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rd':� '...._ �� <br /> .� . c . - -- .� <br /> r f <br /> _.� • -- <br /> -- - _,� � �.__t...�.— ..;� � --`--- <br /> �:�- 103�15 � ___ <br /> - --,�- UNIFORM COVENANiTB.Borro�wr�nd l�ndw coven�nl�nd a�pn�u Iolbwr. `-- <br /> �, R�� � �L Borrow�r�hall p�amPaY P�Y w�� �� P�naip�l ol�nd Int��N on Ih� <br /> _ ind�lwk�Ih�NoM. lu�d I�b ch��prsasp�ovW�d►n th�NoM.and fh�p►inaiPUol�ndlMrr�MO� <br /> - �n�t Futun AdwMOM Mout�d bY tM ol TNtt <br /> �. fwwiN�T�MrMMwr�.8up�t to�ppllabtsl�watoaw�ilNnw�bYLw�.BomowK�h�IlpaywL�� <br /> ontbsd��monMNylnWllry�bModnalp�l�ndlntwatanpa�und�th�NoM.unUItA�NoalapNdinhiN��wMf1�� <br /> _ "Funeb")��W or�twNRh ot fho ywnY t�c�a and sa�sssmanfs wMch msy eft�in priodq owr tlda DMd o1 Trutt md o_T R <br /> proundt�nbonlh�aP�opwtY.if�ny,PHaoM�h�NRhot �typrnnlwninspUlm�nblorhasardinwranc�.Wworn-twMllhof <br /> Y+�Y P�nf In Il�nb for mo�p�p Insunnce. 1�mr.all�s nuombyr�tlmaMd imNaly�nd hom MnM�o finN b�r <br /> - 1,�mMr ae tM bnit a�tn�a a-dn �bN��and n�wn�MW�MS Ih�wl. <br /> TfwRund�sh�Mb�hNdln�ninatiMfo�th�d�poslaonccount�ofwhlcbaninwredor wranlMd.bY�F�a�a►�uu�° <br /> --- Inq�ira�nci P�i�uals��ound�b sL.s�►miy nd charys f��w Iw�ldl n�0piannd�Pp�Y 0�Funds.�arwlytinp��t <br /> o�v�rytyl�pa�ulcompllinp�aldawssmsnb�ndblllsunle�fL�nd�►pay�BonowerinUrestontl►�Fw�d��nda�p�oabNl�w <br /> - -���.W�..�'� perm ibUndMbmek�weh�aharg�.8orrowenndLsnd�rm��aQn�lnw�idnp�tlh�dm�ols�x�culbnoflhi�vNOdT�us1 <br /> _ '���'_'-- th�t In1�ta1 a1 th�Fund��h�ll b�P�d to 8orrowsr.�nd unlea wah apresmsnt b m�or -� nds.l.�i��shall��iw M <br /> — +��onowii withou�t ahL i�an�annwl�iic�p of Me Fu��ilwMwr��q�d�fb an�d d�b�b�ot t1�is Funda and N�pu�pow lor <br /> whiah�ach d�bitlo tM�unds w�sm�do_'f h�Fu n dau�p N d p�d a a+w f tl i l i o n a l s�c u►i b l o r t�w^nsa�cu��db y�sDMd of <br /> — . . Trutt e �iz�9oth�due �L:`;. <br /> • If��amount ol tM funds MW by l�n�ler.toyethar with the futun montl�ly i�at�INnenls o1 Funda W1yab1 p '�,:;_: <br /> - � w���- d�OM of t�cM.atM�wn�nb,inwancs pnrtiiuma and p►ound renta,ahaY sxeeed tne emouM�aqulred to pt�p seld Ux�l. - _— <br /> �'���� aua�m�nb,i�wranc�Pnmiums�nd graund rer�b as thsy hll due,auoh excsss�nall be,ot�onower'�optlwi.Nt�r <br /> . � <br /> " � v,,;;,�,�e+.-;•:'� pran p q ynp�f d b 9 o r ro w�o r c r�d i M d io B�rrower on monMlr i�se�4tments ol Funda.lf d16.amaunt of fM Funds hd�t a y ----- <br /> l.inlerahnNnotbse��l�ciM+HuP�yuuc�.eues�w^is.insurancep��ameendg�aundrenn�st�oyhlldue.8onowerahaN <br /> "';' .f� . — pay to L�n d K an �moun t o e c e»�ry t o m u c e u p t h e d N i c b�c y with►n 30 d�y�hom 9n�wt�nodc�is mailed�y 4emNr 1a _ <br /> �.'