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�,�,,,p,�,�,.._ ,,...-�.�--"'-'------.------ -- , ..-r:�-::,�� <br /> . <br /> -- — . _. , .. .. • . <br /> . <br /> . . <br /> , . � . . . . - <br /> , <br /> �' � � �, <br /> . - - <br /> . �_._ <br /> � <br /> 't+OdB7liBlt Wf!'ti di d�bapro+�s ao�r or Yw�f1�ar�t.�Md m qn ptop�atr��ad dl�.�pPww�� � . <br /> �l�a�w�aw Q i�fi�t s P�¢14��!!�+y� ���d��!abe be�oveM�!►�la�: �.,,. <br /> --- ~�,- 6rawuaK. M oldie tar�r b,n�na a b�i+�iearlry tn�ao�as.s�s"lhopeety." - <br /> ' BOIlROWBR CUVBNAN'1'S tlat Barower 1�law[uUy ul�ed d tlMe aute Ikroby oarveyed�nd ha tbe►is6t to�raat <br /> �nd canvry the �nd dw�he Propeny G wia�cumbeied�eaoep tor encumbru�oa af noord Baoower wirrssb�o/ <br /> wfll detad�dtb w tb Pmpmty�in�t di cl�iaat aad da�,wbject to+�ny a�curnbta�oes.d roaad. <br /> THI9 SEC[JitITY IIVSTRUMBNT ooae6(na wd[arm oovenanu fa nadand wo �nd nan-wdfam oovmrw wW <br /> ILdmd v�riNians by Jwitdlalon to aoqWtute�uNfam ucuriry�au oovcrin�rad p�opeKy. <br /> IINIFORM CtiDYENAIV7'S, liatiowar�nd i.ender covenaM and+�roe u foUowa: <br /> L. Ply�t of PrY�cipd�sd Iaknati 1'�7�awd I.�tt CYr�s. B�x�nwer elwll prompNY P�Y when dw tM <br /> �of md interou oa thn debt evldatced by tbe lVote ano aaY P�p�Y��d I�ta ch�r�q due utWet tho Note. <br /> FY�aN Ira�7Y�a�d I��o�. Su6ject w�pplic�bk bw a to�wriva�wdver 6y I.ender.Bort�nvver�all p�y to <br /> I.erider an the day mauhlY WY�nu ao dae unda tho Nata.undl tha Nae ie pwid in fbll.��um("Pund+")for.(a)Y�Y <br /> wxe�and a�sesa�aents whlch aiay attein prlaity over this Securiry Inapument�u a lien on the PtopeRy:(b)Ye�rly lea�ehold <br /> payment�or gro�u�d �ents aa the Prope�ty. ii any; (c) Yar1Y hiza►d or property insurnrce premiumo: (d) YcWy flood <br /> inwence p�emiwnc.if�ny:(e)Y�Y�Bc inswance p�cmiuca, lf�ny:and(fl any wmt paiy�ble by Hamowa� W <br /> L, accoidemx with�he provlalons of Qara�mph 8.i�Ueu of�hep�yment of maRg�ge insunu�ce ptemiunw. 71�ese <br /> ltenu ar�e calied"Fscmw Items." Lender m�y.u�ay time.colle�t ond hold Rinds in an amount not w exceed tho maximum <br /> ��lender Por a federAlly relAtod matgage loan a�ay require fa Harowerti escrow aocoaru w�da the federal Wal <br />�e SeplemeW Plncedwes Act of 1474 sis aunendod fmm dme a time. 12 U.S.C.�2601 er seq.("RESPA").uMas aaotha <br /> I�w tlu�t�pplies to q�e Tiuds sets a leisct arrnunt. If so.l,erder may.u any tuae.collxt and hold Fiu►ds in an iuna�o�t�nt to <br /> �.�_�� exaood tLc leas�x�unoant. l.e�der au�y esana�alc�bc amount of l�ads due oo tha bisis of eunrnt aia�a qad�e�sa�qhk , . <br /> estinWUCS af expendihues of tuwm Escrow ltcam�w�oU�wise iu ucco�d�nce with syiplicabk I�w. : .. ' <br /> Tho Rmds shall be I�eld �a au►institu�ic�v�fiose de�a�:its�te iasured by a federa!agency, iasuumeataiity,;csr�uz�ty �' � <br /> ===�� (including L.ender,if Lende�is suc3�an iastStu¢iAnu�cr irt un)'�Fecer�l1�1��l.oaon Bxnk. !LendCr shsiU apply tite�iswis�a�py ...'