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.;��`N.�•.. a�j � _ . , .. , w�.�n.+`i�.:.. . ---...Y:a• !�i..r,n��Ciis_:.:•.�--. <br /> - :���- -:7�� <br /> --- -----_.._ U•� , • . _ , �- , -- <br />-- — �--- � 93=�O:�a4�.i <br /> __ _ -� ,�ro�b�ad Q.`yde�'ed��`�d�e.00uat d wcb p.rinaM.. Any.�ew.pboMd.oMar M <br /> dl ond�e1M i�IoM�al ii�ity IwqunMnt WrY bi�it1 ia die mtlqt <br /> IMaU awtled thaeto. <br /> � l�t. Lender may oolkct[ees�ad cb�es wtlad�ed b7►die S�erwrY. <br /> !. Ge�a�de Ibo Aa�rNio�ot D�6f. i�����in tbe cs�e d p�yawat delwhs, <br /> ��irqxhe�femnadi�e,��io�o[�U��ec�diis Sacudty In�autna�t <br /> .—.— — (i)Bonowtr Ns by fdlina to p�y in iWl an9��Y l�l��'09�bY�+�Y 1�P� <br /> to or oa the due dde d d�e next ma�tblY MY�a , <br /> ii)Hamwer dafwia 6y faiW�.fa a periad ot d�ty d�y��w perfam�uy odter oblipdau oonqined in d� <br /> (b)Sde��Yitbont�It Approval. Lender sh�ll,if pormiued by�pplk;able law a�d wlth the priar�pp��u�vd of 16e <br /> d�ry.�!���MY�t in tWl of dl the aw�u secwod by this Secudry Insuament if: <br /> �(i)All or p�rt of the a baie8cid inteneat in�dust owninQ all or put of the Propaty,i�eold or <br /> otlKtwi�e traacfcaed(otl�er th�n by devicc or dcscent)by the Bamwtr.aad <br /> (ii)71ie PropettY i�not occupied Oy the P�6ut hia� crodit I�s � spp�uvod in �o�coid�uoe <br /> ot gtantee daa so occupy d�e Pna�erty <br /> vr�th the ro�i�e�r�ta of the Socticlary. <br /> (c)No Wdver. if cincw�stanees axur that wouW pamit L.erder to requi�e i�ou�edia�o pyma�t in fuli.but i�atder <br /> ,,:.�� does not such ts.l.a�cler does not waive its nighb wiW�es4ect w aabsequent events. <br /> .t_�;;� ld)We�ul*�ot�sewYt�n In mmy circum�uu�ces reguladoos��suea a�r rhe secreu�ry ww umit I.e�ry <br /> '�Hghts, iq the cnsc of p�yment de:wlt�. wrequiro immediato payme�t m full +�nd forocloso if notp�d. 7bu <br /> -'.r ._� Security In�wment does not aut6a�iza wceler�uion or foKClo�uro if not petmitkd by rcgulatioru of the 4ocr�ary. <br /> _- --_:���.r�:` _ (e)Morig�x Rloi I�c�. Bwmwcr agr^�,es thac shauld this SccuritY 8 ��wnth�dx uote secu�d from the <br /> �,.r�����.� <br /> -°— be eligible for insur+wKe wder the N�liotul Housing Act within <br /> 4.:,�.� <br /> •;,•;� dote hereof.i.ender ita aption and notwithctw�ding anything in Huagru�►h 9,require immediate p�yment in <br /> ;.�1 full of all sums secw�ed'b��oA��ty Inwrument. A wiitten statement of any aulhorizod�gent of Ihe Socretuy <br /> ;;',�� dated subsequent to from the date hcrcof.declining to inaure thia Security <br /> insWment end the note cecured therc'by.sha��be dcemed conclusive prnof of such ineligibility. Notwithst�nding <br /> - the foregoing,ihis option may not be exercised by Lender whGa the uoavai0amility of iasurancx is sokly due to <br /> Lender's faiiurc to remit a mortgage insurance premium to the Secrctary. <br /> �� ---�;;�� 1Q lteiasuhmenw Bonower has a right to be ainsmted if L.cnder has rcquireiJ immediate payment in full beGUSe . <br /> uf Borrowerk failuro w pay en amount due under thc•Nae or this Security InswmcnG This right applles even aher <br /> -����� ' f o r e c l o s w e p t o c e e d i n g s a ro i n a t i t u t e d. 7 b r e i nstate the Securi ty insdvment. Borrawer shall tendee in a lump sum nll ' <br /> ^ `�'_ amounss rec�aises!te bting Horr�w�rh acawnt current including.w tbe extent they arc•obllgations of Borrower u�der thia'�, . <br />- �""- .