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,.; < . � ._...._.____. i..taM.. _ <br /> n +� ° <br /> t . � --d�AfLS � . ': \1+++yM <br /> u �...J.y ...ire�.. <br /> �x+�'m�R+.r —_ <br /> .. . ... . _ . .. _ _. ..... . .... -->r ._��8:1�� i.♦ . .. y _Y'it'C •.K! <br /> �i <br /> ... . ... , . �� ' 'Jt�' ' ;°!"�_fv-�"�_: . '_!—_. � <br /> .. . . <br /> � .. . . . . ______ _..—__ .__ - � - <br /> , } . , � . , x-ir.0 s-. v -T'_ "' __ <br /> • - , .. �M�� - <br /> 7�N�rI�I rI��N�MMR�'M�f SUI��r1011I M��Mw•��/�� �. <br /> • .ii��iii.tiOM Gt�'.i."�"rt�'����. _��'�����!-f!4*.�!!!4.�����l��II�:�.�_,.'�: - <br /> • � iwl�w�i�. IW a�i��wwi�i w�1A 1�ie Il�i�14r����?�eMM�r�' , . , . <br /> �ORltOhi►!�R DOYBI�IAI�I'�i�t�an�o�a�i�bwr1M��►�fW a/�he�ww le��tqr a�rrd�11w IM ei�M�o�!!�t - <br /> �oonv�y d» �d�t Mit�rnpMty io u�b�qd.saoepl(br e�cra6nrrot+d w�odd. is�orr�r�wnt�+iM <br /> �iY i1Wd/a�tlqe b IY�Hopwq�ali'el�t'rd dan�nde.Mbjrct lo�►�.w�M'�d woai <br /> 7'Nq 3�Cf]Itrl'1f INS1�UAiBM'cowbir�a u�ifaw cov�iq tar�iood nr Yrd saaa�ifan� oo��wlb Mi • <br /> , limimd vmiadau hy�arls�n m poo�uoa a wd�aa xarcity�truaaan anverin�ee�l pnopert�r• <br /> . r . . <br /> UNII�RM�V�IAM'4. 80110'N��Id j.Mly QOMOMYK��Ib�Y tOIIDMy: . <br /> ' j. ��M1 A��`L'�M��'�i�'M�M��•N�C�'�. BOfIOIY�/1W)�OIMpI��'N'�i�dM0 r10 <br /> pdnaip�l af md itMae�t an tl�a d�bt avjdanoed by die No�e aid oy prepymak aad IMe d�es dre�nb�t,Mrt No1e. <br /> 1 l+IMN fbr 7k�wd IMwa�oe. 3ub3eot w�ppiia�6b!�w ano a�nrilwn waiMet by l.aKier.Bor�o��11 py�o <br /> 6eod�oa the d�Y�y I�Y�U ate due w�da tla Na�.until tlie NMe i�p�id M tWl.a am("fl�")fa:(�)Yarly <br /> t��nd�ewtiaan which mq atWn piairy over dd�Security Inipomaut a�lien m die Prapaty:(b)y�arlY badiold <br /> p�yn�tt a pouqd ranp m tlie P�a�paty. if' y.� (c) YaaiY b�rapd a p�aperty incanupe por,mi�a� (d) �raitly (1oo�d <br /> i�m�noe pro�niwm, U aryt te)Yw19 mo�tp�e�inivanoe p�anNum,.if any�and(�+u�!'swas Pryable 1ry Bamwer w <br /> La�d�r.ia�ooaid�noe wlth tbe povi:ians ot p�n,�h Iku of tl�ep�yma�t d matg�e�oe pKmiwnt. 71ie�e <br /> ita�a ao�allod"F.�c�ow itans." i.aKkr tn�y.��ay time.��nd bold Rud�ia an+�o�NUSt not to exoeod tbe mtutimtmA <br /> arwuat a lenikr fa a fodedly�el�eed matp�e loaa msy�equi�a for Barowati es�mrv a000um ander tfa fedctd Rail <br /> Bct�te Setdenlent 1'rooed�u�Act at 19T4 as�qeeidc�from dme w�fano.l2 U.S.C.¢2601 d stp.("RESPM`1.Iqfleu uwdla <br /> uw Uut applid to U�e Ru�di�p a la�ser Mnou�t. �f so.l_aider m� my t&ne,oolixt and bold Pirds in as�maiaa not to <br /> ezcaed tbe leuer�mount. [.eoder may estimame the anouot d F3mds due an t6e b�is ot cumenl d�q�nd �toMbk <br /> �of enpendituros of fluture�crow lams a adxrvvise ia aoc�nae wid��ppiicabie Lw. <br /> The Plp�ds�hd! be hcW in aa itatiwt�an wbote depocits am iawred by s fedet�l a�dxy. inqnmteaWiry.or eatjty <br /> (including La�der ic.�uch�n iostitution)ar in any Fakdl Home l.a�n Banlc. Lender�afl�pply the Ru�ds w p�Y <br /> t6e Facrow Itaas. Lendcr mny not cla�ge Borrower far holding And applying the P1mds.anaually wlyzin�the aaow <br /> aocount,or verifylag t6e Bscrow Itans.unkas L.a�der p�ya Borrowa intaeal oo the Punds aad�pplicabk law pan►its <br /> � La�der to make wch a ch�rge. Atawevcr.i,e�der may requiro Bortewer w pay a aic-tin�e ch�rge for�u ir�dcpa�dait teal <br /> e�tWe tu nepordng service�scd by Lrnder ia cormectian wi�h this laan�unlesa�applic�ble law provida dhavvlse. Uale,cs aa <br /> agroanmt is m+�dp or appliablc law mequires inte�est to be paid l.aidcr s?