••� <br /> �'�0i the Fscrow Items. L,ender may nat char�e�t�annoNer for fn,lAing and a�tyi�F tne Fu,�c1s.aM1W111y a�181y�U11g QhE` i3CZtriA�, . � <br /> --;:��-��� eccount.or vcrifying the Fscmw Items, unle� l.ender pays Horrower interest on the l�l�tids aad appficable laW�pemhita <br /> —_---_= f.ende�w m�ice such a charge. However. Let�der may require Borrower to pay a one-time c6arge for an indopaident r+eal <br /> _. W-:�;:;� eswte taz rcpating service used by Lender in connecNon with thie loan,unlesaapplieable luw provides otherwise. Unlas an � <br /> - =:.:,,� a�M is made or�pplicable law roquina interest to be paid,l,endcr shell nat be requirod W pay Borrower any lnterest or <br /> �' eamings an the FLnds. Homowcr and I.cnder may agree in wdting,however,that intcrest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender <br /> shall give to Borrower.without charge.en annual accounting of the Auids,showing c�dits and debils to the FLnds and the <br /> - purpose for which cach debit to�he ti�nda was madc. The P1mds+�ne pledged ao addltlau�l exuritY for all sums secuad by <br /> � this Securiry Inswmeat. <br /> ��: If thc Funds hefd by L¢ndcr eKCOCd Ihe amounts permittcd to be hefd by appiicabie iaw. i.rnder shdi w.�.'ount to <br /> Borrower for the czcers Funds in uccordance wjth the requi�menls af applicabk law. If�he unount of tho FLndc held by <br /> - Lender et stny time ic not aullicient Io pay�he E.scrow Items when duc. L.ender mvy so naify Bormwer in writing. md, in <br /> �, auch caso Borrower shall poy to Lender the amount necessary ta rnake up the deflcfeney. Barmwer sh�ll m�ke up the <br />- deficiency in no morc th�n twelve momhlY paYmen�s,at Lender�s sole discrc�ion. <br />-- Upon poymcnt ie WII uf ull xums�.�curcd by Ihi.r Sccu�iry InRtrumenl,l.ender�fu�ll premp�ly Rfund to Bartower any <br /> Punda held by L.ender. If.under paragraph 21,Lcnder�hall ocquire a�c0�he Prc�eny,Lender,prior to the acquiaUion ar <br /> cple of Ihe 1'ropeny.xlull apply ony FLnd�held by l.ende�at liw time af acyui�ilian or eak ax a crcdil a�dnat Ihe wnu <br />. �ecurcd by Ihi�Sccud�y Insuument. <br /> 3. Applkalfoa d Payment� Unless upplicuble law provide�othcrwirc, ull poymems r�oceived by I.ende�under <br /> y��� parngrapha 1 and 2 shull be appNed:finci,ta any prepuyment chorges due under�he Note;r,econd,to umounts payable undtr <br />_ paragraph 2;Ihird,to interest due;founh,tn�ncipal due;and I�at,to any Iwc chorges due under the Note. <br /> '' 4. Chv�est Lkns. Borrower shall ppy �II �oxes. assessmenta, charges, fineF and imposhions attributable ro tFie <br />-_ Property which may uaain pdority over ihis Secudly Instrumem,and lea.schold pnymentK or ground rents,if any. Borrower <br /> .,,,�,. shall pay the;e obligalions in the manner provided in paragrnph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Borrower sh�ll pay them on <br />��- .t� Umc dlrecUy to thc person owed pnyment. Barrower shell promqly fumish to l.encler all notices of amounts to be paid under <br />-_ ;,�°�,,�.; .� this paragrnph. If eorrower makes�hese payme�t�directly,Bortower shsill promptly fumish�o Lender receipts evidencing <br /> ��'�'�:�,}f �: the ments. <br /> �,'`.,t,.:�?;." PsY <br /> �;,:t�;?