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<br /> Tp(il;Tl-IER Wi'fH al( the improvemen �►ow or hereditcr erected on che pro y, and,�11 easemencs, a�urtenances, and
<br /> fixtures now on c�rcafter d part of the pr ty. AU replacements and additio S shall also be covcrcA by this Sec;urity
<br /> Insvument:All of the foregomg is refei7ed co i tt�is Secunty Instrument as thc"Pro ty."
<br /> BORROWER COVEIVAN'C'S that Borro er i.S law�ully seised c�f the es�stc hc by conveyed and has thc right W gr�nt t�nd
<br /> convey the Properry aad that the �c�xrty i� unencvmbered, except for encumbr: ces of eecord. Barrower w:ur.�nts and will
<br /> defend generally thc ntte w the Property agains aIl cisims<�nd demands,subject w an encumbrances of record.
<br /> THIS SEGURITY 1NSTRUMENT enm ines uniEcxm covenann for nadona! �e and non-uRiform c�vcna�i�e with tim►erd
<br /> �:uiauons by juri�dicuon to consticute a un�fo sec;urity instrument covering real pro rty.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENAN'1'S. Bocrower I,e�ncler covenant a,�d agree t�s f�llo s:
<br /> 1• Payment oF Prirncipat and hiterest Pre�ayment and Late Charges, orrower sF�al! prqrr►ptly pay when due the
<br /> pr;ncipai ot"and incere�t cui fl�e debt e�icienc;r.ci y che N�te and any prepaymr�nt and la charge�due unda the No�e.
<br /> 2. Flunrls for Taxes and Insurance. S bjcct to appGcable law or ro a writtc waiver by Lender, Borrpwer shall pay to i
<br /> Lender on the day monthly payments arc Aue nder the Note, until thc Notc is paid ' full, a surra("Funds") fvr: (a)yearly ta�ccs
<br /> and�usessmertts wh�ch may at�tur priority ov this Security[nstrument u.e a lien on the�ittiperty; (b)yearty (e��.5ch0�d payments
<br /> or ground re.nts on the Property, if any; (c)y ty haz�ud or property insurAnc:e pr iums; (d) ycarly f]ppcJ insur�nce premiums.
<br /> �t�my; (e) Yearly mcxtgage ►nsur:mc.-e premi�r ., if any: arrct(#} �u�y sums payable y Bozrower eo I.ender, in accord�tnce with
<br /> the pro�isions o,f p:uagraph 8, in lieu of the yment of moitgage insurance premiu s. These ir;ems are c�ilted "Escrow Ttems."
<br /> l.enclec m.�y, at eny time, eolteet anc! hol� ds irr an amount nor� exceed the maximum amounc a lender for a fecler;,�t1
<br /> Y
<br /> related mort a e loan rt�a r uire fcx B
<br /> 8 8 Y u! orro er's escrow ac;c;ount under che feder Rerl Es�ate Seulement Procec.fures Act of
<br /> 1974 ,�s �unendeci from timc to time, l2 U.S. . Section 2601 et sry. ("RESPA"), niess another law that appGes to the Funds
<br /> seca a lesser amount. If so, Lender may, at y ume, collect and hoid Funds in � a�nount not to excee�l tbe lesser am�unt.
<br /> Lcnder rrury escimate the am0unt 0� Funds d tx� the basis ol'currr.nt data and r nable estimates of expenditures of fbu�re
<br /> Escrow Items or oiherwi�e in,u;wrdance with plicablc law.
<br /> The Funds shaU be_held in an instit ' a- whc�se deposits are insurcd by a federal agency, insaumcrrtxlity, or endty
<br /> (including �„ender, if[.endu is such an insptu 'on) or in any Fcdcral Home T�oan B k.I.endcr sha!! app►y �e Funds io pay the
<br /> Escrow Ittms. I.endex may not Ch�r�e_Bs�unw f�r holding snd-applyin#� the Funds ennually analyzing t�e e.ecrc�w aceount, �r
<br /> verifying the Escr�w tcems, unless Lendcr pa Burrower incereat �n the FunAs and pplicable law�rmits L,ender to make such
<br /> a ch:ur�e. However, I.andcr may_rec}ui�ce B�rr wec to pay a_one:time charge fo�an ' dependent real esli�tte cax re�rting service
<br /> used by Lender in connrc;tivn wi[h rhis lo , unless applicabte law pro�idcs o envise, Unless an agrccment is m:►cie or
<br /> applicabie ►aw requires interest to bc paid, L� der shall nut be requited tp pay &�r wer any iu►tc.�est�r e�►ings�n the Funds.
