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��:.aiti`3,..,a �s•.', . , ' _. -..—.____.___ _. . _ <br /> _ -.!� , � -j•. . . � .. - . . . • � _ <br /> ____�--_-��_�+ . .' . ,;�to� � -.. <br /> s� <br /> � 1. .t rrYlMrr.�MhM.d tra.C�M'M. �o�rowrr,r.0!ay whM are�1M peMu+l�l o�,..s wu.��■. <br />- °_- -- - - it.ic'r.�itir��tt�s!'la���sc2��t�!l�i� - - - . _ <br /> 1 M�MMj��'ht�,N�wA�a aNi OII� 8an�ow�r�iwll laclud�in a�b �'nwM <br /> lopti�e wNh tlMp�nalp�l�d iMwra�s Nt 11�th In Nr Naa� Iw ch�na�.n inadima�t d�ny(� ��s��• ' <br /> �prclNl weamadi kvied ar a be Iwid �pi�t�he Pnoperty�(b) � p�yn�u�ar�ound nnq oo the itiopetty.�nd � <br /> (o)prani�ara�ta Inwt�noo tiqatnd b�'Prn�ph 4. <br /> � &di morW}ily Jnq�llmint far iMnw �). (b) ml (a)shdl eqwl one-twelAh ot�he �nawl aeounu, �rawn�bly <br /> e�uned by LaWler,��p1uo dh a�nouYu w mahitale nn addilianel belance M'nd n►nro th�n ane-dx�h of'the <br /> atUrubd�mouab. 7ta Nll•innaa! �uteunt tar ach itan th�ll be�ccumul�tad by Lender within a parlod endinj one <br /> a►antb befae an itan would bdoaib deliiw�nt. l.adar�11 hold ihe�mounu collactad in awt w p�y ieems(�)�(b)md <br /> � (a)befare they 6ecame delinquent. <br /> i U�t my tlme the toW oP tho payn�p�� beld by Londee far ircm�(a)�(b)�nd(a). ` with the fWtwe monthly <br /> � prymena for such itemt pa9�bk to (.e�da prior to tho due 4ata of wch itenu. ea by moro th�n oea-aixtb the <br /> � e�tim�ted amount of p�ymenn mquirod top�y wch item�wlxn due,�nd iP pn meatu an the Note am cuma�t�then Leader <br /> ahaU either refund tite exasa ovcr one•tixth of the ctUmiued p��►ments or�t ihe exass ov�r a�e-sixth of the eatirn�ted <br /> psymenis w wb:oquent paymcna by 8orrower,u Iho opdon of 8orrower. If tbe toW of the payment�m�da by Hormwer <br /> for itan(n)�(b)�or(c)ia ins�icient ta pay�ho ilem when due,thai Borrower alall qy w Leade*any iur�[necxs��r to <br /> mdca up the deftciency on a befae tho date Ihe(tem bxanes due. <br /> M w�ed in this Security Insdume�M. "SecretuY"mean�the Secnet�Y of Housina aod U�ban Davelapment a 6is or her <br /> desigaea In�ny yeu in which tho Lender mu�tpay a moAga�e insur�xx praniwn to the Saaa�y.e.�ch ma�thlY P�Y� <br /> ah�U �Iso include either: (i) an insWlmeM of the umwl mortgage insurance premium to be paiid by L.ender to�t�e <br /> Socrcary.or(ii)a monthly charge inaead of a mortgsge inwrance p�mium if this Socwity Insammait is beW by ihe <br /> Sec�ry. F.acb monthly inst�llment of the mongage inwrance premlum Wu�ll be ir►an a�na�uu sufficirnt to aocumuWe the <br /> - - fuil aanwil mudga�v L�surwwC �xe�ti�lun�witlti Lc-�der one mantli p:ior to tl�e Aate the fuA anqual martgage insur�u� <br /> � poemium is due to the.S�eqrY:ar�f ihis Securlty Insirument is heW b�the Secrewry.eACh manthly cherge ah�ll be in an . ._ <br />_ ---�:t;,• �unount eqpal to ona-tweiflh of one•hali perccr�t oY the outstanding princ�pal baeancr due oa the Note. _ <br />- :�",,•"---,;?,- I��amower tendats to i.epder tUie fuU payment of all sums secwed by t9�is Secw'Ity Instrument,Borrower�s account <br /> ,�,,���.�r�� edali be �creditod wlth the bdence�emmining far ull instollments for items(u).(b)end te)a�ci any mongage insurance : <br /> ���a�� � ,prem�tua�in�tallment that Lender has not baame obliaated to pay to the Scere�ary',and L.enckr ahall prvmpdy refund a� - <br /> -"'"";t, I eacesr•funds to Burrower. Immed�ately pdor ta A'Foreclosure sale of the Praperry or i1s ocquisition by L.end..°r,Bnrnnwer� �._ <br /> �� ,aoc�oynt ahall be e�edited with any balance mnaining for all�nstallments for items(a).(b)and(c). ___. <br /> 3. Ap Non o� ymentr. All payme�ta under Pai�graphs 1 w�d 2 shall be applied by Leader as followa: <br /> ; ' �e�c��e! 'the mort�ge insuau�cc p�mium to be paid by I.ender to the Secretary ar to the monthly chargc by the <br /> � ' a!��nstead o�the monthiy martgege insurance premium; � <br />== <br />