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. •,' I'4� '- - --_._. ._. _. . : ._.. <br /> ' '1 . �-----�-- ----. <br /> .' '� '� �� .� ,. sn. . . _ .;t . h.•nr��.rt�iiW�' .._.�.:•v�-' <br /> _. !.nr_�-a---__�. . � <br /> ����: <br /> ,��, . � . _,,� ,i ;.: <br /> • �6.��Rwf'�GIp .�Mi�11�f��b��NMI OIM OOfltOr'ANd OOp�J OE t�M Noa tbd o�t�/�CUtjty I�/�1�. <br /> ' 17.'TtMrf�d tiw�'rop�rt a��dwfioi�l6Mnwt L Ilaetawr.I�vl a qr P�et a���Aropwq►�tor�q <br /> taMrMt i�it i��oia ot��r�firnd�ix it a b11�IQW I01Q�/R�I!Aflfl+QrNK�/DId dl'��ff'�ql�HOfiq1MK�pt� . <br /> m�pama�l eritbaut I�'a grlor arJam�a�t,�t�sr� ito� irar.w�ti fyr;�t ia t�ot <br /> -- �11 w�a� Ma� 1bi�&a+riq►Ima�wnan.Ha�� tht�opeioa rbNi nos"�iw�ciwri bq I.+�?�.r.�'r:.s+�i�r i� � <br /> �w <br /> pnobibiedb�►�4w�at tbucateot thi�S�ourityla�wman� <br /> Itlw�nd�r no�ciw thia on,l.�enda��II dw Borm�rx nodo�d aooderadan.Tt�e aot�a dWt pwvtde a peiod <br /> o�not l�tbsn30�from�date the not�ae Udelivared or led pfthin Nhloh Bonowar muRt p�q�il��ecuroet, . <br /> bp t1d�8w�rity IaitMuntws.It Barmwac tdb m py t1�ae Man��or to tJ�s aatpiatton at thia perlod.Iwida��rW►i�vok� <br /> q�►nmedlM p�rmitt�ed by thi�Seauritq In�trument�Ithoitc t aotJw or aemad oa HorroMar. • <br /> _.v 18.6ae�ow�r'�jti�ht to�eia�ht�e.8 A�n�war meei�oerhin oond�ti Aorrower diall have tb rl�ht to hava <br /> � <br /> antoraanaat at tbi�S�ourlt�r in�qumant dbooMiawd�t aay�ims prior t�the ier ot(a)S d�yi(or suah otlbr ad <br /> � a�ble 1�N rruy�peoit�r tor rdnrhtement bdoro�le o�ths t to u�q�ower d wls oa► aed ia <br /> tbt��aarlty Tastrumenfi a �b) aatry o!R�ent aataeain�this ty Imwmea�17�ae oondidam u+e tin3 <br /> Bae�e+o�ee: (a�) pay�L.aider d eum�wbicb �rouid be due unda�r tl�Seaiultq Instrumeot ad tbe Nota r it�a <br /> aoo�elaation h�d 000urted: (b)aw+e�m de�aWt ot any other oovaunts or a�roement�(c�P�J�dt�paees iaewrad in <br /> aw+e <br /> entoraln�tbi�8ec�niqr IroRrument,fna udit�.but not limited to,raeon�ble a 'feer�and(d)tatar�uc1►wdoa ar <br /> _ _ I�eridec m�y raeombly requ���+e�o ase�r�e thit the liaa�thi�Seaurlty Instnunen�s r�nhta i�the i'ropercy arid <br /> Horrow�er'�obl�ip tlontopa theam��eaunedby thi�8eauritqlaitrummtehalloontinueurrclna�ed.Upoareim�temeat <br /> by Bon+o�rar�tbie Secarity�ent�nd the obli�attwr�eaue+ed Aereby sf►�II ronwia tuily altactivo a�it aa awelenttan <br />-- hd oocin�red.Howarar.�his risht to raiustatealWl not�pply In tLe aMO d�ooefoadoa under P�*a�n►Pb 17. '�' <br /> l9.Ssk d Note;Cia�e ot Lwo Serviaar.The Note ot�putid iataast in tLe Note(to�et6er�►ith thi��ty� <br /> Iastnunaat)r�y be�aid pa ar nwre timee�vithout prior notice to Borro�ror.A sde may rewlt�n a ob�n�e iA the antity <br /> (icnown,N t1e4e'Lwo Saviaer')th�t aollecte monthly P�ymenm due w�der the Note�d this Seaurlty L�wmon�.71ia�e <br /> ^�: aleo m�y 6e one or tnp�e oh�nti�of the I,an Savtaer unrd�ted�o a de ot the Naua.