�_. ` , BoROwYr ro4�D�Y�t fhsreoi. <br /> lJppn p�ym«q In full of all wms securee by this Oeed o1 TrusL Lenderohall prompdy refund to Bor►ower any F unde hetd by _ <br /> L�ndK,��undK puaqnph 19 hereof the PropaAy is sold orthe Proqerhl ia otharwlee acquirsd by Lender.Lender slull ap{tily, <br /> • • nol�t�rthanlrt�nNdlatNyp�iortothssaleatlhePropertyaits�c uisitfonbyLsnda�.andFundao�eldbyLend�r�tthstlmeol <br /> � � � applic�tlon�i a crodlf sp�inst d�sums�curad by thls Oeed of�►uaL _ <br /> . � 3_AppNedion pf p�w�b.Unle�s applicablaLender Hrst�in paymen of amounta payab e t Lynder by 8orrower under �=° <br /> and raphs 1 end 2?ieroof ehall be apWied Y - - <br /> 2h�r�of,�tolnt�nstpayabl�onlheNote.thentotheprincipaloftheNota,endthsntoMtorsstand�tincipalon �°:.:• <br /> . • an�Advancss. —=- <br /> 4_ ����LI�.Borrowersshallpaydltaxes.aasessmentaandothercharges,tinesandimpaaitionsattributablelothe .o.�-- <br /> , prop�Ay whkh may�ttaln a p�fority over tlus Oeed ol Trust,end leesehotd payments or ground renle,if any,in the menner _ _ <br /> -• � provided undN raqraph Z h�rs�i or,if not�rd i�auch msnns►,by Bonower maklnp ymen�when due,direcdy b the � <br /> ���� � � peragraph,and in ths eve�1 <br /> �,'':w:.?_ <br /> p� ower ehdl promptly f um�a..�o lendar all�oUces of amounta due u er thls <br /> - _: ;�,..;,,,,.:�� :.;.• . . 8a�row�sha!! malsa� t direQtly. Bonc��N. n��promptly fumi�h to Lender recelpts evidenainq auch paymen fi;,- <br /> . ' (.;r;..,, . � ,� ' Borrowar�II promp y dischar�s any 1 ien wh�ch has�norfry ovsr this De�d ol T�uak pravided.H18��OftOWti�b��O�s i�a1�.e ,.::- <br /> De d <br /> _��,,,.j.�,� ;;:�,,:;;, requindtodltcn�rQsa�nx a�uchllenaolongasBonowershsllapreelnwritinqtothepaymer�toftheobflqerioneecuredbyeuah = <br /> .,�;�:�. . Uen in�rt�nnK eccep�e to Lender,or ahelf in good falth conteat euch lien by,or defend enfo�cement of such Ilen fn,lapal <br /> :. � �:`: '�)'±�,' ' , � proc�edlnp�whlch opsrab to prevaM the enforcement of the Ilen o►forfeihxe of!he Properly ar any pan the►eot. <br /> . . {,,'.. ,. •. <br /> `��'��` +@S�t,�:, ` '�: a, Ma�d I�unnc�.8orrower ahell kee the improvemenls now existing or hereaRer erected on the Property ioeured <br /> .`,rd{..,,; . p <br /> ' �;�`..;,:.;�.'•..��.� .. ap�in�t lOa by Nre,huards included witl�ln tt�e term"extanded coversge",and such other h�zards ea Lender mey reqwre F._ __ <br /> � end in such�mounts and for such penodeas Lender may require;provided,that Lender shaU not require th�t th�amount o1 <br /> +��;•�i;�J" „ the sum6 aecured b this Oeed of T►uat _ <br /> such covenps exceed that amount o1 coverage requi�ed to pay Y <br /> ThI�Inwr�nacarrfer provlding the insurance shall bechoaen by Borrower aubjecttoappro�+�bY�e e�r.�p^Qi�d�� <br /> auch approvd ahall not be unreaaonebly wllhheld.AII premwms on insurance pollciea sheR be i Pro __ <br /> °`..;�� under pangroph 2 hereof or,if not paid in euch manner,by Borrower mekMq paymant,when duo.dlrectly to th�insuronce ___- <br /> : co�ier. 4 � <br /> .,�'��.' .' All Insunnce policies and renewela thereof ehall be in lorm acceptable to lender and shall include a stande�d m o R Oaqe <br /> clauaoinfevorof�ndlnformacceptableloLender.Lendershallhevelheris�httaholdthepolicieaendrenewalsthereorend �•1:� <br /> `f.,� �,.,:,, 8orrowerehellprompdylumiahtoLenderallrenewalnoUcesandallrecefp�sotpaldpremwms.lntheeventotbss.8atower ;, <br /> �, '° � ahNlylvspromp1noUcetotheinsurancecerdaranclLender.LendermaymakeprootoflossdnotmedeprompdybyBoROwer. .,;__ <br /> ��f`�i�,i;. ;��,,�)i� � UnlessLenderandBoROwerotherwiseag�eemwnting,msuranceproceedsehallbeepplfedtoreetoretlonorrepalrotthe r`- <br /> ..,,� .;,: � •. Property damaged,prov�ded such reato�adon or repair Is econornicAlly lea�ible and Ihe secur�ry of this Oeed ot T�vat is not <br /> �� � ' � " theraby ImpaIred.If auch restoratlan or repa���s not economically leaaible or H the secwiry of Ihis Deed of Trust would be ,�__ <br />"�";�.'`�� �,:,��„j,, impalred,the i�eurance proceeds shaN be aPp��ed to the auma�ecured by lhis Oeed ol Trust,with the anY.paid to := <br /> 8orrower.It the Property Is abendohed by Borrower,or ff Borrower Ia11s to respond t0 Lender within 30 days/rom the date •�� <br /> • ,., � ��� notice ia mefled by Lender to 9orrower that the insurance carner oHers to setlle o claim lor�naurance benefits.Lender is �� �' <br /> ,�•�:�!�`�:�,,'� authorfzed ro collect end apply Ihe maurance proceeda at Lender's option either lo reatoration a repair of the PropeAy or to 'k f«, <br />,''-�'•: f5 r�r"•" . . t h e e u m s s e c u r e d b y t h i a O�e d of T rust. } <br /> ����''� '' � Unless Lender and Borrower otherw�seag ree in wn6ng,any such appUcation o l proce e ds to pn n c i p a l s h e l l�o t e x t e n d o r ` -` <br />�;'•:���•�;;� :;;�,:, �, .., �.,'{t pos t p o n e t h e d u e d a t e of the monthl y msmuments referred to m paragraphs 1 and 2 he�eof or change the amount o1 such � <br /> ;;;1}�!,t; • i natallmsnb.If under peragraph 18 hereolthe Properry fa acqwred by L ender,e l l rf�h t,l l t le en d in t e r i a t o f B o r r o w e�I n e n d t o <br />� .�:^{;.: •�'• � anyineurancepollcfssendlnendtolhepraeedslhereofresultingfromdamagetotl�ePropertyprfortothesaleoracqw�ltion �, <br />��•':'�'�: z'�i;;�°• • ehall pass to Lender t0 the extent of the aums secured by thls Deed ot Truat fmmediately pnor to such sale or scqwa l hon. "r <br />= ��t�+ fi��;';;iry�T 6. Pr��nr�llonandMatnt�nanc�of Prop�Ay:Lea�eholds:Condominlunn:Wsnn�dUnNO� Borrowershall , <br /> � `�� " keep ths PropeAy fn good repav a�d sh aY not cammit waete or permrt im eirment ot deterwratfon o the Property and ehall ;' <br /> ,.,. . <br />��; '�� ' :•� � comply wlththe provlaione of any lec�se�t tNa[]eeci o1 TrusUS on e leaseho .If thls Oeed of Trust is on a unit in a condom�Mum <br />'t•:; �. ; � � `� or a p lanned unit developmem. 8orrower s1�a�l pe r lorm a l l o f B orr o w e i s o b l f g e q o n a u n d e r t h e d e c l a r ah on or covsnents , <br />� ki�� ��•�•:,�� creadnp or yovem�ng the condommwm a planned un�t development,the by-laws ancl regulationa ot the condominlum or � <br />< -"'��' ��� ,• pIanned unit development,a�d consUluerd documents.If a condommwm or planned und development rider ia exCUled by : <br />_ �I�i?