� Security Insqument,foreclosure costs and reasoneWe and cuswmary aaomays'fces uad e�cpenses properiy associaled witb. ' <br />� � the�Foreolosure proceeding. Upon reinatatement by Borrower,this Security Inatrument und ihe obligations Uwt it secures <br /> � shnll remain in offect as if l.ender had nat rtc�uired immzdiate payment in full. However,Lender is not required to ipermit <br />�' �`"= reinstetement if: (i) Lender has accepted remstatement after the commencement of foreclosure proceedings withun two <br />- '.',.. years immediately preceding the commencement of u current foreclosure proceeding, (ii) reinslAtement will proclude <br />. " foreclosure on different grounds in the Puture,or(iii)reinstatement will adversely affect the prioriry of the lien crrated by <br /> - �_ this Security Instrument. <br /> ' 11. 8orrower Not Released; Forbearance by Lender Not a Wafver. Extension of ttre time of payment or <br /> � modlfication of amortization of the sumR secured by this Security Ingtrument granted by Lender to any successor in intercst <br />- �� �f' ` of Borrower shall not o ratc to release the liubilit of the ari inal Borrower or Borrowcr�successor in interest. L.ender <br /> ���`��� I shall not be rec�uired ro�commence proceedings uguinst an�successor in interest or refuse to extend time for paymmt or <br />;� ' - othenvise mod�fy amortizadon of the sums secured by th�s Security Instrument bX reason of any demend made by 1he <br /> tt4*- �� '" � originsl Borrower or Borrower�successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender m exercising any right or romedy shall <br />_ �' n:i,�'r. .� <br /> .�� i�;��r�:��,..,w,. . not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of ony dght or remedy. <br /> ' ,�,,;�;,;e,;��,, 1�. Successors and Assigns Bound;Jeint and Several[.iability; CaSigners. 7'he covenents and agrccments af <br /> '� ' �� � this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors nnd assigns of Lender nnd Borrower.subject to the provisiona <br /> :�.,.� . <br /> �$��i�csr,�,.�ab;i. ��.:_,.`� <br /> -�;',;,:• ,. __,, .. of Paragraph 9.b. Borrower�s covenunts nnd agrcemenls shnll be joim and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this <br /> -�a- •� : -�,,;x,,',` Security Instrument but dces not execute ihe N�te; (u)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgege.gmnt and <br /> 'r'•�.�••' convey that Borrower�s interest in the Praperty under the terms uf thix Securiry Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated to <br /> � � �"`�`f.• ��d. ., ., pay the sums secured by this Securiry Instn�menr,und(c)rgreeti that Lender und uny other Borrower may agrce to extend, <br /> _ '''"���"r�,��;� mod�fy,forbear or make any uccammodulions with regard to the t�rtns of this Secunty Inswment ar thc Note without thet <br />`,;~`.•., ''-�,��'?;�� i:� , � Borrower'�conxent. <br /> �-.-�..'`. • • '�" �« 13. Naices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security lnstrument shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> � ,. •,, mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law reyuires u�e of unothcr method. The notice shall be directed to the <br /> ==r-,: f,,n, , �i '��{: Propeny Addreas or any ather address 8orrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to l.ender shall be given by <br /> ��" � ,4�'��.