�i tha�e je a oha�e ot the Lou► <br /> '=;u: Sa�-riu�.Buf�ow�r wIfl la�ive�i w`Sttai�otice at the c in�r�ance witt►p�c l4 Abova�ad opplicai�le taw. <br /> - -- The notioe�Sll�tate tho name and addn+w ot the ne�v Lo�n�oer ard t6e addre��ah p�yma►b�hould be mde. <br /> " Tiw aodce�U�lso amt�in aay otMx iatormation eequired by appliable lsN. <br /> ",.:� Z0.H�tudow Substasca.Borroxer elull not auee arpormtt the presena�.wme� �etors�e�or neleae ot <br /> -_ - any�L�rdoue 3ub�tan�xe on or in tho Proporty.Borroxor eh�ll aot do�nor dtox sa:�y��one. to do.anythin�attaatln� <br /> ;•'� tha W+nperty tlut ia in violation oi any Env�ronmentd i.�M.The pra,�eding tao eentcn�es s i not apply to the preeencx, <br /> uee� or stors�e on thep�y of omdl qwntitiee ot H�z�edoue Su6etu�cee tlwt��.'�eriendiY ro��niz�d a b� <br /> � a �te to norm�l caeldentid wee�nd ta m�inten�t�ce ot the Property. � � <br /> �Ner ehsli promPtlY�ive Lender Mr�tun nodce o[any investtgation�cl�im.dem�nd,lawsutt or othor action by' <br /> - +nY �overnmental or re�torY s�enci► or private p�rty involvb� the Property andany Y�L�rdOUe 3ubet�nce or <br /> ��� BnvlroemeaW LaM of wluch Bor,nnwer tus�ctwl knowledge.It Borrower larns,or i�notitied by any Qovernmet�b!or ' <br />�c�.' re�ulatory tuthorlty� th�t aqy� rr�nndv�l or other remediatlrn of any Haz�rdous Subeance attectin�the Property io.. . <br />`=�;�__ nevee�y.HorroMer ah�ll Pron►poi�►take all na�eee�ry romaUd actions i�acco�dancx with Environmantal L,aw. <br /> Aa u�ed in thia pu��aph�D� Haz�rdoue Subetanoes'aro those subst�noea defi�ed�s to�c or haz�rdous sube�ncee <br /> • ° by Envlronmental Law utd tho tolloNjn�subetanoe��asoline.keraeene,at0�er tl�mmible or to�ic petroleum products, <br /> w�cic cldae and herblcidae, vol�dle solvems. materials oontainin� �ebestos or formaldehyde, and r�dio�otive <br /> :.. � " '"�''� '_�-�w ma ds.As ueed in this 20,"Enviwnmenta!Law" mans tederal lawa end Isws oi the ediation Mhero tho <br /> '.; ,�.Z:',x.. ..•�., :•. P�'+�� � <br /> T ��`�r;� ;�x��;.;:�+, �ie lopted that relate to har�lth�esfety or environmental pmtection. , , <br /> ��,��'.�,':.��+.�` . N N-UNIPORM�OVENAN7'S.Borrower and Lender turther covenant and a�ree�s iollow� <br /> �'��`'�ar,Y�:::��;:�r�:w Zl. Aooekration; ltemedtea. Lender ahdl �ive notice to Borro�vor prior to ac�celention tollosin� <br /> `,.��t`�;�;:;:?..• . �'�a':•,, Borrowar'i breaa6 ot wy coven�nt or a�reement in this Security Instrument(but not prior to accaleratioa , <br /> y�;.: : ,: under psra�ap6 17 unless applicable I�w provides otherwiec).T6e notice�6s11 epecity:(�)the de[�ule;(6)the <br /> � �' ',� ,� .... ;., aation reqnind to curo t6e default; (c) a date. not less thsn 30 day�irom the date the notioe is�Iven to <br /> �x� ;.�, <br /> `� �-�:;�,�;,,�;:;�;�).��-- Borroeer,by whia6 tho dotault must bo cured;md (d)t6�t t�iluro to curo t6o dotault on or batore the date <br /> ,'--- ��ti�t� <br /> ,� � `�',�,��,,, „;,.