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<br /> �' ` ` . � OUR11$L&�POMER OF ATTORNEY � _ .. . . . . .
<br /> • . `. Q� /�� � �
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<br /> � KNOfi ALL !�N BY �lES6 PRESEIiTS: � • _
<br /> -- �-- --�-----
<br /> _ -�_ '_= That-I. &DNA7ADDA,-a tesidenc oF�11.Courit�r. Nebiasira. dQ. 6g .these - -
<br /> presea�s ws1�e, constitnte and appuint sy► daughfer, Jeaa 2[. Rauext, as d�►
<br /> Attoraey-in-Fact, to do for ae and oa ary 6ebalf, any of the follarfng:
<br /> 2. Ta xfthdrax by check or othes*rise ft�t any checking
<br /> � account, savings account, and /or savfnqs�:c�rtffi,cate
<br /> accaunt, Nhich I may have.
<br /> :,
<br /> Z. _ Ta-ettdArse chack�.for deposit to m�r _cltectt� a,c�anat-- - - � -- ---
<br />- - ----_- _._ - - _ - �_-
<br /> --.. - --a1t sa�t%�it�$.,,a�nurit�ain�-fo rece�ve.,anyp raperEy cr
<br /> _ cred�t� o�ite� hy�.me: �ncluding any mnrtfes pa�{aitle ta. .
<br /> � . me 6 anp ga�ternatenta� aqetiali. Ky Attarne�-itt-Fact �
<br /> __ s� h�re €Et� authoritg to redeem, have re-reg�ster-
<br /> ed, ar have re�sseied any bond, note, bi11., warrant,
<br /> - . � cert�.ffcate or other evidenae:of iadehtedness orr�ed by
<br />- �; me (fncladfng any such itetas awned by me as a eo-awner �-
<br />=�-_-__ or joint tertant� ,atid issue8 b� the Unfted States, any —
<br />�. � ather co�y�,�•.. �state, municipality, or af.��ar . �
<br />-`.` � govert�me���,�vision or qavermaental agedu�. � '�� ' ---
<br />--�� � . ,,.;:,.;.:.;�.:,,�.t�r:� , • .: -.
<br />:�^;= - , 3. To sell o��,-�'�>_ as�ets oTrrned by me, whether real �� � �•ti;,�••
<br />:-' ` estate or pe5�rar�cE.�reperty and including homestead �•�-�;� �` , , _-
<br /> `•` ' � � ro erty ana �S±t���artd bonds, at sqc�t; rices, on sitg .;��:�;�.� --
<br /> � P P t,.,, �' ��...+��`� �
<br /> t. ' "- - terms,.for�su�fi:.,v;��'�gth.of teria. anii.�i}i�:;sutch manner. �€.:::.;:•..�: . -- -�--_
<br />;,;�/��`f�. � whethez a�%privatie or public sale or �te otiat�on, as'�;1�';:'��,` • � � .�=��=
<br /> ,.4{ , . �-:�
<br />•.,�•,,.•,y my Attorney-in-�Fact deems advisable. �h e may conve��.;�,;:` t�.-��
<br /> `�" ,_ �ny praperty so., „ 3.d by hes b�/ inst�uments of con- ��• � --
<br /> 4�� j
<br />�;if.��' -�:�°�wayance witb eus,��,"�ry warrant es. �he may enter an�`}; :. "" �"�"
<br /> 1 i•f��• . � iiG'�-�"'_'__
<br />'i,��,� " :.::�afety deposit.�`I lease and may �eui�Ve any items � . , ;�.:'.. �- ---_-
<br />���,��r�' .F� '��:��lterefrqu7;�:: Sh�;-,:ns empowered to maiEe�`gi�ts fqr me. . ��.: ' �s �
<br /> Y�f • �'��l• :' .. � . • ''. ��If 1���",•��'�
<br /> ,,«y •�''�`` 4. To enter�,,i.i,�ito �;g�ements pertaining to ang.�`su�rty or ;�:.,:_ �_ _
<br /> t�' `�4�; any interest irt,�s;�#�operty awned by me and an.:�i.� terms_, - ,:,- ,—� -:
<br />,:.::3�t1� . � ` ;::,as my Attorney��.-?act deems advisable. TIii�s•;� all :::",:: .. 1,' ' . ', i. . __-_---
<br /> '`:°;FF � .E:;`include contra,'���s,�vr goods, repairs, impravefients, ;'�_ _ , ;.��,-�-_=__
<br /> -:..� . .;:.,.:.. ,_.��,
<br /> ' replacements, �i�:•personal services far .ttte niaifitenain.:"�;. __
<br />: ce of sn�.�7t+operty; and to borrow funds attd mortgage � � • .� �'.�`r-�_�
<br /> �. .,.�-,�t'.,..
