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. ..�....� 'S�C- _ : ir.:Fi�Ka'il' . :r «t:,.. �. ... �, . A ��"�lP•`•-"T�� _.. ( <br /> - � --- �•-��cfxtr,i!!(� . ' " ' � ' <br /> • ..., _, �•. .. . .t.13�2�+'r!�"" .,M,9r^.�b[1�'`^���-. �ICi�'�riAC7N1/JMt.�+a� <br /> . � <br /> -°-� --...... .. - - -- ` � ' -- <br /> ... .--- - -- � � . - , ' � � .. ., '�, ., . `�'.f .r.- ..� �5,� 4_`, ... �� ..- <br /> �: <br /> .. ,. . _ 'r''t".,'•' , <br /> • p{1�M�C�Of oi�����������,,�'����0�IO�M�011.N Y��`� ,� <br /> �lepili�L� - - _ �: :,. ., , .. �< <br /> f�4�avait ai a t�st�a!die hfopesl�•�!a_i-"'-'-'-'s'-'!'��='���!!►��weuNea Mgt-� <br /> - i�w�w�fiMhr a�ot�ir.�vM�MiY aow!W�s�a�w1R L d�1w�M aI�P�tLi qitNy d� �. . :�- .�: <br /> ' w h i c b�f a i r n w�c�t v�l w d I l w P r n p a t y�b�f�s d���K��'�o arpwt�r diea tb�N�owit d tw�w• <br /> �cu�ed by t4is 3a�ity�trwr�I�d�rM1Y bdcn dr ekMK.unieu Bastowrr�I.p d�o 1 l i a�l r��prf M�e k M�, �� . <br /> tb��rd b�►tM��auitY l�awt tlMll be ndro�d b�►dre�af�tiMp�p�d��pI i�l�r1r� , <br /> f�Ctlm: (a)the 1o1a1 wtowu ot Ws wnu�ecuied inuaodl�!y betae the t�kinj�dividsd by(b)dw fiir��valw d i� <br /> propaty ima�di�tely betaro tbe Wdn�. Any b�lmoe�hll be p�dd ta Battiwar. in tlia cvent af A pardalt�I�,�at dia <br /> M1oppty in which�ha fdr nu�ricet vvue of dws Propaty immedi�alY befare�hs Wdax L ku dum qie aao�au at t�aum� <br /> ecu'�ed immedi�ly bet'oro the tdcins,�� to the wms�eaued by th�����`�'a���� <br /> o��e prtrvida.d�e prooer.d��hvl be�pplied <br /> Wa�dae. <br /> If�e Pnopaty i��badaad bsr BaroMar.or it.�fter ratla Iry I.�eode�to Banv�cr daM the oo�de�nior afiors q m�to <br /> a�n aw�d ar Kule a cl�bia fix d�tta�a.Boinvwer f�ils w respo�ad�o i.cndor�30 d�yi after the dMO�Ue notioe ib pvaa. <br /> �.enda�i��wrlud w cofloct�nd�pply Ibe pra�eeda.�t ita opda�.eilher a�foa or ropir of 1l��ropaty a w tb <br /> wms aoauod by diia Secw�ity L�odu,wheeher ar not Ma�daa <br /> ��Ut�kw L.ader aad Barowv ott�rMiao�ee in wripn�,�ny applic�tion of procoed�w prir�cipd�11 not oxla�d ar <br /> .�;parrpo�e tha duo due of d�c moathtY WY�ns rofemed a�e par�g�phR��a c�g�s aho amoun�of e�uch p�Yma�a- <br /> - • '�:''' 3t..�alrsowN' Na1 Re1R�: Fbrbe�r'aooe �� �A�dSr.�Na�.� t.. Exter�tiw� ot the time far p�yniant a . � �.; . <br /> . mo�ditkat�toti'of aiiu�tiz�t�aa a�`t�a stups Rocut�cd by thi��auify�lYl9a+tzsn3eh3�Afntcd#�y.1,dAder tq!an►au�xeaeor in � <br /> bt�B+�owc�sha]l na�a�erate ao�nele'asc the�ia6i�ity,of tIrc'��igin�] �rawer or 1B�'row�1��_�1�occs:�as{n itMe�ur•�.� .,,.'(":".: <br /> � erat ., <br /> � s�uTl i�t dse: .. uiial�tro somntence.pi+c�oeed+��s'pg��t m3+ succassar lo intcreat vr r�taea to.oxtand titae fa p��k'oX�_:'. .:` <br /> l+ce � . <br /> :� �= aa�k»aire nw�l�amortization of ide aums secured by thia 5euur{�}r Tiiattutnetlt tsy�son of AaY dcmund m�e by tAe otl�fnal� �� <br /> . � Borrower br borrower�•aucCesaori in�nterest. A�y fmtieerqnce by l,cnder in.exw+ciiln��1X;rlEht�remedy dWl not be a <br /> - - wdver of or prcclude the oaercise of any ci�ht ar rert�edy. <br /> 12. Seocessora�nd A�i�gound;,�oint and Several Li�blUtyi Co-sl�nera. Tha covenw�[e and�greement�of tUis <br /> Sxurity Instnunont ehnll bind and bmefit the succeewrs�nd�usigns of Lendar�nd Bmrower.wbjoct w the proviaont of <br /> paragraph 17. Bomower`s wvenpnts artd�grocments ehall be joint and several.Any Bartower who co-�igns thls 3ocudty <br /> In:tnrtnatt but daea not ezecute the Note: (A)ia ca-aigning thio Security Irutrument only w mat�o,�nnt and c:anvey�h�t <br /> Bmrnwerl�inte�ett in the Property under thc terma of this Security Instrumcn� (b)is not penon�lly obli�ated to pay tbe sums <br /> secured by tht�3ocurity inst�ument:u�d(c)agrce�that Lender ond any other Borrower m�y s�roe to extend.modlty.torbe�r <br /> or m�lce�ny �ccommadulan�wi�h re�rd to the temu of this Soaudty In�tr+iment or�he Ndo wllhow thn Honowerl� <br /> - conuot <br /> 13. I.a�n C� If�he fo�n :ccured by Ihix Sccu�i�y Insuument(r wbject w a I�w whiah �eu m�eimwn W�n <br /> _ ciuryea.