�ell not be roquirod to psy Bamwa any i�at or <br /> wnings on the Flinds. Hamwer and i�ender may�ae in wriring.however,tfuu inte�est stall bc paid on�he F'�nda. t.aider <br /> abaU give w Borrower.wi�Mut amual accau�ting of the Punds.showing credlts and debiu w the li�ndc iutd�1�e <br /> pu�pase for which eACh debit[o the Fund:w�r nade. The Hmds nre pledged m additional securiry for all sumc securod by <br /> fhia 3ecu�iry la�trutnen� <br /> ��x �s �5y t,�a��«a � � �a�:a� tx�a �y �� �,�. �� � so <br /> Bortower far 1he excess Funds in a�xordance with 1he requircmen�r af Applicabk IAw. If the anw�w of the Fw�ds held by <br /> Lender al a�y time is not sutTicient w pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender mey so ndify Bawo�er in writing.and,in <br /> :uch case�cAmWet shell pay w L.ender tha amount nocessary to meke up the deficia�cy. 8c►n+ow�.�r chall make up the <br /> deficiency in�o mat than twelve monthly I..enderk sole disc�eNon. <br /> Upon pxyment in W!1 of �11 sums secured by Ihis Secudry Instnunent.L,endar sfinU pn►mpUy refwM to Boraawer any ' <br /> ' FUnda held by Lender. 16.under paragraph 21.lxnder sFiall acquire a Rell the Propa-ry,L.ender.�nor to the acquisitian or <br /> sele of the Propetty. shall apply any Funds held by L.cnder at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sum� <br /> �ecurcd by this Security Insaument. <br /> 3. ApplkaUoa ot!'aymenta Unless applicabk l�w provldes o�herwlse. all payments�oeived by I.ender under <br /> pazagrapbs 1 and 2 shell be upplied:first,to any prepay-cmie:nt charges due under the Note; umouna pa�Able under <br /> pua�raph 2:thiM.W[nteres[due;fourth,to principnl due: and eny tate charges due under the Notc. <br /> 4. Cbnrges; Lieos. Bomowcr shAll pny �II taxcs,assessments, chsuges, fines tutd impositians uttributeble to the ' <br /> Property which may attain priority over thi�Secu�ity Instrument,and knsehold paymems or grcwad renis,jf any. Borrower <br /> shall pay these o'bUgatians in the manner�+ruvided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in ttiat manner.Boa�rrower shall pay them on' <br /> dme dirocdy to the peraon owed payment. Borrower shall pmmptly fumish to Lender all notices of art�unls to 6e paid under <br /> �his paragraph. If Homower makes these payments dir�ectly,Borrower xhall promptly fumish to Lende�receipts evidencing <br /> the payments. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security I�uvment unAFSS Borrower:la)agrees <br /> in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a munner accepwble to Lender,(trp contests in good faith the <br /> lien by.or defends ogAinst enforcement of the lien in,legs�l proreedings which in�he Lender�s opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enfo�ement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien nn agreement satisfactory to L.ender subordinating the lien <br /> ta this Security Inswment. If Lender determines that nny part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attnin priority <br /> over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identffying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy 1he lien or take <br /> one or more uf the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving ot notice. <br /> S. Haxord or Property Insurance. Bomower shall keep the improvements now cxisting ar hereafter erected on the <br /> 1'roperty insured against loss by fire,hazarrls included within the term"extended coverage"Alld AfiH 9�I1Cf IlA28f�S,including <br /> flaods or flooding,for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the Amounts nnd for the <br /> ram� 9AM► �poxe 2 oJe poRea► <br /> . a�cVxi�Sj{�:,�1'�Ri�°,��c'�s`T �,�,.�.��.��._ _ <br /> F .— .���a t5 L33 - ' . . . - .1!. . . �� ��� _. �4 •-.� � .t� . ry.rvta�='�f,: -c.- <br /> (t ... . <br /> Y1._ t r r N 1����k 1 � • � . . . � ' . . . <br /> . . ' <br /> I <br /> ..• i , t i�f�1��r <br /> ( ; r��, ��� <br /> �� �� � ' <br /> _...�_..4w.n�. - .. � ' . <br /> ��.Yr <br /> ,� <br /> -�..'.�_�. • � - - <br /> 1et�`,1a.f..:,_ • . 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