<br /> proper]Ev_�Icr!ereforr ".;`� ��:.::,;;.-. -
<br /> '�. . �.. .�•_�it'E:�I.ti:�
<br /> : - 5. In ger;cr3t1; .to enter into any business transaotions �,:,�=„-•_
<br /> �: . ,<�nlGtainr?g to my property and for my maintenance as ;:; +� �:���
<br /> :,:�ua�.�. aa I could do it myself She �.s empowered to y- _��__�"'
<br /> �:;`.s;:-g��t�.�*��ome tax returns and related dacume�ts. '`' ��
<br /> _ �;,. . � .,...�_._.
<br /> `� 6. .�ci�;z�:,*u��:-rr�+v aay contracts or agreements farc::�:.�y �::�Y�"::
<br />� �• ''•" � .n;pd�G��,;'�3�tsiciliary, or other care needed';Tw�,itt� as , ^'���.�
<br /> ; �,:,�. °., , , ��r3�;terini�n�;���o ba in-my best interests bg ar���'"t��rney�. � � `�•=-�
<br /> : ','sl � •��' i:s-Fact, and pan. ��.1, fees and charges nec�S�s�.TL';for , .
<br /> ��y� i � ,�'� :rcnaintenance anc�•�c�a; to authorize any r�ec�3c�b �,�*oc : �,. � '�
<br /> : ,;'`'ya. r-; . '. , ` . � '�'� ci`rea for me. '' �,.. _
<br />. ,tci r.� _: � , .''. ,.'�� 't;, • "� � . .�...'_`-y_-.�
<br /> •�" � ���-t`�'.�� i ratify and c�nFfrm all acts done by my Attorney-se�-�'act u':i�ter this �=y-�'.'-=
<br /> :, ,._:, �;
<br /> � �-�,�� `�a:�r of Attorney. . �. reserve the right to revoke this Pouer of ttorney by ,�,;.-__.;,r_-
<br />��-�� �}{ the fili»q.v�' suah revocation in t�liscellaneous Records in the Of�a��e of the - _
<br /> °-��'� Register a��lDeeds of Nall Gounty, Nehraska. This power af �
<br /> ,.,,,,.. ,
<br /> :, �,''s.;a".�;, ` '"`�� ' Attotney sT�a�l' �'emaicl in full force aad effECt even though I may hereafter
<br />� . �;` tre�:��ne ment�Ily o�.��YU?�sically incompetent. , .
<br /> ,� d �;'. . .� �j•� • �. `' ' . .
<br /> . . DA��d �`:fti� TsL..�day af Febcuarv . 19�,• ' `'� .
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<br />. � `..Yr ••,,: a Natary'�'Tsu ,T�ic'�.iLh�l:n�"'a,na�r�said �aun�Y p � Y �• � f '
<br /> . ,. � ° , ersa 11 came �21i�.:[tAnDIX
<br /> - '- - "' " who is icnowi� tn ine�;�t��'be the identic�l persnn arhose name is a�fi:se�d to the
<br /> 4'�, � foregofag Pe�er of��t�tiornay, �nd ttaknnwledges� h�r �xecut,�on to be her �. ';.
<br /> `� • voluntary act and deed. ' • .
<br /> :��`�w .� C� , .
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