� s•peaitied ln the ootico m�y nsult in sccelention ot tho aums secured by thi�Security In�trument and sale o� <br /> J•' '�� �S''1,��:, ibe Property.Tha notioo eh�ll turther inform Borrower of the ri�ht to roinstate aitor acootention snd the <br /> ,.�.,u,.•`a�. <br /> '' . .-��,�;�•;.: ,, _ ri�6t to brin=a court�ation to ss:ert the non-e:ietenca of�detault or any ot6er detense ot Borrower to <br /> ;� ' ,•�;<j�,a�. �ooelent�on and sale.It the dei�ult is not cured on or before the date speciried in t6e notioe. Lender. at ite <br />� �. .�'-,�;,., :"i.i�";�:;�` optioa, m�y requiro immadiate payment io tull of all sums�cured by this 5ecurity Inetrument �+it6out <br />'�, _ " '�x turther demand �nd msy iavoke tha po�ver ot s�le snd �ny othor remodics permitted by spplicable I�w. <br />_ ' '' � Lender shdl be entitled to colleat dl e:penres inouned in pursuinf the remediea provided in thi�psra=np6 <br /> :' '`S'� � `' � 21.includius,but not limited to�raeon�ble attorneys'teea and coats ot t�tle evidence. <br />___ �''�� -" It the power ot sale is invof�ed.Trustee a6a11 record a notice ot de[�ult in each county in w6ich sny part ot <br /> 'n the Property is tocated and s6a11 mail copiea ot sucd notice in the m�aner ptascribed by �pplicable las to <br />��`.': ` ��' , Borrowar�nd to tho other peraoae pnacribed by app➢icable Isw.Atter t6e time required by�p�licable I�w. <br /> Trusta sh�ll�ive public notice ot sNe to thepersona s�ed jn tho m�nner proacribed by•pplicsblo law.Tronee. <br /> �•��;„,?�. ��� . without domsnd on Borrowor.s6s11 sell t6e Property at public auctioo to the bi�hest bidder�t t6e time�nd <br /> ,�;,;,, ��"�' � place and under t6a termo deai�osted in the notioe o►eale in one or more parcels aod in any order Truetee <br /> '�`��+ ;�,,:,' ,,r doterminei. Trusteo m�y poatpone sale ot ali or any parcel ot tQ�a Property by public annouacement at t6a - <br /> �`"' " time�nd lace ot�n reviouel sc6edulad eale. Leader or its desi nee �y purchase tha Pro rt �t�n � <br />.,'� t t .:�<",.; . sale. P Y P Y f Pe Y 9 <br /> � :� �:�.,�. _. <br /> �j�:rt�; <br />-,�;j�.`s,ir . _ <br />' � FKw �0li !/!0 <br /> i-�;:::;f;.r �!�'`; . <br /> i�•,,ti,1.'�1 C.. �"��to1►o� ►.a s•.• InNINa <br /> _ • MR• . <br /> - i , <br /> _� <br /> _ .. <br /> ,_ . <br />_.,��. . .. . . . <br />"^'t iY•:�• . - - -- - <br />:,�,t� �,� , . ,i� - ; �..� _ . . _ _ _. . ... _ _. . . ,......�.�,�.�--.....--•--._"---".- -•,�.�....-.�.. .. ,- .;r.7n�+ <br />� ,i�:��� � ' -. i � . �� .. ' . . - ., <br />. . , - .r' , ' . • . . . <br /> .. <br /> ._'_ ... . . . <br /> _. .,�s:- <br /> �; ., .!�.:'_ � --- _ -_ _--. , - . .. . _ _ . . ...-- ,-._- .--, . . � .. . . _ _ <br /> ,} �y J �_.,:.i�'. . ' , <br /> .���. <br /> - � � _ . , • . . . <br /> �.:' ;� • ' , <br /> 3A ' ' . ' '. . <br /> �.� , . . ; ; <br /> f.V . ' <br />�� . J1`1' � � _ I .. � <br /> - ��� .. . . . . .. . <br /> .q4\ . . <br /> ' . � � .f " .. . . <br /> . . <br /> Y' � � � �� <br />