� - � � firs�class rnail to Lender�uddress stated hetein or any �iddress Lender de�i�tnules by notice ta Horrower. Any nolice <br /> ��,.:. � X r,,�: rovided for in this Security Insuument�hnll be deemed to huve tieen givcn to Borrower or l,ender when given as provided <br />�`�.''�- . Q <br /> ;.,�.,�i, :L • �n this purugruph. <br /> �'�����; 14. Governing Law;Severability. This Securiry)n�trument xhall Ix govemed by F'ederal law and the law of the <br /> , ,. jurisdiction in which the Property is lacated. In the event th•rt any provisiun or clauxe of this Securiry Instrument or�he <br />-- .. �-��• �:.;. __^._ Note ronflicts with np�lioohle Inw,.uch conflict ,hall not uffer�rnher provisions of thic Security]nstrument or the Note <br /> �''� �'�: � which c:u�be given eftect wiihout the conflicling provision. To this end the provisionr of thi9 Srcurily Instrument and the <br />- �� �`� ,�t' Note m+e declared to be sr�emble. <br /> L ,1>;',.,•�.,. <br /> �- ;;;.,�,.�<•• 1S. Borrower's Copy. 8omower shull be given one conformed copy oi'thiti Security lnstrumem. <br />- � �j�i�� "• 16. Assigr+meni oP Rents. Bortower uncanditionally a,sigm and tr,msfer�ta Lcndcr all the rents and revenues nf the <br /> �,.,' ,.:��,.,,� <br /> •;>; ti':;,\,?,i�Y':.,..: ' ..;:1, piopertY. Bon�ower au�horizes Lender or Leader's agents to collert�he rents and revenues und hereby directs euch tenant oP <br /> _•�'•T��� • �;.f�$,��`��;;<�+.,;� ��, ttx Pmpeny to puy the rents to I.ender or Lender's agents. However,prior to l.ender's notice to Bonower ot'Borrower's <br /> _ . � �•}'"i•`•� �' •'f�' breach of uny covenent or ugreement in the Security Instrument,Borrnwer shall enllect and receive all rents ond revenues of <br />_ � �,..�1•,•.;u.,'�'. :�.:�, <br /> �: z � ;�?���b!�'.-.,:,.<•,��' the Property a+trustee for the benefit oF Lender and Burmwer. This�.tisignment ot ren�s cans�itutes an absolure assignment <br /> �•ti y; . � "�"; ::..;,." wid not an assignment for udditionul security only. <br /> � If I rnder oivcc notice of brench to Borrower. �al all rents received bv Bormwer shull be held by Borrower as trustee <br /> �� 'i�t� + � . `: for benefit of Lender only,to be upplied to �he sums securcd by the Sccuriry Ins�rument:(b)Lender shall be en1lQed to <br /> �� ��� �.'.. �' collect and receive all of the nents of the Property;ond(c)euch tenant of the Property shnll pay all rents due and unpuid t� <br /> , ��.::..�.. <br /> •. . ,. • L.ender or Lender§ugent on Lender�wrinen demand to the tenunl. <br /> ' � � ` � ` Horrowcr has not cxecuted any prior sus�gnment of the rents und has not nnd wlll not perform any uct that would <br /> •.� — ,*�-�'��•���-��� p�rvent L�nder from�+c�rcising its rights undcr thts P�agnsph 16. <br /> • '�� �'%�•" � - Lender shall not be rcquired to cnler upon,lake control of or mnintnin 1he Propeny before or after giving noticc of <br /> '�1^u:�t:.'�� brcach to 8amower. However,Lender or u judicially ap�winted receivcr mny do so�t ony rime�here is u breach. Any <br /> .~..:. �. .. applicatian of rents shall not cure or waive any default or mvalidute s+ny otMer right or remedy of L.ender. This assignment <br /> '��: . '. • of rtnts of the Property shall terminate when Ihe debt secured by the Security Instrument is pa�d in full. <br />�"� �„ .:.��. <br /> = M.�s:'.��� q�uae.i�)4puRes� <br /> -,t. I - h�" ,y,. <br />. ._ , .1,: "- . ..� <br /> '�.. , _ . .J . <br />