�nd tia�i�w-s in«fir i�►�a tdd�a iiu�i shc in.r:rst cr cxher losn zhes�es ro!ltctsd or so be�co!le+�xec!ln c�x�stl� <br />�:�., with tho Iwn exoeed the permiued limito,then: la)any such loan charge shall be roducod by tho ar�unt necessuy w reduc�s <br />�_`� tho ch�rQa to the permitted limir,and(b►any sume alaudy collected from Bomawer which eaceeded peRniaed ifmits will be <br />-- nefWMai to Bamwar. Lender may choor,e to make�his roiund by�educing the principal owed wider Ua Nde or by nukin�a <br /> •• diiect p�ymetit to Borrowcr. If u rofund�duceR principAl,the�duction will be u�ated er a partfal prepayme�t witlaut�ny <br /> .� Exepoymem chargc undcr the Note. <br /> 14. Notlees. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivedng it or by <br /> rtwiling it by fint class mnil unless applicable luw r�equircs uxc of another meihod.The notice shall be dirccted to Ux Property <br /> Addrcss or any other addrcss Botrower desfgnntes by notice to Lender. Any ndice�o Lender shall be givan by tirt closs <br /> mwil to l.ender's address atated herein or any other nddress Lender designutcs f�y notice to Bomower. Any notice provided for <br /> in this Security Inst�ument shall be decmed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when givan aa providod in this <br /> ` ara ra <br />�`r �, p g1S�Governing LAw; SeverabiNty. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by fedcral law and thc law of the <br />��?. -+ jurisdictlan in which the Properly is lacuted. In the event�h�t uny pravision or clause of this Securiry Inawment or the Note <br />;;:;;; �t;; conflicts wlth epplicable law,such conflict shs+ll not uffect other provisians of this Security Instrument or the Note whieh ean <br /> ,�f� ��``' 6e given cffect without the wnflicUng provision. To�his end ihe pravisions of this Securily Instnimem and the Note a�e <br /> '�' ' `. `���• t' declared to be Feverable. <br /> �^ .r f?��;r,•�F{ � <br />,�.',t ��}�i , 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one confarmed copy of ihe Note und of this Security Inswment. <br /> ''�;:'. <br /> �'^ .�.�;.';:.':".:.�';ir ' 17. 71�nnater of the PropeHy ar a Beneflcial lnterest in Borrower. If all or�ny part of the Propeny or any inlerest in <br />„,�.• � `'' ' '� it is sold or trunsferned (or if u beneficiul interext in Barmwer is sold ur �ran.fert+ed und Bomower iR not u natural person) <br /> '� � � : wllbout L.ender's prior wrinen consent,Lende�muy,at i�s option,require immedinte puymem in full of all sums secuned by <br /> `�� °�°''�'"'' ' this Security Instrument. However,this opdnn shall not be exercir,ed by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of <br /> ��� � the date af this Security Instrument. ' <br /> ' .,,�:.... .. <br /> ;..^ . . <br /> _ �,, , If Lender exercises this option,Lender shnll give Borrower notice of�celerutian. The natice shnll provide a period of <br /> .. .,;.;,,;'•� � not less than 30 deys from the dute the notice i+delivered or mniled wi�hin which Bexrower must pny ull sums secured by this <br /> • }�,;�r,�;, ,,,,�;• . Security instrument. If Borrower fuils�o puy �he+e sum+ prior�o thc expiration of thi+period. Lender may invoke any <br /> remedies permilled by this Securiry Inxlrument wilhiwl funher notice or demand an Borrower. <br /> :� 18. Borrower's Right lo Reinstate. If Borrower meets ccrtuin conJi�ionti. 9urrower tihall huve the right w have <br /> enforcement of this Securiry Instrumem diuuntinucJ ut:uiy time priur�o the curlirr M: (u)5 duys(or,uch o�her periad as <br /> �r-==�`=--_ •' Single Fhmdy-•fmnnk ModMrcddk I►1rc UNIF't/RAi Ii�t+TNGAfEtiT••l%uif�nm Cu�cnants 919Q IpaRa 4 r�6rxrgr.l .- <br /> � . . . <br /> n <br /> : ',� � . �K �., - . .. . _ - .. ...v_. •x:..r,.c�. n.�._�._�.--�-- _ • <br /> :-.osi1N1�4H::<!> . ,r-�-- <br /> G i._ . ' � - . . �� i�--�-:F- 1 - <br /> .r3: .�.. .� . , . . , �: ., . ������r��+„�� <br /> �.. <br /> .�.•.. . <br />_ . . <br /> . �, <br /> . . .. ._,. - <br /> ' �• ' . - _- .-. <br />--� ik'Y,Y„�`J;;t!..: • �� - <br /> : r �� <br /> �� S t. asl'�: � � t <br /> �, <br /> _.._ l ��!�.�iS� �_� �A'lY�.'ir�. <br /> , . �:.', <br /> . . !'1+'�'i. 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