•;����1��,•�� Bortower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priurity over this Security Instrument unkss Borrower.(a)agr+ees <br /> .;'��:���°�i�j�'�d��� in writin to the ment of�he obli ation secured b the lien in u manner aac table to l.ender,(b)contesls in good feith the <br /> ,,�,+�;��✓1O B PaY 6 Y P <br />:=� ��r� lien by.or defends against enforeement of thc licn in, legal proceedings whfch in thc Lender s opinlon operate to prevent the <br /> :�':. �.�;� enforcement of the ifen;or(c)secunx from the halder of the lien on agreement wtisf�ctory to L.ender subordinating the lien <br /> "� "' to this Socurity Instrument. If Lender determines Ihat ony part af�he Propeny is subject to n lien which may attain prioriry <br /> , • i •'`'�� over this Secu�ity Instrumem,[.ender mey give Borrower�notice idenllfying the lien. Borruwer shall satisfy 1he licn or take <br /> .:� '������� one or mo�of the actions set forth above within 10 duys of the giving of noUcc. <br />=r� �';'`"A? 5. Nawrd or Propetty lasurance. Borrower shull keep the improvementti now exis�ing or hereafter erected on the <br /> ..�.,u:w�., <br /> ,_��?N.T•-:� P ro p e ny insure d aga ins t loss by fire,h u zAr d s i n c l u d ed within the tertn"extended covern ge"und an y other hazerds,includ ng <br />_: �:�'-:.��',• •a.•, floods or flooding, for which Lender requite�insurw�cc. This inaurence shall be maimained in the amounts and for the <br /> ?�;�:,• � :: tfirm�ots 9NO roox�aoJnpox�,► <br /> :,.:. <br /> � `.4+t�.". <br />- , F,ti`:itv:�'f`- <br /> .,�':::: <br /> -,... ..a . _.__. r <br /> � a:�:.• or' ,� .. .. . .. .. � . . • -r •. . .,.i�.'�`t: .�'.➢ .'[T'—i .ti�t�� rvF��1R;. <br /> " )�� ' �f " - " . <br /> _� � <br /> r_ <br /> � '�`17P1'.+��u.,k,,t ty '" ' ' •• 1 ' � � . - <br /> � �'' 'i�rs:i�dn�E � ii; ,. .� <br /> WLlSRtI ..� . ._ .� •. <br /> .. -.. , s �- ., . . , . <br /> ��iM']iP':l"� .__'-__'_.-______ ._-_ _ ___ -___ - .__ ' __.__ ._ .__ _ _ _�rv� .�7i�L''�1�.t1.- .=L�,_ �_Y�LJ-�I_ <br /> ._ -_ ,�.,-�.--`. . . __ -_-__'_,-_____— __-'-_ ._._ .-_'....____.'_.._ ..__'_-_-_ _. _-. ._.._. ___.'___. _ _-_.________.___., _ -,'__ . ___.. '.___ __. • ___ . ____ __-_.. <br /> � 11 0 �.��.... ' " . . u ' i'� _� •• ,�.'. <br /> f� jY' q,a.... .. . .•-- .r� . .. ��`� p. .�� . <br /> ..t •��f,g.l .��.p i i . <br /> ' t`_�--�� `_ . :�Qj <br /> ��a'3h Ir1r �A.�.. .. � .:.• � . - �-� i •, t'�:� � � .' - i - {' ;���r�. <br /> - E'9fA��5� i�"-�-J: 1 Iti,i��i�,� •• � , .�} i H .�. n •... _ _ _ i � ��j.h� � �7 4 , f ! � � �2,�::'. <br /> �� �+�en--^�- '.��(7'.Fl�l 11 -l.i.�C �..�., � 1` � t . <br /> ( 1 �� ��t �•tt��t T'•�:-;,(���,vw?. ��1t. .11�n•'�..+i .� ". _ �41.?�)•.•, �•� . �_ - � /�l� '(. !\��•��r14�'�� 3-;�Ij, <br /> C.-+7�Ti ��� �r s';iV •;� �•��y,1•t�!+ ��t�l1tr'�.�.:14��� '!�_i �-! S ( .(/;�.�"7�I,�rS•. .,,��''�• , � l. ��i J'' � .. v,i.i ",iflH.{�':'�l��l•e�:,�i;�(t���•l .le �- �..r:1_ <br /> -l�.y C?� �Y�r 1�t' ti �� �,j+�,(•i o 1 (�1�: �- ".Y r. 1 .�S � i t� i- . �i1.�At• 4j(., .IB. ,u ;p ,4. 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