�.;i.t � • , <br /> � � .; �;;� • Borrowsr and�acordetl together wun th ia Deed ut Trus1,lhe wvennnla end ay+ee�nrnty ut�uch rider she�l be iocorporated ; <br /> � •�;,!j`.;::'"�.•' ",' , into and ahYll amend and supplement the covenants and ag�eements o1 this Deed of Trus:os it 1Ae rlder were a part hereof. <br /> ,� ,,`,,,;;f;�,;. ,. . �• : <br />:,,��,';, ' �.'��.:;;`;;;;,�,,,i. ,.,., �,: 7, probatlon of L�nd�r's$�curH�t.lf Borrower faila to peNorm the covenants and agreements conteined in this fket101 <br />;�;.•.:�,.' ��.��;.;�;;;;'�;f�;,5'j;`.��:.�', Truet,or If eny aclfon or proceeding is commenced wdh meterially nHects Lender'e intereat fn the PropeHy.�ncluding bW not <br /> :,'+S.•:.',; �°� •��t;''.' '�� �• Ilmitedto.eminentdomein,insolvency,cotleenlorcement.orarra�gemeMSOrproceed�ngsmvolvingab8nkruptordeCedenL <br /> •"" � '�^ ''�' ' s;�,� then lender at Lender's optlon.upon natice to Borrower,may make such appearances,disDurse such sum9 and taMe euch <br /> . . . . , i . , ,,. �;,, .. <br /> ��;,•''�"� �f''1� eCtionasianecesserytoproteclLender'slnterest.includ�ng,butnotfimdedlo.disburaemeMOlreasonebl�aflorney'D}eesantl <br /> '��`�; '� �,�i�� ent�y uponthe Propertylo make repa�rs.Illender requuecfmortgage ineuranca as a eonddfon otmakfng lheloan secured by <br /> the Deed of Truaf.8orrower ahall pay the premlum9 reqw�ed l0 mamte�n suCh insurance m efleCt until auCh tlme aa the <br /> ,.'�.:r ' ��.'��:�°�' requfremYnlforeuchlneuranceterrnmatesm accordencew�th8orroweisandLender'awnflenagreementwa,pplicalbelew. <br /> Bonowsr ahall pay the omount of all mongage fns�xence permwma in the manner prov�ded under paregraph Z heroof. ..,,;, <br /> ,�L'; Any amouhle diabursetl by Lender p�rsuent to this ar8oraph 7, wflh mterest thereon, sh911 become eddldonal <br /> .��_P._i5... ....a�.....�.,.nn.m�i+n�harfarm�toloavmellLEUCh <br /> T—"---- I�tla0te0neSSOttiorrowernecufCVU�iioS�esiv'vi i�iiia..u�.�o.�..v.l.^.�5:............-��.�-e•--•-'- <br /> �.v � emountd ah011 be payable upOn not�ce teom Lender to 8orrower requesung payment hereot.and shell bear mtereat from the i. <br /> � dete 01 dlebursementANho�ate payeble lrom Ume to Ume on outstandmg pnnapal under the Note uNess payment of iMereat � <br /> . et suCh rab would be contrery to appl�ca�le�aw.�n wh�ch event such amounts shall bear intereat ef lhe highest rate . <br /> permleafbleunder applicable law.Noth�ngconta�ned in th�s aaragraph 7 shall requue Lender to Incu�any e,cpense a takeany <br /> ;:,•��. �-:� — � ecti�r�6uncisr. i. <br /> �,:� �' �. InspNlon.Lender mey make or cause b be made reasonable entnes upon and�nspeCt�ons ol the Property,pronded <br /> i:'. •�►. , IhatLenderehellgive8orrowernoucepnorloenysuch�nspechonspeaty�ngreasonablecausethereforerelatedtoLenAer's <br /> i <br />, �'� �nteroft fn Ihe PropeAy. , <br />:J '� • � � <br /> r . ; ,� .' ; .. <br /> ' R <br /> � <br />