <br /> �i�� 7 T T� � ; � � i .:r.�. .i,i::�i",�;1�'�4�` _1` 1' ' <br /> .,1 �' A�U'tRti 7v'}1f.Y � . . � 1 41�::1<.(..� �• S i ��- � �5 ��.n C . 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S'. ,�' i{.i/V►.l.t'��tilt ..t .. 1 �'�� ' +, r� r��. �t(� '1 � ( {l ��R,i <br /> . .tl ��V�F* _ . . , . . , , . p� <br /> ^�- ZL�S�1��'t ,' _ -� - � , 1-i� ---�r�t f fr.�� - . •• .. , ..`r�t��5,i�t��f I�` h�t�i: <br /> ` �! a:)�y,�'.'1'.rJ <br /> 1����1,�., .i.' i7f�(y{' .. `T .. o �• . Qy� t`� 7��� .' '�5.j . j71� { d v �. <br />_. _ _e°�`I�� , ��; `Tit, . -. ; , . � .. - - c . �t.. ' -�i,.v��.t:���'.t'I•.'f��. . . ��tA`}tr�'�'i,`+���4r <br /> .—�'�"�J°'^l:� y.. .. . ,1�`j..t�:�. . ..�.._ .... . . . . . . : :yS�i�:�. .�`i.. <br /> ..Y'i�._v �. �.. - u�!'.n . ;�.lwi- ' .' .r f��.��- �.� . <br /> _: �. <br /> � �i <br /> n. . -. y � �?1 <br /> • i <br /> .%�n ry-r. .. .. . � _ . . . . � . • . <br /> . . � � , • � <br /> ...•� _'�• _i�f�..r • • ._'`-�.j'!.�� � �� ....�. � .�._. _._-_.-____ <br /> , <br /> .r:aYF•i..i{41�I�F�oGLwM'��i. -• <br />