<br /> Borrower and Lcndcr may ad�ree in wriung, h wevcr, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender ahall gi�c to Borrower,
<br /> withoet eharge, an annual accounting oC the unJs, showing credits and debits tx� the Funds and the Rurpcxse. £or which each
<br /> debit to the Funds was made.The Funds�►�e pl ged as addiuonal securiey fvr�dl sums secured by this Secunty Instrument.
<br /> If thc Fu�<is held by Lender exceed thc twnts permiued to i�e held by SRpli• bk law, Lender shall�cuunt to Borrower
<br /> for ebe excess Funds in aecorcia,�ce with the t uirement� of applicable law. !f the oum of`thc Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> �imc is not suffic,7enr to pap the Eserow Itert�s .hen due, Lender may �notify $orr wer in writing, ac►d, io such c��se Bcmower
<br /> sh�l! pay ro Lender the amount necessAry [o ake up the deticiency. Borrower sh 1 make up the deficiency in no more tt�.m
<br /> cwelvc monthly p�ryments,at t.ender's sofc disC non:
<br /> Upon payment in full o�' a[l sums sec by this Security Ins�umenc, Len shaill prompdy refund w Borrower any
<br /> �'unds hekd by F.ender. If, vnder p�agrnph 2I, Lender shatf acquire or se�1 the Pto ty, Lender, pcior to the ac;quisitinn qr salc
<br /> of�he Proper�y, shall <<pply any Funds held b Le�der at rhe ume�f xquisivan or •ile as a credit against the sums secured by
<br /> this Saurity Insvument.
<br /> 3. Application of�ayments. Unless app icable luw provides otherwise, aU pa enu received by Lender undt,�r p;uagrephs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be a�lied: f'ust, �0 any prepay c#targes doe under the Note; seco d, to am�uncs payabte under paragraph 2;
<br /> thud,to intrrest due;fourth,tp prxncipal due;ftn last,cn any la1,e ch<uges due under th Notc.
<br /> 4. Chhrges; Llens. Borrower �h811 pay • I taxes, assessmenls, chargt;�, fines � d im�siu�ns attribu4�ble eo the Properry
<br /> which may attain prxority over this Security I slrumcnt, and leasehold payments o gound rencs, if any. �orrowc;r shaq pay
<br /> chese obligations u►the manner provided in p �aph 2, or if not�eici in that martn � Borrower shall pay them on time direcdy
<br /> w �he person owed paymcnt. Borrower s6�t1 p mptly furnish to�.ender�dl noaces f emounts w be p�ud under chis paragraph.
<br /> li'8orrower makes these payments dinectly,Bo owt�r shall prorn�dy furnisl��o Lender rec;eipts evidencing thc payment�.
<br /> Borrower sh�ll pramptly discharge vny li which has priori�y o�er this Sec:urit [nsUUmcnt unless Borrower: (a)agrees in
<br /> wriang tp tt�e pryment c�f the obligation secure` by the lien in a manser aeceptable Lender; (b)contests in goocl fuith the lien
<br /> by, or defends against ertfarcemerrt of che li rr in, tegat proceul�ngs which in th I.ender's opini�n operate to prevent the
<br /> enforcement of the lien; or (c) secures frum th holder Of the lien an agreement Saei aCipcy W j.,ender subordinating the 1►en to
<br /> this Seeurtty Instrutrient. If Lendcr dctermi�s:�r azry parr nf che Property is sub t w a ren w6ich may atuun prioriry over
<br /> th�s Securiry Tnstrumcnc, Lendez may give Bo �wer a noticC ader�ufying the lieti. B rrowcr shall satisfy d�e lien or tekc one ur
<br /> more of thc aCtions set ferttt ab�ve withirr l0 t1A s oE the�iving of ntnicc.
<br /> Fo�m 3028 9I90
<br /> �-6RfNE1 re2�z�.o, p,p�2 0�a
<br /> m IroGN��
<br /> MFNF.]111 -02197 � 102AA719
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